3 minute read
Jerry Crownover Shakey the Calf
from OFN June 13, 2022
by Eric Tietze
just athoughtWhat’s On Your Mind, Ozarks?
Life Is Simple
By Jerry Crownover


is Simple By Jerry CrownoverEarly one morning, as I unrolled a bale of hay during the second week of February, I heard the weak, little bawl of a newborn calf. There in the edge of the woods stood the tiniest, red calf I’d ever seen, seemingly crying Jerry Crownover farms for its mother. Counting cows, while inspecting to see in Lawrence County. He which ones had calved overnight, I spotted a first-calf is a former professor of heifer, allowing a new, tiny calf to suckle. Hurriedly, Agriculture Education at I grabbed the bawling little red calf and carried all 25 Missouri State University, pounds of him to who I suspected was the mother of and is an author and bouncing twin calves. Since instinct told her that she professional speaker. was already taking care of her baby and allowing it to To contact Jerry, go to suckle, she rudely butted away the interloper. Sadly, ozarksfn.com and click this is quite common with bovine twins. on ‘Contact Us.’
It was cold that morning, with a skiff of snow covering the ground, and I knew the mini-bull wouldn’t last long in those conditions. Swiftly, I loaded the little fellow inside the cab of the tractor and transported him to the barn, where I laid him on a fluffy bed of wheat straw. Judy had prepared a bottle of warm colostrum, and upon arrival to the barn, he quickly gulped down the contents. Immediately after consuming the warm treat, the little calf began shaking like an old-time Quaker revival. My son’s fiancé was witness to the event and instantaneously dubbed the newborn calf “Shaky.”
Feeding the calf three to four times daily, he would live up to his new name every single time he received nourishment. After a week, the feedings became twice-daily shaking events. After six weeks of living in the barn and accompanying warmer weather, Judy released the calf to run with all the other cattle and, both morning and evening quickly trained him to come to the yard fence and bawl for his bottle. By this time, he

— Continued on Page 5
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Amanda Newell, Marketing Manager Eric Tietze,Accounting Advertising
Amanda Newell, Display & Production Sales Amanda Newell,Classified Sales Circulation Eric Tietze,Circulation Editorial Julie Turner-Crawford,Managing Editor Jerry Crownover,Columnist
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Amanda Bradley, Jaynie Kinnie-Hout, Cheryl Kepes, Eileen Manella, Dr. Tim O’Neill, Janet Warford-Perry and Manndi Wilkins About the Cover
Ryan and Debbie Gettle utilize a robotic milking system at their dairy farm. See more on page 7.
Photo by Amanda Bradley
Ozarks Farm & Neighbor accepts story suggestions from readers. Story information appears as gathered from interviewees. Ozarks Farm & Neighbor assumes no responsibility for the credibility of statements made by interviewees. © Copyright Ozarks Farm & Neighbor, Inc., 2022. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.


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