4 minute read
Couple follow their own farming dream
from OFN December 6, 2021
by Eric Tietze
meet yourneighbors A Family Christmas Tradition By Rachel Harper Andy and Jennafer Johnson wanted to do something with their land, but did not want to raise livestock
Andy Johnson and his wife Jennafer purchased a home with 40
summers. This year was the first they have not had to deal with the fungus. Andy acres in Webb City, Mo., in 2003. Neither one of them had an agricultural has worked with a Jasper County forester to help diagnose any diseases or pests background, but they had a desire to do something more with the land they just they might have. purchased. “When we were fighting the fungus, the forester was really good at coming out,
“We didn’t want to have livestock and didn’t have the equipment to row crop,” taking samples to send off to the nursery, and helping us put together a treatment Andy explained. “We could have leased it and even tossed around the idea of plan,” Andy said. blackberries or blueberries. We thought, how fun would it be to have our own They now proactively spray an insecticide/fungicide mix starting in early spring Christmas tree farm since we both enjoy getting a real Christmas tree each year.” when the trees are starting to put on new growth and then continue to treat them
They never had real Christmas trees growing up, but it started when every four weeks for up to four treatments. they married in 1999 and began their own family tradition. “You have to time it just right as it needs to be on for about 72
In the spring of 2006, Andy and Jennafer planted 1,000 hours before rain,” Andy explained. trees to begin the Bridgestone Christmas Tree Farm. They Andy often sprays by hand but also uses an ATV sprayjoined a Christmas tree growers association to collect er on a trailer with a boom behind the lawnmower or information and learn more about their new adven- golf cart to go down the rows and spray the small ture. trees early on. The larger trees are pretty drought
“It takes six to seven years for trees to grow. resistant. Christmas trees are really resilient, but they do “We don’t spray for weeds but mow between not like to be wet. They like rocky and acid- the rows, which takes about 12 hours every ic soil, so you do not really have to treat the week to every other week. I pass every tree soil, and we have fairly good topsoil about four times when I’m mowing, so I get the op16 inches down then it’s clay right under- portunity to look and inspect the trees on a neath and no rocks.” regular basis through the summer.”
For four years, they continued to plant “In early September, I know the trees we around 500 to 1,000 2-year-old, 12-to-16- are selling and spray them with a green inch seedlings each spring. colorant and mix it with an insecticide to
They have 100 Christmas trees in their help the trees. The colorant also has needle field awaiting the perfect family this year. retention built in, so the tree holds its nee-
“I go through and mark the holes ahead dles even if it dries out once you cut it down. of time, then start digging a couple of hours That is the last thing I do to them.” before we start planting,” Andy said of the Andy said they also host field trips throughplanting process. out the year sharing information on how trees
They have a tractor with a post hole auger to grow, various parts of the tree, how long it takes dig the holes, but they plant each tree by hand. to grow trees and what it takes throughout the They space each seedling 8 feet apart to allow for entire year, not just at Christmas time. better wind flow. “It helps dry them out and has helped fight fungus. It is double the mowing but in the long run, it was the best decision,” Andy said. They have about 8 acres planted in trees, but Andy said they can always expand if needed. The Christmas tree farm opens each year on Thanksgiving weekend for two to three weekends; however, they sold out the second weekend last year. Their average trees are about 5- to 8-feet tall, with some precuts 10- to 12-feet tall. Photo by Rachel Harper “Our main trees are Scotch pine,” Andy said. “Four years ago, we The Bridgestone Christmas Tree Farm offers fun activities for the whole started planting Virginia pines as they grow faster than the Scotch family, including a kids train ride, a family hayride, handmade crafts from pines. They must be pruned three times a year versus once a year be- local vendors, free hot cocoa and cider and a kid’s corner where the kids cause they grow so rapidly. The Virginia pines should be ready next year.” can color a Christmas picture and write a letter to Santa to mail at the tree They also buy up to 300 each year from a large tree farm in Michigan. They began they began to buy precut trees to sell after about give years. Webb City, Mo. farm. “We have several families that come quite a distance. It’s just fun see-
There have been a few challenges through the years. At one point, they ing the same families come back year after year,” Andy said. were losing 500 to 600 trees a year due to a fungus brought on by the wet