8 minute read
Frostbite recovery
from OFN March 15, 2021
by Eric Tietze
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Frostbite Recovery
By Julie Turner-Crawford Feburary’s bitter weather many have caused some animals to have tissue damage
February’s polar vortex was a nightmare for many livestock producers in the Ozarks.
During cold events, animals can suffer from frostbite, which is damage to body tissues that occurs when the tissues freeze. Newborn calves are most at risk because they are wet and have a large surface area in relation to their total body mass. Calves can not maintain temperature the first several hours of life, and their circulatory system is less able to respond to cold changes than more mature animals, resulting in frostbite.
“You’ll probably see a lot of calves in a few weeks that were born in the coldest weather that have already lost, or show signs they’ll lose, the tips of their ears and possibly their tails; mostly the tips of both extremities are affected,” University of Missouri Livestock Field Specialist Eldon Cole said.
Frozen ears and tails result in changes in cattle appearance, but cattle performance significantly.
Initial signs of frostbite include a cold stiffness to the tips of these body parts. As the days go on, the affected parts become hard and leathery before they separate from the healthy tissue and simply fall off.
Frostbite can also affect the hooves of animals. Cole said producers in the Ozarks generally not encounter many issues with frostbitten hooves, but the February blast brought subzero temperatures and windchills that dipped below negative 20, so there may be a few cases. If the feet are involved, the animal is very reluctant to rise but appears otherwise healthy with a normal appetite.
Unfortunately, there is no treatment for frostbite in hooves, and the best solution is to euthanize the animal.
Cole added that not all cases of cattle with sore feet are caused by frostbite.
“In toxic fescue country, like we have around here, we can expect to see some fescue foot show up in adult animals. Owners need to watch for lameness in the rear hoof-leg region,” Cole said. “They will be slow-moving, can be swelling in the lower leg, and in advanced cases, there will be a break in the skin, usually around the top of hoof and the dewclaws. Of course, the real culprit is the toxin ergovaline, which reduces blood circulation to the extremities. The toxin possibly could have been ingested several weeks before the cold snap in pasture or hay.”
Fescue foot doesn’t show up in all animals, usually about 10 to 25 percent. It will also result in lost tail switches in the next couple of months.
“I’m sure frostbite is painful, especially if it’s connected to fescue foot,” Cole said. “Cattle can lose a hoof or two also, and once the skin break occurs, they are beyond recovery.”
Mature animals can also suffer from frostbite during brutal winter conditions.
“Occasionally teats of a recently calved cow freeze, resulting in mastitis and frequently loss of milk production in at least one-quarter of the udder,” Cole said. “Adult animals may experience scrotal or teat frostbite. Once again, the degree of injury will vary on how protected they are from the wind, wet and muddy bedding areas. I see some scrotal scabs on the bottom of the scrotum after most winters, but our extremes this year will likely worsen that. Unless they are extreme, many of those bulls won’t be affected as far as their bull breeding soundness (BSE) exams are concerned The more extreme BSE-freeze-related concerns may be seen in Brahman and Brahman crosses. Those problems will not affect just the scrotum but can damage the prepuce and penile area.”
According to information from the University of South Dakota, spermatogenesis (creation of sperm) in a bull is 61 days. Anything that affects sperm production will take 61 days to totally clear the system, to have normal cells and healthy sperm again after the bull recovers. It may take several months for full recovery, and a few bulls remain permanently infertile.
Spring is on the way to the Ozarks, but producers should use February 2021 as a lesson in how to prepare for future cold-weather calving.
— Continued on Next Page
what do you say?
What is a bio-security measure you practice on your farm?
“In addition to having a strong vaccination protocol, we want our herd as closed as possible. We retain heifers, sometimes raise our own bulls, trade within the family and only purchase virgin and tested bulls.”
Eddie Roberts Adair County, Okla.
“We don’t allow people around the farm or the cattle. We also quarantine new cattle until we are certain they are healthy.”
Katie Swofford Carroll County, Ark.
“The easiest way for us to handle the situation is allowing no outside visitors. Each of us also has town shoes and farm shoes so we don’t accidentally track anything in.”
Jim Isbell Washington County, Ark.
“We have a commercial herd but nonetheless keep it mostly closed. However, I don’t retain heifers and purchase second-calf cows when I need replacements. New animals are quarantined until we’re sure they’re healthy.”
Bill Sossamon Franklin County, Ark
Frostbite Recovery
Continued from Previous Page

“If they’re not brought into a warm area immediately after birth and off and warmed up, there’s not much you can do to prevent the freezing,” Cole said. “There are calf warming boxes some farmers use, but most probably stick them in the truck cab or take them to the house for a while. Of course, getting them dry is just a start. They also need to nurse ASAP to get their insides warmed up with colostrum.”

Frostbite treatment

Areas suffering from frostbite should be warmed up quickly. Frostbite is the actual destruction of tissue. To prevent permanent damage, affected areas need to be restored with circulation as soon as possible. Again, the heat source should be about 105 to 108 degrees. Do not rub affected areas. They are already damaged and quite fragile. As the area warms up, it will be painful. Do not let the animal rub these areas, it will only make the situation worse. In severe cases, analgesics (pain killers) may be indicated. Consult your veterinarian.
Frostbite in teats and scrotums deserve special mention. Frostbitten teats may be difficult to detect. The first sign may be a thin calf. The actual teat end is affected and can slough. If this happens, the sphincter muscle of the teat may be lost. This makes mastitis a possibility. Also, an affected teat may cause that quarter to dry up since the cow won’t let the calf nurse. In addition, the frostbitten teat may go unnoticed until next year. At that time the calf is thin, and when the cow is examined, the actual teat is healed over with scar tissue. This teat will need to be opened.
Scrotums and testicles of bulls can suffer frostbite. Often these lesions go unnoticed. These lesions can cause transitory or permanent infertility. All herd bulls should have breeding soundness exams 45-60 days after the last severe cold spell. Your veterinarian can help you with these exams.

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