Issue 40

Page 1



B Section

OZARK HORSE TRADER Truck & Auto Spring River Special



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07 • W


M .










october 06, 2016 issue number 40

C reativ e Pov erty, 31 9 F ront Street, 5 7 3- 300- 0339 . A ntiq ues, prim itiv es, uniq ue gif ts & lim estone paint. C om e see our new selec tion of signs, b attery powered lanterns & m uc h m ore! 40, 42f pb T hayer Brown’ s F arm and G arden is the plac e to shop f or work c lothes; c attle and horse tac k supplies; pet supplies; lawn & garden tools; f eed; seed and f ertiliz er. We of f er great pric es with f riendly servi c e. C all us at 41 7 - 9 34- 607 4, or stop in and c hec k us out at 301 E . 1s t Street. Mtn. V iew 05e ow 2 1/ 2 b edroom , c ountry, earth hom e, large green house, $430 m onth. 4172572718 West Plains 40p





© 2016 the ozark horse trader, inc. Part tim e help wanted 3- 4 days a week , 7- 8 hours a day. F am ily run b usiness in Dora, Missouri. Starting pay $ 9 / hour. J ob will inc lude lab el c ounting, shipping and c om puter work . Send resum e or work history to idealsuppl@ aol. c om . I deal Business Supplies, R R 1 , Box 302 5 , Dora, MO 65 637 . Non sm ok ing env ironm ent, 2 6 years in b usiness! 417- 293- 8621 Dora 40f p

G U N SHO W Mtn. Hom e, A r Baxt er C ounty F airgrounds 1507 F airgrounds Dr. O c tob er 8- 9 Saturday 9am - 5p m Sunday 9am - 4pm $2 of f adm ission f or ac tive duty and retired m ilitary with I D. $1 of f adm ission with this ad. L ik e us on F ac eb ook www. f ac eb ook . c om / gandsprom otions 918659- 201 G & S Prom otions Mtn Hom e, A r 40fpb C ustom f orm , 417- 469- 1941. Manuf ac turing U SA # 1 , prim e grade, heav y 2 9 gauge ( . 01 5 inc h thic k ) m etal, 1 8 c olors in stoc k with 40 year warranty, G alv alum e unpainted with 2 0 year warranty, all panels c ut to length, standard and c ustom trim . Dealer f or env ironm entally saf e L ow- E radiant b arrier roll insulation and National- Stanley round rail door trac k and hardware. 815 E ast Main St. Willow Springs 25e owf p

C om plete Pole Barn Pac k age Built on your lev el site. A ny options av ailab le, ie. c olor, doors, windows and c onc rete. C all 5 7 3- 2 9 2 - 341 0. C asey’ s L um b er Birc h T ree tf c f pb

2 01 0 Merc ury Mariner, 2 . 5 L , 4 c yl. , power windows, power loc k s, power seat, sunroof , only 29x m iles. Dan Ju dd’ s A uto Sales, 1707 P orter Wagoner Blvd . 4172577295 www.d anj uddsautosales.c om West Plains 40f pb Sally’ s Shop 1 06 E ast Main, right of f the Sq uare, West Plains, MO 65 7 7 5 . T uesday through F riday, 10: 00am to 4: 00pm . Saturday 1 0: 00am to 2 : 00pm . A ntiq ues and c ollec tib les, Ji m Shore, Pyrex , L ongab erger. L ik e us on F ac eb ook ! West Plains 40, 42f p

Prof essional House & R oof Washing Spec ializ ing in low pressure house washing and roof c leaning. R eliant Prowash c an tak e c are of any of your ext erior c leaning needs. C all or text , 417- 274- 7243 f or your f ree q uote! Winona 38, 40f pb

29 um e m etal pric e is $1.29 per linear f oot; 10 yr warranty is $1.59 f oot; 40 year warranty m etal pric e is $ 1 . 7 9 / linear f oot, 16 c olors avai lab le. C ut to any inc h, order ready in 3 days, trim and sc rews also av ailab le. O v erm an Buildings, 870- 609- 1900. Poc ahontas, A r 32t f c

O c tob er Spec ial: Salem Horse A uc tion, Salem , A R , Saturday, O c tob er 8 th. T ac k 2 pm , horses to f ollow. L ots of new tac k . L ots of horses, ponies, registered c olts, good b rok e horses. C oggins testing f rom 12 noon to 2 pm day of sale. Denny Perrym an 8 7 0- 404- 2 5 5 2 ; Dustin Perrym an, 870- 371- 0271; Ja son Perrym an, 870- 405- 4512. I f you are not selling your horse, b ut need a c urrent C oggins, we are testing on site with sam e day results. F or listings, f ollow on F ac eb ook at Perrym an Q uarter Horses. Salem , A r 40p

WWW o t oSt otorS ortS Co • WWW o t oSt otorS ortS Co • WWW o t oSt otorS ortS Co • WWW o t oSt otorS ortS Co • WWW o t oSt otorS ortS Co •


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Located Inside Howell County Outpost


Page 2 - September 4, 2014 - Horse Trader Page 2 - O c tob er 06, 2016O z ark Horse T rader


417-256-2445 • 844-967-610

leaning Ser ices

Attorneys WI L L I A M S L A W Attorneys O F F I C E S, L L C D W I , c WI ri miL n L alI A def MSen se, f el on i es, mi O sdemean ors, L A W F F I C E S, L L probaC tion violations, WI L L I traf A M Sc tickets; DWI , c rim inal def ense, f elopersonal L A W in O F ury; F I C Ebusiness S, L L C and nies, divorce D employment W I m , c isdem ri mi n eanors, aldisputes; def en prob se, f ela-od c mi u stody . W ors, est Plprobaai n s: n ani es, sdemean 417 violations, 256-4LAWtraf 452c tickets; ; mition n en c e ( 573) in ury; 226- L business A WS ( 5 297 personal and) 02-01tf employment divorce c ustody. Westdisputes; Plains: ( 41 c 7 ) an d c u stody . W est Pl ai n s: 256-4 4529 Auto 5297 lass 256-4LAW 452 ; mi57417226n en c e ( 573) 226- L 01A - WS 52t ( f 5 c 297 ) 02-01tf c W i n dsh i el d repl ac emen ts, Backhoes rock chip repairs and safety Auto lass i n spec ti on s. C al l A l l I n A u to Salk es d G ic l es, ass no R epai f or Bac hoean serv j ob rtoo i c eac anemen d great W depen i n dshdabl i eledserv repl ts, sm rock all, av ailab le week ends. pri c es.chip 417-repairs 46 9-217and 4 safety 417-252-9 tn . V ti i onew 1s. C al l A 3-l l I 37 n pA u to i M n spec Sal es an d G l ass 40-4 R epai r f or depen dabl eBar servi er c e an d great pri c es. 417Barber - 46 9-217 4 M tn . V i ew 3- 37 p Su e’s Barber Sh op, Hai rc u ts, Hair c utswalk $ Bar 1 0,insSue’ $10.00, only. 724 eriser s Barb Shop, sou ri 7 A 2 ve4 n Missouri u e. 417- 25A 6- v enue, 048 3 . T uesday through F riday ai n s Sh op,28tHaif c 9-12 SuW est e’s rc u ts, 9-4 0 PlBarber $10.00, walk ins only. 40-4724 isBeri A ave ioral sou n u e. 417ounseling - 256- 048 3 .

Behavioral Partn ersCounseling I n Sh i n e

C ommerc i al an Ser d resiices den ti al leaning c l ean ioral i n g serv i c es. Bon f ded Behav c ounseling or an d i n su6- red. I n bu old, si n ess f or c hildren 21 years I will 23 y ears. PartnServ ersi n I ng W Sh est i n ePl ai n s c om e to the hom e, Medic aid the surrounding towns; C and ommerc i al an d resi den ti al acc alc l so epted, A serv lexe, ander , av i ain gl abl w i i c n es. dow Prorok s, powded er ean Bon 417-469-2951 c arpet g, strif orp anw ash d i i n n sug, red. I n c l bueansi i n n ess 7-40 wax floors. 23andy ears. Serv i n g417-256-045 W est Pl ai n s W estthe Pl aisurrounding n s tf c towns; and al so av ai Concrete l abl e, w i n dow s, pow er w ash i n g,onstruction c arpet c l ean i n g, stri p and wax floors. 417-256-045 C W oncestrete le Pl aiserv n si c es, reasonab tf c F ri en d C on stru c ti on F ree esti mates,s. gu G aran teed ways, sidewalk ordon onstruction work. ew homes,898 add-ons, 417-257remodeling or repairs, roo ng, 7-40 siding, F ri decks, en d C onpatios, stru c carports, ti on i l di teed n gs, F barn ree s, estiportabl mates, egubuaran Dozing c on c rete,ew mason ry , demol i ti on work. homes, add-ons, an d h au l of or f . 417 -247 -5roo 409ng, remodeling repairs, M ustom tn . V i decks, ewdoz/ W ing: estpatios, PlPonds ai n s carports, 3 dug 3 -40p C siding, or barn s, roads, portabltime bu di n gs, c leaned, b eri l pushc on etc c rete, , 1demol i ti on ing, . 417- mason 256- ry062 remodeling; an itchen d hPlains au l and of f . bath 417 -247 West tf c -5 409and M room tn . V i additions; ew / W est Pl ai n decks s 3 3 -40p foundation repair; sheetrock Exterminator an d pai n ti n g. Th ay er, M O . 417itchen -28 0-17 and18 bath remodeling; 3 5 -3 8 pand room additions; decks 8 foundation repair; sheetrock term ing an dites, pai n roac ti n g.ohes, Th ants, ay er, bM ed O . b 417 ugs,-28spiders, general pest 0-17 18 Beauty Salon/Spas c ontrol. F ree term 3 ite W est Pl ai n s 28t f c 5 -3 8 estip Beh av i oral c ou n sel i n g f or m C ates. u stom doz if n org: pric Pon ing ds duand g or C all c h i l dren 6 21 y ears ol d, I w i l l c l ean ed, roads, ti mber pu sh Be a ioral ounseling o ing Q uality work at low c ost, c all other details, we’ d lov e to hear c omeattoF tham e ily h ome, M edi417- c ai d f rom i n g, you. etc . J 417 6 -06 21 41 7 Darlis Styling, am -25 es Barstow, accepted, Alexander rorok, W est Pl ai n s tf c 257- Beh 417-274-8818 L PC741. av, 417 -46 9-295 e. 255-69 i oral c ou n 1,selh i eln pg l i f n or C u stom9 doz i n g: Pon ds du g or West 9-4 pu sh l Plains ow Spri 3 5 tf -3olc 8 d,p I w i l l m roidery c W h i l dren 6- 21n gs y ears c l ean ed, roads, ti mber c ome to th e h ome, M edi c ai d i n g, etc . 417 -25 6 -06 21 Beauty Salon/S rorok, as accepted, Alexander W est Pl ai n s tf c ou n tryil l F O u n p E erators mbroi dery AL PCTTE, 417NTI N: F1,arm -46 O 9-295 h el p ers l i n e. & S C awm F or al l y ou mr embroi dery n eeds. W i l l ow Spri n gs 3 5 -3 8 p roidery uality work at low cost, call ew drop off at arcel xD arlBeauty i s at F ami l y Sty l i n g,as417 - press. C al l 417 -25 6 -0044. Salon/S 257- 741 . w w C w ou. c oun n trytry f F u n u embroi dery . c dery om n E mbroi W est Pl ai ow n s en n. tf c tf c n eeds. F W orestal lPly aiou n rsembroi dery inence uality work at low cost, call ew drop off at arcel xenee D arl reg i s at F ami l y Sty l ason i n g, 417 owden - press.Owners Farrier/Training a inets C al l 417 -25 6 -0044. 257- eith 741 hilton . w . c ou n trySales f u n embroi dery . c om illiam ody w w poc W est Pl ai n s tf c W est Pllerical ai n s tf c shley illard mily ailey Su preme K i tc h en & Bath , F arri er Serv i c e: E x peri en c ed, e, A F A J ou rn ey man , 13 98 Sou th aHiinets gh w ay 6 3 . See rel i abl Farrier/Training Todd G orton , 417 -96 2-0106 . ad on page 24. 417 -25 5 -07 6 0 C abool 3 5 -42p W est Pl ai n s tf c Su preme K i tc h en & Bath , F arri er Serv i c e: E x peri en c ed, 13 98 Sou Office th Hi gh w ay 6 3 . See rel i abl e, A F A J ou rn ey man , Todd G orton , 417 -96 2-0106 . ad on reg page 24. 417 -25 5 -07 6 0 owden C abool 3 5 -42p W est Pl ai n s tf c

County Fuels, LLC 866-634-Fuel

wwwo ar orsetradercom wwwo ar orsetradercom ason owden

S erv ing A l l of S outh C entral M issouri


W&D Outdoor Wood Furnace, Inc. Proven for 20 Years 1 6 5 6 W . S c enic R iv ers Bl v d. S al em , M O

3 1 0 P arsons R oad V an Buren, M O

hogging. No j ob too sm all. 417-284-7226 417- 72- 990 40-4

Gun Repair

new or old, ( no guns f or sale) . F F L Serv ic es, Mtn. G rov e.

www.e ndof thetrailgunsandrods.c om

2 4 2 E l l ing ton H ol l ow E l l ing ton, M O

Deliver and Ship! Woodburning forced air furnaces

Call for prices, We Install, Service, 417-778-7155 Deliver and Ship! 5.5 mi. past Wal-Mart on


Is your furnace ready for cool, fall mornings? They’re coming! Really!

9 0 9 W . I l l inois S treet E m inenc e, M O



Call for160 prices, & D iesel F uel S al es Hwy. W.Gasol ine IN STOCK! West Plains, MO WE BUILD 417-778-7155

5.5 mi. past Wal-Mart on Hwy. 160 W. West Plains, MO

C hilders Heat & A ir L L C . 417-256-1 89 West Plains 7-1 51p

417-259-6025 Flat woods brush14clearing; rotary mulcher; pasture reclamaL arge selec tion paneling in t fc tion; fence rows; brush thickets; plots; fence post drive; stocfood k . Durham Building Sup- repl ac e topsoi l . C al l f or esti mate, c l ear y ou r l an d an d n o n eed to 1975 417-256- 796 5 7 3 -3 5 1-8 27 2. West Plains pasture E mi n woods en c e brush clearing; rotary 3 5 -46tf c pb Flat mulcher; reclamation; fence rows; brush thickets; food plots; fence post drive; Plumbing andyman c l ear y ou arage r l an d an oors d n o n eed to repl ac e topsoi l . C al l f or esti mate, 5 7 3 -3 5 1-8 27 2. E mi n en c e 3 5 -46 pbplum b L ic ressure ensed exwashing; p erienc ed shrub and i dw on est duty. O v erhBottom ead D oor A rm M orer Doler, insured, f ree estim ates, tree trimming; gutter cleanY ou r on e1629 stop sh op f or al l y ou r andyman arage oors i n g, bu sh h oggi 417n g. 417 -25 6 72-9049 cBlvommerc i al an d resi den ti al d. West Plains. 41 7 - 2 5 7 7 3 27 ,Plains 417 -3 7 2-0242.40p garage 728 9 door n 5eeds. C ompl ete - West W ressure est Pl ai washing; n s 3 shrub 6 p and M i dw est of O v parts erh eadinD stock. oor F inventory riday. clean17 ,shSuopmmersv Y Hiou ghr onw aye stop f or al l y i oul l e,r tree trimming; oo gutter n h oggi n g. 417 -25 6 O . W est area, c M ommerc i al Planai dn sresi den 417 ti al- i n g, bu sh Paneling 25 6 -8 08Handyman 0 orn eeds. 417 -93C ompl 2-4400 garage door ete 7 3 27 , 417 -3 7 2-0242. est Pl ai n s 3 6 p emai l : inventory of parts in stock. W L arge sel ec ti on pan el i n g i n mi gh dw w estov f , rec Durham ov ers, repairs, siding, Hi ay 17erh , eaddoor@ Su mmersvc eni l tul e,- ofstock. Building SupPaneling M ry tel O . . n et W est Pl ai n s area, 417 - - sof ia, 5 rub pl y f it, “ Si f n asc c e 197 ” 417b er -25 roof 6 -3 7 96s. 20eow c 25 6 -8 08 0 or 417 -93 2-4400 est estim Pl ai n sates. I tfnsuranc c F W ree e emai l : L arge sel ec ti on417-469-5116 pan el i n g i n mi dw 417-256-7 estov un erh eaddoor@ tu - 800e air oo Building ng 27 417-c en72stock.46-1756 Durham Supry tel . n et 0242 9 pl y “ Si n c e 197 5 ” 417tf c -25 6 -3 7 96 20eow c W est Pl ai n s tf c C L Roo ng Siding. Tear Braun’ sE nHandym Servl i c es, d O f Th an e Trai Sandblasting of f , rec ov ers, 417- 72-1759 G un u n R e epaiair r oorepai ngrs, si di n g, sof f i t, f asc i a, ru bber roof s. an dsorts C u stom R ods:lem s, F ix es all of prob F ree esti mates. I n su ran c e Repair or rem re nish f rom pest ov al your to leakgun, y Bare Metal lasting work welcome. 417-46 -5116, L Roo ngSandb Siding. Tear n ew b or d,O ( n f roof oTh gues,n Trai s f orl salre-e) . C E oln dand plum ing gutter -17ers, 5 6 . repai -9 00 f , rec46 ov417-29 rs, si di n g, F F L orServ es, M lawn tn r. m G ower rov e. of8 00-3 G iu c n out, R epai pair c lean tf c roof Mak look i a,new again, at as. sof f iet,itf asc ru bber w w w autom . en andofdth C otiv etrai l gu repair, n san drods. c om u estom R ods: and weldesti I n su ranlast-c e f Fracree tion of mates. the c ost! Sandb 417 and -25 9-6 Repair re . nish yourrefgun, ing f or ab 025 work , great erSatellite work welcome. 417-46 -5116, n ew es. or ol d, ( n o gu n 3 s8 f tforc sal e) . enc 8 00-3 46 -17 5 6 . F F L Serv i c es, M tn9-40 . G rov e. 9-42 un repair, stocks and barrels tf c w w w . en dof th etrai l gu n san drods. c om D I R E C TV , ov er 13 0 c h an n el s, re nished or replaced, lock 417 -25 9-6 025 . $ 24. 99 a mon th , f ree i n stal l acerti ed Armorer, 3 8 lock, Satellite tf c AR and other parts in stock, lots of ti on , f ree mov i e c h an n el s an d free HD channels. Ask about a w w w . ammo an d acstocks c essori es.barrels un repair, and free D I R E C FL TV Sunday , ov er 13Ticket! 0 c h an n Call el s, BottomD ol l arD i sc ou n t. bi z lock re nished or replaced, 24. 99Tren a monds that,417 f ree-8 i 6 n 4-7 stal115l a-. 16 29 ed Porter W agon lock, er Bl AR v d, $ Home certi Armorer, A onu th, fori reez ed movD I i R e E c h C anTV n eldeal s an er.d ac ross f rom G u f in f eystock, C h ev lots rol et, and other parts of tiSpring eld 34-37p free HD channels. Ask about a 417 -25 7 an-SAd V ac E c ( essori 7 28 3 ) es. w w w . ammo free FLDish Sunday Ticket! Call etwork W est Pl aiol n l arD s i sc ou n 3 t.1tf BottomD bi z c Tren R & R dsE at l ec 417 tron-8 i 6 c 4-7 s 115 . 16 29 Porter W agon er Bl v d, Home A u th ori z ed D I R E C TV deal 417 -25 6 -916 8 , 8 6 6 -3 04-8 18 3 er. andyman ac ross f rom G u f f ey C h ev rol et, Spring eld D i sh Satel l i te TV 34-37p starti n g at 417 -25 7 -SA V E ( 7 28 3 ) $ 19. 99 per mon etwork th f or 2 rooms, Dish W est Pl ai n s 3 1tf c Pl u mbi n g, el ec tri c al , c erami c f ree i n R stal , f ree & R l ati E l on ec tron i c s mov i e ti l e, pai n ti andyman n g, c arpen try , roof - 417 channels. no credit -25 6 -916Ask 8 , 8 about 6 6 -3 04-8 18 3 i n g, more. C al l 417 -3 7 2-5 217 D c ard i sh opti Satelon l i . te TV starti n g at ai n mon s th f or tf c 2 rooms, W est Pl ai n s 3 3 -3 6 p $ W 19.est99Plper Pl u mbi n g, el ec tri c al , c erami c f ree i n stal l ati on , f ree mov i e ti Is l e,your pai n furnace ti n g, c arpen try cool, , rooffall - mornings? channels.They’re Ask about noReally! credit ready for coming! Guardian Series c ard opti on . i n g, more. C al l 417 -3 7 2-5 217 W est Pl ai n s tf c W est Pl ai n s 3 3 -3 6 p

W&D Outdoor We Install, Service, Wood Furnace, Inc. Proven for 20 Years Woodburning forced air furnaces


PLEASE NOTE: • Phone number counts as one word PLEASE NOTE: • Abbreviations not accepted •• Phone number No changes or counts credits as to ad one word after received in our office • Abbreviations not accepted words, • No changesfor or 10 credits to ad 10¢ a wordin thereafter after received our office




Jeff Butler

R M •

(417) 256-7984



SEND AAll LL INQUIRIES TO: Send Inquiries To: ORSE TRADER THE TheHHorse Trader 807 PO BOX PO Box 807 WWest EST PLAINS, MO 65775 Plains, MO 65775


Stump Removal

DI SH NE T WO R K SA T E L L I T E T V R &R E lec tronic s Serv ing West Plains areas 1999 417-256-9168 2 Y E A R R A T E G U A R A NT E E , 9 99 c al installer, loc al servi c e.

R on’ s Stum p R em ov al, 41 7 29 -0 94 417-256-8204 40-4

Tree Service

65 F O O T BU C K E T T R U C K Best reac h in the area. Brush roven turnkey freight agent business, start up costs and c hippinglow and hauling, 25 plus LoneStump Wolf Grinding ntrepreneurial nstitute offers the best package years ex perienc e. 1 1 year U . S. you’ll nd anywhere. ur program includes Loads supplied V eteran needs work , lic ensed to get you off and running; load board training on over 50 A loadboards; gric ultural and residential uick pay system that payments directly anddelivers insured. Serv ing b and oth roven turnkey freight agent business, low start up costs toiyour account from booking serv c e.Wolf F bank ree q ntrepreneurial uotes. as DHEyouS,process Lone nstitutecommission offers the417-256-4 best package 82 your 2 packages andincludes a newly added down nd anywhere. ur program Loadslow supplied I you’ll nc . T omloads; C row. 41 7 - 2 5 2 -available 02 04 87021-0067 payment and payment plan. training Call nowon to over nd out to get you offinstallment andtf crunning; load board 50 Willow Springs 2-0directly more 1- 870-222-0270, or check out online LoneWolfloadboards; uick pay system that us delivers payments Bu your si n c omaccount as you process commission from booking to 3 6 pb low down your loads; 2 packages available and a newly added payment and installment payment plan. Call now to nd out more 1-Satellite 870-222-0270, or check us Stum out online rinding LoneWolfBu si n ess. c om 3 6 pb M i l l er Satel l i te C en ter A gri c u l tu ral an d resi den ti al Y ou r Satellite l oc al deal er f or serv i Stum c e. F ree q u rinding otes. D HE S, Dish etwork T I n c . Tom C row . 417 -25 2-0204 an d I n tern et Serv i c es. W i l l ow Spri n gs tf c Th eM amaz i n g l f i ast i l l er Satel te C eni n tern ter et A gri c u l tu ral an d resi den ti al D SH available Y ou rTl ocis alnow deal er f or for serv i c Stum e. F ree q u emo otes. DalHE S, ex i sti n Dish g an detwork n ew c u Tstomers, I n c . Tom C row . 417 -25 2-0204 n o acan tidv I ati on et orServ i n stal l ati on n tern i c es. W i l l ow Spri n gs tf c fees. ew location, Th e amaz i n g f ast i tn. n terniew. et R on ’ s Stu mp R emov al , 417 Free Estimates! est -03Stum 94Missouri or 417 emo -25 6 -8 204. Call 72 for 293 lains, D SHtoday! T is 417-255-1 now available al W est Pl ai n s 3 2-3 5 c tf c exW i est sti n Plgaiann sd n ew c 16u stomers, n o ac ti v ati on or i n stal l ati on fees. ew location, tn. iew. R on ’ s Stu mp R emov al , 417 Setting the417 standard 293 -03 94 or -25 6 -8 204. Call today! 417-255-1 72 W est Pl ai n s 3 2-3 5 c W est Pl ai n s 16 tf c

A&A Window & Door inyl indows • ara e oors ro ia ntry oors

Sales, Ser ice and nstallation



and leading the way.

Setting the standard CONSTRUCTION

Free estimates, guaranteed work. and leading theNew way. homes, add-ons, remodeling or repairs, roofing, siding, decks, patios, carports, barns, portable buildings, concrete, masonry, and Start to finish, big or small, IKONIX does it all! demolition.

IKONIX Construction, LLP


2812-A Porter Wagoner


Bob ’ s Handym an, West Plains area only, no j ob too sm all. 417-29 -8886 4-45


E nd O f T he T rail G un R epair and C ustom R ods:

Horse Trader, Inc, is a copyright publication. All ads and layout produced by The Ozark Horse Trader, may The Ozark Horse Trader, Inc, Inc, reserves not right be reproduced without authorizathe to refuse any ad. The Ozark YOUInc, FIND OR tion. IF Horse Trader, is a ERRORS copyright pubOMISSIONS your ad, notify the lication. All adsinand layout produced office 3 daysTrader, from Inc, the may date by The within Ozark Horse of publication. Ozark Horse not be reproduced The without authorizaTrader, be responsible for IF Inc, YOUwill FIND ERRORS OR tion. the FIRST incorrect OMISSIONS in your insertion ad, notifyonly, the at no greater costdate of office within extent 3 daysthan fromthethe the publication. space occupiedThe by the error.Horse The Ozark of Ozark Horse Trader, assumes for no Trader, Inc, will be Inc, responsible financial for errors or the FIRSTresponsibility incorrect insertion only, omission of copy. Horse at no greater extentThe thanOzark the cost of Trader, Inc. assumesbynothe responsibility the space occupied error. The for adsHorse soliciting monies to be sent Ozark Trader, Inc, assumes no for product(s) or information. financial responsibility for errorsNO or REFUNDS CREDITS ISSUED omission of OR copy. The Ozark Horse ON PREPAID ADS.noThere will be Trader, Inc. assumes responsibility a charge for any monies changestomade to for ads soliciting be sent ad once it hasorbeen placed in NO our for product(s) information. office. REFUNDS OR CREDITS ISSUED THE OZARK HADS. ORSE TRADER , INC ON PREPAID There will be 807 made to a charge forP.O. anyBOX changes LAINS, MISSOURI 65775 WESTit Phas ad once been placed in our 417-256-2445 office. TOLL FREE 800-967-6103 THE OZARK HORSE TRADER, INC FAX 417-256-8979 P.O. BOX 807 WWW.OZARKHORSETRADER.COM WEST PLAINS, MISSOURI 65775 417-256-2445 TOLL FREE 800-967-6103 FAX 417-256-8979 WWW.OZARKHORSETRADER.COM



Garden Tilling


417-256-7984 1626 Earls Drive

Blvd • West West Plains, MOMo65775 Plains, 65775

(417) 256-7984

2812-A Porter Wagoner Blvd • West Plains, MO 65775 417-247-5409 IKONIX Construction, LLP •

Start to finish, big or small, IKONIX does it all! •

horse Trader classified ad Form Name: Town: State: horse Trader classified ad Form ad copy (iNclude phoNe Number)




ad copy (iNclude phoNe Number)

$10.00 additional for photos $7.00 for 10 words,

All10¢ Adsa word Prepaid Mail to: thereafter

$10.00 P.O. additional for photos Box 807 West Plains, Mo 65775 All Ads Prepaid Mail to:

AMOUNT _________CK ____CASH____TIMES _____

www.oz ark horsetrader.c om

Dry Creek Baptist Church


Sunday, October 9, 2016 All day services with singing the afternoon by

the Presser Family


06 2016 -

We have done business with the Ozark Horse Trader for several years now. The results we see have been outstanding and the service we receive is exceptional.

I strongly suggest for anybody to use the Horse Trader for any future advertising.

Alan Pender, General Manager River Country Chevrolet Thayer, MO

Pastor Ronnie Turner and the Congregation extend a Warm Welcome to All! Location: Off Z highway south of Willow Springs, MO

OZARK HORSE TRADER Your advertising & buying

1433 W. 8th St., West Plains, MO 417-256-2445

paper for Southern Missouri & Northern Arkansas

105th Annual Sale October 15, 2016 Ozark Regional Stockyards West Plains, MO

Bulls selling are all DNA tested and/or with full performance testing.

2/3 of bulls are Show-Me Select Qualified Selling many young and progressive females!

He sells! Sale Managed By:

Wes Tiemann 816-244-4462

s u g n A D O O “Where Gttle and ca et” e m e l op e p T GREA 18270541

He sells!


Heart of the Ozarks Angus Association President Travis Cantrell 417-872-5570

y! n a M r . o F n o asstop son e Your one eashop S s u l y f g ler d for cold & flu medicine. n l A s I & re hea Fall for r cold d child and e n t a n Plan aprescriptions u s t o l du r-the-c s for a r e v • Ove e i ts l e ns medical supplies lemen p fever r p u d criptio s n s a e & r n p s i n a r i P u Page 4 - O c tob er 06, 2016-

O z ark Horse T rader

m yo • Vita ent on r r u c le ep availab t to ke e w g r o o n f ’t shots u • Don • Flue e to yo •

417-256-2445 • 844-967-610

Help Wanted C DL A

Driv ers c an hav e a


C HO O SE ! Paid drive r 8002 4-5710 9-40 Driv ers: A m az ing pay pac k age. Bonuses & great hom e

! family

Now Offering Immunizations!

r f ree L I F E insuranc e + new & you Respiratory - 855-765t1er n e c i C v r r e 40-4 Devices iliar s s Senio g m n a i f r , p S tric ian wanted, m ust hav e Tetanus pmion EducatioEex lecnperienc riendly illowAmbulatory f 1 e b uilding c ontrol W g m n i a r Aids t e 1 s • Medica 1 panels and autom ated c ontrol • Offe Hepatitis h Initiativ 4 eading 417-778-6100 ber• 2 lt a m e eight R e t W H p ask f or Paul. y e n t Meningitis Home Medical Equipment io S i t a , n r u u 9-40 esdugaary• Oxygen Sat Comm Shingles We•dBn S G ood Sam aritan Soc iety of lood Prosthetics re Mountain Hom e is a f aith Pressu d o lo B Pneumonia b ased c om m unity where we b eliev e that in C hrist’ s lov e Lift Chairs Mobility Devices Flu eve ryone is som eone. We are Professional advice and answers to healthcare questions and concerns Connect wirelessly to smart phones, print your favorite Facebook & Instagram pictures, virtually any memory card or device will attach to the kiosk. Can make 4x6, 5x7 and 8x10 prints, sheets of wallet-size pictures, picture CDs and Kodak Picture DVDs. Stop in and see the newest member of the team: KODAK!

