2 minute read
Youth in Agriculture spotlights Will Wesson
from OFN March 2, 2020
by Eric Tietze


22 Ozarks Farm & Neighbor • www.ozarksfn.com MARCH 2, 2020 youth in agriculture tomorrow’s ag leaders Will Wesson By Veronica Hicks
What is your involvement in agriculture? “I grew up as a member of White County (Ark.) 4-H. I showed market lambs, breeding sheep, dairy goats, market goats and market hogs at county, district and the state fairs. I also showed at regional and national shows, like the American Royal in Kansas City.
“4-H gave me the opportunity to learn public speaking. I wrote and presented speeches every year on agriculturally related topics and participated in the county and district O-Rama competitions. I also competed in crops ID and ornamental horticulture in 4-H.
“Our family has a commercial beef cow herd and I help with that operation, although that work is much easier than when we had the show string. We have a small cow/calf operation and are raising a set of heifers we hope to sell as bred heifers in the spring. I help with feeding, especially putting out hay in the winter.”
What is your favorite part about living on a farm? “My favorite part of being on the farm is calving season. I used to love when it was lambing season too, but now we are out of the sheep business. I thoroughly enjoy seeing the new babies. I help tag, vaccinate and castrate.” What are your future plans? “I hope to attend the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville and major in agriculture law in the future.”
What’s the best advice about agriculture you have re- ceived from adults?
“My mom is a county extension agent in Arkansas and she insisted that my sister and I would be a part of 4-H. She knew it would help hone our leadership and life skills. She was right. Both of us have benefitted from being members of 4-H. As I got older, I joined FFA at Searcy High School.
“Both youth organizations help to provide valuable skills that will be beneficial throughout life. Age: 19 Hometown: Searcy, Ark Parents: Sherri and Kyle Sanders, and Jeremy Wesson Sibling: Jessica Wesson FFA Chapter: Searcy FFA Advisor: Addison Safley
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