4 minute read
Jerry Crownover – Some things are meant to last
by Eric Tietze
just a thoughtWhat’s On Your Mind, Ozarks?
Life Is Simple By Jerry Crownover Life is Simple By Jerry CrownoverFor most of the last century, and all of this one, Hollywood and the tabloids have presented an image of love stories, courtships and marriages. Storybook romances and weddings have led far too many of us to believe the illusion that someone must spend tens of thousands of dollars on the perfect wedding… that will begin the perfect marriage… and ev- Jerry Crownover is eryone will live perfectly and happily ever after. We forget a farmer and former that many of these picture-perfect couples never make it professor of Agriculture to celebrate their 10th, or fifth, or sometimes, even their Education at Missouri first anniversary. Last Friday, my wife and I attended a State University. He is a wedding that took place in the real world. native of Baxter County,
At noon, a few people gathered at one of my neighbor’s Arkansas, and an homes, to witness the marriage of his grandson to his fi- author and professional ancé. Expecting the wedding to take place at Grandpa’s speaker. To contact Jerry, house, I was a bit surprised when the groom instructed all go to ozarksfn.com and of us to return to our vehicles and follow the lead car to a click on ‘Contact Us.’ cow pasture, just south of his granddad’s house.
Someone had to open the gate (and close it after the last car entered) to allow us to drive to the most level spot on the hillside. There, the young bride and groom stood hand-in-hand, ready to proceed with the ceremony. With cows in the background, lying down and contentedly chewing their cuds, I thought about how lovely and peaceful the wedding pictures would be, except there was no wedding photographer – only friends and relatives happily taking pictures and videos with their cell phones.
The groom was not wearing a fancy tuxedo and the bride was not adorned in a fancy, lacy dress with a 20- foot train behind her. There was no best man, nor bridesmaid, nor ring-bearer, nor flower girl, only the genuineness of the couple tearfully reciting their vows, making all of us feel like this marriage was more likely to last than anything Hollywood could present.
To remind me of just how real this wedding had been, as I walked toward the newlyweds, to offer my congratulations, Judy grabbed my arm and pointed down to my boots. Sure enough,
— Continued on Page 6
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PO Box 1514, Lebanon, MO 65536 Toll Free: 1-866-532-1960 479-846-1002 • Fax: 479-846-1003 E-mail: editor@ozarksfn.com Eric Tietze Publisher Administrative Amanda Newell, Marketing Manager Eric Tietze, Accounting Advertising Pete Boaz, Display & Classified Sales Amanda Newell, Production Sales Circulation Eric Tietze, Circulation Editorial Julie Turner-Crawford, Managing Editor Jerry Crownover, Columnist Jody Harris, Columnist Production Amanda Newell, Production
Erin Harvey, Klaire Howerton, Jordan Robertson and Terry Ropp
About the Cover
Wilber “Buddy” Lollis, 87, of Rudy, Ark., purchased 117 acres in the 1970s that has transitioned into a Christmas tree farm. Read more on page 10.
Photo by Terry Ropp
Ozarks Farm & Neighbor accepts story suggestions from readers. Story information appears as gathered from interviewees. Ozarks Farm & Neighbor assumes no responsibility for the credibility of statements made by interviewees. © Copyright Ozarks Farm & Neighbor, Inc., 2020. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
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