KODAK PHOTO KIOSK Bobbi & Brandon Gregory, Pharm. D, Bear Wear Managers & Home Medical

857 E. Main, Suite 3-5 • Willow Springs, MO


Fax: 417-469-5005 •


• 5k color run 8 am • Poker run 10 am kickoff • OutHouse Race 1 pm. Staging at 10:30-12:30 • Concert at 4 pm Dan Benton Band • Haunted hayride at 6 pm


How Fast Is Y


Find out 2! october 2 e at th colorama outhouse races

A rk ansas. We will assist you to ob tain rec iproc ity if you are f rom another state. A rk ansas is a c om pac t state f or nurses with Missouri lic enses. Benef its PT O , holiday pay, health, lif e, dental, and vi sion insuranc e and m ore. A ll q ualif ied applic ants will rec eiv e c onsideration without regard to rac e, c olor, religion, sex , national origin, disab ility or protec ted status. A pply online m ountainhom e. We no longer tak e paper applic ations at the f ac ility. 9-40

Help Wanted

I T person wanted f or f ast growing b usiness, ex c ellent pay, will hire ac c ording to training and exp erienc e. C all 417-778-6100 9-40

Seek ing f ull tim e em ployee to

K MJ Pallet & L um b er in Birc h T ree, MO is now hiring. Multiple positions av ailab le f or lum b er stac k ers. Must 57 -292- 218 9-40 MMI is c urrently hiring U ltrasound and X - R ay tec hs f or PR N and on c all work . V ery f lex ib le hours, standb y pay and c om petitiv e salary! F ax 888-426-9214 em ail to inf o@ m idwestm ob ile im aging.c om 40-49 Newton’ s A genc y is seek ing assistant. Must pass b ac k ground c hec k and drug sc reen. 417-257-0954 an applic ation. E O E , MF , V H 9-41 R N’ s or L PN’ s A utum n O ak s C aring C enter, a 5- star rated f ac ility, in Mountain G rov e, MO is c urrently seek ing apNursing. We of f er c om pensatory wages, 401K , seve n paid holidays, and f ull health b enwith a f ac ility that thrive s f or the b est f or the ones we love and c are f or. I nq uire within 1 10 tain G rove , MO or c all T rixi e T urner, R N, DO N or Melissa T odd, R N, A DO N f or m ore 417-926-5128 40- 41c I n Print & O nline 24 7 www.oz ark horsetrader.c om

a b usy, priv ately owned and operated health c are servi c es operation. A pplic ants m ust hav e good c om m unic ation sk ills, b e organiz ed, f riendly, and dependab le. Q uic k Book s ex perienc e a plus. V ac ation, holidays and health insuranc e avai lab le. Duties inc lude, b ut patient ac c ounts. Business 8 -4 Must pass b ac k ground c hec k and drug sc reen. C all 41 7 - 2 5 7 0954 resum e to P. A . L . S. , PO Box 166, West Plains, MO 6575. 9-42 Seek ing person to c lean dog k ennels, c rates, c ages and rab b it c ages. O ne day per -6 57 -95 -052 40p We are searc hing f or an ex perienc ed Mac hine O perator f or a b usy wood m anuf ac turand paid v ac ation. I nq uire within Monday through F ri772 160 Plains, MO to c om plete your applic ation. 5-40

Buying Walnuts Buying walnuts south of Willow Springs b y Pipe Plus on 6 417-252-4671 Willow Springs 40p

Wanted Wanted: Washers, dryers. Wanted: O lder m otorc yc les 417- 72-1785 West Plains 40p

rt sa t pg w

ro n

“Hayward Aquarite Salt Water Generator and Cells Mail-in Rebate to qualify for $100 off rebate for a complete system”


Saturday, nd October 22

c urrently tak ing applic ations online f or C ertif ied Nursing A ssistants and L PN’ s. T he positions c om e with ve ry c om petitiv e b ase pay, plus exc ellent shif t dif f erential f or 2 open positions online at our

Help Wanted

g gin • ends at slin


Bull Shoals, AR

Friday, October 21st

Call or Come in to take ad antage of dealer e cl si e re ates on a ward Prod cts

Live Music at 4 pm followed by Haunted Hayride at 6 pm

Vendors & booths food & beer garden all day Friday and Saturday.

Poker Run Pre-Registration at

870-431-8599 Colorama 2016 sponsored by:

• Sales • Ser ice • epair • Constr ction


S S w • est Plains isso ri pr ettspoolandspa gmail com

www.oz ark horsetrader.c om

Will Do


Will do E R R A NDS of all k inds! G roc ery shopping, transportation servi c e, etc . 7 days a week 7a m - 7p m , low rates, West Plains only. 41 7 72-50 8 9-42

G arage sale Saturday O c tob er 8 8-

Willow Springs

Top floor of the Ferguson Building 127 E. Main St. • Willow Springs, MO

October 15,

1 • am pm

Come to shop crafters’ booths such as: Unique Signs and Designs by Willow Springs FFA, Vinyl Visionary, Perfectly Posh, Rodan+Fields, MaryKay, 31, Norwex, Tupperware, Magnabilities, Designs by Dina, Fitteam, Jordan Essentials and Leggings Army. Wanted

Notice -

Paying top dollar. O z ark 417-9 4-6410 Mtn. V iew 02t f c

Notice F reedom of R oad R iders, South C entral L oc al 2 2 , would lik e to invi te you to our O z ark Mystery T our. We will not tell you where you are going or what you m ay b e ask ed to do onc e there. Direc tions will b e giv en at eac h stop to the f ollowing destination. Meal tination. Begins at Murphy’ s, 9 0-11 00 8 torc yc les welc om e. A uc tion and awards af ter m eal. Hope to see you there! West Plains 40p

Surgic al T ec hnologists f unc tion as a sterile m em b er of the surgic al team who passes instrum ents, sutures, and sponges during surgery. T rain with South C entral C areer C enter f or a c areer in this f ast

Crafters Needed Dawt Mill in T ec um seh, MO is ac c epting applic ations f or the F all C raf t F air, Nov em b er 5 th and 6th. I nterested c raf ters c ontac t Je nnif er Porter. porterj enellen@ gm ail.c om 7-41

Religious F ull gospel preac her, look ing to preac h J esus in your c hurc h, with gif ts of the Spirit. J esus sav es, heals and deliv ers. E v angelist, pastor, m inister 417-8672 4 K oshk onong 40p

Heat and Air

c om pletion, students c an tak e the c ertif ic ation ex am and

Brand new c ast iron wood 50 417-867-5698 9-41

Wages in Missouri av erage 20 plic ations f or the Prac tic al Nursing program . Deadline 1 2016 C all 41 7 - 2 5 6- 61 5 2 f or m ore inf orm ation. F inanc ial aid av ailab le to those who q ualif y. West Plains 40- 41c

Dark oak ve nt f ree natural or

c lothing. 1502 S West Plains

O z ark Horse T rader - O c tob er 06, 2016

- Page 5

tewart St. 40p

I nside sale O c tob er 7 th and 8 c ollec tib le glass, linens, m isc ellanous, lots of new item s, W. Hwy 1 60, 2 m iles past Wal- Mart, turn at O z ark 8270 1 2 m ile on lef t. West Plains 40p Multi f am ily garage sales, 7 8 8 001907 1910 6 to T he T im b ers, lef t, lef t, and lef t to Blueb ird Way. F urni-



Y ard sale F ri & Sat, house on right at 1s t c rossroads on BB

m isc ellaneous. R ain or shine, 417-256-1881 proc eeds will b e donated to the West Plains C hristian c linic . West Plains 40p

R ef urb ished household applianc es. Washers, dryers, ref rigerators, stov e, $ 7 5 to $ 1 7 5 , with one m onth guarantee, with paym ents and deliv ery, will b uy non- work ing ref rigerators and dryers. 41 7 72-1295 40-4


Nex t Step C hurc h b y R ic hards Sc hool, O c tob er 5t h- t7 h, 6 0 -6 00 West Plains 40p

m otor, household item s, grill, aq uarium s. C om e see, too m uc h to list. West Plains 40p

$ 1 5 0 or b est of f er, work s good. 417-855-96 7 Pom ona 40p



upright deep f reez e. 4174424 West Plains 40tf c


400 870-778-0050 9-40 F or sale, wood f urnac e, $200. 417- 274- 1072 West Plains 40p 00 417-

29 -14 7 West Plains



Shipp Sales/Derksen A Tradition of Mennonite Craftsmanship



Nic e K eith U rb an with lots of inlay, $ 1 7 5 with c ase, O z ark 417-9 4-6410 Mtn. V iew 40p

Flea Markets T rink ets & T reasures F lea Mark et, loc ated at HG F arm er’ s F eed has b ooth spac e 10 rate, no perc entage. 5 1 0 E . 5 th 417-9 4-2576 28

Sales Big yard sale O c tob er 7 th, 8 9 9 5 work s, lots of c ook b ook s, som e 12 170 Willow Springs


F rugal F urnishings and More. Pre- owned f urniture and applianc e spec ialists, 41 7 - 2 5 7 7142. West Plains tf c

am-6pm Mon-Sat • 11am- pm Sunday

ust North O Thayer on Hwy 6

1 -26 -2 00 • 1 -


8 2 Box 2 01 0 T ec um seh, MO , ac ross f rom old T ec um seh T ec um seh




ADULTS $8.00 • CHILDREN, SENIORS & MATINEES $6.00 • 3D - +$2







Male Doberman

Watson Registered Polled Herefords, service age bulls417-256-2445 •Cattle 844-967-610 and younger. 417-962-3759 Cabool 33-42p 45Furniture/Appliances Brangus heifers, exposed 90 days to registered Angus heifer bulls, $2000 each, all $2150 choice. 870-656-3590 Y ellville, Arsuper c apac 36-37p Whirlpool ity set,

Page 6 - O c German tob er 06,Shepherd 2016O z arkPinscher. Horse T rader Rottweiler 417-284-3805 puppies, the best of 2 breeds in one also w ite er an e herd puppies, shots, wormed and papers, $275. 573-3009889 34-36p

a ersfield


6- 7

OFBA Commercial foundation residential


breeders association

Charolais bulls and heifers, 255 150 growthy, good disposition, 90 great E PD, free delivery. Be417-273-4279. cbout apacCharolais, ity Whirlpool washer, Theodosia 33-32p

14th annual horse sale


ar careta er, long ter , 1 low 5 rent 417in exchange for very for 2 bedroom, 1 bath, freshly remodeled farmhouse, 40ppasture for 2 ead of li estoc , lus use of barn. Call for details, 417-372-3184. Clothing West Plains 36-38p

a good selection of good riding horses. 870-895-4026 Pasture to rent, Don'tWanted: miss it!Church, Mtn. View, White A ras ttention m es ark consideters! area,f lea all si

Bar None Cowboy Church • Midway, AR 72651 10 miles north of Mountain Home, AR

“Selling the best...Servicing the rest...”

ered, references available.

Competitive prices paid per ov eralls, siz es sm all oronly. m eacre, written agreements 417-247-1781 dium , $ 7 5 a c ase of 2 0. J ef f , 34-36p 870-404-114 Y earling bulls, Mytty Norf ork , A r 40- 47I pn Focus bloodline, Triple A and

Servicing Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas

Hey Schools...NEED 417-932-4400


Commercial, $2250 to $3750. 417-764-3085 Barrels/Drums 36p

Mid-West Overhead Doors


Steel f ood grade 5 5 gallon West s, Plains Horse drum $10. Will remTraining. ove lid co . e don t brea e ... 417-679-4682 we train e, 9-40

Emergency Service Available 24/7



eep us in mind or all our printing needs

FFE” RVICE, LI TION, SE IN EDUsuCeA3 • Fall 2014 E C N E LL Is 3 • “EXCE Vol.

. D . E . R


E; 2. a pers

vity - adj.

FIRST RAT (colloq) be a



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acti to a Zizzer? ert in any NER! Because 1. an exp

WIN ZER) n. (syn) A ZIZZER (ZIZ’ is victorious; 3. one who

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All Consignments elcome



e Orie



ntat e Orie

pe to h Grad We ho u at 5t see yo pe to We ho

et us gi e ou a uote on t o(just up from the City Hall) in Thayer, Missouri 205 Nour 2ndne Street ion! ion! atat ient ient e Or e Or adad h Gr h Gr ion! 5t5t ion! u at atat u at ient e yo ient e yo e Or e Or sese adad toto h Gr pepe h Gr e ho 5t5t Who u at at We u yo e yo e sese toto pe pe ho e ho W We

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n! ntatio


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orse Sale st Frida ig t and Goat Sale 2nd Friday ig t o e er mont m

us will foc ation from eleOrient on Grade l transiti ool environ The 5th cessfu will be dle sch suc on a the mid event we rs, rery to che this menta During grade tea icies and pol ment. cing 5th and school building odu dle intr stion the g mid a que viewin ures, touring hosting n. sio proced ooms, and ses classr and answer

at 5th



Summers ille


atio Orient

Stockyard LLC

ion! ion! atat ient ient e Or e Or adad h Gr h Gr 5t5t u at u at e yo e yo sese to ust 5th y, Aug 5:30pm School dle ins Mid


West Pla

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W t St

P O Bo


u see yo


to pepe e ho Who We

Todd Hornback 417-270-0681



e Orie

ad 5th Gr

West Plains Mo

Bill Hornback 417-270-0682

Day of Sale (877 or 417)



In-house laboratory Same Day Services Dentures • Partials • Repairs In-house laboratory Same Day Services Using Current, Cutting Edge Technology Second St

Summers ille

Dentures • Partials • Repairs Dental Tooth Introducing Multiple or Single Tooth Cutting Implant ServicesEdge Technology Using Current, Implant - Advantages of Dental Implants Tooth • Act like yourMultiple natural tooth root Tooth Implant Services Introducing or Single Implant canoflast a lifetime -•Advantages Dental Implants • Act like your toothX-ray, root • Cone beam 3Dnatural panoramic • Implant can last a lifetime allows minimally invasive technique • Cone beam 3Dbone panoramic X-ray, • Maintain natural allows minimally invasive technique • Provide stability & comfort • Maintain natural bone Is your loose dentures • A 2 hour office visit with local • Provide stability &causing comfortyou to miss out on corn on the cob or steak? anesthesia will fixvisit thiswith local Is your loose dentures causing you to • A 2 hour office - Ifmiss so, Denture Stabilization System with out on corn on the cob or steak? anesthesia willstability fix this • Greater denture Implants will solve this problem. - If so, Denture Stabilization System with • Greater denture • Traditional implantsstability Natural Tooth

Natural Tooth


Gum Root XXXX


Implants will solve this problem.



Dental Implant XXXXXX

Dental Crown Implant


Samir Patel, DMD

General Dentistry

Expecting a large group Swimming Poolsriding horses. of good O z ark Sk idsteer Servi c e 2016 Several already consigned 95 Swim m ing pool, 24 f t. ab ove

95 14 Vet onpool, handpum to pull at 4:30 PM ground, inc ludes p, blood to do Coggins test...for both horses that will be sold and also for grapple, outside horses. tree puller, root f ree (If anyone horses they want tested - bring them) f ilter, hoses, tools,hasladders, ‘ 870-488-5455 c WALKER’S ove r and paperwork . AUCTION Needs SERVICE f or avai labHOME, ility and ing. Sout ain Street MOUNTAIN ARpric 72653 500 417-274-4588 Henderson, A r 40- 41c Moody 40- 41p

Giles & Kendall Manufacturer of Cedarline Products Gainesville, MO Office Phone: 800-442-0582 Email: Giles & Kendall “Serving Our Community Since 1956” Manufacturer oforCedarline Bryan Campbell, General Manager Products NEW LOG PRICING AND LOG LENGTH REQUIREMENTS Manufacturer of Cedarline Products 417-989-1840 FF C S Gainesville, MO Gainesville, MOlogs, Email:to Please Note: We will continue take 5”


Office Phone: 800-442-0582 Email: Buying hours: or 7:00 am–2:30 pm ALL LOGS Bryan Campbell, General or Bryan Campbell, General Manager Monday thru Manager Friday SHOULD 417-989-1840 BE 52” INEmail: Email: M PM • M LENGTH Buying hours: 7:00 am–2:30 pm • Monday thru Friday F Office Phone: 800-442-0582 however, the price will be reduced on Tuesday, SeptemberEmail: 2, 2014 to 95¢



TOP PRICE Buying hours: 7:00please am–2:30 pm For more information, call 5” 1.35 Monday thru Friday 417-679-3715 • 800-442-0582 WE WILL NO LONGER PURCHASE 5” LOGS 6” 2.40 e-mail: We will no longer purchase logs with any visible rot 7” 3.36 Bryan Campbell, Plant Manager All Pricing subject to change at any time 8” 4.32 417-989-1840 Please make sure all of the small ends of the logs 9” 5.76 face the same direction when loaded. 10” 7.20 ALSO – We no longer Directions issue 1099 Tax Forms for logsGainesville: Purchased from 11”Top 8.10 Price for 52”Take log Price for 8’8” log Hwy. 160 East 12” 9.45 1.06$2.50 N/Amiles. 13” 5” 11.25 Top6” Price for approximately 52” log Price $4.40 for2.2 8’8” log 2.69 5.91 14” 6” 12.47 $3.50 $6.16 5” 7” 1.06 N/A County Turn right onto 15” 7” 14.19 3.76 8.06 6” 8” 2.69 5.91 $4.50 $7.92 Road 513 shortly past 16” 7” 3.76 8.06 8” 16.34 4.84 10.21 9” $6.00 $10.56 17” 18.49 the city water tower. 8” 4.84 10.21 9” 6.45 12.90 18” 20.64 $7.50 $13.20 9”10” 6.45 12.90 10” 10” 8.06 16.13 8.06 16.13 11” $9.00 $15.84 11” 11” 9.07 18.14 9.07 18.14 12” $10.50 $18.48 10.58 21.67 12” 12” 10.58 21.67 13” $12.50 $22.00 12.60 25.20 13” 13” 12.60 25.20 14” 13.97 27.93 14” $14.50 $25.52 14” 15” 13.97 27.93 15.89 32.27 15” $16.50 $29.04 15” 16” 15.89 32.27 18.30 36.60 16” $19.00 $33.44 20.71 41.42 16” 17” 18.30 36.60 18” 23.12 46.23 17” $21.50 $37.84

We Have Increased Our Log Prices 12% Effective 11/17/14

17” 18”


20.71 $24.00 23.12


$42.24 46.23

“Serving our Community since 1956”

Directions Gainesville: Take Take Hwy. Hwy. 160 approx. 2.2 miles. Turn Turn Directions fromfrom Gainesville: 160East East approx. 2.2 miles. right onto County Road 513 shortly past the city water tower. right onto County Road 513 shortly past the city water tower.

“Serving our Community since 1956”

“Serving our Community since 1956”

A few reasons that we believe it can be one of the BEST decisions of your life.



• Traditional implants

Samir Patel, DMD General Dentistry

SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT F or sale, general purpose av ailab le. O v erm an BuildHORSE SALE 870-609-1900 16 2 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014 2 800 TAC S S S ATS 417-270-18 1 Tree Service A lton 40p

orse Sale

us will foc ation from eleOrient on Grade l transiti ool environ The 5th cessfu will be dle sch suc on a the mid event we rs, rery to che this menta During grade tea icies and pol ment. cing 5th and school building introdug middle stion the a que viewin ures, touring hosting n. sio proced ooms, and ses classr and answer

at 5th

ale Barrels/Drums i estoc uction in ale , , Metal sale is ursda oo n , e tember 4th at 5:30pm. Already consigned: K ubota L3400 diesel tractor 58 ours uilt ite lig tweig t alu inu stoc trailer trailer Barrels, ig all ef oodatbed grade, 5 5 wit rac s o n 29eere ea dut ressure was , bot 20 er55gates and field fence 1- and 1-6 1 29 tall assorted ea dut b oultr , 25 5 ower tools, followed 10 on li estoc : cattle, ogs and goats and s ee . lread consigned 00 417-29 5 bab cal es feeder cattle 5 goats ee 2 ogs, lus 1 59 25 s 40 5559 417-256-8645 ore added dail . oin ale i estoc uction on1 79 aceboo 40-4 or call Dustin Cotter at 417-274-7265 or sale barn at 870-895f oot, 16 c olors avai lab le. C ut 2 1. e t an all bu ers and sellers. to any inc h, 36p order ready in Salem, Ar Tents


Thayer Dental Care minde st a re

ion! ion! atat ient ient e Or e Or adad h Gr h Gr 5t5t u at u at e yo e yo sese toto pe pe ho e Who We


e Orie


417-880-2827 West Plains

Samir Patel, DMD General Dentistry Sept 5 Hand ooks 800-344-3437 • 417-264-7266 at Programs Se eral Sale Presentation uts Folders ots o orses Maga 205 N 2ndPatel, StreetDMD (just upGeneral fromines the CityDentistry Hall) in Thayer, Missouri Samir Come s end t e 800-344-3437 • Postcards 417-264-7266 e ening it us Forms Ju



september 27, 2014 72-1785 Expecting 12 noon West Plains

Grizzly is a little Dachshund/ Chihuahua puppy that has been played with since birth b c ildren and will a e a wonderful little pet. He is all utd with his vaccinations and worming and is ready to become your newest family member, $150. I f you would li e to see ore ictures, call 417-260-3004. Birch Tree 33pbtfc


Animal Auctions

Activities- Available at all times Transportation - To doctor’s appointments and shopping Housekeeping Laundry - Provided by staff Meals - Breakfast, lunch and supper Nursing Staff Available 24/7 - For residents 24 Hour Security Emergency Response Instant peace of mind We accept: Medicaid, VA/AID & Attendance, Private Pay & Long Term Care Insurance

Candice White, CDA

Candice White, RDH CDA RDH

NOW OFFERING... NOW OFFERING... Extractions of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Extractions of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

870-607-0902 11 7 Riverlodge Drive • Mountain Home, Arkansas 72653 “The Good Life Starts Here...”

www.oz ark horsetrader.c om

Log Home Supplies

Resale Shops

1997 Supply, I nc has b een the area’ s only stoc k ing dealer f or Sashc o L og Hom e Maintenanc e Supplies. We k now log hom estains, c hink ing, c aulk ing, 1629 Porter Wagoner Blv d, West 888- 15-7627 O z ark L ogHom es.c om

Mam m oth Spring’ s newest resale and gif t shop, Som e of Som ethin’ , f eatures j ewelry, DV Ds, and k niv es. E v erything f rom greeting c ards to c lothing, we’ ve got Som e of Som ethin’ f or you! 204 Main Street 417-247-867 10- 5 and Sun 1 1- 4. C om e see us at the T hayer F all F estival 8 5 -8 Mam m oth Spg., A R 40p

Heat and Air M

O z ark Horse T rader - O c tob er 06, 2016

Family Cinema




22 I

c ustom 100

500 m ade roc k ing horses

600 60 80 456 gears and div orc ed 2 05 gear 2500 two G M transf er c ases $ 1 00 7 12 50 16 5 1975


O riginal antiq ue Waterf all c hest of drawers, m irrors, desk with seat f or sale, $ 1 5 0 ob o. 417-855-0 84 417-469-4454 Willow Springs 40em pb

O rnam ental driv eway entranc e gates, 61 f t wide with 1 50 417-270-151 9-42




$ W&D O utdoor Wood F urnac es, I nc . Prov en f or ov er 2 0 years. Wood b urning f orc ed air f urnac es. We install, serv ic e, delive r and reb uild! We b uy and sell used f urnac es. F ree 417-778-7155 1

50 280 topped tab le saw b elt drive n, 250 20 150 75 100 7 25 80 b rand new roll of Prem ier 150 75 porc elain dolls, $10 eac h. K oshk onong 40p



PM 7 P 0PM M


Miscellaneous Items 125



- Page 7




417-256-3400 .

New used only onc e, A m ana top loading high ef f ic ienc y washer, m odel NT W 4750 BQ . C lean, no sc ratc hes or dents, 499 25 417-962-0422 C ab ool 40pb

R oc k - N- O ak E nterprises L L C , New m odel R - N- O outside woodb urning f orc ed air f urnac e, $250. L ayaway 417-270-7019 A lton 12t f c pb

Burton Creek....We Deliver!

Meet Your Family Medicine Obstetric Team.

Burton Creek....We Deliver! Meet Your Family Medicine Obstetric Team.


Craft Shows

Hunting Leases

F ind a hidden treasure at R ainb ow’ s E nd C ountry A nnual F all and C hristm as Show. -

1 7 0 ac res near Willow Springs, c reek , year around lease, 495 40 995 110 2 95 a year, two c reek s, lots of springs, large c learing. 41 7 251067 or www.h om esteadc rossinginc .c om 40p

outdoor c onc rete art. F riday 9 0-5 00 12 0-5 00 7 11 417-284- 727 L ash, C R 5

T ec um seh, MO . 40- 42p


W •B • • •P



R URAL C LINIC All major insurances accepted Monday-Friday All major insurances accepted 7am-7pm Saturday 8am-4 pm Monday-Friday 7am-7pm 417-256-2111 No appointment necessary Saturday pm 805 Kentucky Avenue, West Plains,8am-4 MO 65775

417-256-2111 No appointment necessary 805 Kentucky Avenue, West Plains, MO 65775

417-257-2718 West Plains 40p

4 0


b edroom on c orner lot, q uiet neighb orhood, $400 per 417-247-0 98 417-247-02 9 West Plains 40p 2 b edroom , 1 b ath house with applianc es, Pom ona area, no 417-469-2122 Pom ona 40- 41p

G&T Merchandise Outlet Store! Household, Sporting Goods, Clothing, Much Much More!



•P • •B • W -I • • •

M •P •M • D




Make the Doctors at Burton Creek Rural Clinic your first choice!”


G&T MERCHANDISE All Kinds of Store Fixtures

Check out Cutting Loose Hair Salon, Now have tanning!

“Feel “Feelcomfortable comfortablefrom from ‘the ‘the beginning’ beginning’ Make the Doctors at Burton Creek Rural Clinic your first choice!”

For Rent/Lease







417-255-4364 OR 417-255-6140



HOURS: MON-FRI - 8:00-4:30


06 2016-

417-256-2445 • 844-967-610

Prairie Grove Church of Christ S .R .F F ( 5 M iles from W -160)

Caulfield, Missouri

is reliGious unity possible?

T h e e s s e ntiality of u nity c an b e s e e n in g ov e rnme nt, s c h ool s y s te ms and th e h ome . W h y is it many fail to s e e th at u nity is j u s t as e s s e ntial in th e re lig iou s w orld ? A s a matte r of fac t, it is imp os s ib le for one to p rop e rly s tu d y th e B ib le and fail to s e e th at G od d e s ire s th at th e re b e re lig iou s u nity . O u r p re c iou s S av ior p ray e d , “ N e ith e r p ray I for th e s e alone , b u t for th e m als o w h ic h s h all b e lie v e on me th rou g h th e ir w ord ; T h at th e y all may b e one ; as th ou , F ath e r art in me , and I in th e e , th at th e y als o may b e one in u s : th at th e w orld may b e lie v e th at th ou h as t sent me” (Jn.17:20-21). The devil realizes that religious unity is indeed a deadly foe to infidelity. As a matter of fac t, ath e is ts ofte n u s e th e d iv id e d s tate of th e re lig iou s w orld as a w e ap on to d e s troy c re d ib ility of th e B ib le and b e lie f in th e A lmig h ty . A s to w h at c ons titu te s u nity , ac c ord ing to W e b s te r’ s d ic tionary , u nity is a s tate of one ne s s , h armony , ac c ord , a s tate of b e ing one . M any d o not b e lie v e th at it is p os s ib le for all of th e re lig iou s w orld to b e u nite d . W h e th e r inte nd e d or not, s u c h an attitu d e c as ts d ou b t on th e p ray e r of ou r L ord for u nity of th e b e lie v e rs ! T h e p rob le m is not th at th e w ord s of ou r L ord in J oh n 1 7 : 2 0 - 2 1 c annot b e u nd e rs tood . T h e p rob le m is many d o not b e lie v e th e L ord ! A s to th e q u e s tion, “ I s re lig iou s u nity p os s ib le ? ” T h e ans w e r is a re s ou nd ing y e s , if all are w illing to follow th e ins p ire d w ord of G od ( 2 T im.3 : 1 6 - 1 7 ) ! M y frie nd s , if u nity is not p os s ib le th e n w h y d id ou r L ord p ray e r for u nity of H is follow e rs ? F u rth e rmore , th e ap os tle P au l c ond e mne d th e d iv id e d s tate of th e Corinth ians and p le ad e d for u nity of th e b e lie v e rs . “ N ow I b e s e e c h y ou b re th re n, b y th e name of ou r L ord J e s u s Ch ris t, th at y e all s p e ak th e s ame th ing , and th at th e re b e no d iv is ions among y ou ; b u t th at y e b e p e rfe c tly j oine d tog e th e r in th e s ame mind and in th e s ame j u d g me nt” ( I Cor.1 : 1 0 ) . L is te n, if P au l c ond e mne d th e d iv id e d s tate of th e Corinth ians , w ou ld h e not c ond e mn th e d iv id e d s tate of th e re lig iou s w orld tod ay ? I n e s s e nc e h e w ou ld s ay , y ou are d iv id e d b e c au s e y ou are follow ing th e d oc trine s of me n, and not th e w ord of G od ( I P e t.4 : 1 1 ) ! M ak e no mis tak e ab ou t it, re lig iou s u nity inv olv e s h ard w ork ! L is te n to th e p as s ionate p le a of th e ap os tle P au l. “ E nd e av ou ring to k e e p th e u nity of th e S p irit in th e b ond of p e ac e . T h e re is one b od y , and one S p irit, e v e n as y e are c alle d in one h op e of y ou r c alling ; one L ord , one faith , one b ap tis m, one G od and F ath e r of all, w h o is ab ov e all, and th rou g h all, and in y ou all” ( E p h .4 : 1 - 4 ) . Y e s , re lig iou s u nity is p os s ib le for th os e w h o b e lie v e G od ’ s w ord , and are w illing to ab id e b y th e ins p ire d ins tru c tions th e re in! J e s u s s aid , “ N ot e v e ry one th at s aith u nto me L ord , L ord , s h all e nte r into th e k ing d om of h e av e n; b u t h e th at d oe th th e w ill of my F ath e r w h ic h is in h e av e n” ( M at. 7 : 2 1 ) . I v ie P ow e ll I I I , P re ac h e r

Sunday: Bible Study 10:00 A.M. Worship 11:00 A.M. • Worship 6:00 P.M. Wednesday Bible Study: 7:00 P.M. I vie Pow ell I ll, Preach er

“The churches of Christ salute you. “ Romans 16:16


hey shall go with their oc s and with their herds to see the ord but they shall not find him he hath withdrawn himself from them osea . n order to find od we must see im. esus said s and it shall be given you see and ye shall find noc and it shall be opened unto you For every one that as eth receiveth and he that see eth findeth and to him that noc eth it shall be opened atthew . he ebrew writer penned ut without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to od must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently see him ebrews . Furthermore od is not hard to find u e penned hat they should see the ord if haply they might feel after him and find him though he be not far from every one of us cts . hrough is great servant eremiah od as ed m a od at hand saith the ord and not a od afar off eremiah od can be found if we are willing to see after im. his being the case why was it that srael could not find im but they shall not find him osea above s the te t continues he hath withdrawn himself from them osea . eremiah later on made a very similar statement will scatter them as with an east wind before the enemy will show them the bac and not the face in the day of their calamity eremiah . saiah said ehold the ord s hand is not shortened that it cannot save neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear ut your iniquities have separated between you and your od and your sins have hid his face from you that he will not hear saiah . he blind man reminded the Pharisees of his day of an eminent truth which all should heed ow we now that od heareth not sinners but if any man be a worshipper of od and doeth his will him he heareth ohn . srael would see od but they would not find im because their sins stood between themselves and od. s there not a lesson in all of this for us today f we want to find od we need to see after im before we are called to face im in judgment. he ebrew writer wrote of sau For ye now how that afterward when he would have inherited the blessing he was rejected for he found no place of repentance though he sought it carefully with tears ebrews . nd osea said of srael and udah hey will not frame their doings to turn unto their od for the spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them and they have not nown the ord. nd the pride of srael doth testify to his face therefore shall srael and phraim fall in their iniquity udah also shall fall with them. hey shall go with their oc s and with their herds to see the ord but they shall not find him he hath withdrawn himself from them. osea . sau udah and srael had waited too long. hey would now see they would now call but they would not find im and e would not hear. f any individual or nation hopes to escape the judgment and condemnation of od then they need to repent and to turn from their sinful ways and to see after od O re you listening merica

CURRY STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST 111 South Curry Street • WeSt PlainS, Mo



October 14-15, 8 AM - 4 PM Contents of Historic Odd Fellows/Rebekah Lodge (1871-2013) V i n t a g e rob e s ; c os t u m e s ; l od g e i n s i g n i a ; ri t u a l a c c e s s ori e s ; c e re m on i a l c h a i rs & podiums; Halloween decor, 3 coffins; fra m e d p h ot os c . 1 90 0 ; ol d g l a s s s l i d e s w i t h p roj e c t or; b ook s & l e d g e rs ; b a n q u e t t a b l e s ; c a rd t a b l e s ; d oz e n s of c h a i rs , i n c l u d i n g m i d - c e n t u ry v i n y l a rm c h a i rs ; rol l t op d e s k ; p a rt n e rs d e s k ; re g u l a t or c l oc k ; F os t ori a A m e ri c a n l a rg e p u n c h b ow l ; 2 c om m e rc i a l s i z e d ri p ol a t ors ; re fri g e ra t or; k i t c h e n m i s c e l l a n e ou s ; a i r h oc k e y t a b l e ; 4 file cabinets; much more not listed. Location: 110 Aid Avenue off Court Square in West Plains. 2nd floor walk up. Auction Note: Entry numbers available beginning at 7:30 am. Cash or check only. Call John or Jack at 417-293-1058 or 417-293-4233 for more info. For Rent/Lease

For Rent/Lease

2 b edroom , 1 b ath, energy ef f ic ient hom e, applianc es, laundry hook ups, no pets, 450 417-257-4901 7-40


1 12 m ob ile hom e, c entral heat, applianc es and storage shed, c ountry setting in Pom ona 417-469-2122 Pom ona 40p

C ountry house f or rent 5 m iles

4 tion on ac reage, f uture lak e. 417-255- 551 9-40 6 loc ation, West Plains. 41 7 - 2 5 5 551 9-40 4 2 12 pav em ent, HU D approv ed, $650 m onth. 4172574424 Moody 40tf c




800 1 9 700 417-247-7922 Mtn. V iew 40p 2 b edroom , 1 b ath, ref rigerator and stove , no house pets, 50 200 417-284- 959 40p 2 06 C hestnut, T hayer. 41 7 264-2862 9-40 F or R ent: 1 b edroom house, 2 m iles f rom West Plains on hwy. A ll applianc es inc luded, yard m aintenanc e inc luded, great f or retired person, $425 m onth, $400 deposit, no pets. 417- 256040 West Plains 40p

www.oz ark horsetrader.c om 2016 & 2017 LEXINGTON MODELS ARE HERE! GET YOUR 2016 & 2017 MODELS TODAY!!!

