2 minute read
Youth in Agriculture highlights Laurin Dilly
from OFN April 6, 2020
by Eric Tietze
MASSEY FERGUSON TRACTOR PACKAGE MIDWEST EQUIPMENT Rental and Sales Green Forest, AR 1000 W. Main Street 870-438-4328 Harrison, AR 505 E. Stephenson 870-743-1110 Call today for a no-obligation demonstration at your home! Financing Available! Package Includes: • Massey Ferguson 1723e Tractor with loader • 14' trailer with ramp • 4' brush hog • 4' box blade $ 17,469 00
youth in agriculture tomorrow’s ag leaders Photo by Laura L. Valenti

Laurin Dilly By Laura L. Valenti

18 Ozarks Farm & Neighbor • www.ozarksfn.com APRIL 6, 2020 What is your involvement in agriculture? “Our family has 70 head of commercial cattle on approximately 70 acres. I’m in Nevada FFA and have been involved in the local 4-H as well. My favorite event in FFA is meeting new people, although I’m not sure that’s one of the official ones. We make up fruit baskets during the holidays and deliver them while caroling to locals in the nursing homes.”
What are your plans for the future? “I plan on going to Kansas State, where I’ll be studying to become a vet and an animal chiropractor.”
Laurin said she met a practicing animal chiropractor from the Fort Scott, Kan., area a couple of years ago.
“I had a steer with some problems and he really helped. I visited with him and learned a lot and decided I’d really like to be involved in that kind of work as well as working as a vet,” Laurin said. Other activities: “There is not time for a Iot with school and farm chores but I do love cruising,” she added. “I’m just one of those people who can’t sit still. Both of my best friends are also in agriculture so they help me in the barn with my chores. That’s our entertainment much of time. We work all day long, starting in at 6 a.m. and then we sit there in the barn some evenings and braid hair and figure out new ways to do it. But it isn’t our hair, it’s the hair on our show cattle,” she said with a giggle. Age: 17 Family: Parents, Kevin and Dolynn;
brothers, Evan and Devin; and sister Kristin Hometown: Deerfield, Mo. FFA Chapter: Nevada FFA MID MISSOURI STOCKYARDS For Farm Visits, Market Updates, or Trucking ZACH COX 417-777-1320 or DAN ROMINE 573-578-4939 Barn: 417-532-9292 17505 Route 66, Exit 123 off I-44 • Phillipsburg, MO 65722 We Appreciate Your Business! Call REGULAR SALE EVERY THURSDAY 11AM Competitive Buyers! Competitive Commission! Competitive Market! Special Cow Sale - TBA Visit midmostockyards.com WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Contact us directly for questions on restrictions in regards to the virus outbreak or visit our Facebook for updates. Thank you all for your continued support and understanding.