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Eye on Agribusiness spotlights Poultry Boss
from OFN June 28, 2021
by Eric Tietze
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Poultry Boss
By Julie Turner-Crawford
H Location:Gentry, Ark. H Owner:Terry Pollard
History: Poultry Boss (Blow Out Specialty Services) began in 2009 when Danny Pollard developed a unit that would blow dust and small debris from poultry barns. Danny sold the business to his brother Terry about nine years ago.
Early blower prototypes weren’t successful, but Danny found a small turbine unit that offered what he was looking for.
“They will go across baseball fields with this on the turf after a heavy rain and blow the field try,” Terry explained. “It puts out a 127-mile per hour wind. Danny adapted that to his tractor.”
Since the inception of Poultry Boss, the business has grown in Arkansas and in Missouri and Oklahoma. At last count, Poultry Boss has worked on 231 different farms.
Services: Poultry Boss is not a litter removal company. Its service is the removal of dust and other small particles from inside poultry houses.
“Usually, the farmer will have his litter people come in and deal with the litter, be it removing it, tilling it or rolling it,” Terry explained. “They get all of that dusty work done, then we come in and knock the dust down off the roof, the walls, the rails or all of it, then people can come in with clean shavings; some like to blow after new shavings. Anything that could fall down in the delicate water and food of the chicks, we blow it out. “We start at the point of the roof, moving the unit around in circles. While we’re doing this, the fans on the end are sucking the dust out. You might have a 30 mile per hour wind shuffling through that barn. When we knock the dust down, it gets sucked right on out the back.
“Some folks like to blow out once a year, some folks like to wash then blow out between,” Terry, who has one full-time employee, said. “Then I have farmers who said they would never wash again because with blowing, they aren’t getting the water in the bulbs and the wires. Barns have caught fire after power washing. When I’m done, you don’t have to scrub off dirt; you can bang on the rails, the walls and no dirt will fall.”
It only takes minutes to clean a barn, depending on the size of the faculty and the frequency of cleaning.
“A 400-foot barn that is regularly serviced will take me 30 minutes, a 600-foot will take me about an hour,” Terry said.

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