For Rent/Lease

OPEN mONday-friday 8-5 • Saturday 8-12 2017 Lexington 16x80 SOLD 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths 2016 Lexington 28x52 SOLD 3-Bedrooms/2-Bath 2016 Lexington Porch Model 16x60 SOLD 2-Bedrooms/1-Bath

F or rent: A ll elec tric , doub le wide, T win Bridges area, $400 deposit, $ 400 a m onth. C all 417-252-01 1 T win Bridges 40p

M-679 2016 Lexington 32x60 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths 2016 Lexington 16x80 SOLD 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-681 2016 Lexington 28x80 4-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-682 2016 Lexington 28x44 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-674 2016 Lexington Porch Model 16x60 2-Bedrooms/1-Bath M-650 2000 Belmont 24x56 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-615 2001 Belmont 16x80 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-685 1997 Buccaneer 16x80 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-705 2004 Cappaert 28-x48 3-Bedooms/2-Bath M-663 2001 Chandeleur 16x80 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-618 2007 Fleetwood 28x44 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-707 1999 Giles 14x70 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-701 1997 Homes of Legend 28x76 5-Bedrooms/3-Baths M-700 2000 Horton 24x52 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-706 1997 Mid America 16x80 3-Bedrooms/3-Baths M-703 1999 Palm Harbor 72x28 3-Bedrooms/3-Baths M-712 1998 River Valley 16x76 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-692 1998 Skyline 16x80 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-709 2001 Signature 28x44 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-702 1997 Southern Energy 16x80 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-690 2000 Spirit 16x80 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths M-698 1998 Spirit 16x56 2-Bedrooms/1-Bath M-691 2000 Sunshine 16x80 3-Bedrooms/2-Baths


06 2016 -

WaDe I N S U R A N C E

25 Years of Professional Service

Mob ile hom e f or rent, 2 b edroom , 1 b ath, c entral heat and air, on privat e road, q uiet c ountry liv ing j ust 2 m iles f rom town of f Z Z Highway, 40 00 water, and trash inc luded, no 417-256-1598 leave m essage. 9-40

icare d e M r u wy o o n onal? k i s o t s e t f n o a r W st ed P u r T a ent f rom m l l o r n E O p t ions Annual 7 e Medicacrtober 15 - December

Spec ial m ove in invi tation to teac hers, and nurses! C om e j oin other prof essionals in our c om m unity. V ery nic e 2 b edroom , 1 b ath, all elec tric , no pets, $ 45 0 m onth. 41 7 257-4901 7-40


2 W est Plains L ocat ions t o bet t er serve y ou!

NEW! Pull Trailer Tires: ST205/75015 $69 Each, As Long As They Last

Situated on 4 regularly m anic ured ac res, near town sq uare, 2015 Gulf Stream, 38 ft 5th wheel, Thermopane windows, b ut f eels lik e c ountry. E arly washer & dryer, fireplace...too many options to list. N.A.D.A. b ird has c hoic e of 2 apart$85,000. $65,900 Will buy this! 870-625-7075 m ents, eac h newly renovat ed, 2014 Forest River motor home 25DS, two slides, 6,000 miles, 2 1 Page B-2 - August 21, 2014 - Horse Trader $69,900. Call 870-625-7075 dryer hook ups, new orAcreage near Real Estate new c arpet. Pric ed b elow 4125 Highway 63 South erage 1at $ 45 0Lease/purchase: m onth plus Pottersville, Mammoth Spring, AR 72554 Salem, nice 3 av bedroom, bath home, too many electric, $27,900, 870-625-7075 • FAX 870-625-7078 $450 updates No13.5 c atsacres, or dogs. list, move in ready, $39,900. with $500 down, $280 a month, 60- clearings 870-895-5255 nice views, several Salem, Ar 32-35p and trails, Fairview School 202-5282 District, 12 miles to West Under construction: 4 bed7-40 Plains; Willow Springs, 10 1997 carriage 16x90 3-bedrooms/2-baths rooms, 3 baths, on 2 acres,

800-466-0593 Supreme Kitchen & Bath 417-256-6248 Mobile Homes

2008 Sunshine 16x80, vinyl siding and shingle roof, real nice; 2002 Champion 16x80, vinyl and shingle, 6” walls, northern insulation, real nice; 2000 Cavalier 16x80; 1999 Sunshine 16x80; 1999 Waverly 16x80. More homes to choose from at VonAllmen Sales, 1/2 mile west of Wal-Mart. 417293-0528 West Plains 27tfc

Visit our showroom 1398 S Hwy 63 West Plains, MO


acres with water and electric, 2001 clayton 16x80, 4-bedrooms/2-baths $149,900. 417-293-1421 $37,900,1with $2900 down and 1998 Fleetwood 16x80 2-bedrooms/2-baths West Plains 31tfc $350 a month; Cabool, 5.5 2000 belmont 24x56 3-bedrooms/2-baths large k itc hen, utility room views, , acres, great $19,900, Acreage 2000 southern lifestyle 28x48 3-bedrooms/2-baths $200 down, $190 month; West plenty of c losets, large2/3yard, 1999 belmont 16x80 3-bedrooms/2-baths Plains, acre with water, #312-1989 12x40 Mallard, 1 2013 lexington 16x80 3-bedrooms/2-baths site, near $450 Plains rent, city $450 electric, deposit. cleared 41712 acres in West bedroom, 1 bath, $10,000; 2013 lexington 28x52 3-bedrooms/2-baths town, $17,900, $2000 down limits, located 4/10 of mile #313-1996 Fleetwood 14x56, 264-7979 and $200 a month. 417-2522001 belmont 16x80 3-bedrooms/2-baths south on Lanton Road at Mar2 bedrooms, 1 bath, $4500; or 2000 Fleetwood 28x80 SOLD 4-bedrooms/2-baths oth Spg., 1067 A r 40p athon/Glass Mam Swordm intersec#314-1978 Gerring 14x70, 2007 Fleetwood 28x44 3-bedrooms/2-baths tion, follow to signs on right. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, $5900; 34p Has primitive road through 316-1976 Aires 14x60, 2 bed1999 belmont 16x80 3-bedrooms/2-baths Real this timbered property. Utili- Estate rooms, 1 bath, $5500; #3171997 southern lifestyle 28x68 3-bedrooms/2-baths Owner finance: 20 acres, 10 O pen house Sunday, O c tob er 6 1 t h, 1 4pm , 1 6 1 Boulder Driv e ties. $52,500. 417-274-3836, 2000 Fleetwood 16x80, 3 miles north of Willow Springs, 2000 chandeleur 16x80 SOLD 2-bedrooms/2-baths 417-274-3837. bedrooms, 2 baths, $24,900; in Stoney Brook , K 28x80 Highway. Well k ept spac ious hom e in great $400 down, $200 a month. 1999 carriage SOLD 3-bedrooms/2-baths West Plains 33-36p #318-1998 Belmont 16x80, 3 417-247-2486 1997 cappaert 28x444SOLD 3-bedrooms/2-baths 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, $17,900; Willow Springs 34-35p 3.6 acres vacant land, close to 1997 chandeleur 16x80 SOLD 3-bedrooms/2-baths #319-1976 Cambridge 12x65, 185 900 0 000 West Plains, no manufactured 1998 Delta 16x70 3-bedrooms/2-baths 5.9 acres in Blue Ribbon Land2 bedrooms, 11/2 baths, $5000. Darren petrus homes, $10,299. 417-372-1202 417-256-8595 1997 spirit 28x60 3-bedrooms/2-baths ing on Northfork of White Delivery and setup available. 870-847-51 5 32-36p River, 210 feet of river frontWe also offer service after the chandeleur 28x56 3-bedrooms/2-baths40- 41p b West Plains West 1997 Plains Hardy, A rwith age,40p with electricity, gated sale. Authorized to move and 1999 cappaert 28x80 5-bedrooms/3-baths Approximately 78 acres subdivision, asking $87,000. set used homes in Missouri approximately 9 acres wooded 2000 clayton 14x52 2-bedrooms/1-bath 870-404-3007 and Arkansas. Fully licensed and 69 acres mixed warm motor home: 2008 coachmen “low miles” with 2 slide-outs Mtn. Home, Ar 34p and insured. 417-277-5684 and cool season pasture, 3 Pomona 32tfc ponds, electric and public waMobile Homes ter available, county roads on north and south sides, located Storage Buildings 1/2 mile east of N Highway 14x70 Clayton, 3 bedrooms, west of Mtn. View and 1/4 mile 2 baths, $4995; 14x70 Marsh10’x20’ wood framed storage west of Old Highway 60 (CR field, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, building with metal roof and 3400). Call 417-849-8650. front kitchen, $3495; 14x60 double doors, great shape! Mtn. View 31-34p Fairmont, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, $2450, would also make a $2995, with free delivery and Lease/purchase: Ava/Skyline, great office building. 870-625mobile home transporting. 18 acres with creek, spring and 1330, 870-847-4363 Crane’s Mobile Homes, HighReal Estate Real Estate pond, $39,900 with $500 down Mammoth Spg, Ar 34p way 17 North, Summersville. and $390 a month; Salem, Call for free estimates. 57365 acres, electric, beautiful, Wanted Reduced $25,000! 15 acre hobNew: 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car 205-7252, 417-260-7075. $89,900, $500 down and $890 by farm, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, Summersville 33-34p garage, one acre, edge of city month; Norwood, 145 acres, barn, pond, spring, 3 car galimits, $114,900. 417-293-1421 $179,900, $2000 down and Turn your vehicles into cash, We buy and sell used mobile rage, storm shelter. Check $1600 a month; Raymondville, West Plains 31tfc we pay cash for vehicles, runhomes. 417-293-0528 us out on Zillow, Postlets, 50 acres, $79,900, $500 down ning or not, any condition! West Plains 27tfc Nice 6 room, 2 bath house, on 4 Craigslist. 4 miles north of and $790 a month. 417-252870-625-1330 or 870-847corner lots, storm cellar, 1 car 1067 or We move and set up mobile Thayer on 63. Now $164,000. 4363. garage, carport. 417-934-2832 homes, 417-277-5684. 417-280-6357, 417-280-6358 Mammoth Spg, Ar 34p Pomona 18tfc 34p Mtn. View 34p Thayer 33-36p

#3031 - 3.74 acre river lot for sale w ith river access, some restrictions, gravel drive, ru ral electric available. $35,000.


#3094 - U pdated 2 bedroom h ome. N ew furnace. ooring hardwood range and refrigerator. A ttach ed carport, h ospital side.


#3055 - N ice lak e lot, A rrow h ead L ak e, 3.19 acres, good bu ilding sites, matu re sh ade trees, redu ced, $82,500.

#3112 - 5 0 acres w ith contemporary ranch style home bedrooms baths fireplace lots of amenities full finished wal ou t basement, 30x 4 0 sh op w ith lean to, maintenance free, fenced and cross fenced, 2 ponds, approx . 20 acres in h ay, balance in pastu re and w oods. $379,900.

#3122 - 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath ranch style h ome. 2 bonu s rooms, plu s formal dining. L ots of storage and bu ilt in’ s th rou gh ou t. A ll appliances stay, refrigerator is neg., matu re sh ade trees, dou ble lot, partially fenced. S torage B u ilding. $102,000.

#3120 - 2 bedroom, 1 bath du plex ’ s in ex cellent condition. J u st ou tside th e cou nty. C H & A , all appliances in both . S its on an acre. H ow ell V alley S ch ools. N ice deck ing, 1 car garage & carport. G reat investment. A ll for $89,900.

#3113 - 2 or 3 bedroom, 13/4 bath open oor plan, vau lted ceilings, su nroom, storm cellar, concrete drive, mou ntain view s, D S L , 1.5 acres, deck , landscaping. all for $89,900.

#3114 - 4 bedroom, 2 bath V ictorian h ome, u pdated, C H /A , u niq u e ceilings, large rooms, cou ntry ki tch en, appliances stay, h ome h as lots of h istory, 25 x2 5 deck, great entertaining, w raparou nd porch , dou ble lot, oversize d garage. $129,900. reDuceD $119,900


Postform Laminate linda Wade • 6 Styles In Kitchen & Vanity Tops • 8 Colors In Stock Order From 500 Other Colors Solid Surface Granite Marble • Quartz Since 1985

Automotive Equipment Tommy lift off Ford truck, 3/4 ton. 417-293-8655 West Plains


Antique Cars Over 40 old cars for sale, ranging from 1930s to 1970s. All are project cars. 870-371-2948 after 4:30pm. Viola, Ar


Now $79,900 3118 - 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath s, stu bbed for sh ow er also fairly new home open oor plan. Partially full finished wal out basement. car oversiz ed garage. corner lot, deck $87,500. reduced $79,900

Now $109,900 #3124 - L ak e h ome in L ak e V iew , A R . H ome has la e views hardwood oors fire place C H /A , 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bath s. L arge enclosed su n room. C h ainlink fenced back yard. A ll for $125,000.

#3096 - B eau tifu l brick h ome for sale. 3 bedroom, 2 bath , central h eat & air, living room and family room, large covered back deck , 2 car garage, storm sh elter, k itch en appliances all stay. R E D U C E D $119,000

#2823 - 3 bedroom, 2 bath - fu ll, partially finished wal out basement car over siz ed garage. U tilities are affordable, w ill pass R u ral D evelopment L oan. reduced $ 115 ,000

#3060 - 14 8 acres of land th at corners L ak e N orfolk . B u ild you r dream h ome. T h is beau tifu l piece of property th at h as several u ses and th e lu x u ry of cornering th e lak e. Open pastu re w ith scattered trees, barn and electric on land. S everal ponds. $650,000

#3003 - Parcel E -5 A cres w ith treated slab, ru ral w ater to th e slab, electric and septic, plu mbed, ready to bu ild, more land available. D rastically redu ced to $29,900 #3004 - Parcel D - 5 acre parcel ready to bu ild. S cattered trees, ru ral w ater and electric available. M ore land

#3110 - E x ecu tive ranch style h ome on 16 acres w ith in grou nd pool, sh op and eq u ipment sh ed, all on asph alt inclu ding w inding lane. U pdated k itch en w ith appliances and granite cou ntry tops, fu ll w alk ou t basement, 2 stone fireplaces greenhouse bedrooms bath over 3000 sq ft. $299,900 priced below appraisal. reduced $289,900

#3109 - 4 bedroom, 3 bath , C H & A , large living room w ith w ood ceiling. D ining room, cou ntry k itch en, covered back deck , covered porch , 2 car attach ed garage plu s 1 car detach ed. Plu s an additional ou tbu ilding. C oncrete drive. Over 2000 sq . ft., one acre, F airview S ch ool. $175,000.

Now $399,900 #3098 - 118 acre farm is tu rn k ey, fenced, 20 acres of bottom land, 15 acres w ooded land, improved pastu re, stock ed lak e, 3 ponds, and a stream, barn, feed bu nk , large pipe corral w / loading ch u te & h olding pen, piped w ater & electric are th rou gh ou t, u pdated farm h ome, solid oak cabinetry, C orian cou nter tops, spiral stair case tile hardwood oors nderson windows along with a stone roc fireplace full baths with first oor bath handicap accessible. $425,000. reDuceD

#3073 - 278 acres w ith ranch style h ome. 60 acres of bottom land. I n grou nd pool, h orse barn w ith stalls, sh op, creek , ow ner w ill divide and consider all reasonable offers. $ 39 9 ,9 00 Will DiViDe home, builDinGs, 62 acres For $175,000

Alton #3121 - 3 bedroom, 2 bath . L arge k itch en, big cou ntry k itch en w /lots of bu ilt in’ s. F amily room, master h as sh ow er and garden tu b, large deck on th e back , smaller one on th e front. On 3+ acres, 29,900. alton.

available. D



#3103 - One acre lot, ready to bu ild, w oods, electric available, ru ral w ater available, close to tow n. $8,500. #3087 - 4 0 acres w ith

cabin, electric, w ell w /pressu re tank , pu mp, bu nk h ou se, spring, ch ick en coop and

lean-to. F enced and cross fenced. $69,900 #3105

acres mostly cleared long range views highway frontage between heodosia and hornfield.

C lose to th e lak e. A pprox imately 4 0 miles to B ranson. Ow n you r ow n little piece of th e Oz ark s for only $ 22,000 reduced $17,000 #3071 - L ot, ready to bu ild on, 69 ’ 6” x 125 , close to h ospital, h as fall ou t sh elter th at can be u sed as a storm sh elter. $15,500.

Under Contract #3048 - 3 bedroom 3 bath , 18 33 sq . ft. on th e main, plu s basement. L ots of ch aracter th rou gh ou t. G ou rmet k itch en, all stainless steel appliances, formal dining room h as w h ite pillars open oor plan family room wal s out to treated deck , 2x 6 w alls in basement, j acu z z i in master bath , 2 car attach ed garage, stock ed pond, on 3 acres, Drastically reDuceD $199,900

#3066 - U pdated farm h ome on 18 acres. S h op, barn w /8 stalls and ch ick en coop, 2 ponds, mostly open w ith scattered trees. S eparate mobile h ome h ook u p. J ct. H ill S ch ool D istrict. now $76,000, owner will .

REDUCED - $112,500 #2866 - N E W R anch style h ome on 5 acres! 3 bedroom, 2 bath , 2 car attach ed garage, deck , ru ral w ater, nice corner lot. L ocated j u st at th e edge of tow n. $ 125 ,9 00 to $ 119 ,9 00

#3065 -

22 acres close to L ak e N orfork . L and sh ow s w ell. M atu re timber, lots of bu ilding sites.

A pprox imately 5 -7 minu tes to L ak e N orfork , approx . 20-30 minu tes to M tn. H ome, A R . Possible ow ner finance. $35,000 #3119 - N ice commercial or residential lot. H w y 9 frontage. C lose to S ou th fork R iver, located by S alem, A R . E lectric on property. C ity w ater available. Z oned commercial. $9,500

Laurie S. Nissen - Collins

Broker/President, Licensed in MO & AR

Owner will divide

Now $375,000 #3104 - B u siness Opportu nity. 4 cottages, 11 rooms, mostly fu rnish ed, establish ed, live in one, rent th e rest ou t to make th e payment. call for details. $109,900


• 3D Design • Choose Your Style • Choose Your Wood

Now $105,000 #3123 - 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath h ome. L ots of space. C entral h eat, w indow A C , all set u p for central A C . D eck , storage bu ilding, basement partially finished wal out. Owner h as done lots of u pdates. $59,900

REDUCED #2908 - N ew h ome on 5 acres, 3 bedrooms 2 bath s, 20x 20 covered deck , w alk -ou t basement, 2 car garage, ru ral w ater. G reat location j u st ou tside tow n. Ow ner w ill consider all reasonable offers. $ 132,5 00 N ow $125,000

#3095 - 3 bedrooms 2 bath s h ome, C H & A , wood burning fireplace well city water available, detach ed garage, or can be a 2nd h ome, stu bbed for 1/2 bath , on 8 .15 acres, j u st 2 miles from tow n, nex t to tw o su bdivisions, city electric, new dou ble pane w indow s and new a/c, private setting, dead end road. $162,500.



417-256-5729 Business 5 Fa • 1 5

MLS computerized



Neal Nissen


1 5 Cell


3489 N HWY 63 WEST PLAINS, MO 65775

OFFICE 417-256-5729 Email: We are just one click away:

phil Wade


Page 10 - O c tob er 06, 2 016-

O z ark Horse T rader

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Real Estate F or sale b y owner b etween Willow Springs and Mountain 4 64 f oot house, attac hed 2 c ar ga4 and b asem ent, m other- in- law suite, pav ed c irc le driv e, work shop, garage, and two sheds. F or photos and additional 58 yahoo.c om . 417-252-4227 417-469-4191 40- 41p b edroom , 1 b ath, f resh paint, new c ab inets, new f looring, new light f ix tures, all new b athroom , large laundry sion, c arport, room y b ac k yard, walk ing distanc e to 9 900 57 05-2685 57 -95 -1887 interested. No rent or owner 9-40 O ld 2 story house in Willow 1 14 900 417-2178484 40-4 2 2 b ath house in Birc h T ree. House has a garage A nd f enc ed in b ac k yard, loc ated 0 000 2000 417-247-0495 57 - 25-4101 9-41

Mobile Homes 1 0 m ob ile hom es under $ 5 000. F ree deliv ery. C rane’ s Mob ile Hom es, Highway 1 7 North, Sum m ersv ille. C all C harlie, 57 -786-400 8-41 1992 16 60 hom e. 2 b edroom , 2 f ull b ath, b ay windows in dining room , c entral heat and air, gas stove , ref rigerator, c ouc h, rec liner, peak ed roof and c eiling, f ront and rear steps, and undersk irting, $ 1 0,5 00 ob o. Not 417-29 -711 West Plains 40p 1999 28 80 4 b edroom , 2 b ath, vi nyl siding, new shingle roof , 2 x 6 walls, c entral air, 1 owner, f ree de29 995 57 -786-400 9-40

Mobile Homes 2000 16 80 2000 16 64 2 1999 16 80 1995 14 80 12 900 at V onA llm en Mob ile Hom 12 417-29 -0528 8 2007

28 80 4 417-29 -0528

O z ark Horse T rader - O c tob er 06, 2016

- Page 1 1

Commercial Real Estate



Animal Auctions

2 1 2 2

F or sale, c om m erc ial or apartm ent b uilding, Main Street Mam m oth Spring, A r. A partm ent, 1 5 00 sq uare f eet, c entral b asem ent, washer and dryer hook up, two room s, b ath, two showc ases, large yard, upstairs, two b edroom s, two b aths, large k itc hen, dining room , f ront room opens onto dec k , newly rem odeled. C all 870-847- 775 Mam m oth Spg., A r 40- 41p

R egistered A ngus b ulls, 12 to 24 thic k b ulls, J ohn C ooper. 41 7 274- 1 1 10 8-40

Salem L iv estoc k A uc tion in Salem , A rk ansas sale is eve ry 6 0


Border C ollie pups, A K C registered, c an also b e registered A BC A , out of work ing 57 998-2849 William svi lle 40- 41p



86 with two b edroom , two b ath


49 900 000 490 417469-4100 417-252-1067 www. hom esteadc rossinginc . c om 40p

R egistered pureb red A rab ians, gaited and Q uarter Horses, paym ents ac c epted, deliv ery av ailab le. A f ric an 20 b uc k s, $ 1 5 0. R aym ondv ille. 57 548-0219 k hysusarab ians@

T op Pric es Paid! We b uy and sell used m anu417-29 -0528 West Plains 02t f c

hotm ail.c om

age, 5005 West Highway 160. 1 000 sq uare f eet of of f ic e 12 12 675 0 40 would add $ 1 40 per m onth, deposit req uired. 41 7 - 2 5 61505 417-29 -1505 West Plains 40- 41c

Acreage 14 its, R ic hards Sc hool Distric t, water and elec tric on site, owner f inanc ing av ailab le. 417-247-8156 West Plains 40- 52p Willow Springs, 1 4 ac res, c reek , elec tric , pav ed road, 9 900 1500 90 59 b eautif ul ac res, c reek , c lear29 900 1500 290 69 8 to Bull Shoals Marina, all wooded, v ery pretty, elec tric 24 900 1200 250 0 5 900 $ 1 5 00 down, $ 5 00 a m onth. 417-469-4100 417-2521 067 or www. hom esteadc rossinginc .c om 40p


Dogs 80 417-9 4-249 40p

417-252-71 6 Willow Springs 40p

Saddles/Tack New and used tac k @ L og C ab in in Mam m oth Spring, 870625- 7510 9-40


O c tob er Spec ial: Salem Horse A uc tion, Salem , A R , Saturday, 8 2 to f ollow. L ots of new tac k . L ots of horses, ponies, registered c olts, good b rok e horses. C oggins testing f rom 12 noon to 2 pm day of sale. Denny Per870-404-2552 870- 71-0271 870-405-4512 I f you are not selling your horse, b ut need a c urrent C oggins, we are testing on site with sam e day results. F or listings, f ollow on F ac eb ook at Perrym an Q uarter Horses. Salem , A r 40p

Mtn. V iew

F ree red Q ueensland Heeler 1 417-29 4757 Willow Springs 40p

T wo f ree Beagle pups, m ale,

Horse Auctions

For Rent/Sale

F or sale, red Border C ollie puppies, m ak e exc ellent stoc k dogs. 417270- 0557 9-42

Beef type c alv es f rom f arm , 700- 800 900 417-8672 4 K oshk onong 40p Blac k A ngus b ulls, approx im ately 1 2 m onths old, good natured. C all 41 7 - 2 64- 7 7 5 7 , 417-280-0756 T hayer 40c E xc ellent registered R ed A n18 b reeding soundness test, and 417-29 7467 Peac e V alley 40p F or sale R ed A ngus b ull, 5 1800 417-280-058 K oshk onong 40p Ribbons Ribbons nd th to 5 22nd to 5th Places!

Livestock Trailers 14’ b um per pull stoc k trailer, 2010 000 417-25202 1 Willow Springs 40p 2 01 0 6x 2 0 G oosenec k triple stoc k trailer, exc ellent c ondition, G V WR 1 2 ,000, $ 5 5 00 417-274-4 12 Winona 40- 41p

Animal Feed

Watc h F ac eb ook f or m ore c onsignm ents, exp ec ting good m ark et and nic e run of stoc k , plus lots pic tures on our F ac eb ook page. We hav e c heap8 % on goats and sheep. We of f er ultrasound on goats and sheep f or $ 6. 00. F or all c alled in c onsignm ents j oin Salem L iv estoc k A uc tion on F ac eb ook . F or m ore inf o c all Dustin C otter at 41 7 - 2 7 4- 7 2 65 870-895- 2 1 We thank all b uyers and sellers. R egular liv estoc k and goat and sheep sales ev ery 6 0 avai lab le. Salem , A r 40p

Animal Swap

R ic e c risp c ereal f eed, replac es 5 258-


Rabbits Bunny b low out sale! Pureb red Mini R ex, lots of c olors, 10 $ 1 0 without pedigree, $ 1 5 with pedigree, Birc h T ree. 57 -95 -052 40- 41p

1052 Z Hwy, Willow Springs, Mo., eve ry 2n d Sat of m onth. 2016 8 7 f or m ore inf orm ation c all 417-469-0845 417-252-1825 Willow Springs 40p Swap m eet on Saturday, 7 am noon, 2 m iles west on 1 60 f rom 417-280-62 8 40p

1 Place Trophies!


1 1st Place Place Trophies!



All Kids All Kids Receive Receive Participation Participation Ribbons!


G reat Dane pups f or Ribbons! 4 50 75 ENTRY FEES: 417-778-1692 $2 Per Class (No Stallions Allowed in A lton 40p

Watson R egistered Polled Heref ords, serv ic e age b ulls, sem en tested. Y ounger b ulls, 8 417-962- 759 C ab ool 40- 47t f c

c attle, lots already c onsigned f or this auc tion on O c tob er 6th. C om plete herd sellout of hair sheep around 5 0 or 60 head, sev eral pureb red b lac k headed dorper ewes, 2 5 20 25


Ribbons 2nd to 5th or Places!

