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Youth in Agriculture spotlights Gracie Smith
from OFN March 16, 2020
by Eric Tietze
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youth in agriculture tomorrow’s ag leaders
Gracie Smith By Sydney Abercrombie
Age: 18 Parents: Jeff and Deania Smith Sibling: Brother, Eli Smith Hometown: Buffalo, Mo. FFA Chapter: Buffalo FFA Advisors: Mary Ann Boro and Joey Stokes

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What is your involvement in agriculture? “My family owns black Angus beef cows and we raise them to sell or butcher. We also have chickens. Around springtime I incubate chicks and then I sell them.
“I’m very involved with my local FFA Chapter, where I hold the president position and Area 10 Vice President. By being an officer, I get the opportunity to attend Leadership Conferences like WLC (Washington Leadership Conference) and FFA Camp.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agricul- ture/living on a farm?
“Ever since I was little, I have always enjoyed being outside playing in the creek and making mud pies with my brother. I have also always enjoyed being around livestock.”
What are your future plans? “My future plans are to attend Ozarks Technical Community College in Springfield, Mo., and study agriculture.”
What advice would you give to other young people who want to be involved in agriculture?
“Try new things because you never know what type of opportunities may happen.”
Awards: During her time in FFA, Gracie has earned several honors and awards. Her awards include: FFA State Leadership Award, third place Soil and Water Area 10 Public Speaking, Star Junior Award of Buffalo FFA Chapter, Chapter Leadership Award (2019), third-place Food Service Proficiency (Area 10, 2019), first-place Agriculture Education Proficiency (Area 10, 2020) and State FFA Degree recipient in 2020.