4 minute read
Do you have an SOP?
from OFN February 1, 2021
by Eric Tietze
farm helpMaking farming a little easier
Animal Health SOPs
By Klaire Howerton Assessing risk factors and creating standards for health can help producers achieve efficiency and consistency Raising healthy animals is the to break it down into manageable steps and sharing server such as Dropbox or iCloud SOPs are beneficial to have in the event goal for livestock producers. But start with risk assessment. are a couple of ways producers can store that a producer must leave the farm for an how can producers achieve a healthy herd “Get an idea of the risk factors, and put their animal health SOPs. extended period of time. Whoever takes care or flock? Writing up standard operating pro- things in place to address them,” Payne ad- Once a producer has animal health SOPs es- of the animals in the producer’s absence will cedures, or standard operating protocols, for vised. He explained risk factors will differ by tablished, Payne suggested an annual review have step-by-step instructions to keep things health issues and maintenance can be ben- farm. For example, a producer with a closed of the protocols. However, like many things, running smoothly. eficial for both people and animals. herd will have different bio-security risks, SOPs can constantly evolve and change, and Another reason SOPs are important is
What are SOPs? and therefore procedures than an open herd producer who frequently has animals some situations might require a more immediate review of and change in protocols. because giving animals the best care possible is simply the right thing to do. SOPs
Standard operating procedures, or SOPs, coming and going. Animal health practices allow a producer to do that while also docare documented step-by-step instructions a producer might create SOPs for include Why Are Animal Health umenting and showing their consumers that an organization has in place to help peo- vaccinations, calving, lambing or kidding, SOPs Important? their stock have a high-quality of life. ple carry out routine operations consistently quarantining a new or sick animal, etc. Payne explained SOPs contribute to ef- “The agriculture industry faces a lot of and efficiently. Payne noted the majority of operations ficiency, consistency and speed of animal scrutiny from outsiders,” Andy McCorkill,
Many producers may find they already have can, at minimum, benefit from creating care and treatment. MU livestock field specialist explained. some form of SOP in place – programs and a bio-security SOP, and encouraged pro- “Last-minute planning can be risky in and of “The animal side in particular has, at protocols are terms that are frequently used ducers to evaluate risk factors in that area. itself,” he said. “Having SOPs in place helps times, received a black eye because of the to reference what is essentially a standard Depending on the size of the operation, avoid rushing around last minute.” perception of squeezing every penny out of operating procedure. Farmers and ranchers getting a team together of employees, fam- Time is often critical when it comes to ani- the animals we raise at their expense. We can save time, money, and hassle by drafting ily members, and veterinary and Extension mal health emergencies, and sick, injured or need to do everything possible to keep that SOPs for many aspects of agriculture. professionals familiar with the farm for in- distressed livestock stand a better chance of negative image from being a reality.” Establishing put on SOPs can help make the task more manageable, Payne suggested. recovery if treatment is administered quickly. Animal health SOPs can benefit every“We’ve reached a point where the market is demanding healthy animals because morbidi-
Animal Health SOPs A written the plan is crucial, as is having one who is involved with the farm. In the ty costs the industry a lot of money. Animals
Creating SOPs can seem like a daunting the SOP in an easily accessible location for event of an emergency or routine practice, that have a verifiable history of vaccinations, task. University of Missouri Extension Vet- all parties involved. A binder in a central everyone knows what to do and how to do nutrition, and genetics will simply bring more erinarian Dr. Craig Payne advised producers location or in a computer file saved to a it consistently. Even for a small operation, money than comparable animals that don’t.”
what do
you say?
How can animal health impact profits?
“The healthier the animal, the less money you have to put into it and the more profit you make.”
Michelle Bartlett Pope County, Ark.
“Poor animal health knocks a hole in your profits. When I buy stockers, I buy calves whose origins are sound rather than from a sale barn.”
Calvin Moore
Muskogee County, Okla.
“Cattlemen can spend 10 times more healing a sick calf than vaccinating.”
Jim Singleton Benton County, Ark.
“If an animal isn’t healthy, it doesn’t grow well, and show animals have to be in prime condition for winning and selling.”