A K C G erm an Shepherds f sale, c ham pion work ing line pedigree. C all f or m ore inf o 417-270-18 1 All Kids A lton 40p Receive A K C

F lex b ulls f or sale. Bulls are 17 18 sition, low b irth weight, thic k m usc led, b lac k , sem en tested, 417- 1007 7 . White C hurc h L im ou9-42


classes for Ages 15 & Under)

WILLOW SPRINGS SADDLE CLUB ARENA ENTRY FEES: $2. Per ( H ENTRY wy 6 0 - 6 Class 3 FEES: at t h e J ct . O f 76 & 13 7, go WILLOW N ort h ¼ mile, t urn on V alley St reet . SADDLE ) SPRINGS CLUB ARENA (No Stallions Allowed in

( H wy . 6 GATE 0 - 6 3 at FEE: t h e J ct . O f 76 & 13 7, go N ort h ¼

mile, t urn on V alley St reet . )

WILLOW SPRINGS SADDLE CLUB ARENA classes for Ages 15 & Under) EVENTS A K C registered A ustralian $2 Per Person; Under 6 Free (No Stallions Allowed in ( H wy . 6 0 - 6 3 at t h e J ct . O f 76 & 13 7, go N ort h GATE ¼ mile, FEE: t urn on V alley St reet . ) $2 Per Person; Under 6 Free classes for Ages 15 & Under) 1. stick horse race ( 6EVENTS & under) Free!!!!! c attle dog pups, Blue Heeler, GATE FEE: 16. open GaiteD pleasure ( open) 1. stick horse race ( 6 & under) Free!!!!! EVENTS B yWrabith ies, in C h rist M inistries all shots,S ponsored inc luding $2 Per Person; Under 6 Free open ( open) S ponsored B yC ab ool V et16. C l inic ; Jim GaiteD pleasure S ponsored B yW ith race in C h rist inistries halter - stock ( open)horse sev eral2.c ham pions class pedigree, 1. stick (6 & c M M under) Free!!!!! STrue ponsored B ue yC ab ool V et C l inic ; Jim M inn, D V M & W ag g oner V al 2. halter class stock ( open) 16. open GaiteD pleasure ( open) S ponsored B y- Town and C ountry S up er M ark et S ponsored B yW ith in C h ristmens M inistries 250 57 -998-2849 M c M inn, D V M & W ag g oner True V al ue ( open) ponsored B y-) Town and 17. C ountry S upWestern er M ark et pleasure S ponsored B yC ab ool V et C l inic ; Jim youth shoWmanship ( S 15 & under 2.3. halter class stock ( open) 17. Western pleasure ( open) Willam 3. sv ille 40- 41pall breeDs S ponsored B yC aterp il l ar mens & youth shoWmanship ( 15 & under ) M c M inn, D V M & W ag g oner True V al ue $2 Per Class

C aterp il l ar & y- R Town and C ountry S up S er M ark etI nsurancS ponsored tatewide e GroupB ybreeDs S ponsored B y- F rig a Tire S erv ic S ponsored e & Bak B er eal tyall 17. mens S Western pleasure tatewide I nsuranc e Group( open) Foxtrot 3. youth 15& & Bak under S ( ponsored B y- F rig a Tire S 18. erv open ic ( e er) R eal ty ( open) 4. halter class - GaiteD open) shoWmanship S ponsored B yaterp il l ar & 18.t P open Foxtrot C ( open) S ponsored B y- C h am b er S el ec rop erties 4. halter GaiteD ( open) S ponsored B y- W est P l ains Bank and Trustclass C o. all -breeDs B y- S C tatewide h am b er S I nsuranc el ec t P rope Group erties ponsored y-W F rig erv & ic Bil eand & l L Bak ov eler ac R C e;eal m issioner S S ponsored B B yest l ainsS Bank Trust o. C tyounty C omS ponsored 5. leaDline ( 7 & under) – can not riDe in aP Tire ( open) & open Bil l L ovFoxtrot el ac e; C ounty C om m issioner 19. eGG( not & spoon open) 4.5. halter - GaiteD open) leaDline ( 7 & under) – can riDe in race ( 18. any other unassisteD eVent class S ponsored B y- C h am race b er S el( open) ec t P rop erties eGG S ponsored O z Carko. H orse19. Trader & & spoon any eVent ponsored B other y- W est unassisteD P l ains Bank andB yTrust S ponsored B y- Randy’s Auto &S Small Engine & thBil C l B lL y-inic ov Oels z acarke; H C orse ountyTrader C om & m issioner tn. not V iew & W in . S . A nim al H S ponsored eal S ponsored Auto &M Small Engine R ep air & W estg ate ers & B y-E q Randy’s uip 5. Trail leaDline ( 7 & . under) – can riDe tn. V & iew & W . S . Arace nim al ( H open) eal th C l inic s R ep air & unassisteD W estg 20. atemystery Trail ers & E race q uip . ( open)19. M eGG spoon 6. youth horsemanship ( 15 & under) any other eVent 20. mystery ponsored C arder F uneral om e B y- race youth ( 15 & B y-under) S ponsored B yBridl es, Bits,6.& S ponsored S p urs B& y-horsemanship SH ponsored O z ark ( open) H orse Trader & Randy’s AutoS & Small Engine of the S ponsored 21. race S ponsored Bridl & Trail S p youth urs L ak el and P h arm ac y R B epy- air M ( 10 tn.& B under) V y-iewC & arder W . S . F A uneral nim al H H omealeth C l inic s & W es, estgBits, ateJr. ers & & E barrel q uip . barrel race ( 10 & under) L ak el and P S hponsored arm ac B yyBail ey C h ev 21. rol etJr. - GMyouth C 7. Western pleasure 20. mystery race ( open) 6.( open) youth horsemanship ( 15 & under) B yBail ey C h F evuneral rol et - H GM & Gab el S toneS C ponsored om p any 7. S ponsored Western pleasure S ponsored B y- W h ite I ndustries, I nc . & B y- Bridl Shooter needs you. S ponsored B yC arder om C e es, Bits, ( & open) S p urs & & Gab el S tone C om p any S ponsored B y- W h ite I ndustries, I nc . & barrel race ( 11 - 15) 22. youth Y arb er M ortuary Shooter is one of those special dogs. 21. Jr. youth barrel race ( 10 & under) L ak el and P h arm ac y 22. barrel race ( 11 - 15) Y arb er M ortuary S ponsored B yP riv ette L aw O fyouth f ic e ( 10 & under) Shooter stands out from the crowd!8. Walk-trot For beGinner S ponsored B yey C L h aw ev rol 7. eterinary Western pleasure ( open) ( 10race S ponsored B yP Bail riv ette O f f et ic e- GM C Walk-trot For beGinner & under) 23. barrel ( 16 & older) S ponsored B y- Barn H ol l ow V 8. & Gab el S tone C om p any Truth is, he is not doing well living in the shelter. His h iteH I ndustries, I nc B . y-& barrel ol l ow V S ponsored eterinary C ustom f orm 23. P ainted M etalrace ( 16 & older) S erv ic es; M ik ael O rcS S ponsored h ponsored ard, D B B V y-y-M W Barn superior intelligence, coupled with9. his energy level youth race ( 11 - 15) Y arb M er M ortuary B y- barrel C ustom f orm P ainted M etal S erv ic es; ik ael O rc h ard, D V M S tanding : F irewater22. S S k ponsored ip nm oon mens GaiteD pleasure ( open) S ponsored B yP : riv ette L aw is ca sing him to e distressed He NEES ponsored S to find his 8.9. For beGinner ( 10 benDinG & under) F irewater S k O ip f f nmic eoon mens pleasure ( open) 24. Jr. pole race ( 10 & S tanding under) B y- P ep si M idA m Walk-trot eric a & GaiteD forever home SOON... or a foster. He needs a S home barrel race ( 16 race & older)( 10 & under) y- B Barn eterinary Jr. benDinG S ponsored y- P epH ol si l M ow id- V S A ponsored m eric a & B yW ak e F eed 24. & 23. F ertil izpole er & P at tuart Y ou L oc Sk ponsored Y ou S Btore where he will have regular exercise, and plenty of pleasureS ( erv e F eed iz er M & etal ponsored f orm& F P ertil ainted P 15 at&ic S es; tuartM Y ik ou ouen S D tore aelL oc O rck E h Y l ev ard, M P V oint E q uine; D r. S S S ponsored h aw, D B ByV y-M W C akustom 10. youth Western E l ev ( en oint E : q F uine; D r. S S h k aw, M S tanding irewater ip nmD V oon activity. He does not do well with other dogs, Western pleasure ( 15 & 25. youth pole benDinG race 11 -P 15) under)male S ponsored B y- S h el termens I youth nsuranc e; 9.10. GaiteD pleasure ( open) 25. pole benDinG race 15) S B ponsored - S M h idel S ter nsuranc e;Prewett’s Collision under) Ba y- & A g ent and will be neutered as part of his adoption (whichTerry Newton 24.youth Jr.Repair pole benDinG race ( 10( 11 & -under) S ponsored y- P ep B ysi A ponsored m I eric S ponsored B y-B y- Prewett’s Collision A S g tore ent pole race ( 16 older) S & ponsored W ak e F eed & F ertilRepair iz er & will hopefully at least help with 11. thislaDies issue).GaiteD He is pleasure ( open) P at S tuart Y Terry ou26. L ocNewton k Y oubenDinG pole S ponsored B ( open) yeonard, M en P oint E race laDies pleasure S ponsored B y- been A l l P et & 10. E 11. q uine S up p Western l GaiteD y & E l D evV benDinG q uine; ( D 16r. & S older) h aw, D V M dewormed and current on vaccines. If you have youth pleasure ( 15 & R ob ert L . L26. S ponsored B yR ob ert L . L eonard, D V M B y- A ius l l B yP -etS 27. & h elE ter q potato uine S up prace l y e; & ( open) 25. U nited C ounty ol omS ponsored on C S ponsored ornel youth pole benDinG race ( 11 - 15) looking for a one-of-a-kind dog that NEEDS YOURR eal ity , S under) I nsuranc 27. & potato race ( open) U nited C ounty R eal ity S , ponsored S ol om B on y- C C ornel oul terius H eating C ool ing & Bil l M y ers S ponsored B yPrewett’s Collision Repair HELP, Shooter may just be the one! Call TASTC today Terry Newton A g ent S ponsored B y- C oul ter H eating & C ool ing y ers & C irc l e M W estern S tore 12. youth GaiteD pleasure& ( Bil 15 l & M under) or stop by and meet him! 26. pole benDinG ( 16 & S older) 11. laDies GaiteD pleasure ( open) & C irc l erace M W estern tore 12. youth GaiteD pleasure 15 & under) 28. FlaG ( race ( open) S ponsored B yL & D Trop h ies & E ng rav ing Adoption fees for typical dogs: $125; cats: $45. S ponsored B yR ob ert L . L eonard, D V M S ponsored B y- A l l P et & E q uine S up p l y & 28. FlaG S ponsored B yL & D Trop h S ies & E ng ponsored B y- ravM ing id O z ark I nsuranc e & race ( open) & older) Hours: Mon-Sat: 11-5; Sunday: By appointment.13. 55+ GaiteD pleasure ( 55 27. potato race ( open) nited C H ounty om & Mc on C ornel ius S ponsored B y- M id O z ark I nsuranc e & Donald’s of Willow Springs 13.o55+ GaiteD ( 55 older) S ponsored B y- R ob ertson- D rag F U uneral om pleasure e R eal ity , S ol T h ou g h w e h av e th e w ord s T e x as Cou nty in ou r name , ou r re s c u e s , ad op tions and& S s tol u p p b ort h e & s Tire S ponsored B y-Donald’s C oul terof H eating C ool ing & Bil l B M y- y ers Mc Willow & Springs S ponsored R ob ertson-29. D rag o F uneral H om ( open) e speeD race a M reufacf l er mu c h farth e r. F rom J e ffe rs on City to Ch e rok e e V illag e , A rk ans as . P op lar B lu ff to J op lin. D aily & ( C open) irc l e M W estern S tore 12. & youth GaiteD race S tol b a M uf f l er & pleasure Tire S ponsored B ( 15 y- & C under) & R Gun A 29. m m speeD o 14. laDies Western pleasure ( open) b u s ine s s is from S e y mou r to B ig S p ring s and R olla to T h ay e r ap p rox imate ly . S ponsored B y28. S ponsored C & ( R open) Gun A m m o S rponsored L & D Troppleasure h ies & and E ngP ( rav ing& Lee’s Tire awn S FlaG erv ic B ey-race 14. open) W eh F laDies ord & B y- Western W e do not rec eiv e any tax m oney and op erate sol e on donation and adop tions. and BP y-awn & O Lee’s S erv ice e& S ponsored M id z ark Tire I nsuranc S ponsored W eh r ( F 55 ord & 13.of55+ & older) L andm ark Bank W il GaiteD l owB yS - p ringpleasure s Bark Plaza was built to finance the shelter. Mc Donald’s of Willow Springs ark Bank l ow S p H ring s S ponsored B y- L R andm ob ertsonD ragofoW F iluneral om DATE e 15. mule class ( open) RAIN ( open) S ponsored B yH erb Bradl15. ey& ; mule h isp er H ilf l er ( & open) S W tol b aclass M uf Tire RAIN DATE FOLLOWING 29. speeD race TASTC S laDies ponsored B y-Western ey ; W h isp er H il l & 14. W indf al l F arm s H erb Bradl S ponsored B y- FOLLOWING C & R Gun A m m o pleasure ( open) FRIDAY @ 7 P.M. Negative W indf al l F & arm s andFRIDAY P awn & @ 7Lee’s erv ic e S ponsored B yW & eh r F ord The Animal Shelter of Texas County P.M. Tire S Negative Coggins cook shack on saddle club L Grounds Required Coggins andm ark Bank of W il l ow S p ring s Current Membership Required to Qualify for cook Year- End Awards shack on saddle clubFor Grounds 6931 East Hwy 17 O Bo 228 More Information Call: Required 15.ed mule ( open) Tim n E l class ec tric Tim er Membership Required to Qualify for Year- End Awards DATE Call: M ountain V iewE A v ents nim W alil l C Be l inic & By A Current Sharon 252-1941 For RAIN More Information No Alcoholic Beverages – Not Responsible ForH Accidents Tim eyed; ByW A h nisp E l ecer tricH Tim S ponsored B yil l er Ho ston, O 65483 V Joe iewE A v ents nimerbW alil l Bradl C Be l inic & W il l ow S p g s A nim al H ealM th ountain C enter;No Sharon 252-1941 FOLLOWING Alcoholic Beverages Responsible For Accidents & W –th Not indf al l F arm W il l ow S p g s A nim al H eal C enter; Joes L ewis, D V M FRIDAY @ 7 P.M. Negative



A g ri S erv ic es

L ewis, D V M

Page 12

- O c tob er 06, 2 016-

O z ark Horse T rader

417-256-2445 • 844-967-610

Horse Training West Plains Horse T raining. c om . We don’ t b reak ‘ em . . . we train ‘ em ! www.w estplainshorsetraining.c om , 417-880-2827 West Plains 21- 44p

Your Auction Headquarters

PU BL I C A U C T I O N Saturday, O c tob er 8 , 2 01 6 1 0: 00 A . M.

L oc ation: 1 00 T uc k e r C re e k R oad, A l ton, MO . W atc h f or L aw re nc e A uc tion sig ns.

O wners: A ntoinette B. C randall and the late Donald A . C randall A NT I Q U E S - HO U SE HO L D - F U R NI T U R E

Q ue e n siz e b e droom suite ; c ouc h; l ov e se at; c hair b e d; k itc he n tab l e w ith c hairs; G E small chest freezer; floor lamps; office chairs; toaster; microwave; food processor; bedding; linens; sewing machine; patio furniture; lead crystal; silver Jacobite teapot, nice; silver grape and leaf vine salt and pepper holder, nice; Wooly Chaps by Remington statue; gun lighter; beer stein; king size bedding; porthole painting; sk e e t v e st; l e athe r j ac k e t; D av is I ndustrie s m ode l R 3 2 D e rring e r; T V s; b e nc he s; storage shelves; RCA amp; miscellaneous tools; shop lights; propane bottles; sprayer; screen door; coolers; Rival roaster; granite ware; miscellaneous glassware; small air compressor; Homelite gas leaf blower; yard tools; workbench; cast iron pan; hand drill; Skil saw; stemware; Jade and Alabaster; trap shoot memorabilia; area rugs; miscellaneous books; nuts and bolts; small vice; plus many more small ite m s w il l b e sol d. C onc e ssions w il l b e av ail ab l e . A uc tioneer’ s Note: Ms. C randal l has commissioned us to offer the items listed above at public auction. Years of accumulation. Good, clean sale. Thanks for attending, Jeff.

Public Auction

S TU D Y, OCTO E • 10:00 M location: F rom W est Plains, tak e 17 S ou th approx imately 12 miles to C R 9 34 0, tu rn left, go approx imately 1/2 mile to sale. Watch for parker auction signs.

Travel Trailer & Tractor

19 9 6 30’ C oach men 5 th w h eel camper trailer w /front & rear aw nings; A llis C h almers C A tractor w /5 ft bru sh h og; h eavy du ty 2 w h eel yard trailer.

U PC O M I N C Household PU B L I C AU C T I O N 2 recliners; glider rock er; sitting ch air; dining table; R V refrigerator; nice S h oninger piano; w ick er law n ch airs & table; box & mattress set, lik e new ; sept28 glasstop deck table; iron deck table; n ch air; w ooden cabinet; sunDay, • metal1:law 30pm white cabinet small deep free e stereo w spea ers record players cabinet shelf brass fireplace doors L oc ation: I n W e sl P l ains al 3 06 B raadw a

lamps; pedestal fan; picnic bask et, w ick er; antiq u e ru b board w /h orn; 2 pressu re cook ers; dish es; pots & pans plastic lawn chairs ower trellises wagon wheel ower stand par bench legs gas charcoal grills small propane tan D iscbugounlapper S e l l ingtan outportable W e sl P airl ains Food.tiresL isthub of caps ite m s metal w il l l roofing O m e outlotsw e ofe k atof roc sol e . for laying roc fireplaces etc lots more not listed.


O W N E R - B E N N C O PR O PE R T I E S, / . lC


J ef f L awrenc e, A uc tioneer L L C

Rt. 73 Box 1892 - Couch, Mo. 65690 • Home: 417-938-4394 • Cell: 417-331-5231 Driver’s License Required - All announcements made day of sale take precedence over any printed material. Not responsible for accidents or stolen items.

Mo. Lic#1929 • Ark. Lic#1929

A rk . L icense 2278

Public Auction SUND Y, OCTO E TH • 1: 0 PM

location: From est Plains ta e orth appro imately mile to uarry oad. urn left to sale at Par er uction. more estates to come in inda ridges and on ollins.

Household S everal nice dining tables w /ch airs; drop leaf table w /ch airs; cou ch es; recliners; love seats; C h ina h u tch es; corner sh elf; grandfath er clock ; ch est of draw ers; ch ina case; lik e new front load F rigidaire w ash er and dryer; gas dryer; u prigh t and ch est freez ers; pianos and organ; big screen boo shelves file cabinets bar stools stac washer and dryer entertainment centers hall entry cabinet nightstand ing si e bo and mattress w sleigh head and foot boards metal shelves several good vacuum sweepers area rugs glassware dishes pots and pans itchen appliances coffee ma ers toasters F grills croc pots etc whatnots collectibles handicap wal ers patterns several good pairs of men s boots and shoes lots more household.

Public Auction

3 8-1 4 Marv in P ark e r 8 th 09 -1 8. 1 4 I ndd


9 116/14

12: 37 PM

S TU D Y, NOVEM E 5TH • 10:00 M

location: F rom W est Plains, tak e 17 S ou th approx imately 3 miles to C R 8 8 00, tu rn left, go approx imately 3/10 mile to sale. sellinG real estate anD personal property.

approximately 20 acre m/l


approximately 20 acre m/l

ew blan shooting pistols STseveral mowers O R E good lI Q push U I PAT I O power N tools drills jigsaws s il saws airS e impacts yard and garden hand tools oleman camp stoves hip wading boots l l ing out W e sl P l ains D isc ounl Food. L ist of ite m s w il l l O m e out w e e k of sol e . hose reels pet cages tires lots and lots more too numerous to mention and more coming not seen. O W N E R - B E N N C O PR O PE R T I E S, / . lC

N ice 3 bedroom h ome, 2 bath s, living room, k itch en/dining room, lau ndry room, nice k itch en cabinets, closets, pantry, storage, 2 car garage, back deck , front porch , nice h ome, mach ine sh ed w ith sh op, w ell h ou se, sh op bu ilding w ith storage in top, barn w ith loft over an in-grou nd area, O M bu ildings, I N C very PU B L I C openAUin pastuC T re,I good O N w ell, 2 othU erPCstorage nice property, fenced w ith ponds, only 3 1/2 miles from tow n. Property w ill be offered sunDay, sept28 • 1: 30pm 2 w ays: H ou se w ithL oc4 ation: .5 acres, restalof306 th eB raadw property, or as 1 parcel. I n W th e slenP l ains a terms: 10% dow n sale at closing. ST Oday, R E rest lI Q duU eI PAT I O N Personal property list S e l l ingou out D isc ounl L ist of ite m sorw view il l l O m ing, e out call w e e k Park of sol er e . A u cw ill come t w W eeke sl P ofl ainssale. F orFood. information tion S ervice.O W N E R - B E N N C O PR O PE R T I E S, / . lC

Real Estate - Farm - Personal - Auto - Machinery - Consignment

Real Estate - Farm - Personal - Auto - Machinery - Consignment

U PC O M I N C PU B L I C AU C T I O N sunDay, sept28 • 1: 30pm

Guns - Mowers - Tools L oc ation: I n W e sl P l ains al 306

B raadw a

A rk . L icense 2278

A rk . L icense 2278

www.oz ark horsetrader.c om


MON., OCT. 10 • 10:00 A.M. LOCATION:

From West Plains, Mo. travel west on K Hwy. from Jan Howard Expressway approx. 1

1/2 miles. Watch for Gary Sexton auction signs. REASON

FOR AUCTION: Moving to Pleasant Valley.


AT PUBLIC AUCTION: This enchanting 5 ac w/private drive

offers an array of amenities, you will enjoy the privacy and the stunning oak trees all in a park-like setting at the edge of city limits. It features 3 bedrooms, 1 bath on each level, sunroom, main & detached 1 1/2 story garages, water softener, all brick, lots of storage, this is a one of a kind property occupied by the Hickox family since 1999. TERMS: 10% escrow day of auction, balance due on or before 30 days. LEGAL: SEC 25 TWP 24N RNG 9. CONDITIONS: Any fair offer will be accepted. Owner does reserve right of refusal. INSPECTION: OPEN HOUSE: Sun., Oct. 2 & 9, 1:00-2:00 P.M. or by appointment. Sells at 11:00 A.M. sharp!


Gibson chest ree er l 12-14 seat inin table ol Lanton post o ce letter bo hol er l executive desk; sectional couch; Maytag washer; Kenmore dryer; antique Kellogg phone; apart ent re ri erator 6 oak F C church pe ol pie sa e pla er piano posso bell cabinet cookbooks ol 7 bench ro o ell Count Court ouse patio set cast iron cooksto e be s chests; dressers; living room furniture; glass-top dinette set; old wash bench; tables; many bookshel es an cra ts books trunks icker rills cabinets ol a e table o ce urniture books; military; boxes full of items; access.; wall decor; hand tools; power washer; Craftsman band saw; table saw; sanders; wood working tools; clamps; ladders; 10-hp chipper/shredder; 6-hp yard leaf vac; garden tools; MS170 Stihl chainsaw; supplies; Craftsman riding mower; lumber; workbenches; Rubbermaid trailer; entire shop full. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Location makes this property shine. Entire home is full of a life time of accumulation, this is a great auction. Thanks for attending. This list subject to additions/deletions. Two rings to run if necessary. All day sale.


Serving Howell, Oregon & Ozark Counties Since 1978 ary West Plains, Mo.


Sexton Auctioneers, LLC

AR Broker #PB00043890 AR License #1568


Gene Summers, Auctioneer 417-293-2757 Tyler Sexton, Auctioneer 314-529-0124

All announcements made day of sale supersede any written material. Not responsible for lost or stolen property or accidents.



PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., Oct. 8 • 10:00 a.M.

OcatiON: 2012 W Broadway, West Plains, MO. (West of RP Lumber 1/4 mile).


at PuB ic auctiON: Located perfectly beneath towering oak trees ith 2 pa e ri e a s, replaces, ecks, an 2 garages, this fabulous custom built home is brimming with charm! It has stunning wood work, large kitchen, formal dining room, and formal living rooms with captivating views! You will en o all the a enities inclu in ull nishe alk out base ent, alk in closets, 5 be roo s, tile oors central acuu ! teRMS: 10% down day of auction, balance due upon closing. cON itiONS: Highest bid to be submitted, any fair offer will be accepted! Real estate sells at 11:00am. iNSPectiON: Sunday, Oct. 2, 1:00-2:00pm.

aPP iaNceS • FuRNituRe • MOWeR • tOO S • uNS • autO “Selig” living room sofas; chairs; La-Z-Boy recliners; Kenmore asher r er 2 oak be roo suites nice oak inette set at screen TV; lamps; blonde Duncan Phyfe tables; coffee, end table sets leather so a ce ar chests sin le be o ce urniture lar e framed mirrors; Kenmore refrigerator, like new; Armana double door refrigerator; small kitchen appliances; sofa table; Dyson vacuum; linens; china, Weil Ware, Seymour Mann; curio cabinet; ishes pots pans lass are ol ol putters, clubs lobe breakfast table/chairs; Kirby vac; wall decor; accessories; tables; heaters, fans; garbage cans; large closets full of nice clothes, suits, shoes! tOO S, uNS: Ladders; Sears radial arm saw; FIMCO sprayer; Workmate; sanders; grinders; wrenches; power tools; wheelbarrow; garden tools; aerator; chargers; come-along; shop supplies; yard cart; John Deere X300 riding mower, 500 hours, nice! Kawasaki 225 4 wheeler; Kubota tractor, 30 hp. Henry model H003T 22 pump, like new, in box; Marlin model 30 AW, 30-30, nice; Remington 510X, single shot, smooth bore (rare!); Walther PK380 semi auto pistol, like new, in case. autOMOBi e: 2014 Buick LaCrosse, loaded, 1 owner, 8,178 actual miles; 1987 Chevrolet Suburban, 54,000 actual miles. auctiONeeR S NOte: Gigantic public auction of outstanding vehicles, household, striking real estate. Thanks for attending.


e a t OMPSON

Serving Howell, Oregon & Ozark Counties Since 1978 ary West Plains, Mo.


Sexton Auctioneers, LLC


06 2016 -

AR Broker #PB00043890 AR License #1568


Gene Summers, Auctioneer 417-293-2757 Tyler Sexton, Auctioneer 314-529-0124

All announcements made day of sale supersede any written material. Not responsible for lost or stolen property or accidents.


Page 14 - O c tob er 06, 2 016-

O z ark Horse T rader

417-256-2445 • 844-967-610

5TH ANNUAL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Friday, October 7 - 9:30am

location: A t R iverbank W oodw ork s, 373 Old R idge T rail, S alem, A R . Directions: F rom S alem, A R , 39 5 N 4 .5 miles to Old R idge R oad, to you r left 3/4 mile to Old R idge T rail. F rom W est Plains, M O, tak e H igh w ay 17 S ou th 23 miles to Old R idge R oad to you r righ t, 3/4 mile to Old R idge T rail. W atch for au ction today signs.




5 R oller ch airs; 2 - F orney w elders, 18 0 amp, 220V ; 3 T V s; recliners; 3 miscellaneou s ch airs; generator; steel sh elf w ith w h eels; drafting table; folding tables; u sed vinyl siding; air h ose reels; post h ole j obbers; generator; 5 h orse pow er K aw asaki motor; G riz z ly 10” table saw , lik e new ; framing nailers; brad nailers; air impact wrenches pt. seeder gas air compressor five shovel and scratcher fuel tan fishing rods; 16” saddle & 17” saddle, both in good condition; blank ets and bridles; 1 set of B io h arness, complete w ith bridles and ch eck lines, like new ; W agoner cast iron sk illets.


ew sunshine shadow quilt P office jet printer ew hic ory roc ing ch airs, adu lt size s; cedar porch sw ing; ch erry dresser; h omemade ru gs.


S ingle draft h arness; S ingle top bu ggy w ith h and brak es, good condition; 19 09 M iller cou rting bu ggy. trailer: trailer aluminum at bottom boat.


1909 miller courtinG buGGy

6 year old mare, very gentle, a beginners h orse; 5 year old mare easy rider; 4 year old paint pony mare, brok e to ride & drive w /colt by side; 3 year old registered palomino mare, brok e to ride and drive; family delu x e; mou ntain cu r pu ps; 8 year old black mare, k id brok e to ride.

FARM CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Saturday, October 22nd @nd Saturday - O c tob er 2 2 10am • 10

Location: Alton, MO. Take Hwy 160E about 2 miles on the right. Follow the Hornback Auction Signs.




HORNBACK AUCTION CO “Family Owned and Operated” - “Working hard to protect your hard work!” Todd Hornback 417-270-0681 MO# 2009-3 AR#2274 Bill Hornback 4147-270-0682 Follow us on Facebook and for pictures, updates, and upcoming auctions


24 ’ & 30’ new engineered tru ss rafters, w ill go as many as you need for 1 bu ilding. B u ilt by M OK O T ru sses; lu mber and craft w oods; neck yok es. construction job leftovers: N ew metal: green, red, brow n, bu rgu ndy, w h ite galvalu me, stone, 15 0+ sh eets from 3 ft. to 20 ft. in length ; H igh R ib, 20+ sh eets, approxi mately 20 ft. long; new lu mber, rou gh cu t pine; 20, 2x 4 x 10; 2x6 s; u sed 12 2x6 x2 0 ft.

TRUSSES 634 Torchwood Trail •Salem, Ar 72576

870-895-3033 • Reuben & Freida Schwar tz

H o m e m a d e I c e c r e a m Av a i l a b l e !

Free Coffee and Doughnuts till sales time! commission rates: $ 1 to $ 100, 15 % ; $ 100 to $ 1000, 10% ; $ 1000 and u p, 8 % . horses: 6% . Free country ham to be GiVen aWay at enD oF Day, must reGister to Win. this is only a partial listinG. takinG consiGnments up to sale Day. expectinG a lot more by sale Day. announcements day of sale take precedence over advertisement. terms: cash or check with proper iD

pallet oF neW tack, GarDen tools, Forks, buckets, horse Wormer, FolDinG tables & chairs

Amish Community Consignment Auction Salem, Arkansas LeRoy Borntrager 870-895-2403 N H AN

A ctioneer: Ray



Reuben Schwartz 870-895-3033






SAT., OCT. 8 • 10:00 A.M.


Sat., Oct. 15 • 9:00 A.M.

LOCATION: West Plains, Mo. DIRECTIONS: Bypass 63 to Highway K, then approximately 12 miles to Highway KK (right), then approximately 3 miles to Highway AD (right), 1 mile to Co 6420 ri ht One ile to auction, atch or si ns!!!

