2 minute read
meet your neighbors All in the Family
from OFN March 13, 2023
by Eric Tietze
By Brenda Brinkley
Boyce-Dill Cattle began with Limousin and added Angus
Boyce-Dill Cattle incorporates two generations.
Pictured, from left, are Jackson Dill, Ellie Dill, Brody Meadows and Brent Boyce.
Boyce-Dill Cattle is a family-run operation in Webster County, near Marshfield, Mo. Brent Boyce operates the farm. His sister, Lisa, and her husband, Jake Dill, and their family work together and show cattle.
Brent has 70 females. He said about a third of the herd is Limousin, a third is Angus, and a third is commercial, which is used for recips.
Brent’s involvement in the cattle industry began more than 40 years ago.
“I was 10 years old when I bought my first registered heifer. It was a Limousin heifer,” Brent said. He started showing cattle when he was 14.
“Most of our cattle are Lim-Flex, which is Angus/Limousin cross. It’s a registered breed, and [animals have] to be out of a registered Limousin and registered Angus to qualify as Lim-Flex,” Brent explained.
The venture into Lim-Flex began for Brent began before it was recognized as a breed.

“We bought an Angus bull and started using our Angus bull on some of our heavier, Limousin-influenced commercial cows.
We really liked the results,” he said. “Then we would AI our full-blood cows and use an Angus bull for clean-up. At that time, we registered those cattle as half-bloods. So we had a head start before they made it its own breed.”
The registered side of Brent’s cattle operation may goes back to that first registered heifer, but he had a little prior experience with Limousin.
“We bought a commercial heifer from my uncle, and she out-performed everything. She was half Limousin and she out-performed the cattle we had. A couple of years later, we bought our first registered heifer,” Brent said, estimating that was back in 1982.
The addition of Angus to the cattle operation came several years later.
“Probably 20-plus years ago, we got our first Angus cow, so we raised registered Angus and registered Limousin,” Brent added.
A visit to Brent Boyce’s farm on a Monday might find his nephews, Jackson Dill and Brody
Meadows, and niece, Ellie Dill. The younger generation spends time with their uncle and helps out on the farm. Jackson, 17, and Ellie, 14, are Jack and Lisa’s children. Eleven-year-old Brody is the son of Brent’s other sister, Julie.
Jackson is a senior in high school, and Brent said the teen helps with breeding decisions.
“It’s good to have him to bounce stuff off of,” Brent said. “We AI. We do embryo transplant. We do both conventional and IVF. We try to breed strengths to weaknesses on our cattle. We like moderate, easy-fleshing, efficient, low-input cattle that are good maternally. Cattle that milk, with good udder and teat placement; that’s what we focus on and we don’t chase one particular trait. We use EPDs as far as making breeding decisions,” Brent explained.
Brent likes for his cattle to calve in March and April, and then in September, October and November.
Marshfield, Mo.
“I actually like the fall calving cows the best,” Brent said.