4 minute read
Keeping young calves healthy
from OFN February 3, 2020
by Eric Tietze
Keeping Calves Healthy
By Klaire Howerton
Keeping younger stock in good condition is critical for productive calves Keeping calves healthy is a cornerstone of farm management practices.
Healthy calves become healthy cows, which benefits the producer. Calves have their own set of needs when it comes to managing their health, and while producers should always inquire with their veterinarian about the best practices for their farm, there are a few common things that can be implemented with the majority of calf crops. Set Them Up for Success Even in the healthiest of herds, calves stand a much better chance of having a productive career on the farm if they are born into an environment that sets them up for success.
Calves might not have access to a weather-tight barn filled with fluffy cedar shavings, but they do benefit from windbreaks and shelters.
The Noble Research Institute advises producers to plan to calve in the driest, most protected area possible to reduce stress on both the dam and her newborn. Calves can stand a lot of cold if they are dry and out of the wind.
Calves need to be kept as dry as possible; mud-free areas to rest in outdoors and clean bedding, if indoors, creates a healthy environment. Dirty and damp calf housing breeds disease. Adequate space where calves are not at risk from being stepped on by adult cattle or too crowded with other calves will keep stress levels low. Evaluating the area where calves will be born and reared to identify improvements prior to calving can go a long way towards comfortable, healthy youngsters. Illness and Disease Prevention Preventing illness and diseases in young calves is critical, as their immune systems are still developing.
Scours is a common problem for many cow/calf producers and can be costly – fortunately, there are preventative strategies. “Calf scours is almost entirely a manmade problem brought on by having the herd closely confined at calving time. Developing a rotation to allow manure to dry down and kill bacteria is a good starting place,” Andy McCorkill, livestock field specialist with the University of Missouri Extension, advised. He recommended the “Sandhill’s Shuffle method” to help with overcrowding and scours prevention.
“If you continually have scours issues, it might take the addition of a scours vaccination program to aide in getting some colostral immunity passed on to the newborn calf to keep it healthy,” he said.
Other vaccinations producers might consider (always consult with a veterinarian for the most effective protocols) are blackleg and viral respiratory vaccines. Deworming is also strongly recommended beginning around 4 to 8 weeks of age. For deworming to be the most effective, consider pairing this protocol with a rotation of some kind to reduce the amount of parasites calves are exposed to.
Keep Dams Healthy Dams in good condition will raise healthier calves. Keeping cows well fed prior to and after calving, giving pre-calving vaccinations to transfer immunity via colostrum and administering both internal and external parasite preventatives on a regular schedule will go a long way towards calf health and herd health in general.
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Selling 40 Charolais & 5 Angus Bulls including 20 Fall Coming Two-Year Old Bulls

MARCH 7, 2020 1 p.m. At the Farm Evening Shade, Arkansas

SAT PATRIOT 8029 P DOB: 8-28-18 BW: 82 lbs. AWW/R: 769 lbs./115 LT PATRIOT X M6 BELLS & WHISTLES X SF TANYA CE: 4.7 BW: -0.7 WW: 45 YW: 82 Milk: 10 TSI: 226.14
SAT MOMENTUM 9303 P ET DOB: 2-18-19 BW: 78 lbs. AWW: 770 lbs. LT AUTHORITY X M6 MS FRESH GRID 2155 P CE: 10.1 BW: -1.6 WW: 23 YW: 50 Milk: 17 TSI: 200.92

Greg Hubert P.O. Box 100 Oakley, KS 67748 785-672-3195 (office) 785-672-7449 (cell) Sale Manager: Consultant:
Wes Chism 281-761-5952 JWChism@outlook.com

plus a Select Offering of Commercial Open Heifers SAT OAK ISLAND 9102 DOB: 3-1-19 BW: 51 lbs. AWW: 725 lbs. MGR TREASURE X ERICA OF ELLSTON M109 CED: +8 BW: -0.6 WW: +53 YW: +101 Milk: +18 $B: +162

169 Satterfield Farm Rd • Norfork, AR 72658 Mark & Nancy (501) 944-9274 Loyd & Joanne (870) 499-7151 satterfieldfarms@icloud.com www.satterfieldcharolais-angus.com