LOCATION West Plains, Mo 1050 East Fi th Street


2 bedroom with 1 3/4 bath home, home features large front room, kitchen with dining area, pantry closet, 2 bedrooms, 1 3/4 bath with lots of room, central heat & air, hardwood oors, co ere ront porch ith concrete deck, partial basement. TERMS: 10% down day o auction, balance ue at closin a e all nances a e prior to auction a o air or reasonable o er fused. INSPECTION: Billy Sexton 417-257-4595.


ill be re-


Ashle oo heat sto e pa e chairs be roo suite occass tables ispla case bookcase Sin er se in achine trea le se in achine lots o hatnots urines lass etal bake are ater all esk cast iron pcs crock ori inal Ala in kerosene la p 60 ane Gre books ce ar chest table ith chairs pictures la ps hickor kni es Carni al lass ilitar ite s COLLEC I LES ni ue huntin shin accessories ro reels a o kni es lass inno trap collection o A W ite s inta e etal to s il li e prints Pheasants Foru atural Wil li e Foun ation se eral other si ne nu bere ol arbles ol ars S OP 2 heel trailer ith title us arna chainsa isc tables chains po er tools heelbarro AUCTIONEER’S NOTE O er 57 ears o accu ulation! Very partial list of items, excellent opportunity to purchase excellent in est ent or rental propert


John Deere 5203 diesel tractor with 510 loader, low hours, excellent condition; Cub Farmall tractor; 3 pt bale spike; 3 pt forks; 40 gallon boom sprayer with trailer; John Deere 6 ft. brush hog. MOTORCYCLE: 2003 Honda 750cc Magna, loaded with accessories, low miles; Power Sport go-cart with roll bars; Pup trailer; approximately 32 foot Carolina pup trailer with axles and tires. SHOP E cellent, like ne shop tools Chica o i 170 e core wire feed with stand; Century mig 145 welder; weld cords; jackets; auto dark helmets; oxy & acy tanks with torches; 8 inch grinder with stand; Dayton drill press; Honda gas powered air compressor; contractor electric air compressor; portable 5.5 gas powered water pump with hoses; Craftsman power washer; multi power industrial 20 gallon shop vac; Craftsman shop vac; Dyson vacuum cleaner; TOOLBOXES & CABINETS: Like new, 4 - 4 ft Craftsman toolboxes; several small toolboxes; several metal storage cabinets; shop carts; abundance of hand tools; garden tools; electric sanders; grinders; Dremel; sanders; jig saw; belt sander; ratchets and sockets; wood clamps; metal C-clamps; nut/bolts; nails; cabinets full shop supplies; barrel opener; 55 lb anvil; ladders; 2 Mini Manus gas tillers; gas mowers; gas pole saw; weedeater; wheelbarrow; ar cart oor ack shop li hts cor s chains han an ack as cans eese hitches; scrap iron; cable; Igloo dog house; dog caddies; chicken cages; waterers; feeders; propane cyl.; patio deck propane heater; small propane heaters; chainlink gates; large bell with hanger; new 40 gallon electric hot water heater; wrought iron entry; 3 cast iron antique bath tubs; crosscut saw; Momco cast wall planes; lawn chairs; bar stools; new vinyl windows; BUGGY: Single seat horse drawn buggy with original wood wheels, excellent; list goes on and on!! AUCTIONEERS NOTES: Every item in auction is like ne con ition, on t iss this ne auction SPECIAL STARTING TIME, 9:00 A.M.!!


683 Missouri Avenue, West Plains, MO • Office: 417-255-2744

683 Missouri avenue, West Plains, MO • Office: 417-255-2744

See this auction at: • Not Responsible For Accidents

See this auction at: • Not Responsible For accidents

Billy Sexton 417-256-2559 • Will Jett 417-293-3120

Billy Sexton 417-256-2559 • Will Jett 417-293-3120

www.oz ark horsetrader.c om

O z ark Horse T rader - O c tob er 06, 2016

- Page 15

Scenic Riverways Arts & Crafts Association Al Presents h l item

An nu



417-270-0682 417-270-0681 417-932-4160 877-932-4160

6 p.m. Friday, October 7th

ow SA &

Camp round • wy 1

Bill Hornback Todd Hornback Barn Phone # Toll Free #



Sh Circle

and s ar the crafted e O i Ma ny w zarks. n exh orkin ibit g s.


ee n FR SSio i th dm

All Consignments Welcome!

est • minence, Missouri

octobeR 8-9, 2016



M to 5 M • Sunday 1

M to


Sat. 15, 2016• -10:00 10:00a.m. am Sat.,October a , 2016


lue rass • ospel • Country Music

AR. 4 m il e LOCATION: s e ast ofWiseman, Hardy, A R . REAL REAL ESTATE ESTATE

Provided by The Bressler Family

R 55e alacres E state to se l l A updated B S O Lhome, U T E 3 bedrooms, w ith a 1 20% fullB baths, uye roak P rehardwood m ium . m/l, beautiful,

For Reservation of Exhibit Space, write: SCENIC RIVERWAYS ARTS & CRAFTS ASSOCIATION O o 5 • minence, MO 5

floors, vinyl carpet, eat-in kitchen w/large island breakfast bar, refrigerator, dishwasher elec. range, master bedroom has side entrance, storage shed cellar, 2 x2 -ft. car shed, oak Sat., 27, cedar barn Feb. w/stall loft, 2 hay2016 • 10:00 a.m. LOCATION: Camp, AR. Located on Hwy 9, north of Salem. Watch for barns, 0x&0-ft., shop w/ side shed, Perryman Perryman Auction signs. 1 pond, seasonal stream, fenced EQUIPMENT & TOOLS cross fenced, located on Hwy. 5 GMC 2500, 4x4 pickup, 1GTGK24U4YZ259616; Traxcavator 955A, 48H422 w/paved driveway, excellent loca-Hog 3210, 12-24637, excellent cond.; 20-ft. series K, good running cond.; Bush gooseneck open top trailer w/new floor and cover; Milk Bar-6 calf feeder; disk; tion. 4 concrete feeders; lots of various sizes of gates and panels; mineral feeders; flatbed utility trailer;to round Priefert head gate; bulk feeder; floor Terms: Property sell bale withfeeders; a ANTIQUES jack; wheelbarrow; misc. tools; Forney C-6 welder; large snap-on, Blue Point 10 cabinet; buyer premium become part tool smithy; to Husqvarna zero-turn riding mower; sprayer; seeder; misc. lumber; shop vac.;Buyer parts to washer; 10”day radial arm saw; 7x12” of purchase price. have 10Craftsman down sale as down payment andmetal the cutting bandsaw; radio and speakers; pressure tank; heavy duty drill w/bits; balance due at closing. Closing be chest; as soonlots as possible withinPuma 0 days Millermatic 250 welder; metal to tool of metalor piping; airfrom compressor; lights; 12” bandsaw/sander; milk cans; Stihl chainsaw; sale Property toCraftsman sell with no contingencies. hedge trimmer; lots of nice hand and power tools; ramps; Lincoln 225 welder;


CO C 5 1

Food concessions by the minence Chamber o Commerce, Eminence Senior Class and other food vendors. Not responsible for accidents

ANNOUNCEMENTS made day of sale take precedence over any printed material.



Go to to see 870-458-2020 pictures and complete listing.

Renee Lauderdale Allen Thompson Terms of Sale: 417-932-4097 Cash or Approved Check 417-926-2682 Keith Robertson Chuck Thompson 314-560-3285 417-257-5610

“Your Full Service Auction Co.” Danny Perryman - Auctioneer

Danny Perryman - Auctioneer 870-421-8723 870-421-8723

Feed & Water Pens Available ALL Consignments Welcome Up Until Sale Salem, Mo -- 573-729-8880

Office erryman erryman Auction Co., Inc. 870-458-2020 & Perryman Realty, Inc.Inc. erryman Auction Co., & Perryman Realty, Inc. “Your Full Service Auction Co.”

ANNOUNCEMENTS made day of sale take precedence over any printed material.


Feeder Calves to sell at 12:00 pm Butcher Cows & Stock Cows following

Salem Livestock Auction


Extra long sofa; chairs; recliner; computer desk; roll-top desk; filing cabinets; matching dresser, night stand and armoire; poster bed; small round dining table; chairs; small kitchen appliances; dishes and other kitchen items; bar stools; NordicTrack rowing machines.


CATTLE SALE Every Monday at 12:00

We Appreciate Your Business!

bolt bins; 500-gal. propane tank; Quattro garden tiller; fuel barrel w/pump; many other misc. items, too numerous to mention.


Over 25 Years In The Livestock Business

AALB AALB#53 #53





2 6 f t Sunnyb rook R V , 1 tip out, 5800 417-2847777 417-274-188 40-41

1986 25 Wilderness c am per trailer, sleeps 4, air, heat, stov e, no 1000 417-274-777 9-40

2 2 and 2 2 m ag shells av ailab le. C hec k out our selec tion, with 00 00

Big G am e ladder tree stand, single seater, used one season, 75 417-469-111 sage. Willow Springs 40em p

Guns/Ammo/Bows A m eristep ladder tree stand, 65 417-469111 Willow Springs 40em p

Brown’s Lawn & Garden 417-934-2000

Main Street • Mountain View


d S


h is A


PG W C ollec tib les has eve rything f rom

Pam pers to Harleys!

m ost dive rse selec tions of m erc handise in the T win L ak es area at PG W C ollec tib les. O rder online at PG WC ollec tib les.c om 178 third Saturday of the m onth! Buy, sell, trade, pawn at PG W 870-4 1-8599 L ak evi ew, A r 15f ptf c

Eliminate High Heating Bills! Don’t wait any longer! Start saving money on your heating bill when you heat your entire home, water and more with the safe, comfortable heat of a Central Boiler outdoor furnace.

Martin Plumbing Heating & Cooling, LLC

Dealership Name City, Statemo Winona, mike: 573-429-0155 Phone Number kyle: 573-703-3133


Fish Cookers

iz e is 2 C

olu mn by 4 "


by 4 "

b een v ery suc c essf ul selling R V s this year. L et us help you sell yours. Dale G reen Motors, 870-425-6456 Mtn Hom e, A r 01t f c

or 4 .24 "

Hav e a m otor hom e, trav el

All E-Classic outdoor wood furnaces adapt easily to new or existing heating systems. It’s important that your outdoor furnace and system be properly sized and installed. See your local dealer for more information.

Cen ral oiler. o


am m o in stoc k . C hec k out our new web site, doub lerpawn. c om or c hec k us out on F ac eb ook on our page, doub le r pawn or add us as a f riend @ F rank s Pawn. Buy, sell, trade or pawn. Doub le R Pawn, 41 7 967-2706 Houston 46tf c


new, m odel 2, 284-9951 U dall

00 7 08 22 single 6. 41740- 41p

Page 16 - O c tob er 06, 2 016-

O z ark Horse T rader

417-256-2445 • 844-967-610

Reg. $389.99 $269.99 $269.99 $349.99 $999.99 $479.99 $299.99 $249.99 $289.99 $329.99

Sale $311.99 $215.99 $215.99 $279.99 $799.99 $383.99 $239.99 $199.99 $231.99 $263.99


Hoyt Rucus PSE Stringer 3G Ross CR337 Hoyt Pro Hawk Hoyt YcTrac Mission Craze Left Handed Bowtech Diamond Fear No Evil Bear Super Grizzly Redhead Toxik Mission Craze II Pink Lost Camo








- 000 •




Customer Appreciation November 5th 2016



Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Beans & Cornbread Starting At 11a.m.



+ GUNS 550




SALE $399.99

REG. $249.99

SALE $199.99

TVS Samsung Curve RCA 55” LG 55” LG 55” LG 42” Element 40” Sanyo 42” Sceptre 40” Hisense 40” Sharp 32”

Reg. $899.99 $499.99 $499.99 $449.99 $249.99 $399.99 $289.99 $269.99 $249.99 $199.99

SALE $719.99 $399.99 $399.99 $359.99 $199.99 $299.99 $231.99 $215.99 $199.99 $159.99



www.oz ark horsetrader.c om

O z ark Horse T rader - O c tob er 06, 2016 R ger Smith

- Page 17

Wesson Remington

Gene Stanley 9876 o Rd 8890 West lains,

7-2 - 7


O 65775

• 00-

ns4 org

- 0 2

ayaway Now or hristmas Sa age Browning Winchester

Missouri gun co llc Guns/Ammo/Bows 22 wood stoc k with sc ope. A little rough, only $ 1 7 5 , O z ark T rad417-9 4-6410 Mtn. V iew 40p


1500 49 2 helm ets with interc om , c om pletely dressed, newer tires, hitc hed and wired f or trailer, 4000 417- 72-0526 West Plains 40p

K im b er U ltra C arry, night sights, three m agaz ines, 45 800 417-280-5217 T hayer 40p New stoc k of A R 15 s, tac tic al rif les and c onc ealed c arry handguns. J ust in a huge shipm ent of all k inds of am m o inc luding 2 2 L R . C ertif ied gun repair, lots of A R parts in stoc k . Buy, sell and trade. 1629 Porter Wagoner Blv d. , West 417-257-728 9 5p m , Monday- F riday.

Motorcycles/ATVs 201

4400 417-9 8-4252 Myrtle

1 00

516 Ozark St. Cabool, Mo. 417-962- AMMO (2666) Hours: Wed-Fri 10-6; Sat 10-4


BUY ~ SELL ~ TRADE Largest Selection of Reloading Supplies in Southern Missouri


1800 m iles, new tires, exc el6500 417-6794405 417-989-1606 8-41




F Moto 600c c side b y side, roof , windshield, power winc h, 4 201 8 m iles, c om es with tilt trailer. Bad health c annot use any6900 417-29 -7 79 9-40

Gone Hunting! CLOSED October 12th-15th

Wanted, old Harley Davi dson f ront f ork s and parts. 41 7 72-1785 West Plains 40p



We are a Full-Service Gun Store!

 Like us on Facebook for “Facebook Only Specials”!

er w o P r 6-Yea ar ranty W Train B, BX, MX * L

on AL es tractor seri and L

3.31 x 4.indd 1


9/21/16 1:38 PM

ORANGE PLUS TRACTOR PACKAGES $0 Down 0% APR 0PDRoFwinnancing A 0%For 72 Months*

Kubota L4701 DT 46HP Diesel, 8 speed, 4WD, AG Tires Kubota Loader, 6’ Land Pride Brush-hog, 6’ Box Blade, 18’ Trailer *******Payments as low as

Kubota MX 5200 52HP, 8 Speed, Industrial Tires, Kubota Loader, 6’ Brush-hog **********Payments as low as

$417 per mo.



Picture may vary from actual. See dealer for details Package prices may vary depending on contract terms and down payment.

Picture may vary from actual. See dealer for details Package prices may vary depending on contract terms and down payment.

When Quality is What You Demand…Buy a Kubota!

25HP Diesel, 8 speed, 4WD AG Tires, 16’ Trailer, 5’ Box Blade, Kubota Front Loader, 5’ Land Pride Brush-hog

$279 per mo.


Picture may vary from actual. See dealer for details Package prices may vary depending on contract terms and down payment.

4973 W. US Hwy. 160 • West Plains, MO 417-256-0420 • 800-766-0420

23HP, Hydrostatic Transmission, 4WD, Ind. Tires 4’ Box Blade, 4’ Land Pride Brush-hog, 16’ Trailer ********Payments as low as

$280 per mo.


Picture may vary from actual. See dealer for details Package prices may vary depending on contract terms and down payment.

32HP Diesel, 8speed, 4WD, AG Tires 18’ Trailer, 5’ Box Blade Kubota Loader, 5’ Land Pride Brush-hog,

23HP Diesel, Hydrostatic Transmission, 4WD, Ind. Tires, Kubota Front Loader, 4’ Land Pride Brush-hog, 4’ Box Blade, 16’ Trailer *********Payments as low as

$223 per mo.


Picture may vary from actual. See dealer for details Package prices may vary depending on contract terms and down payment.

37.5HP Diesel, 8 speed, 4WD, AG Tires 18’ Trailer, 5’ Box Blade Kubota Loader, 5’ Land Pride Brush-hog, ******Payments as low as

*****Payments as low as

****Payments as low as

Sale Price

8665 Outer Road • Mtn. Grove, MO 417-926-5454 • 877-926-5458

Kubota B2301 HST Kubota BX2370 HST

Kubota L2501 DT Kubota L3301 DT Kubota L3901 DT

per mo.

Visit Us In Two Locations!

for 72 Months*

Sale Price

$320 per mo.


Picture may vary from actual. See dealer for details Package prices may vary depending on contract terms and down payment.

Sale Price

$350 per mo.


Picture may vary from actual. See dealer for details Package prices may vary depending on contract terms and down payment.

**Blended rates may apply on non-Kubota items. Not all buyers will qualify for $0 down. Above price includes Kubota Instant Cash Rebate (C.I.R). Orange Plus Program Discounts *$0 Down, 0% A.P.R. for 72 months on new Kubota BX, B, L , MX, MGX, M5660, M6060, M7060, M62, M5, M6, M7, RB, DMC, DM, RA & TE, TLB & SL (SSV) Series Equipment: $0 down, 0 % A.P.R. financing for up to 72 months on purchases of new Kubota BX, B, L, MX, MGX, M5660, M6060, M7060, M62, M5, M6, M7, RB, DMC, DM, RA, TE, TLB & SL (SSV) Series equipment is available to qualified purchasers from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory through 12/31/2016. 9/30/2016. Dealer Participation Required. Example: A 72-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 72 payments of $13.89 per $1,000 financed. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. **20% Down, 0% A.P.R. for 84 months on new Kubota BX, B (excluding B26), L (excluding L39/L45/L47) & MX, Series Equipment: 20% Down, 0% A.P.R. for 84 months on new Kubota BX, B (excluding B26) , L (excluding L39/L45/L47) & MX, Series Equipment is available to qualified purchasers from participating dealers’ in-stock inventory through 12/31/2016. 9/30/2016. Dealer Participation Required. Example: A 84-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 84 payments of $11.90 per $1,000 financed. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may result in a higher blended A.P.R. 0% A.P.R. and low rate financing may not be available with customer instant rebate offers. Financing is available through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., 3401 Del Amo Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 12/31/2016. 9/30/2016. See us for details on these and other low-rate options or go to for more information. ***Six year or 2,000 hour (whichever occurs first) limited powertrain warranty on new B, BX, L (excluding B26/L39/L45/L47 models) and six year or 3,000 hours (whichever occurs first) on new MX tractors. For non-commercial, home and residential use only. Eligible units must be purchased and registered beginning June 1, 2016. Available to customers in 48 contiguous United States, Alaska and Hawaii. Only terms and conditions of Kubota’s standard Limited Warranty apply. For warranty terms, see Kubota’s Limited Warranty at or authorized Kubota Dealers. ****Payments of $279 per month on new Kubota L2501 DT based on sales price of $19,995 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 72 months *****Payments of $320 per month on new Kubota L3301 DT based on sales price of $22,995 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 72 months ******Payments of $350 per month on new Kubota L3901 DT based on sales price of $25,195 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 72 months *******Payments of $417 per month on new Kubota L4701 DT based on sales price of $29,995 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 72 months ********Payments of $280 per month on new Kubota B2301 HST based on sales price of $20,145 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 72 months *********Payments of $223 per month on new Kubota BX2370 HST based on sales price of $15,995 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 72 months **********Payments of $293 per month on new Kubota MX 5200 based on sales price of $30,695 at 20% down, 0% A.P.R. for 84 months. Financing available from Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., 3401 Del Amo Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503; subject to credit approval. Payments do not include implements, freight, delivery, or taxes where applicable. Some exception apply. Offer expires 12/31/2016. 9/30/2016. See dealership for details and other low-rate finance options. Prices are subject to change.

18 -

06 2016-

417-256-2445 • 844-967-610

Quality Floor Coverings, LLC (870)368-5622 1715 E. Main St. — Melbourne, AR Interested in freshening up your kitchen? You’re in luck!

2 Lines of Kitchen



Knobs & Pulls



Luxury Hand-scraped Hardwood

“We can’t wait, to wait on you!” Tractors


1985 - 2150

25500 417-868-8000 8-41

5 0 ac res m ix ed grass hay to b ale on shares, som e sec ond 417-280-1925 K oshk onong 40p

2 000 F good, 2000 Birc h T

ord trac tor, gas, runs with 5 f t b rush hog, 57 -292- 228 ree 40- 41p

5 x 5 f all c utting hay, string 25 417-247-7902 9-40


1600 57 -292- 228 Birc h T ree 40- 41p 9

1500 2 02 0 J ohn Deere f ront end loader, gas, $ 6000 ob o. 41 7 29 -0528 West Plains 40nc Massey F erguson 1 65 trac tor with loader, 60 hp, diesal, 500 417-464-9519 West Plains 40p





New Holland 5 61 0- S, 2 wd, 2 post c anopy, 72 hp, 1 owner, 10 450 1998 5 41 0, 65 hp, 1 owner, 5 40 loader, 4x 4, 2 post c anopy, 21 900 8 1950 1999 5 10 1 541 loader, 4x4, with c ab heat and 2100 24 900 4179 8-4252 Myrtle 40c



Trailers 20

October 31, 2016. All offers expire on August 31, 2016.


2 toolb ox , step, lights, elec tric b rak es, pulled less than 5 00 4895 41729 -7758 West Plains 40p

HAPPY HOUR Every Day 2–4 p.m.





1 46 7 G i b so n S t . W e st P l a i n s, MO 41 7 - 2 5 6 - 0 6 1 3

Dozens of Backsplash Mosaics

WEND415-0701_DBAN_Bevs_608x288.indd 1

W e st P l a i n s H ou rs: Op e n E ve ry D a y 1 0 A M- 1 1 P M

5 95

8 85 grass $ 7 0, 2 nd c utting. 41 7 72- 0 9-40 f esc ue m ix, horse q uality, put 50 417-247-7902 9-41 T opsoil: 6 yard load, $ 1 2 5 , delive ry, 10 m ile radius of Mtn. 417-247-7902 9-40 Wheat straw f or sale, $ 4. 00 per b ale in West Plains, 5 b ale 417- 72-0281 West Plains 40tf c

Seed F esc ue seed, c ontains som e orc hard grass, $ 45 per hundred. C all early f or possib le 918-2 2-4028 2-41

15 1

417-256-9672 9-40

C ase K m odel b ac k hoe, dec ent 870-895095 Sturk ie, A r 40- 41p


51 5 895 417-29 9-40

R etired f rom f arm ing, lots of good Joh n Deere eq uipm ent, trac tors, hay eq uipm ent, etc . 417-256-9672 9-40 06 6 m ower, shedded, ex c ellent, 895 417-29 -7758 9-40

Shipping Containers 20f t & 40f t shipping c ontainers, m ultiple heights, ex c ellent c ondition, deliv ery av ailab le, $2500. 501516- 6570 9-42

Wanted 625-1 0 870-847-4 6 Mam m oth Spg, A r 40p






Ozark Salvage Building Materials

FRUITEA CHILLERS™ CONTAIN 13-17% FRUIT JUICE. FruiTea Chillers and Blackberry Lemonade are available at participating Wendy’s® for a limited time.

5 x 6 f ertiliz ed round b ales, m ix ed hay, string wrapped, 1200 5 417-247-7902 9-41


TM & ©2016 Quality Is Our Recipe, LLC. © HONEST Tea, Inc. HONEST is a registered trademark of HONEST Tea, Inc.

P oca h on t a s H ou rs: Op e n E ve ry D a y 1 0 A M- 1 0 P M

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06 2016 -


• ust peel, stick, done Mansfield Building VELING I Page 20 - O c tob er 06, 2 016- O z ark Horse T rader 417-256-2445 • 844-967-610 II Center, LLC cement or grout FUN, FAST, EASY & N • No “Where we stop to shop!” ATORS,DETC. • Easy to cut AFFORDABLE BACKSPLA D D DD • Save time money S 7 CHOICES INLLC STOCK LF! AVA BLDG., LLC GAINESVILLE BLDG.,E E SEYMOUR BLDG., LLC MANSFIELD BLDG., LLC A A A U.S. HWY. 60 BUS. ROUTE 5 JCT. HWY. 5 & 160 JCT. HWY. 5 & BUS. 60 L b Y FOAM FOAM &L FILL™ & FILL™ FOAM & FILL™ t of hands! I417 T • SMALL GAPST& CRACKS WINDOW & -683-3901 DOOR LARGE GAPS & CRACKS I -935-4500 417 417 -679-4622 417 -924-3205 during window installations F Expands to fill small REG. Filling, insulating and Expands to fill large RR holes, cracks, gaps sealing around windows holes, cracks, gaps R D $ 95 D D • wedges and • or stainable. voids. Paint shims and and doors. Full cavity fill. voids. Paint or stainable. I 24 SEYMOUR BUILDING SUPPLY E E GEN. MANAGER: Ken Clouse E E V of the OWNERS: G Quantities Available Limited he surface wood Rober ts $GEN.99 $ Ken 99Clouse $ V 99LEL MANAGER: SEYMOUR MANAGER: L • I Mike & ConnieOWNERS: SAVET$2 SAVEMANAGER: $2 SAVE $2 GEN. Ken Clouse OWNERS: John ts T • D Rober T SEYMOUR MANAGER: Mansfield Building ny number lifting/leveling tasks BEEKEEPING HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER Mike & Connie Rober ts 12 oz. can w/nozzle 12 oz. can w/nozzle L of L SEYMOUR MANAGER: 12 oz. can w/nozzle Mike & Connie Rober ts A D A A A Center, LLC D John Rober tsts from their hives, John Rober Beekeepers reap countless benefits “Where S Mansfield Building vel appliances and doors Building Mansfield I •• • E we stop to shop!” 200 self-reliance, AMP S ZINSSER®MOLD including relaxation, garden support, Center, LLC R E P P V Center, LLC V BLDG., “W here we stop to shop!” V AVA BLDG., LLC GAINESVILLE BLDG., LLC2" MANSFIELD LLC suitable forSEYMOUR gaps ofBLDG., 3/32" to KILLER PRIMER advantages MAIN E and the LLC environmental of supporting “Where we stop to shop!”



A W A JCT. 5 & for 160 W • HWY. •LLC Great use GAINESVILLE under wallcovering AndBLDG., endangered pollinators. let’s not the AVA BLDG., LLCforget BREAKER BOX L L R 417 -935-4500 R L D -679-4622 • sweetest Interior/Exterior BUS. ROUTE 5 JCT. 5home-crafted & 160 U.S. HWY. 60 417 JCT. HWY. 5417 & BUS. 60 reward: fresh, HWY. organic, honey! -683-3901 417 A AVA BLDG., LLC GAINESVILLE BLDG., LLC SEYMOUR BLDG., LLC-924-3205 MANSFIELD BLDG., LLC A S S E S • Water-based • • $ 160 417 -683-3901 417 -679-4622 -& BUS. 60 417 -935-4500 417HWY. -924-3205 BUS. ROUTE 5 JCT. HWY. 5 & P U.S. HWY. 60 JCT. 5 W D P 132 L • Bright white high-hiding P D D L L L BU Bees are kept comfortably almost anywhere, even AP LY S E Y M O U R I L D I N G S U P H.L.H.® A primerE E D A D E A (3) 20A balconies 417 in the-679-4622 middle of •big cities. If Dyou are IL I Limited Quantities Available TTBEE 417 -683-3901 L Gon S 417 -935-4500 417 -924-3205 L S E Y M U R B U I L D I N U P P LY R E L E RO Single Pole KEEPING Eis safe R conscientious about placement, beekeeping T Limited Quantities Available N N T L T alternative T L •• L nd effective to DEET and other $ 95 • (1) 30A • •• NSUPPLIES 4 CU. any setting. With the properDtools and EW • FT.and simple in A AIR T A TD A T Double Pole D D D L 4 C U. F T. gal. L s. Has been clinically tested forA safety, H MIXER I R and L HSHIPMENT NEW care, your bees can A •• and your family (even yourEpets) AE A CEMENT T “Where we stop to shop!” N II S• COMPRESSOR S E E M F H I F I O IP F O SH •• STEEL DOO co-exist perfectly. V C E M E N T M I X E R • P he entire Vfamily. It CO is IMED scientifically proven toS O R T2L0E% V Limited Quantities Available M P R E S S ALSO MIX FEEDS, FERTILIZER S F LLV N T N IVEN B E E -K E E P IN GO N VL A V VINYL • 6.5 Peak HP A and A SENTINEL® ALSO MIX FEEDS, FERTILIZER & POTTING SOIL LTERS! VSENTLESS I 36” PRE-HUNG L A over 6 hours is as effective as products A D A A E • 6.5 Peak HP H T D A Honey, • 11 CFM 0 PSI L D & POTTING SOIL YL A T Y By 417 purchasing aL quality-hive kit from Harvest Lane TL R O D U C THEATERS! 417 -924-3205 -683-3901 417 -679-4622 • QUALITY 24 GA GEair• tank C 11 CFM 0 PSI P 417 -935-4500 T 64GUN SAFE L S • 60-Gal. L ! EET. S K S C S T O S A S T you are ready to enjoy this safe and rewarding hobby the • SA • IN S • 60-Gal. air tank AS H built tojamb code S • 4-9/16 Primed A P • Pistol ammunition holder inside N I S E Y M O U R BU I L D I N G S U P P LY P A P A built to codeA minute you open the box. • 2/3 HP •• P I • No magnetic P with brickmold A • 2/3 reated HP KY! A carpeted door 2800 PS as Pressure Was Speci cally With DOG FOOD A P• • No magnetic A • Barrel tiltsWasher to Y A S TO C Y • starter required A A • 3/4” Oval glass • Barrel tilts to V 4 C U. F T. R R R starter required W • Digital combination (3-8 digit code) FT. • Enclosed•beltCC TIMBERLINE® E VR A I RIn Mind. N R R V8 CU.• Enclosed discharge on R Of Total Control •• Homeowners Offers The Convenience M T R • Weatherstrippingbelt TIMBERLINE® SHIPMEN discharge on ••• C E M E N T M I X E R 2-way locking with 3 large 1 live-action either side A I• • A • Polyurethane I GEN. MA Gun CO M P R E S S O R guard coreHill F • F WINDBAG® 1MAN AO either side OWNERS: FH • guard “WAhere weFSEYM s Pressure Washer he Spray Wand. St RED & Of he • Includes wheels L TLES locking bolts 2 solid steel bolts N POT TING SOIL E L • Heavy duty V • Includes wheels L OW GLIWHEELBARROW Mike & Connie Roberts H $ K L LL G R • Double Bore • Heavy duty RS! R R LL Hunters Blend for easy mobilityHEATELEVELING J II• Fire-resistant DEVICE for easy mobility pressure switch HARDWOOD Mansfield Building for 30 in. up to 1400 II $ pressure switch I • 20 Year Limited Warranty I95 I $ 19 IN• 2 Iwheel I S • 15 dia. drum I • 2.3 GPM maximum water volume I $ 79 • 15 dia. drum S REG. N • Oil sight glass S I Center, LLC F-tested and verified N • Oil sight glass N UP! PUMP IT MULCH N W h il e s u p p 400 l ies l a s t! Nto shop!” G “Where we! 417 stop opening,2 double T 417 -935-4500 -924-3205 opening, double W G • • 1 6 cylinder capacity includes D O D Dper sq.G P D N D DP $ D A D GREAT FOR LEVELING P FEEL CONFIDENT THAT YOUR VALUABLES insulated, tips insulated, tips AVA BLDG., LLC II GAI SEYMOUR BLDG., LLC MANSFIELD BLDG., LLC • 26% Protein S S I • S• Poly $ S A tray $ S S • $ A BUS. ARE$ SAFE AND STOVES, REFRIGERATORS, ETC. SE YSECURE MOU RROUTE B5 U IJ , 80 lb. dry 360 ,FIREARMS 80 lb. dry a 25’ high pressure hose360 with $ AND 00 U.S. HWY. 60 JCT. HWY. 5 & BUS. 60 AA D A 495 NOW A DM A 95 A D S 329 mix capacity mix capacity • No Corn M BY YOURSELF! $ I A I R Y quick-connect couplings R417 417Y A 4 Y-683-3901 Y YR $ 99 Y-935-4500 A417 A NEED A POLE BARN? I R-924-3205 NEW A G TIMBERLINE® T • Like having an extra 95 •• set of hands! R$ R A 3/ 9 • No Soy • • • EN M A • IP • IT • H • A S • Commercial-grade trigger gun with child I D CO M P R E S S O R F I M F O COW MANURE #1 PAINTED $ F • Saves time and money during window installations F F REG. B E AU T I F U L U N F I N I S H E D $ BUILDING SEYMOUR EF - L F 15% LLR VEENTSUP ETIMBERLINE® AU TIFUL U N F I NNL I•SEliminates HED E RSS LE 15% 495 ! WOOD!RB K 329 safety lock $ 95EATER R R K RS! ALL WOAOLDL theL need for shims and wedges andW ARRANTY! & COMPOST E R L H 24 IC 40YEAR T •R R • R E I O II OFF ALL ICLPEA E N E T R I OFF I A K I TC H E N C A B I N E T S I P T O I N E • Commercial-grade, zinc-plated spray wand with not scratch or mar I I the surface of the wood KTOP I TC H EL WN CAB IN Ewill TS ARD! • II SOIL G •• 2 9 G EAUG E D D B EY AU T IF U NFINISH D A LG UALL G MINT CRAFT™ BOARD!BO OOD! $ 28 G GN N G AL • Can also be used for any number of lifting/levelingN tasks quick-connect adapter I • LE $ 95 IC I READY TO STAIN OR PAINT D I RT PA 2 OR35" O D T READY NTO EI E D • K•PAINT II C FAUCETS IUse TC EVeasily NVALSPAR™ Aappliances B I N WIDE E CHS OICE $ 25 D STAIN D! to liftH and level andTdoors T • Pressure DD BOARKen DD D GEN. MANAGER: Clouse E washer size: 22" l 23" wYOUR h I n S tock DECOR! O nl y ! A 2 50 lb. E bag M D OWNERS: TO E $ D D W W PAINTS! A READY TO STAIN PAINT • 220 lb. •weight capacity, suitableOR for gaps ofOF3/32" to 2" Reconditioned A S AS NOW A act Driver • Charger itchen Lavatory TO YOUR S SEYMOUR MANAGER: DECOR! A W A L MikeA& Connie Roberts W A W A I n S tockDECOR! O nl y ! TO YOUR Bath I COLORS A II S BRING CABINET S John Roberts US YOUR II LAYOUT AND ABuilding A AR teries • Carrying case I Mansfield A A R BRING US YOUR CABINET LAYOUT AND • P BRING US YOUR CABINET NATURAL LAYOUT ANDYR DETER® LRCenter, LLC L O • R DETER® EQUINE $ 00 E LL R SEE HOW M UCH W E CAN SAVE YOU! Y E $ E Y L A HOW M UCH W E CAN SAVE YOU! • PLANNIN N SEE “Where we stop to shop!” WE ARE A FULL-SERVICE STORE! 495 E T SEEINSEC HOW M TUCH W E CAN SAVE YOU! E E RINSEC •PRODUCT! T REPELLENT T •• • T T S ANTY AS NEW T • S REPELLENT I • D • • D • D A natural, safe and effective alternative to DEET and other • • •• BRING US YOUR LIST ... YOU WILL APPRECIA AVA BLDG., LLC GAINESVILLE BLDG., LLC SEYMOUR BLDG., LLC MANSFIELD BLDG., LLC B E AU T I F U L U N F I N I S H E D • F T B EN AU TY IFU LDD U N Fbeen I Nclinically I SOH E D forFE L repellents. TTBUS. •U All ingredients areIGRAS (Generally B E D EF E N F I N S H E D VA I T chemical Has tested safety, andAU NJCT. HWY. O RD! 6’ K I TC H E N S TA T E R S E T W H ROUTE 5 JCT. HWY. 5 & 160 L H H U.S. HWY. 60 UI N F I N I S H E D VA N I T Y 5 & BUS. 60 I AL E H D5 DutcRecognized h Lap AsBEAUTIFUL UNFINISHED E LE K! 6’ INCLUDED K Iour TC HE N Sthe TA R T ERT RItOR ET R WR IC is safe to use entire family. isS scientifically proven toK W Safe) MARBLE TOP READY TO PAINT Eon PA See catalog • M-F, 7:30 A.M.-5 /2” 417WIE -935-4500 RW O NSTAIN WITH CULTURED N at: IHII T S TO C VANITY #1 PAINTED ME TAL A TO YOUR DECOR! D!as effective as A ARis I I BO W READY TO STAIN OR PAINT A UNFINISHED repel mosquitoes over 6 hours and products A A • Does not contain DEET, Pyrethins 417 -683-3901 417 -679-4622 6’ KITCHEN STARTER SE T P EINISHED E TE IO DOO UNITS W D W I T417 H -924-3205 C U LT U R E D M A R B L E TO P I N C LU$D E D 07 $ II L I T TO DECOR! 59YOUR containing A L T NTOP INCLUDED T S 25% TO STAIN OR PAINT T T REA A L WITH CULTURED MARBLE A DEET. 40- YEAR W ARRANTY! L i m i te ord Permethrins T 36” o FactoryREADY 108 150 OAM G T 36” Factory D G N T STARTER SET A T G A L D L TO YOUR DECOR! D $ 36 x18 A $• Formula 24 x18 A L guidelines for minimum $ber59 AUG INCLUD S to ckcomplies O n 07 H nishe anwithd ! EPA WAS $ 8 CU.8FT. •• ES: E Y FT. BUILDING SUPPLY nishe • I EE2 9 G ber6 CU. 108 150 T E T SEYMOUR PACKAGE3 C 1II H BRING STARTER SET T sq. L C risk pesticides C D8 0 EA • ARD • (1) 36 Sink Base L $ 07 $ 59 Limited Quantities Available L C C H H $ 28 $ 29 glass door unit, glass door unit, L • INCLUD ES: L 36 x18 L 24 x18 C • O H • SEE D M • Biodegradable and safe for the environment 133 183 PA 108 150 F P • (2) 18 Bases H R A WHEELBARROW WHEELBARROW H E D C I D K A $ I GE DEAL CH30 TO 595 TT OICE pre-hun in•aWIDE 4Tile pre-hun in a 4 (1) 36 Sink Base E H R H H Classic ne sideT H 81 AATTI H tests confirm complete protection x18 • (2) 18 48 Wall x18 Cabinets II 36 field x18 I E • Independent 24 x18 TA • 2 wheel GRILLS A • (2) 18 9/16 Bases 9/16 primed door primed door I I A II PELLET Countertop A29 $• (1)•6’ I Metal tray OF I against the nuisance of biting flies $ 28 $ $ 50 •• A •I Poly Kitchen U NMF Ntray I S H EII ACAD VA N (2) 18 Wall Cabinets 8O1D!G 95 CO ••a b a b •183 T 133 • P$A Y• Apply I LET YOUR GRILL DO THE WORK • Y RE 95 7 deep TWITH T ZINSSER® L WO$ by spray orp wipe ALL DO U B L E BNOW OW CWIFI C • • M 111 I • (1) 6’ Countertop T LE e r s q . COLORS O sq. IC M deep • Weather • Weather VVI Nstripping PART 49 A I T H C5U9LT RH B L E TO P I NMC L $ 28 29 stripping OE 5 U R E D M AR 8”•SITWith O.C. Grooves V A WHILE thicknesses A 6W S TA L water E S S SMTN LAR • Economical 8 oz.BACKSPLASH concentrate is diluted 1:7 with INSIDE IN THE WARMTH! grooves 30$183 x18 48 x18 D! D H RYOU • R H BO 95 $ 95 133 PE A OD! glass CO$ A • Insulated glass •W Insulated OA • M M R A E MOLD KILLER A LL A C A $ 95 A C II C 8 deep A • One bottle provides up tobreak eight applications Decorative Thermoplastic IE TO 595 $ E 07 $K CLE ble L • Digital S I N K 99 RTI PA O • Thermal sill • Thermal break sill N E L 108 15 H • Digital Probe Thermometer K I K Control L ! 30 x18 48 x18 • D M H Temperature R H PRIMER Panels • • BO•ADouble 1/2” • Double bore bore 24 x18 • • Hard rubber tires and castersI M RC U. S in 5 increments from $ 95 II 36 I • 8 F T. S Adjustable M • S I $ 95 I D O U B L E B O W L M Q7UA L I T YMKIT K 500 K S E N T I N E L ® 111 deep without brick mold without brick mold BEAUTIFUL • Convenience Tray and Grease A E L•B Great for use under wallcovering MIKITA® DRILL/DRIVER 150 . 49 6 deep P W H E E A R R O W ••w ith f a u cet & s ink D A P P N SAFE A DCook a stand up A 28 $T G95D TSATA I N L E S#FGM18 T b $a s O k ets $ DK FGM43 Catch Bucket • • Interior/Exterior S S T64 EE LU • Water-based G • Domed FOAM I• Lid I $ 95 133 18 AAPrice Reconditioned M Includes: • Drill • Impact Driver • Charger A chicken UNFINISHED 29 K $ 95 D O U B L E B OW L M K A M Reg. $898 F O O D D • Efficient Firebox Automatic W ith • Bright White High-Hiding Primer $ 95 or aE turkey without the lid A E Reg. Price $798 A 111 7 deep $ 95 S E $ WITH WIFI LET YOUR GRILL DO THE WORK 49 6 deep I 30 x18 R T T A 89 Lithium • Carrying case R resting I E Fan Only mode SE EI LN K R 99 deep A onI it A batteries ••48 W i-S F iKITCHEN w ith f a u cet & 8 s •ink(2) b 18V a s k ets C ABINETS •L S TA I N E S S S T BOARD $ $ 00 W T • W that blows ash out of the firebox W T W K • 1 lb. Pellet Hopper with low T WHILE YOU SIT INSIDE IN THE WARMTH! 6KCU. FT.ASWHEELBARROW • K • Choice O S Store Only) SAME WARRANTY NEW PRODUCT! D O S (Mansfield $ 95 46 O when you are done A 6 AC U. T. alarm LL 8 C U. CARRIES AA AB L E B OSW U II •FFoil $ A SIEMENS L pellet I F T. S I N K A 99 8 deep READY TO STAIN OR PAINT one side • • • L Q UA L I T Y 825 W H E E L B A R R O W • T NN T SE I YOUR NProbe EDECOR! L ® W HII E EQUALIT $T 1/2” 95 AMP S TALLI NS• L E S S SATTT E I T • TO Digital Thermometer • Digital Temperature Control TWT RED DEVIL L B A R R O N L 200 Y S S A INTERIOR G 95 TSS I SN K A NN A STEEL DOOR N APRIMEDAdjustable PRIMED • 95 A• 4’x8’ D O $HARDBOARD $ •HOW Hard rubber tires and casters 6 4 G U N S A F E SEE MUCH YOU CAN $AVE in 5 increments from 8 C U. F T. T T T F OA M N Q UA L59 I T YH ELECTRICAL T SILICONE 20 TA DD DOG •• N IIammunition T• PRE-HUNG T N D 36” BOX FOOD SENTINEL® F O O D Aholder COMPLETE SET • 24 GAUGE • Pistol inside • ON Convenience Tray and Grease $ 95 • Other thicknesses 150 500SE . L NT A A 4’x8’ I W H E E L B A R R OW • S LL S 8 CU. FT. WHEELBARROW DOOR UNITS S S L B OA R D S E N T I N E L ® • S carpeted door OF S 30/40 KITCHEN CABINETS DSTORE! OBlend G TPLANNING Gun Hill Hunters Blend • N Catch BucketARE WE A FULL-SERVICE TO BUILD? Gun Hill Hunters Domed Cook a stand up T 10.1Lid Fl.64GUN Oz. N Primed•jamb N INCLUDES: SAFE A T available T E • Digital combination (3-8 digit code) A T• 4- /16 A 6 4  G U N S A F E T • Foil one side H E the• 6-PANEL E 2 wheelLIST • Poly... tray •with Efficient Firebox Automatic For Windows/Doors/ BRING US YOUR YOU WILL OUR BID! HL SIDING L N LH N chicken or• a turkey without lid 200 Amp main breaker FOO D ACAPPRECIATE Pistol ammunition holder inside OOD! 95 YYW ith $ • 2-way locking 3 large A Y A withEbrickmold Skylights & ALL1Wlive-action • 4’x8’ Y A • 26% Protein I E $ 95 E Y Y Gutters • PRE-HUNG ON FLAT E $ LE • 26% Protein Fan Only mode C resting Ebolts 2 solid steel RTI U. T. Blend I glass$ Oval 20 Amp• No breakers IY L NO PAbolts $ on itcarpeted door locking • 6 CGun Hill F Hunters N H • Other Corn thicknesses • L N• 3/4 Y N (3) • With grooves D! of the firebox •W i- F i • No •• Rout Y OA1400 • digit Corn • No Soy I (1) $ 89 PRIMED blows ash 0 A.M.-5 P.M.; SAT., 8 A.M.-5 P.M. 279 •with Fire-resistant forthat 30JAMB in. up Bto • Digital combination (3-8 code) • 1 lb. Pellet Hopper low • Weatherstripping T 30 Amp double breaker • No Soy F W H E E L B A R R O W available L 2 wheel • Poly tray F E T •• E L F L •T $ M A 5 & BUS. 60 BUS. ROUTE 5 U.S. HWY. 60 HWY. SEYMOUR BLDG.,JCT. LLC MANSFIELD BLDG., LLC





U.S. HWY. 60

JCT. HWY. 5 & BUS. 60


JCT. HWY. 5 & 160






279 495





D D E E Limited Quantities Available L L OWNERS: T T Mike & Connie Rober ts A A Mansfield Building •• Center, LLC V V ALSO MIX FEEDS, FERTILIZER A • 6.5 Peak HP A & POTTING SOIL 0 SEYMOUR BLDG., LLC MANSFIELD • 11 CFM @ 0 PSI L L BLDG., LLC • 60-Gal. air tank U.S. HWY. 60 JCT. HWY.S S5 & BUS. 60 built to code P P • 2/3 HP • No magnetic A A • Barrel tilts to 40 lb. bag starter required R U YO R discharge on R D E! • Enclosed belt 0 0 C H O IC •• either side guard E • Includes wheels L L Limited Quan • Heavy duty L for easy mobility II pressure switch T • 15 dia. drum N • Oil sight glass N A opening, double D D • insulated, tips 2 cu. ft. bag S S V 3600, 80 lb. dry A A • 6.5 Peak HP Quantities Available mix capacity A Limited Y Y • 11 CFM @ 0 PSI L •• • 60-Gal. air tank S F built to code F P • No magnetic R R A starter required II R • Enclosed belt 40 lb. bag G G • guard II 40 lb. bag L • Heavy duty D D pressure switch I A A • Oil sight glass N II D R R S E E A •• Y D D • E E F W W R A A I L L G T SET T ISTARTER •• INCLUD ES: PACKAGE DEAL •D (1) 36 Sink Base H H A • (2) 18 Bases II • I(2) 18 Wall Cabinets T T •R (1) 6’ Countertop A A E ALL WOOD! C C $ LE IC RT PA • NO H D! H BOAR D II E •• W M M $ A A A w ith f a u cet & s ink b a s k ets L K K T $ II • T T H A A I •• T S S A T T gal. C • Pistol ammunition holder inside A A H carpeted door Gun Hill Hunters Blend N N • Digital combination (3-8 digit code) I L 2 wheel • Poly tray L • 2-way locking with 3 large 1 live-action • • 26% Protein E E locking bolts 2 solid steel bolts M • No Corn Y Y • Fire-resistant for 30 in. up to 14000 • No Soy A •• • Metal tray F-tested and verified W h il e s u p p l ies l a s t! K M M FEEL CONFIDENT THAT YOUR VALUABLES I A A AND FIREARMS ARE SAFE AND SECURE T S 50 lb. bag S A O O • N N S II T • 2 wheel T T • Pistol ammunition holder inside A • Poly tray E door P.M. E See our catalog at: www.mansfieldhomecenter • M-F, 8 A.M.-5 N 7:30 A.M.-5 P.M.; SAT.,carpeted • Digital combination (3-8 digit code) 0 L • 2-way locking with 3 large 1 live-action E locking bolts 2 solid steel bolts F-tested and verified • • 2-way locking with 3 large 1 live-action when you are done W pellet h il e s u p alarm p l ies l a s t! • Polyurethane core (Mansfield Store Only) Y • 26% Protein R E • Fire-resistant for M 30 E M R E Min. up to 14000 M locking bolts 2 solid steel bolts • (All In Stock FEEL CONFIDENT THAT YOUR VALUABLES F-tested and verified • Double Bore • No Corn W h il e s u p p l ies l a s t! I Y A Y A I A A M Y 0 AND FIREARMS ARE SAFE SECURE • Fire-resistant for 30 in. up to 1400AND Sizes) FEEL CONFIDENT THAT YOUR VALUABLES • 50 Nolb. Soy •• 20 S ear Limited Warranty bag K A •• S GG 50 lb. bag S SECURE AND FIREARMS ARE SAFE AND F-tested and verified W h il e s u p p l ies l a s t! I SM O II O M O O M FEEL CONFIDENT THAT YOUR VALUABLES T N A N DD N A N AND FIREARMS ARE SAFE AND SECURE 7 ” d e e p A I A 6 ” d e e p $ 99 I I A S 50 lb. bag REG. S A 29 TI • T S w ith f a u cet & s ink b a s k ets T II S E O O T OSee our catalog at: www.mansfieldhomecente E E E D E L T A • V A L S P A R • L I N D S A Y • F R I G I D A I R E • D E W A L T • H I T A C H I • M A K I T A • S T A N L E Y • M A S O N I T E




OWNERS: Mike & Connie Rober ts Mansfield Building Center, LLC



2.99 $ 825

44 16




380 59



825 329 349




59 89 59


89 549 5 825 4x15 color Sept. 21, 2016 $ 50 $ $ 95 $ 89 95$00 49 $ 95




20” HEARTWOODAA R Y A Y 6 C U. F T. A A A I BARREL PLANTER C S • • C C W H E E L B A R R OW S S Bev or Dan 935-2257 G H O M M H O O H I W! OARE $ 95 STORE! PLANNING TO N II WEDOUBLE AREBOWL A FULL-SERVICE 95 N $ WENBUILD? A FULL-SERVICE D NS I II A S US YOUR••LISTS... YOU I STAINLESS STEEL • BRING US YOUR LIST ... YOU WILL APPRECIATE BRING OUR BID! I T T $ T 95 M O M See our catalog at: www.mansfieldhomecenter RR • M-F, 7:30 A.M.-5T P.M.; N R O N N SAT., 8 A.M.-5 P.M. M 8 ” d e e p E E E A EE N E N I See our catalog at: • NAM-F,NIIE7:30 P.M. W ! A.M.-5 P.M.; SAT., 8 A.M.-5 A A T •• • ZINSSER®MOLD BEAUTIFUL UNFINISHED T K IT I L K K E D E D T E E D KITCHEN CABINETS II or T Dan Bev SeeI our catalog at: • M-F, 7:30 A.M.-5 PRIMER Y EE P.M.; SAT., 8 A.M.-5 P.M. E KILLER READY TO STAIN OR PAINT • E T W Great for use Tunder wallcovering T W •E TO YOUR DECOR! W




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at ed,

dovetail & ramps, new tires ................................................. $2,000


f ine hea y d ty 7 ft rock rake ........................................... $900

Fence Rectangular Tubing Corners Sheet Steel Bolts & Nuts Corral Panels Hinges Cattle Panels Barbed Wire Full Line Of Trailer Parts

M&W 1500 round baler, 4x5 ................................................. $2,000






(BOTH LIQUID & SOLID) Grapple for loader bucket ........................................................ $750

ord, r ns great ............................................................... $1,200 PELLETIZED LIME


8 ft Rome offset disk,

ery hea y d ty ............................... $2,850

CANNING SUPPLEMENT BEE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 9N Ford .................................................................................. $1,350 TUBS 3750

ota, with Westerndorf loader ...................





CARHARTT HUGE SELECTION ADM-CRYSTALYX 1 used 6’x20’ GN cargo trailer.....................................................$3,750 6 ft, 3 pt BH .............................................................................. APPAREL OF TOYS $575


D4D C aterpillar Doz er, power shif t transm ission, hydraulic tilt b lade, new sproc k ets, new pins and b ushings, new b atteries, new starter, R O PS c ab , deliv ery av ailab le. 41 7 464-9519 West Plains 40pb



F or Sale:

Portab le m etal

12 16 2295 12 24 145 16 24 4245 Deliv ered or b uilt on site. O v erm an Buildings, Poc ahon870-609-1900 Poc ahontas, A r tf c

2302 N 941 MAIN AVE 786 MTN GROVE, MO18 500 120 417-926-5223 to c hoose f rom , all in good



1 used 16’ GN stock trailer, good condition ...............................$3,250 GN flatbed dually... .................................................................Call 1 used 120’-GN30’Stock Trailer .........................................................$2,250 1 - 1998 2 horse slant load bumper pull ........................................$2,950 1 used 624’ftGNtall Stockcorral Trailer.........................................................$4,500 panels ...........................................................................$70 1 5’x14’ single axletilt,utility trailer ....................................................$750 2013 GN2 Flat Bed 24’ with hydraulic self contained ...........$6,950 H.D. Danhauser post hole diggers, used very little .......................Call 1/2 ’, 6’,36horse 1/2’slant T-posts .............................................................. $3.49 & Up 5 2 used Gooseneck load choice ...............................$3,000 1 used 5x8 cargo trailer .................................................................$1,750 Several1used utility5x8 trailersV starting ...........................................$495 used nose atcargo trailer .....................................................$2,250 New galvanized corral panels.................................................IN STOCK New 16’ Heavy Duty Gate........................................................................... $145 4’-16’ Available 20’ Continuous panels .................................................................................. $75 2 GN low profile 20’ flatbeds ..........................................................$2,500 & Up

work ing c ondition, ranging f rom $25,000 to $40,000. Mis1999 C herok ee eq uipm ent trailer, 17 500 50 Hawk detac h lo- b oy trailer 28 000 5 45 000 10 $ 5 000, Pom ona, MO . 41 7 1-1 62 Pom ona 40pb

ST1842 We do trailer repair, install new axles, replace floors, Starting at & electrical and more! pack wheel BRGs,$light

1399 other models available

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Open 9 A M - 6 PM M onday-F riday


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neeD inG F ireW O O D at re n e g a r ’ s F l e a ma r k e t , f a r m m a c h i n e r y , rV s , atV s . ne e d i n g 2 3 r a n k o f w o o d , w i l l w e w i l l b e h a v i n g a s a l e o n s e 4 1 7 -2 5 6 -3 9 6 7 p a y $ 3 0 p er ra n k ,$ 3 5 p er ra n k le c te d ite m s . Y o u n e e d to s to p Benets: W e s t pl a BUILDINGS in s 3 6 -3 9 p if y o u s ta c k . L iv e 5 m ile s w e s t b y a n d c h e c k u s o u t. W e lc o m e MAST Health Insurance o f mt n . V i e w . ca l l J i m 4 1 7 - t o b o o t h # 1 8 - 6 1 a t re n e g a r ’ s W 417-932-1244 a n te d : O ld a n d b r o k e n a ir ings d il u F l e a ma r k e t a t 5 t h a n d ma r r B le IRA b • Porta c o n d itio n e r s a n d s c r a p m e ta l. 2 4 7 -7 4 6 0 s se mt n V i e w 3 7 p St . 4 1 7 - 9 3 4 - 0 0 1 1 u o H D g e in live Family 4 1 7 -8 6 5 -7 2 5 5 • Framowned and operated “First C red By mt n . V i e w 3 7 p s d a P la e et s sF 3 6 -3 9 p oncrmost weekends • CHome 417-247 reight” Religious -090 Barns F tr i n k e t s & tr e a s u r e s F l e a • PolePaid W a n t e d a : network W a s h e of r s authorized , d r y e r s , dealers. 5REE delivery w6it Weekly We operate through hin 0 ma r k e t , l o c a t e d a t h&G miles o • Shops fad w visit o r k i n g o r n o t, b u y /s e ll/r e Call or G r a c e a n d tr u t h Bi b el ae lechr a p e l F a r m e r ’ s F e e d h a s b o o t h p a ir. 4 1 7 -3 7 2 -1 3 7 0 ( s o v e r e i g n G r a c e Ba p t i s t , 4 1 7 - s p a c e a v a i l a b l e , s t a r t i n g a t Need: W e s t pl a i n s 3 7 p $ 1 0 . F la t r a te , n o p e r c e n ta g e . CASH 2 9 3 - 7 0 3 6 . Sa l v a t i o n b e l o n g e t h 2 Years OTR Experience or u n t o t h e L o r d , ps 3 : 8 . “ L o o k - St o p b y a n d c h e c k u s o u t , 5 1 0 NOi n g u n t o J e s u s , t h e a u t h o r a n d e. 5 t h St . , 4 1 7 - 9 3 4 - 2 5 7 6 . Personals RENT mt n . V i e w tfc CREDIT finisher of faith”. 3844 Hwy. 67 South TO OWN W e s t pl a i n s 3 7 p Pocahontas, Ark. L o o k i n g f o r ch r i s t i a n l a CHECKS d y. Sales on portable ch r i s t i a n m a n , d o n ’ t d r i n k , Lee 870-378-2434 buildings Heat and Air s m o k e . L o o k in g fo r la d y Mary 870-378-1842 th a t d o e s n ’t d r in k , s m o k e , G a r a g e s a l e , mo n d a y s 6 0 - 6 5 y e a r s o f a g e , p h o n e 4 1 7 - af f o r d a b l e , c l e a n , s a f e a n d th u r s d a y s , 8 a m - 6 p m ; F r i d a y s STOCKING Now Stocking 7 4 1 - 1 1 8 6 , 1 3 9 Sp r i n g St r e e t , efficient wood heat. Central 2 p m - 6 p m , STOCKING 9 2 8 7 cr 1 4 2 0 , 4 1 7 Help Wanted Porter Paints ha r t v i l l e , mo 6 5 6 6 7 . Porter Paints 2 9 3 8 9 8 8 Bo i l e r O utD O O r W O O D Large Selection ha r t v i l l e 3 7 p 3 7 p PPG F urnace. he a t s m u l t i p l e pe a c e V a l l e y PPG of ex Plumbing p e r i e Commercial n c e d m e c h a n ic n e e d e d b u i l d i n g s . an t h o n y htG & Commercial W a n te d : a m a le 6 8 -7 0 to h e lp a t PEX, Ke n ’ s PVC, G a Paints r a &g e CPVC . mu s t k n o w Paints m e w i t h m y y a r d . 4 1 7 - 2 5 6 - air, 4 1 7 - 9 2 6 - 1 1 6 2 . mt n . G r o v e 3 7 , 4 1 , 4 5 c a / c ! 4 1 7 Olympic - 9 3 and 4 -1 7 7 7 1 9 4 5 Olympic e s t a pld e a r i n s 3 7 p pa g n e . V 6 i - e wJ a n u a r y 2 2 6 6 , t 2 f 0 c 1 4 - ho r s W e tr mt W o n d e r W o o d w o o d h e a tin g Electrical & Sikkens & Sikkens s to v e , b o u g h t la s t y e a r, n e v e r Stains Will Do Stains u se d , ta k e s 2 2 ” w o o d , $ 4 0 0 ; Wanted re l i a n c e 4 0 g a l l o n e l e c t r i c mo b i l e c a r 417-935-4201 d e ta ilin g , in s id e h o t w a te r h e a te r, b r a n d n e w , ch e sSeymour, t n u t s w a n t e d . 4 1 7 Missouri - 2 5 6 - a n d ExCavating o u t . te x t o r c a l l , 4 1 7 - 2 8 0 - n e v e r h o o k e d u p , $ 1 5 0 ; u s e d tr a c to r tu b e , 3 6 ” x 1 3 , $ 1 0 , 5 0 0 0 7 4 1 0 . Brad Simpson 4 1 7 -4 6 9 -4 3 9 6 W e s t pl a i &n s color chart. 3 7 -3 9 p Ko s h k o n o n g 3 7 p ee quote, brochure Pole Barns & Post Framed Buildings! W i l l o w Sp r i n g Call s for 3 7 p free quote, brochure & color chart. 417.293.6464 Other sizes also available. Other sizes also available. ne e 23'x32'x10' d i n g a p l a c e t o c u t 23'x40'x10' w o o d . Business Opportunities 40'x60'x12' 30'x40'x10' • Basements • Ponds Musical 4 1 7 -2 5 7 -3 8 9 8 •$5,399 Dirtwork • Backfill $9,499 $4,499 $3,849 W e s t pl a i n s 3 7 p Material OnlyF •r Land e e b u Clearing s i n e Material s s i d e •Only a Demolition s , v is it Material Only Material Only an t i q u e p u m p o r g a n , b e a u w w w . f a n s h a r e . u s 4 1 7 2 5 7 $13,399 $7,199 St a n $4,949 d i n g o a k t i m b e r , $5,899 p r ic e s 4 5 8 7 tifu l o r n a te c a r v in g s w ith West Plains Laborm Included Labor Included a t a n Labor a l l Included t i m e h i g h . F iLabor n d e Included r W e s &t plSurrounding ir r o r, in g o o d c o n d itio n , a in s 3 Areas 5 -3 8 p p la y s w e ll, a ll o r ig in a l, $ 9 0 0 . fe e r e w a r d e d fo r le a d s to BEATS OUR PRICES!!! 4 1 7 -9 3 8 -4 3 3 6 o r 4 1 7 -9 3 8 -4 4 9 3 p u NOBODY, r c h a s e , a s k a b BUT o u t d e t NOBODY a ils . my r tle 3 7 p 9 Gauge Steel • Plus10 3 ft. ft. Entry Door with Lock Trusses 8' O.C. • 2x6 TreatedComputers Slider • Engineered Bottom Wrap • Screws • 2x10 Top Wrap • 2x4 4 1 7 Vinyl - 8 5 5 Windows. - 0 0 1 8 Cupolas Windows. Insulated Purlins • Full 29 Gauge Steel • Plus ft. Entry Door with Lock 14-P8-WK4-FFOHome-V3-ToReview.qxp_Layout 8/8/14 11:07 AM 3 Page 1 ca b Miles o o l From 3 6 on- 4 all3 p Buildings1 10’, rices Higher Over 75 Seymour, MO. Try our OPTIONS: Sidewall Heights 12', 14' & 16'. Overhead Garage Door. Skylights. Insulation. J u Insulated s t i n : Vinyl Se v Windows. e r a l l a pCupolas to p c o m building projects. Prices quoted are for level site. Aluminum Windows. to StHelp a n d i n gSelect w a l n u t a the n d o a Winners! k t i m - p u t e Go r s , hp, co m p a q , D e l l , to s h i b a , e t c . $ 1 2 5 a $59.99 n d u p . b PAINTED e r , h o n e s t , WHITE, r e s p e c t t GREEN h e l a n d . OR TAN METAL, …....... KNOTTY PINE room O z a r k tr a d i n g po s t , 4 1 7 - 9 3 4 makeover 4 1 7 -10' 2 5 5 - -4 $19.00 9 7 2 DOORS 16' - $30.40 12' - $22.80 6 4 1 0 . ca b o o l 3 6 -4 3 p mt n . V i e w 3 7 p $39.99 MIX & MATCH METAL .................................... Starting at

lectric o , lift fla e e d s fo r so c s p m e n t




$109.99 Our Price Ever on Broyhill Don’tLOWEST settle For less...bunDle your

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GALVALUME METAL .......................................$49.99 ntSiding 7” $3.99 8” $4.99 -$33.78 10' - $15.83 12' - $18.99 16' - $25.33

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Less than full units Add $1 per sheet

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4x8 Sheeting

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3/8" Beaded Paneling $15.99 W h en you bu ndle w ith q u alifying D I S H T V service, save 1x6 $ 10 a month plu s ln ft 3/8" Beaded Paneling White Pine Siding 5/8" T111 Siding $19.99 5/8" T111 Siding w e’ ll w aive th e activation fee too a $99 value. $9.99 ln ft Paneling 1x8 White Pine Siding ln ft Paneling 1/2" Plywood $15.99 1/2" Plywood e from! 2x6—16" on center-Exterior Stud WallsFINANCING AS LOW AS 3/4" Plywood $22.99 * 4 Profiles to choose from! 3/4" Plywood 0¢ Per Ft. Residential Roof Trusses-2' on center 1/4” Pegboard Broken Bundles Add 10¢ Per Ft. 4/12 pitch with 1' over hang 40 year Painted Metal roofing in 20 Different Colors Log Siding - 89¢ ln ft Profile Ridge Vent - Ventilated Ridge Cap 2x6 Log Siding - 89¢ ln ft $ eveled Cedar - 49¢ ln ft Vinyl Center Vent Soffit 1x8 Beveled Cedar - 49¢ ln ft Color Matched Metal Fascia &Stud Gable Trim -11 Siding from $19.99 2x6—16" on center-Exterior Walls Shown with Available Options 5/8 T1-11 Siding from $19.99 Double Stitched Plush Seating! 2Residential - 3' 6 Panel Roof EntryTrusses-2' Doors on center Your Choice of either: 4 - 3'x4' Vinyl Insulated Windows Stock 5/8" T111 Wood Siding w/1x4 Pine Window & 4/12 pitch with 1' over hang









Microsuede Reclining Sofa Sofa ALL FIGURED FOR SUITABLE CUSTOMER 40 year Painted Metal roofing in 20 DECKS


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7/16" OSB & House Wrap ready for other finish •M options

Now Stocking Quaker Vinyl Windows

Price for Basic Materials Package & Labor


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4 fa m ily g a r a g e s a le , F r id a y , 9 / 1 3 , 1 3 , 8 a m - 6 p m , Sa t u r d a y , 9 / 1 4 / 1 3 , 8 a m - n o o n . no p r i o r s a l e s . 1 0 0 8 J e f f e r s o n St r e e t . ma n y i t e m s t o c h o o s e f r o m : cl o t h i n g ; i n c l i n e b e n c h ; s e a s o n a l d e c o r a tio n s a n d m u c h m i s c e l l a n e o u s . ho t t u b , $ 1 0 0 0 o b o . W e s t pl a i n s 3 7 p

h&G F a r m e r ’ s F e e d & tr i n k e t s & tr e a s u r e s , F r i d a y , Sa t u r d a y , 1 3 t h , 1 4 t h . St o r e o p e n s a t 8 a m . ca l l f o r d e t a i l s , 4 1 7 -9 3 4 -2 5 7 6 . mt n . V i e w 3 7 p

F ru g a lF u r pr e - o w n e d p lia n c e s p 7 1 4 2 . W e s t pl a i n

n i s h i n g s a n d mo r e . fu r n itu r e a n d a p e c ia lis ts , 4 1 7 -2 5 7 s

F r id a y 1 3 , 2 p m , 7 0 1 9 o u t 1 6 0 ea W e s t pl a i n

Sa t u r d a y 1 4 , 7 a m cr 8 0 2 0 , 3 m i l e s s t in F o x G le n . s 3 7 p

• Po • Fr • Co •P •S




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Turkeys and guineas. Hardy breeds. Y ou n g started bi rds. Sal e! 417 -7 7 8 -7 106 A l ton 3 7 p

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3 4-3 9p

F eeder 6468 US Highway 63pi gs, $ 6 5 eac h . 27 0-1945 Sheep Th omasv i l 65775 le 3 7 p West Plains, Missouri

417 -

F or Sal e: 8 mon th ol d gi l t, butcher or breeding, $250; two 100 l b. f eeder pi gs, $ 7 5 eac h . 417 -3 7 2-0018 Pomon a 3 7 p

F or sal e: St. C roi x sh eep, rams, ew es an d l ambs. 5 7 3 6 7 8 -296 4 West Plains, Bi rc h Tree 3 7 p



Offers good on new and unregistered units purchased between 6/1/14-6/30/14. *On select models. See your dealer for details. Rates as low as 3.99% for 36 months. Approval, and any rates and terms provided, are based on credit worthiness. Fixed APR of 3.99%, 7.99%, or 9.99% will be assigned based on credit approval criteria. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Minimum Amount Financed $1,500; Maximum Amount Financed $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on all new and unused 2008-2014 Polaris ATV, RANGER, and RZR models purchased from a participating Polaris dealer between 6/1/2014 and 6/30/2013. Offer subject to change without notice. Warning: Polaris off-road vehicles can be hazardous to operate and are not intended for on-road use. Driver must be at least 16 years old with a valid driver’s license to operate. Passengers, if permitted, must be at least 12 years old. All riders should always wear helmets, eye protection, and protective clothing. Always use seat belts and cab nets or doors (as equipped). Never drive on public roads or paved surfaces. Never engage in stunt driving, and avoid excessive speeds and sharp turns. Riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mix. All riders should take a safety training course. Call 800-342-3764 for additional information. Check local laws before riding on trails. ©2014 Polaris Industries Inc.

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Animal Auctions

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Kitchen & Bath

Salem Livestock Auction is Licensed Th u rsday n i gh t & i n Bonded Sal em, • Missouri/Arkansas Visit our showroom A r. A l ready c al l ed i n : L ots 1398 S Hwy 63 of poultry; 100 guineas; 20 West Plains, MO chickens; 10 Rex rabbits; 1 Lionhead; 6 peacocks; several isi s a ar es pheaseants; laying hens; O more! . , ers; 8 geese; ducks, lots Also, a Big Texin 40 foot flatbed Springfield, MO. trailer; 18 foot slide-in stock rack for trailer; 25 dairy cross Cannonball Haybeds goats; 6 sheep; 15 fancy hair F u lly loaded w /E lectric/ ewe lambs; 15 H ydrau lic3U Boer nit, nanies; S ide B oard wool 35 baby K it,lambs; S pinners, L E D calves; L igh ts. S everal es hogs. in stock feeder cattle; siz cows; For! CABINETS q u esti on s or to c on si gn , j oi n • 3D Design Salem Livestock Auction on • Choose Your Style Facebook or call Dustin, 417• Choose Your Wood 27 4-7 26 5 or sal e barn at 8 7 0COUNTERTOPS 8 95 -3 23 1. W e apprec i ate an d Postform Laminate accept all livestock. Check in • 6 Styles In Kitchen & Vanity Tops starts at 10am an d goes u n ti l • 8 Colors In Stock sale is over. We thank all Order From 500 Other Colors bu y ers an d sel l ers. Horse sal e Solid Surface Granite SatuI N rdayS atT 2:A 3 0pm. L L E D for $ Marble • Quartz Sal em, A r 3 7 p Since 1985


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Vinyl Center Vent Soffit $ 20x24(480 sq. ft.) 20x32(640 sq. ft.) 20x40(800 sq.Color ft.) 28x40(1120 sq. ft.) 28x48(1344 sq.Trim ft.) Compare at $1,299 Compare at 639 Matched Metal Fascia & Gable Shown with$7,859 Available Options $8,949 $6,729 $12,761TODAY AT FIND 2 - 3' 6 $10,299 Panel Entry Doors YOURS Your Choice of either: 4 - 3'x4' Vinyl Insulated Windows 3’ •

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John Deere 6420 cab - 4x4, 16 power squad John Deere 6410 cab - 4x4, 16 power squad John Deere 7220 cab - 4x4, 16 power squad John Deere 2720 - open station, 4x4 loader Case IH Maxumm 125 cab MF 4255 cab - 2wd loader

5100$60,900 Utility• Tractor Cab or open operator station available




JEFFERSON CITY.........(573) 455-2353 LEBANON...................... (417) 532-2011 NIXA .............................. (417) 724-2226

WE’RE HERE FOR YOU. ROGERSVILLE...............(417) 881-2677 ROLLA ........................... (573) 368-2011 WEST PLAINS ...............(417) 256-7127





(1) Offer valid on new 5100E Utility Tractors purchases made between 8/3/2016 and 10/28/2016. Subject to approved installment credit with John Deere Financial. Monthly payments are estimated and based on 10% down. 5100E Utility Tractors AUTHORIZED DEALER monthly payment of $699.00 at 0% APR for 72 months is based on 10% down payment. Taxes, freight, set up and delivery charges could increase the monthly payment. Price and model availability vary by dealer. Valid only at participating US dealers. See dealer for details. (2) Offer valid on new 459 Round Baler purchases made between 8/3/16 and 10/28/16. Subject to approved installment credit with John Deere Financial. Monthly payments are estimated and based on 10% down. 459 Round Baler monthly payment of $425 at 0% APR for 72 months is based on 10% down payment. Taxes, freight, set up and delivery charges could increase the monthly payment. Price and model availability vary by dealer. Valid only at participating US dealers. See dealer for details. (3)Manufacturer’s estimate of power (ISO) per 97/68/EC.

Page 24 - O c tob er 06, 2 016-

O z ark Horse T rader

417-256-2445 • 844-967-610

Business We’ve moved! Come see us next to Glenn’s Truck Service!

Custom Glass & Mirror Commercial & Residential

2000 SOUTH HWY 63 WEST PLAINS, MISSOURI •(417) 293-4014•

John Hogan, Owner


6638 Hwy. 62 West • Gassville, AR 72635

Gift Certificates Available


Follow Us On Facebook

73 CR 842 • Henderson, AR 72544



Follow Us On Facebook

73 CR 842 • Henderson, AR 72544


Page B 26 - O c tob er 06, 2016

- O z ark Horse T rader

417-256-2445 • 800-967-610


4828 US 160 West Plains, MO


Open 11 M

417-257-7614 M•


Luncheon Specials Soup & 1/2 Sandwich or Salad



G U T T E R S A ND DO WNSPO U T S 5 ” and 6” G utters 1 0 c olors to c hoose f rom . Now’ s the tim e! C all now f or leaf guards


Hickory House

*Cannot be combined with any other offer

Now Through October 31

We offer a plate lunch Monday-Friday!

Nightly Specials

L ocally O wned, I n B usiness f or 4 5 Y ears!

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301 0 Porter Wagoner Blv d. P. O . Box 8 44 West Plains, MO 65 7 7 5

417-256-2040 • 800-748-8045 Monday- F riday 7 : 30am - 5 : 00pm

Business DEER SALE

pGW collectibles • Community Yard Sale • Farmer’s Market • Swap Meet

1 Day Only! Saturday, October 22nd

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% 20OFF

Case, Boker & Benchmade Knives




10%OFF All Optics





BOWS Backpack Hunting Blind



Tree Stands REG. PRICE







Hwy 178 in Lakeview, AR

Find Us On Facebook Fin to Fur Outdoors


Monday-Saturday 8am-6pm

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FriendsDon’t Let

O z ark Horse T rader - O c tob er 06, 2016

www.oz ark horsetrader.c om

Friends riveJUNK • Major & Minor Repairs on All Makes, All Model Foreign & Domestics

Come Check Out All Our Services!

1844 CR 6460, West Plains, MO

417-255-AUTO (2886) HOURS: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

Come See Us For All Your Automotive Needs

Andrews Automotive Repair

Current, Inc. DAnny Thomas, owner

Now’s the time to get your furnace checked for winter!


2 006 C hev y Sub urb an L T Z , 4wd, loaded. 41 7 - 2 64- 7 7 5 7 , 417-280-0756 T hayer 40c

2 006 C hev y Z 7 1 , ex t. c ab , 6. 0L V ortec Max,x ev ry sharp, 20 12 900 200 -150 4 4 54 8450 2009 2500 4x 4, Z 7 1 , alum inum wheels, 17 12 950 200 500 4 4 1 0 21 950 1998 2 5 00, 4x 4, ex t. c ab , diesel 1 8450 417-9 8-4252 Myrtle 40c

1998 2500 c ab L aram ie SWB, silv er, 2 4V , 4x 4, C um m ins turb o diesel 269 m iles, auto, ex c ellent shape, always m aintenanc ed, no c hips 7500 2 002 F ord F - 1 5 0 Superc rew F X 4, 4x 4, X L T , 5 . 4L T riton, white, new tires, runs great, 5900 57 -429- 11 57 - 51-1277 Doniphan 40pb

2 007 F ord E x pedition X L T ,

3340 North Hwy 63 West Plains, Missouri


Three Meat Combo

1464 Gibson Street • West Plains, MO 65775




#1 in Sales & Service Since 1971

Monday-Saturday 11am to 9pm Dine In Drive Thru

Brisket Burnt Ends

9800 417-855-0 84 417-469-4454 Willow Springs 40pb

Hours: 8:00-5:00 Monday thru Friday

New Hours

Watch for our IALS DAILY SPEC on Facebook!

4 4 1

West Plains Door & Building Supply

417-256-7600 • 1-888-807-2029

1619 Sunset Terrace, West Plains, MO

t Kids’ under 12 ea ! FREE with adult

2001 Hyundai Santa F e, 4x4, 1 1 5 x x x m iles, loaded. 41 7 - 2 647757 417-280-0756 T hayer 40c

Garage Doors • Genie Openers Above Ground Swimming Pools

electrical, heating and air conditioning Your custom comfort connection

t ’ n o D s ’ y a d n o M Have to Suck Anymore!



• Jasper Installer 3 Year/100,000 mile • Nationwide Parts & Labor Warranty Located in the old Service Master building, next to the new Freewill Baptist church,


• Front & 4 Wheel

• Cooling System Maintenance/Flush • Electrical/Diagnostics • Brakes • Suspension • Tires, Plus Much More!

- Page B 27

33 Gluten Free Options

. . . e r o M h c u M o &S

984 Ash Flat Drive at the stoplight

28 -

06 2016 -

417-256-2445 • 800-967-610

your truck &


4x4s 2012 seat, loaded, 4 wheel driv e, 417-264-7757 417-2800756 T hayer 40c

Autos 1990


202 59 transm ission and c lutc h, $700 417- 499182 9-40 2004


West Plains

1991 1 7 m iles, c lean, autom atic , loaded, ask ing $ 2 7 5 0, or b est of f er. 417-264-7757 417-280-0756 T hayer 40c

4 4

417-257-75 1



4x4s 2010

T rave rse, A WD, c loth, white, high m iles, b ut runs good, 8995 2011 4 4 6 1 125 10 995 2008 12 900 2010 109 8 250 2007 4 4 6 8950 2006 4 4 5450 2009 4 4 -6 1 8950 1991 6 5 850 2007 6 4 4 107 6995 417-9 8-4252 Myrtle 40c

1996 150 m iles, good c lean c ar, runs 2250 417-464-8285 9-40 1998 rust, m anual transm ission, good paint, c lean interior, $1500. 417247- 2501 Hartshorn 40- 41p 2 002 Buic k C entury, 4 door, $ 1 2 00, look s good, runs and driv es great, ab out 2 2 6,x x x m iles. 417254747 Willow Springs 40p

2012 F ord T aurus SE L , exc ellent c ondition, leather interior, 2 15 500 417247-2968 West Plains 40- 41p b

Autos 2 002 C hev y I m pala, 4 door, c lean c ar, loaded. 41 7 - 2 647757 417-280-0756 T hayer 40c 2 002 V olk swagen Beetle, 4 c ylinder, diesel, 5 speed, runs, driv es, 45 m pg, new tim ing k it, 500 417-9 8-4610 C ouc h 40p 200


-6 250 2 000 C hev y Malib u, 4 door, -6 2 00 1999 -8 4 runs good, look s good, $21 00. 417-68 - 801 417-68 -2872 A v a 40p 2 006 Buic k L aC rosse, 7 6x x x 800 5850 417-256-6960 West Plains 40p

Autos 2012 2010

4 6 9795 2012 96 1 116 100



92 89

9950 2001


1 7 82

9995 2011 7750 6495 2010

2 6250 2000 8-10 1 450 2012 1 4 89 11 900 2007 A ve o, 5 speed, 4 door hatc hb ac k , orange, 1 17x m iles, ve ry 4195 2008 1 6500 1989 8 1 7 4995 2008 6 4 6 7950 2006 6 7 450 2001 6 5 2 2250 2007 550 -8 1 400 2002 4 4 87 000 495 200 12 5995 2004 Buic k L eSab re, c ustom , 4 door, c loth, loaded, 1 owner, 50,000 7450 417-9 8-4252 Myrtle 40c Wow! C ars f or less, has 60 v ehic les to pic k f rom , pric es f or ev ery 1 4 62 412 870-615-1428 8-41

RiVER COuNTRy CHEVROlET COME SEE: Alan Pender • Dale Avery • Milan Novak Highway 63 North • Thayer, MO • 417-264-7263 or Toll Free 888-863-7279

Visit our website •

2015 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN V8, auto, lt package, 4x4, leather, heated seats, sunroof, DVD


2008 CHEVROLET HHR 4 cyl, auto, lt package, p/w, p/l, keyless entry, 87xxx miles



V8, auto, slt package, 4x4, leather, heated seats, sunroof, DVD, navigation, 2nd row buckets, 20” wheels



convertible, V6, auto, lt package, rs package, leather, p/w, p/l, p/seat, remote start, 20xxx miles

2013 CHEVROLET MALIBU 4 cyl., auto., eco, leather, heated seats, sunroof, one owner, 39xxx miles


2016 CHEVROLET TRAVERSE *With Approved Credit V6, auto, lt package, aWD, p/w, p/l, p/seat, keyless entry, only 6xxx miles


V6, auto, sel package, leather, p/w, p/l, p/seat, keyless entry, chrome wheels





V8, auto, ltZ package, 4x4, leather, heated seats, sunroof, navigation, p/w, p/l, p/seats, keyless entry

COME SEE: Alan Pender • Dale Avery

$29,900 $31,900 $22,900 Highway 63 North • Thayer, MO • 417-264-7263 or Toll Free 888-863-7279 888-863-7279 * with approved credit


4 cyl., auto, ltZ package, leather, heated seats, p/w, p/l, p/seat, remote start, excellent fuel economy, 13xxx miles

V8, auto, lt package, ext cab, 4x4, Z71 package, p/w, p/l, p/seat



www.oz ark horsetrader.c om


issan o ge

W , 34xxx miles, e less

2011 ord s ape

power pa

W , power pa

$118, 50or $254$2500





stock # 5325

$258 mo.*


2000 DODGE RAM 1500 5.2 V8, auto

5.9, V8 auto, 4x4, ext. cab

1998 CHEVY CAMARO 3.8 V6, auto, 150K 2013 miles

2013 o ota av 4 W ,

, a


$316 mo.*




V6, auto, w/Mach



stock # 5321


870-847-4 6

4x4, s per rew, e o oost, 33xxx miles, 4 new tires




2014 Jeep hero ee

W , 1 xxx miles, allo wheels, power pa , a m st see 22,




Ne t to aco Bell n Bea tif l West lains,



Auto Repair


Sellers’ Shop in T hayer has lower pric es on dual exh aust c onve rsions. 417264- 7415 T hayer 40- 41p


24 HOURS A DAY @ www so thernhillsa to la a com

eneral anager: Ral h Whitsell Sales anager: ake Woodworth Sales: enny analst Sales: ike Workman Sales: oey aca e

Rates s

417-257-7531 o r

No Clowning 417-257-7531Around Best eals in own an lst, Ja e Woodworth, Saw er hompson

ll pa ments with approved redit

anager mar

$14,995 2.94% x 75 mo. = $219 per month

Stock# 5769


Stock# 5780

3.74% x 60 mo. = $128 per month

Stock# 5751


Stock# 5765

2.94% x 75 mo. = $306 per month


Stock# 5757A

$19,995 2.94% x 75 mo. = $292 per month


4.64% x 48 mo. = $205 per month

5.74% x 60 mo. = $345 per month

2014 RAM 1500

Stock# 5771

$31,995 3.34% x 75 mo. = $473 per month

2014 RAM 1500



Stock# 5740A







$17,995 3.34% x 75 mo. = $266 per month

$23,995 all for erms



Stock# 5788

Stock# 5721



3.69% x 72 mo. = $154 per month

2.94% x 75 mo. = $365 per month

5.74% x 48 mo. = $210 per month




Stock# 5298



2008 CHEVROLET 2500 HD




Stock# 5754A



Stock# 5683

2.94% x 75 mo. = $350 per month

5.74% x 60 mo. = $268 per month




3.69% x 75 mo. = $149 per month


$13,995 2004 TOYOTA 4 RUNNER



Stock# 5735B

Stock# 5753A



Stock# 5727


ot responsi le or misprints

2015 CHRYSLER 200

ro ed credit


24 hours a day enn

ect to change, with a


ills enter ext to a o ell n ea ti l West lains, re-Owned Head arters since 2001

1343 So thern Salesmen

Gift Certificates Make Great Gifts Anytime!

Auto Repair

ord 870-625-1 1 0 0


3711 N. US Hwy. 63 West Plains, MO

Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00-5:00pm Sat 9:00-12:00pm

T urn your ve hic les into c ash, we pay c ash f or ve hic les, running


Located with Kioti tractor dealership

$178 mo.*


2 ,



Bring in or mention this ad stock # 5200 and receive 20% off for any active serviceman or veteran with ID

1343 So thern Hills enter


Jeep factory Wrangler stereo system

Independently Owned & Operated



4 door, Sport, 4 wheel drive, hard top, 31xxx miles

p amera, 23xxx miles


Great ServiCe • Great SeleCtion • Great WarrantieS

, 3xxx miles

stock # 5343


06 2016 -

Stock# 5741

$19,995 3.34% x 75 mo. = $295 per month


06 2016 -

417-256-2445 • 800-967-610

Office: 870-895-5333 Highway 62 East, Salem, AR


Nights and Weekends Brandon Hill 870-612-0132 Brach Hill 870-404-3366

m7060, 4x4, cab, air/heat, loader, hyd. shuttle, 190 hrs. 870-404-3366





s, 4 cyl, auto, 73xxx miles


unlimited, 4x4, V6, 5 speed, softtop, 64xxx miles



4x4, white, 64xxx miles lt, leather, roof, DVD



tradesman, crew cab, 3/4 ton, 4x4, cummins, auto, 39xxx miles, matching camper



supercrew, 4x4, V6 ecoboost, 56xxx miles



V6, auto, leather, roof, 73xxx miles


slt, 4x4, 5.3 auto, heated leather, DVD/roof, 145xxx miles



3/4 ton, 4x4, 6.0, auto, 70xxx miles




aWD, heated/cooled leather, nav, roof, DVD, 63xxx miles


2003 GMC SLT

crew cab, 3/4 ton, 4x4, 8.1 auto, heated leather, 129xxx miles



extended cab, 1 ton, 4x4, Duramax, auto, Deweze hay bed, 39xxx miles


crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 auto, heated leather, 115xxx miles



2002 FORD

xlt, ext cab, 3/4 ton, 4x4, 7.3 diesel, auto, 94xxx miles



slt, crew cab, 3/4 ton, 4x4, hemi, auto, lWb, 22xxx miles



4x4, sport package, heated leather, nav, 20’s, 15xxx miles


4x4, 5.3 auto, 96xxx miles



hardtop, auto, heated leather, navigation, 7xxx miles



ltZ, 4x4, 5.3 auto, heated leather, 115xxx miles



xc, Denali, 4x4, 6.2, auto, heated/cooled leather, nav/ roof, dual DVDs, 1200 miles, same as new


2015 CHEVY LT Z71

crew cab, 3/4 ton, 4x4, 6.0 auto, 18xxx miles



reg cab, 3/4 ton, 4x4, Duramax, auto, leather, 119xxx miles


2011 GMC SLT

crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 auto, heated leather, nav, 88xxx miles



4x4, 5.3, auto, 115xxx miles



4x4, 5.3 auto, leather, 100xxx miles


leather, DVD, pwr doors, 24xxx miles



lt, 2wd, 5.3 auto, 3rd row, 95xxx miles



platinum, 4x4, 67xxx miles 3rd row, heated leather, DVD/nav/roof



quad cab, 3/4 ton, 4x4, cummins, auto, 93xxx miles



quad cab, 3/4 ton, 4x4, cummins, 6 speed, 6” lift, 145xxx miles



3/4 ton, 4x4, V10, auto, 92xxx miles



1 ton, 4x4, Duramax, auto, p/w, p/l, 20xxx miles



tradesman, reg cab, 1 ton, 4x4, 6.4 hemi, auto, 10xxx B




power doors, 91xxx miles


sahara, 4x4, hardtop, 6 cyl, auto, 73xxx miles



sb5, 4x4, V6, auto, 3rd row, 52xxx miles


aWD, heated/cooled seats, nav/roof/DVD, 86xxx miles


laramie, crew cab, 1 ton, 4x4, cummins, auto, heated/cooled leather, naV, 30xxx miles


2003 GMC SLE

reg cab, 3/4 ton, 4x4, 6.0 auto, p/w, p/l, 105xxx miles



ext cab, 3/4 ton, 4x4, Duramax, auto, 57xxx miles




4x4, 5.3, auto, heated leather, 30xxx miles



3/4 ton, 4x4, Duramax auto, 64xxx miles



2013 FORD

xlt, extended cab, 4x4, 5.0, auto, 77xxx miles



crew cab, 1 ton, 4x4, Duramax, auto, heated/cooled leather, 63xxx miles



crew cab, 4x4, 5.3 auto, heated leather, 20”, 69xxx miles


2015 GMC

2011 GMC SLT

crew cab, 4x4, 5.3, auto, heated leather, now


reg cab, 2wd, 5.3 auto, p/w, p/l, 8xxx miles


2015 CHEVY

lt, crew cab, 4x4, 5.3, auto, 97xxx miles



crew cab, 3/4 ton, 4x4, cummins, auto, 15xxx miles




www.oz ark horsetrader.c om

Antique/Classic Vehicles

2 01 4 Honda O dyssey T ouring E lite, 1 owner, DV D, leather, 44 450 0 400 27 995 2 99 417-257-75 1 5776 West Plains 40c

Vans 2 007 Dodge C arav an SX T c argo, high m iles, b ut runs 1 450 201 Dodge G rand C arav an, 1 106 9995 2005 C hrysler T own & C oun250 2011 C arava n, 1 owner, q uad seats, alum inum wheels, dark b lue, 6995 417-9 8-4252 Myrtle 40c

Trucks 1950 8 V - 6, autom atic ov erdriv e, power steering, power b rak es, 6 429-2876 Poplar Bluf f

7000 57 40- 41p

1994 150 5 speed, m anual transm ission, f ender rust, good tires, new b rak es, and tuneup, needs transm ission repair, $ 2 000. 417- 18-104 417-9 2-107 Sum m ersvi lle 40p 1995 00 5 speed, sharp truc k . 41 7 - 2 647757 417-280-0756 T hayer 40c 1997

-100 417-29 - 251

800 9-40

2004 C hevr olet 1 500, 2 wheel 5 1 67 7950 2 005 F - 2 5 0 single c ab , 5 . 4L auto, utility b ed, 2 wd, 1 owner, 190 5850 2 002 Dodge Dak ota, 2 wd, ex tended c ab , V - 6, 5 speed, 950 417-9 8-4252 Myrtle 40c 2 005 C hev y A v alanc he Z 7 1 , 5 -8 178 7000 870421- 52 4 G epp, A r 40p 2 006 C hev y Silv erado, 2 5 00 HD, q uad c ab , runs good, 7700 417-252-7782 417-252- 4 5 Willow Springs 40p 2007 12 gray leather interior, 4 wd, 1 1 10 900 417-29 -7 79 9-40 1964 67,000 original m iles, 250 m o500 ging $60 per hour, Mtn. V iew, 417-247-7 78 Birc h T ree 40- 41p

Parts/Accessories A lum inium headb oard f or b ig 165 57 -292- 228 Birc h T ree 40- 41p F or sale, 2 001 F ord R anger X L T f or parts, good m otor 900 417256-0198 West Plains 40- 41p 417-264-7757 417-280-0756 T hayer 40c

1970 f ather and son proj ec t, exc ellent c ab , good b ed and title, $ 1 000 new grill still in b ox , 00 50 600 1958 1650 up old dum p truc k , runs, and dum p work s, no title, good f or 8 25-20 m ud tires, sell all or part out, 417-68 -784 T ec um seh 40p

Used Vehicles A ttention! O n your next c ar purc hase, b e sure you A SK F O R 417-257-75 1 417-274-1 05 West Plains 02t f c A ustin A uto Sales 2 001 F ord E sc ape, 4 dr, 4 c yl. , 5 speed, all power, ex c ellent 1995 1998 71 -8 2995 2005 -6 4 4 450 200 4 4 5 1995 2001 -6 1995 2004 Je ep G rand C herok ee, 6 c yl., auto, all power, good c ondition, 995 2005 4 6 4 4 2995 2002 8 4 180 995 1999 8 4 4 1995 2002 2500 4 4 10 500 2006 500 44 4 6 12 500 2004 -6 120 1995 1994 1500 4 4 -6 2750 2001 -8 4 4 750 1998 -10 4 1995 200 -6 1995 1994 1500 71 -8 450 2001 1500 4 71 -8 5750 2000 1500 4 -8 4 4 rhino lined, has af term ark et, b lac k ed out wheels and m ud tires, 4750 1992 250 -8 1995 2005 4 4 1995 1997 -6 5 950 870-625-1 0 870-847-4 6 Mam m oth Spg, A r 40p 2001 1996 2005 4 2950 2950 8 1500 2006 150 6

2004 200 5950 2450

www.r hoadesm otorc om pany.c om

T hayer



WOOLSEY AUTO SALES 1004 us hWy. 60 mtn. VieW, mo

FinancinG aVailable!

2002 Chevy

regular cab, 4x4, 1 owner super nice truck, 157xxx miles


2007 Suzuki XL7,

Awd, silver, at, p/w,pdl, tilt, cc, cd player

$229.00* $7,900

2006 Kia Sorento EX, blue, 4x4, leather, sunroof, loaded, new tires

$229.00* $7,900

2004 GMC Sierra ext cab, 4 door, 4x4, 5.3 V8, leather, loaded


2010 Mini Cooper S Clubman, green, new tires $7,900 or

$229.00 per mo. 36 months

2003 Chevy Cavalier

2 door, red, 1 owner, 110xxx miles


R hoades Motor C o -8 4 4

5950 2004 2450 2006 27 4 5 4 4 9950 6 4 4 1800 200 8 5500 00 6 4995 2008 6 5 4 4 7950 2005 4 5950 2004 4 5750 2005 6 200 6 2005 6 5950 2004 1500 4 4 7950 2007 6 5950 1990 2 -8 1750 6 4 4 6950 1995 6 5 2 1500 2007 5950 1995 8 4 4 2950 200 6 4 4 5950 2004 8 4 4 4950 2006 46 9500 200 8 4950 6 4950 6 2001 1500 6 2 417-264-2995 417-280-6944 6

06 2016 -



40p 10

500 4

1965 1949

50 5 417-967-0502 9-40

Auto Glass 0 417-254-1090 40-4

2002 Ford Escape

XLT, 1 owner, red, sunroof, 4 wheel drive


2006 Pontiac G6

grey, GT, panoramic sunroof $5,900 or

$202.00 per mo. 36 months

2006 Toyota Scion XB Base $3,900

2007 Dodge Caliber SXT, sunroof, leather


2005 GMC Sierra SLT, loaded, 4x4


D L O S 2002 Chevy Tahoe 4x4, black


*All Payments Based on $ 1000 down (cash or trade) at 12% with Approved Credit Dealer not responsible for misprints or photos





06 2016 -

Horse Trader - September 11, 2014 - Page B-9

• 800-967-610 Horse Trader - September 11, 2014 417-256-2445 - Page B-9 We Are Professional Grade





888-517-7321 Ends Tuesday, September 30th


720 East Main Street, next to Booster Field, Willow Springs, Mo

Just arriVeD for purchase

all neW 5425

6231 5459


015 all neW cheVy 1 ton cheVy 2015 Gmc 2500hD 2016 2016 Gmc

x4 single rear wheel cab chas-

2015suburban cheVy 1 ton reG 4x4

We Are Professional Grade

truck month enDs monDay, oct. 31st 720 East Main Street, at baileys next to Booster Field, Willow Springs, Mo

Just arriVeD for purchase

6128 5410 6238 2014 “all neW” 5425 5366 2016 Gmc sierra yukon Gmc Double cab 4x4




2015 cheVy 2500hD 2014 Denali "all it hasneW" the stealth gray paint2015 everybody 3500 all neW cheVy 1 ton cab 4x4 2015 2500hD 2016Gmc cheVy trax

s in brite red….with graphite wants. 6 seater with leather heated Double cab 4x4 cheVrolet last one in stock. come anD cab and chassis is come check out this 2016for $32,900…..that Just inright For Vacation trips. creW cab anD chass 4x4 single rear wheel cab bench for the 1st time ever offered… For $54,900….. afterchasrebate…plus you get eluxe heated bench seat….. Get it. 2016 Gmc sierra 3500 silVeraDo 1500 aWD, beautiFul silVer ice …$32,900 after rebate…plus you get 750 for you this yukon Denali has cheVy suburban 4x4 With and wow 20 inch wheels and chrome $750 for accessories……..and baileys will Duramax / allison farm truck… get 765 sis in brite red….with graphite Double cab Dually. this crew 4x4, in blue granite metallic bed purchase…..and willcab, give you 2 years eVerythinG From tention! cattle all ranchers…. the thrills. also thisbaileys metallic cheVy trax. it is cab and chassis for $32,900…..that is right give you 2 years of free oil changes….and steps for heateD easy entry… you get 22 mpg ft lbs of pulling torque and 100,000 miles of truck is reaDy to Work Z71, 355 power anD cooleD touch oil changes….and 100,000 miles of bailey seats deluxe bench seat….. Vehicle qualiFies For 0% Forcolor, 100,000 miles of bailey Warranty…..ltZ packhighway to andnew 355 horse to move heated an after aWD moDel For year …$32,900 rebate…plus you get 750 for you ou can put your bed on this of free screen also has windows…air cond….rubber warranty from chevy…plus yearsheateD of free With Duramax Diesel poWer horse 5.3 V8 naViGation. motor gets 22 mpg highage gives you heated plus cooled seats…… 72 months, WoW. warranty…..power it2has your trailers. you get $8250 in total baileys will give you 2 years rounD DriVinG. attention! cattle ranchers…. bed purchase…..and uck or baileys will handle it… DVD player theride kiDs anD W 0 For and it is summit White……with has the quietist anD reliability oF the397 horse and value…$7500 inever!... discounts and $750the on leather seats, naViGation, diesel service jobs….and 4x4 traction…. way...and of free oil changes….and miles of bailey msrp 100,000 $22,695 465your ft lbs ofbed torque…you can pull big trailers can on has this xm can raDio those lonG . ….this truckremote gets thestart, big horse and 380With ft lbs of torque…you bigFor the sticker”… you get $400put plus you getpull towing upwindow to 11,750 for all.andyou allison transmission. onstar and power windows…and ice cold air warranty…..power windows…air cond….rubber full of cattle with ease…and it has built in trips. With horsepoWer off in Gm if a farmerpoWer busi- WinDoWs, trailers full of cattle withyour ease…and it has builtneeds... in420 trailering andaccessories at baileys WiFi, xm raDio, much more. poWer bate….was $37,265… now anD truckor or baileys will handle it… brake controller….and posi trac for traction… W 0 cond….and michelin tires with a full size ness owner. trade21 cows for trucks in V8 that Gets an amaZinG brake controller….andyou posi trac getfor 2traction…. years of free oil changes…. msrp locks, cruiseget anD 5000 offthe today from chevy 33,850 …and you get 2 years of $61,305 …. ….this truck control, gets big willow springs Was $46,300… horse and 380 ft lbs of torque…you can pull big mpG. spare….and greaaaat looking “all new” de- and 100,000 miles of Gmc warranty from keyless entry. only $54,900 toDay! $55,750baileys….Wasmsrp noW $38,800 ee oil and $750 bailey for your bed price ad. trailers full of cattle with ease…and it has built in $37,265… now $72,975. $45,745 …baileys takes rebate….was sign andor interior to boot….only 44,500…. msrp $49,985 0% For 72 months brake controller….and posi trac for traction…. $33,850 …and you get 2 years of and wesee tradeDealer cows for trucks at baileys… off $7500 today for you. For Details bailey price $45,980 call us toll free 888 517 7321 today… free oil and $750 for your bed ad.

reG cab 4x4

bailey price $18,999

6203 5410

2016 sierra 2014Gmc “all neW” Gmc Double cab 4x4 1500

it has the stealth gray paint everybody Just in. 2016 Gmc sierra 1500 wants. 6 seater with leather heated Double cab 4x4. this truck is bench for the 1st time ever offered… setup ininch a Work truck packand wow 20 wheels and chrome aGe With poWer steps for easy entry… youWinDoWs, get 22 mpg highway andlocks, 355 horse power to move poWer 5.3l V8 motor, your trailers.shiFt you get $8250 total manual 4x4, anDincruise value…$7500 in discounts and $750 on control. come check it out. the window sticker”… .and you get $400 msrp $38,705 off in Gm accessories if a farmer or business owner. trade cows for trucks in willow springs Was $46,300…


2016 cheVy cruZe 5518

Just arriVeD. 1st neW 2016 cheVy cruZe. silVer ice 2015 cheVy 2500hD metallic, automatic trans, Double cab 4x4 For $54,900….. after rebate…plus youtoget poWer WinDoWs. buy it $750 for accessories……..and baileys will Dayyou For only $18,900 or pay give 2 years of free oil changes….and 100,000 bailey Warranty…..ltZ pack$289 miles perofmonth 72 months x age gives you heated plus cooled seats…… 3.9% Wac. and it is summit White……with 397 horse and

Ends Tuesday, September 30th $32,900 today!

$32,900 today!

bailey price $64,975

noW only $38,245

bailey price $35,700 noW $38,800

bailey price $15,996

465 ft lbs of torque…you can pull big trailers full of cattle with ease…and it has built in brake controller….and posi trac for traction… get 5000 off today from chevy

only $54,900 toDay!



all neW 5507



2014 Gmc 1500

2015 Gmc 3500hD reG cab

2015 cheVy 6031equinox

6223 5477


2014 cheVy spark

$12,995 gets you a 2014 chevy spark…with


5459 Diamond edition and 100,000 miles of 5356 for $28,800….. … upto 40 mpg highway5507 ually Duramax Diesel 4x4 cab and 5512 color…..yes it has the 355 horse2016 V8 Gmc Just arriVeD For the plus you get free sat radio for 90 days chass for $42,900…..that is right bailey warranty….2 years of free oil changes gas motor for pulling your big trail…$42.900 after rebate…plus you and 6 months onstar…. …..and bai- Gmc thrown in for you….and ice cold air…power 2015 3500hD 3/4 ton 2015 cheVy 1 ton 4x4 summer sell DoWn… Just in. rare reD paint Job trades cheVy 2500 4x4 ers……. ….baileys cows4x4 for Diesel, creW cab, et 750 for you bed2015 purchase…..and windows….and leys beD, will give you 2 years of free oilreG cab 5 years of roadside assistance creW cab anD chass With Foot White aileys will give you years ofcreW free trucks……you get 100,000 miles 6of½ baibiGbeautiFul cab on2this 2016 cheVy for free….it is extra cost midnight black metalDuallyofDuramax Diesel 4x4 cab and changes….and 100,000 miles baigreat silver ice get385 il changes….andGreat 100,000 milesWhite of summit Getcoverage…and color…..yes itfarm hastruck… the 355 horse ley and Gmc 2 years Duramax / allison getV8 765 tahoe 4x4. it has heateD paint, Gray leathertex lic and it really sparkles for you. chass for $42,900…..that is right iley Warranty…..power 385 lbs windows…. oF pullinG poWer anD of pulling power 100,000 ley and Warranty…..sunroof….michelin of free oil100,000 changes tolbs boot…….. this is our last 2016 gas motor for pulling your bigcheVy trail…$42.900 after rebate…plus you ft lbs seats, remote . milesleather oF Warranty From Gmc…plus 2 of pulling torque and 100,000 miles of seats, michelin tires, reaDy miles of warranty from back gmc…plus tires… up camera ……and it your bed price even gets $1,000 paid silVeraDo. it is a Z71 4x4 ers……. ….baileys trades cows for mmit White……with 397 and years oF horse Free serVicecamera, Jobs….anD 4x4 get 750 for you bed purchase…..and start, backup V8, warranty from chevy…plus 2 years of free 2For years of free your 5th Wheel or biG isservice Whitejobs…. diamond…… remote start by chevy….was $46,700 2500 hD reG cab 4x4 With the traction….anD WinDoWs…anD 5 ft lbs of torque…you can pull poWer big With remote start, Dual baileys will giveor youpay 2 years free month trucks……you get 100,000 miles of bai$199ofper sunrooF, 20” ….anD Wheels, anD and 4x4 traction….and power winicewith colD air conD…. Greaaaat ailers full of cattle ease…and service jobs….and 4x4 traction…. for cool or hot seats at the push of a 6.0 ho oilyou changes….and 100,000 milesanD of diesel controls, 5.3l V8 Get motor bumper trailer. Was $50,620, leyclimate and Gmc coverage…and 2 years has built in brake controller….and

2016 cheVy tahoe

2014 Gmc 2500 4x4 creW cab

2016 cheVy 2014 Gmc 1500 silVeraDo

5591 5366 5498

2014 "all neW"

2015 cheVyGmc equinox 2016 cheVrolet

coWs For trucks at baileys…call us discount toll Free 888 517 7321 toDay…


and we trade cows for trucks at total $45,600 …anD you Get baileys…call us toll free 888 517 the 100,000 mile Warranty at 7321 today…

onlybaileys. $45,900 5495

2014 Gmc 1500

2014 cheVy spark

$12,995 gets you a 2014 chevy spark…


noW only $40,000

$28,800 toDay!


cab …$32, bed pu of free warran

horse trailers brake



2014 cheVy captiVa

2014 encore

$20,300 gets you a 2014 chevy capwith up to 40 mpg highway and 100,000 with upto 33 mpg highway and O tiva…with upto 29 mpg highway and miles of bailey warranty….2 years of 100,000 miles of bailey warranty…. ew forrest green metallic, 4x4, free oil changes thrown in for you….and 100,000 miles of bailey warranty….2 is extra cost midnight black cherll new double cab, short cab, ice cold air…power windows….and 5 years of free6074 oil changes thrown in for ry metallic and 5495 6264 6168 6276 6181 it really sparkles h 4 door handles, yes it is a 5.3 years of roadside 5509 assistance for free…. 5454 motor with 355 horse and gets it is summit white and it really shines you….heated leather seats…power win- for you. Graphite leather seats… 2016 cheVy coloraDo dows….and 5 years of roadside assis- chrome polished wheels set this mpg highway, and you get the for you. 2014 cheVy spark come check 0,000 mile warranty, wow, Z71, out one oF for free….it is extra cost midnight cross over off… Just in. 2016 tance cheVy tahoe $12,995 gets you a 2014 chevy spark… 5477 theup all neW cheVy equithe hottest trucks on all neW 2016 Gmc sport inspired looks off road truck forsedan….”camaro you, black . demo like miles on this 2014…. with to 40 mpg2017 highway and 100,000 4x432ltZ. tahoe is in Get mpG this highway and look gooda O was $46,400. market. allpay neW inthe a sedan with room the for aor growing fam- $199 per miles warranty….2 years of nox of is bailey the best crossoVer canyon extmetallic, cab 4x4. forrest green 4x4, beautiFul siren reD color…. tint- new getting it…great red metallic ustomer takesily”….ash $100 more off free oil changes thrown in for you….and cheVy coloraDo creW month For 72 Gray color is metallic and it

2016 cheVy tahoe ltZ 2015 cheVy malibu 2014 cheVy equinox FWD $12,995

$12,995 gets you a 2014 chevy spark…with

here is a beautiFul White 4x4 single rear wheel cab chas1 ton,edition creW cab anD cab … Diamond for $28,800….. upto 40 mpgpaint highway and Gmc 100,000sierra miles of 1500 2016 cheVy Frost 2016 & silVeraDo chassis With Duramax sis in brite red….with graphite plus you get free sat radio for 90 days years of free oil changes Diesel ...With Fancy brite crew cab, 4x4, in blue granite metallicbailey sltwarranty….2 creW 4x4. this truck has reD paint…Gray and 6 Z71, months onstar…. leather …..and baiinheateD for you….and ice cold air…power color, new 355 thrown silVeraDo deluxe heated bench seat….. nice leather seats, $12,995 seats…michelin tires … 5 years ofremote roadside assistance horse 5.3 give V8 For motor leys reaDy will you your 2 gets years22 ofmpg free highoil windows….and memory seats, start, 26,850 attention! cattle ranchers…. Was lb trailers…. free….it is camera, extra cost midnight black metalway...and has the quietist rideof ever!... mylink raDio changes….and 100,000 miles bai- forbackup …noW you can put your bed on this licnaViGation, and it really sparkles for you. plus$51,400 you get towing up to$5,000 11,750 for all With Dual climate bailey Warranty…..power windows….xand For 72 months 3.25% Warranty…..sunroof….michelin ice cold air ley oFF at baileys…$1,000 motor, toWinG packaGe, of power free oil windows…and changes to boot…….. 390 horse poWer…it come in yourmore trailering needs... at baileys controls, A . anD onstar With truck or baileys will handle it… With 99 orand neWer tires… backin. up camera ……and it mylink yourbackup bedmichelin price camera, even gets $1,000 tires with a fullpaid size you Wacand cond….and reD White……with With Graphite seats… summit 397 horse $1,000 more traDe get 2 years of free oil changes…. WiFi. msrp $49,955 …. ….this truck gets the big raDio, xm raDio, onstar is White diamond…… remote start by chevy….was $46,700 iF you Finance With us anD 765 ft lbs of torque…you can pull big spare….and greaaaat looking “all new” deand 100,000 miles of Gmc warranty from or pay $199 per month anD it Will toW up to 14,850 $1,000 your sales bailey price With WiFi. msrp $46,625 trailers full of cattle with ease…and for cool or hotFor seats at …baileys the push of a rebate….was $37,265… now $45,745 takes sign and interior to boot….only 44,500…. baileys….Was $46,400 iF you tax….total lbs…Was $38,100 it has built in brake controller….and For 72 months x 3.25% button… $44,900 $7500 todayqualiFy for you. bailey $36,107 $33,850 …and you get 2 years of plus youcows get price $750 value at package and we trade for trucks baileys… off positrac for traction… noW only $30,610 discount at baileys….. Wac 888 517 7321 today… $42,900 at toDay! call us toll free $750 for your bed ad. noW only $38,245 free oil and

noW onlydows…and $40,000ice button… cold air cond…. bailey price at baileys….. $42,900 at toDay! $28,800 toDay! new” interior to boot. Withdesign 99 or and neWer traDe in…. lookinG “all neW” DesiGn anD interior naViGation. msrp $60,695

totraction… boot….only 44,500….anD traDe plusWe you get $750 value package positrac for noW $5,000 oFF looking at baileys… ….and greaaaat “all

6272 57905425

2016 Gmc 5487 2014 cheVy 2015 sierra all neWspark cheVy 1 ton

6155 5524

6230 5522

cheVy 2017 cheVy equinox 2016 Gmc canyon 2014 2016 cheVy captiVa 2014 Gmc 1500 2017 2014 cheVy traVerse encore Do you neeD a Vehicle that $20,300 gets you a 2014 chevy cap5356 with upto 338 mpg highway and5507 silVeraDo 2500 can haul people anD Go $25,900 or pay tiva…with upto 29 mpg highway and

only $20,300

$385 per month on the market. We haVe this this is an all neW color

reaDy to Go to Work. 2016

100,000 miles of bailey warranty….2

2014 Gmc 2500 4x4 creW cab

100,000 miles of here baileyitwarranty…. anyWhere? is. 2017

is extra cost midnight black chernew double cab, short cab, cheVy silVeraDo 2500hD coat paint all theperall sunroof, seatingJob for or 5 With adults and room pay $296 month 2015 Gmc 3500hD ice cold air…power windows….and 5 4x4. this in silVer ice years of free oil changes thrown in for ry Wheel DriVe. keyless shines…36 mpg is highway from malibu… months x 3.25% metallic and it it has really sparkles with 4 door handles, yes it is a 5.3 one in blueassistance VelVet paint copper reD noW only $39,150 72 metallic. month x 2.9% years of roadside for free…. creW...this truck is reaDy For 75heateD months 2.9% entry, cruise control, for all the luggage…WoW…my link in- V8 x luxuries. 22” Wheels, color With keyless you….heated leather seats…power winreG cab and awesome alum wheels….titanium motor with 355 horse and gets itWith for V6 you. Graphite leather seats… at baileys in Willow springs is summit white entry, and it really shines Wac keyless onstar comes With backup poWer, poWer seat, 18” to pull 5 your trailers With Wac 22 it remote start, Wac system leather is “voted #1 seats, system anD cooleD dows….and of roadsideget385 assismpg highway, and you get the for you. Dually Duramax Diesel 4x4 this cab and clothentry, seats….and 100,000 miles of chevy fotainment chrome polished wheels set great silver years ice aluminum Wheels, onstar, Great summit color..youFor Get With WiFi,White bluetooth camera, V6 motor, backup camera, Duramax Diesel anD mile warranty, wow,4x4, Z71, for user friendly.” 100,000 miles 100,000 tance for free….it is extrapoWer cost midnight memory seats,WoW remote start, warranty for you…plus 2 yearsanD of free cross over off… bluetooth For your cell chass for $42,900…..that is right 385your lbs oF cell pullinG poWer anD 100,000 $12,995 lbs of pulling power and 100,000 phone, cruise toWinG packaGe. poWer WinDoWs, cruise 4x4 to Get you anyWhere. off road truck for you, phone, anD after xm raDio. msrp black . demo like miles on this 2014…. warranty from bailey's…big bailey oil changes…and sat radio with of DVD, naViGation, 5.3l V8rebates poW…$42.900 rebate…plus oF Warranty From Gmc…plus 2 $25,900 or pay you msrp $32,760 or pay per was $46,400. $35,395 miles of warranty from gmc…plus control, anD$199 32 mpG on the control, onstar, anD miles plus 5 year 100,000 poWer bluetooth to your phone for all kinds of from low low interestmsrp rates er, chevy anD and much more. years oF Free serVice Jobs….anD 4x4 get 750 for you bed purchase…..and only $20,300 customer takes $100 more off train Warranty. hiGhWay. msrp $26,540 bailey price $29,484 keyless entry. month For 72 2 years of free service jobs…. $385 free media…. Was 23,200 for you….$26,950 after all rebates that traction….anD poWer WinDoWs…anD $71.590 baileysper will givemonth you 2 years of free

noW $21,700

at baileys... and its a 2015

maybailey apply…that is a bailey low low price $61,749 price today!

2015 cheVy 2500 4x4 biG creW cab

$32,005 noWmsrp only $39,150

bailey $29,445 at baileysprice in Willow springs

price $25,900 months x 3.25% icebailey colD air conD…. ….anD Greaaaat lookinG “all neW” DesiGn anD interior Wac to boot….only 44,500….anD We traDe coWs For trucks at baileys…call us toll Free 888 517 7321 toDay… 5223

or pay msrp $296 $49,485 per month and 4x4 traction….and power winFor 75 months x 2.9% dows…and cold air cond…. bailey ice price Wac $44,529 ….and greaaaat looking “all new” design and interior to boot. and we trade cows for trucks at baileys…call us toll free 888 517 7321 today…

cheVy traVerse With all

colo gas ers… trucks bailey price oil month changes….and 72 x100,000 2.9%miles of ley a $32,572 bailey Warranty…..power windows…. of fre Wac A . your summit White……with 397 horse and

PRE-OWNED • PRE-OWNED • PRE-OWNED • PRE-OWNED • PRE-OWNED • PRE-OWNED• 765 ft lbs of torque…you can pull big 5484

2013 cheVrolet captiVa

the great red jewel metallic color….. es it has the gas mileage you want at mpg and the cargo area for up to 34 of storage behind ft seats… baileys l activate your smart phone for Free this captiva and you will neVer pay ee ……you get 100,000 miles of bailey nd chevy coverage…and 2 years of e oil changes to boot……..only 2011 cheVy 28xxx miles

2007 crV aWD

silver metallic suv for you at baileys…..silver metallic color..only 136xxx miles…. 2.0 i-Vtec motor … auto trans

2008 cheVy coloraDo

4x4…crew cab…short bed…. with 84xxx miles and a tow hitch for all your trailering….seats 6 adults…..and has room for the gear in the bed….don’t miss out on this beautiful white… 6048a 5252a 5572a

2011 all neW seDona mini Van

only van with poWer up and down rear glass…great silver metallic color…model only 60,500 miles on this is ready for summer vacation with you……

only $45,900

Just Got Brand New Tires

trailers full of cattle with ease…and it has built in brake controller….and positrac for traction…

$42,900 at toDay!



only $10, 00 6082a 6113a 5223 5520 bailey price 5484 6143b 6129a 6124a or pay 2006 202012 per equinox 2007 crV aWD 2011 all neW seDona mini Van $14,250 2013 cheVrolet buick lacrosse pickup…. Gmc 1500 creW 2008cheVy cheVy coloraDo 2010 ForD F-150 2011 cheVy 2014 DoDGe ram silver2013 with upto 32 mpg highway ….it 2013 Gmc sierra kia 2014 silVeraDo metallic suv rio for you at sle package, withice chrome packWac hurry in today…or 4x4…crew cab…short bed…. only van with poWer up and down rear captiVa has only 43,235 miles on month it….and 4x4, price For quick sale V6…in beautiful silver blue metalreally clean, this car one oWner traDe in. this ram glass…great silver metallic color…model Just in. 2010 ForD F-150 noW only $17,900 it is silver ice metallic with titain the great red jewel metallic color….. age added, gets you chrome 18s, one oWner traDe in. this is a 2013 baileys…..silver metallic color..only pay $245 per month wac with 84xxx miles and a tow hitch Very nice reD 2014 cheVy only 60,500 silVeraDo miles on this is ready lic color door and low low 69976 miles…. nium seats….still under the chevy yes it has theis gasreaDy mileage you $17,500 at 4.9% x 60 months 1500 4x4 to want Go atto is a local traDe in anD in Willow springs , mo chrome handles, chrome mir-baileys creW cab 4x4. this truck 136xxx miles…. 2.0 i-Vtec motor … for all your trailering….seats 6 warranty which means baileys solD neW here at bailey’s.rors, buickchrome style tow in ahooks, sedanplus thatchrome looks is with a lariat With ecotec #3moDel 5.3 V8 engine, chevy for free…. alum wheels… 2011 cheVy silVeraDo reGua-steps, goodgetand drives good….it is miles a lokeyless entry….power seat. youleather 315 horse and 100,000 seats, backup and cab bluetooth for your phone for lar 4x4. this truck is Very calworry tradefree in from local folks just covlike of driving, and it is still free for life camera, naViGation, clean With only 80,000 milesered bumper to bumper by baileys, you…. $17,900 or pay new at baileys for over anD V8 $40,000 motor. anD has V8 motor anD spray insoldsunrooF, $279 per month your cost only $30,500 toDay beD liner. come see it. Very clean truck. 72 months x 3.9% pay only $430 per month,

29mpg and the cargo area for up to 34 Work For you. it has the 5.7l cf of storage behind ft seats… baileys V8activate so ityour can toW anythinG will smart phone for Free to this captiva and you will neVer pay you Want anD has a nice 8Ft a fee ……you get 100,000 miles of bailey beD to haul eVerythinG and chevy coverage…and 2 yearstoo. of free oil changes to boot……..only only 13,800 miles on it. 28xxx miles

has 50,162 on the miles. auto transmileaGe. Great on Fuel 5509

only $10, 00 bailey price 2015 cheVy malibu pay 20 per $9,900 sportor sedan….”camaro inspired looks

silVeraDo in adults…..and hasDouble room forcab the 5454 4x4. entry, gear it inhas the keyless bed….don’t miss out on this Wheels, beautiful V6 white… aluminum mo2014 cheVy equinox FWD tor For Fuel mileaGe. pickup….

for summer withWith you…… Gmc sierravacation creW 4x4 61,000

Just Got Brand New Tires miles. it has heateD leather

bailey price1500 2014 Gmc $14,250

seats, remote start, backup camera, memory seats, Dual

Get 32 mpG highway and look good O with room forWac a growing fambailey price $22,900 in a sedanmonth control, anD metallic, V8 motor. 4x4, hurry in today…or new forrest green bailey price $29,900 getting it…great red metallic color…. climate price For quick sale pay $9,500 5468 noW only $17,900 ily”….ash Gray color is metallic and it all pay new double cab, $245 per month wacshort cab, 5465 5398a 5449a sunroof, seating for 5 adults and room bailey price $28,900 pay only75x2.9 $173 Wac per month wac 4.9%mpg x 60 months in Willow springs, mo shines…36 highway from malibu… $17,500 at baileys with 4 door handles, yes it is a 5.3 bailey Wac price $17,900 orbailey price $20,900 2011 Gmc creW cab 2012 acaDia 4x4 and awesome alum wheels….titanium for all the luggage…WoW…my link in- V8 motor with 355 horse and gets 2009 honDa 2013 Gmc 1500 4x4 x4 Z-71… it has only 26,235 miles slt with leather captain cloth chairsseats….and and 100,000 miles of chevy fotainment system is “voted #1 system 22 mpg highway, and you get the it….and it is silver ice metallic with crew cab, loaded, sle, with accorD brand new tires to boot, only 52xxx anium seats….still under the Gmc warranty for you…plus 2 years of free for user friendly.” WoW 100,000 miles 100,000 mile warranty, wow, Z71, only 39,095 miles ..lx leather ..sun- miles, it has the popular white 60xxx miles, local trade in, in with B off road truck for you, bailey oil changes…and sat radio with of warranty from bailey's…big rebates package…and the graphite leather and has backup nd send the bill to Gmc for free…. great maroon Gmc color, 5.3 roof…entertainment was $46,400. the great white diamond color….. camera for easy parkingbluetooth and the to your phone for all kinds of from chevy and low low interest rates um wheels…keyless entry….power V8 motor and tow pack for all customer takes $100 more off yes it is a local trade ….it was at. and bluetooth for your phone polished aluminum wheels set it off. free media…. Was 23,200 for you….$26,950 after all rebates that for free for life your 6015b trailers, priced for quick garaged from sun and weather all its Just arrived and6235 won't last long at life…great tan leather seats….only a 6224a 6261 may apply…that is a bailey low low noW only $39,150 5956a baileys! 5468 sale. 5482b $29,900 or pay noW $21,700 5440b total of 39,095 miles.. 5465 5398a price today! 5449a at baileys in Willow springs only $27,500 or pay $369 2015 mitsubishi $425 per month at baileys... and its a 2015 2015 cheVy malibu priceD For immeDiate 2015 Jeep 2015 cheVy equinox 2013 cheVy tahoe per month 75 months 2011 Gmcto creW cab 2010xGmc texas 2012 acaDia 4x4 Gm certiFieD keep you alWays sale at $15,850 72 months 3.9% 2009 honDa Gm certiFieD 2015 cheVy equinox 2002month Jeep WranGler oreDition pay only $379 per John t. bailey outlanDer 4x4 Z-71… it has only 26,235 miles Wac x 2.9% With 30,000 miles. this is a Very clean Very nice 2013 cheVy tahoe, 4x4 slt creW cab with leather captain chairs and reneGaDe coVereD. this silVer 2016 cheVy yes. ice cold air….2.5 engine…new soft in WilloW sprinGs mo 3rD Generation Dealer Wac 75 months... 2.9% Wac on it….and it is silver ice metallic with crew cab, loaded, sle, with With 62,341 miles. this tahoe is rwd withneW, heated sport, leather seats anda20 like is in accorD


2013 Gmc 1500 4x4

top….with 2nd like top available….tow hitch malibuseats….still eco is a Great milealmost neW. 2015 Jeep titanium underFuel the Gmc for your trailer…great sunburst yellow B 27,233 miles aGe car. it only has reneGaDe With only 6,713 color….good tires on a set of chrome pol- it and send the bill to Gmc for free…. anD is unDer bumper to bumper miles. this Jeep has keyless ished wheels…Jeep runs and looks great alum wheels…keyless entry….power Warranty till 48,000 miles WoW. aluminum Wheels, cruise entry, cruise, backup camera, seat. and bluetooth for your phone backup camera, keyless entry, bluetooth For your cell phone, for free for life control, back up camera, cruise control, bluetooth For anD 4 cylinDer For GooD Fuel heateD seats, anD xm raDio. your cell phone, onstar, anD mileaGe. only 10,000 miles on it. xm raDio. bailey price $18,500 bailey price $17,900

inch wheels and 20 inch tires..spray in bed liner for you…tow package….it was beautiFul blue paint Job. traded in on a 2014 Gmc at baileys…great has push start, silver ice color … button and bluetooth for your phone for free for life

$23,900 or pay $355 per month bailey pricex $18,900 72 months 3.9% Wac

call For bailey price toDay 888-517-7321

$29,900 or pay $425 per month 72 months x 3.9% Wac

equinox With keyless entry, poWer

60xxx local trade in, in WinDoWsmiles, anD locks, cruise control, backupmaroon camera, 32Gmc mpG, Front Wheel great color, 5.3 DriVe anD onstar. With Gm certiFieD V8 motoryou and tow pack all proGram receiVe extrafor 12,000 or 12 trailers, months bumper your priced to forbumper quick Warranty anD turns the 5 year poWsale. ertrain Warranty to 6 years.


bailey price $20,500

5520 or pay only $379 per month Wac 75 months... 2.9% 2011 cheVy equinox

Gm certiFieD so it..lx Gets bumper only 39,095 miles leather ..suntoroof…entertainment bumper Warranty to 48,000 package…and miles Warranty the anD greatpoWertrain white diamond color….. oF 6 yes years 100,000 miles. has it isor a local trade ….it was garagedstart, from sun and weather remote heateD seats, all xmits life…great tan leather seats….only raDio, aluminum Wheels, toWinG a total of 39,095 miles.. packaGe, anD V8 motor. priceD at $34,900 priceD For immeDiate

brand new tires to boot, only 52xxx bailey cheVy Gmc co. miles, it has the popular white with 888-517-7321 the graphite leather and has backup 417-469-3111 camera for easy parking and the mobile 417-252-1989 polished aluminum wheels set it off. John@ Just arrived and won't last long at baileys! 720 E. MAIN • PO BOX 70 only $27,500 or pay $369 WilloW sprinGs, mo

sale at $15,850 5252a per month 75 months 5484 Wac x 2.9% in WilloW sprinGs mo

$12,99 with up miles free oi ice co years it is s for you

o m m

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