4 minute read
Jerry Crownover Playing old men
from OFN June 7, 2021
by Eric Tietze
just athoughtWhat’s On Your Mind, Ozarks?
Life Is Simple
By Jerry Crownover
is Simple By Jerry CrownoverAs a little kid, my friends and I found dozens of ways to keep ourselves entertained, long be-fore the introduction of cell phones and video games, which seem to have mesmerized today’s generation.
We could spend hours riding our stick horses through Jerry Crownover is the woods, chasing bad guys, just like the Lone Ranger a farmer and former and Tonto. Of course, carefully selecting the right sapling, professor of Agriculture and meticulously shaping it to be either Silver or Scout Education at Missouri was part of the fun. After we tired of riding, we could al- State University. He is a ways find an iron rim that had been discarded from an old native of Baxter County, cart or wagon wheel, and push it along for miles with a Arkansas, and an u-shaped, Prince Albert can, nailed to a sawmill slat. author and professional Most of today’s kids seem to lack that degree of imagination – but there are exceptions. Cole is 5 years old (going on 50) and for the past few speaker. To contact Jerry, go to ozarksfn.com and click on ‘Contact Us.’ months has started coming to the convenience store every Saturday and Sunday morning with his dad and hanging out with all of us old fossils who are there every morning, 364 days a year. We don’t do much, other than drink coffee and give each other grief on topics ranging from making fun of the way we build our fenc-es, to ridiculing each other for the brand of tractor we have, to accusations of flirting with each other’s wives.
Cole prides himself on being a “working man” and “cowboy.” It’s plain for everyone to see as well, decked out in cowboy boots, John Deere cap, Carhart shirt, coat and Wrangler jeans. He carries a pocket knife (that he’s happy to show anyone) and wears a holster holding a pair of pliers attached to a western belt with a buckle big enough on which to

— Continued on Page 6

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479-846-1002 • Fax: 479-846-1003 E-mail: editor@ozarksfn.com Eric Tietze
Publisher Administrative
Amanda Newell,Marketing Manager Eric Tietze,Accounting Advertising
Pete Boaz,Display & Classified Sales Amanda Newell,Production Sales Circulation Eric Tietze,Circulation Editorial
Julie Turner-Crawford,Managing Editor Jerry Crownover,Columnist Jody Harris,Columnist Production Amanda Newell,Production Contributors Kathy Daily, Kaylea M. Hutson-Miller, Cheryl Kepes, Amber Parham, Terry Ropp and Sheila Stogsdill About the Cover Ellen Dorsey’s farming operation started as a hobby, but it’s much more today. See more on page 8.
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Ozarks Farm & Neighbor accepts story suggestions from readers. Story information appears as gathered from interviewees. Ozarks Farm & Neighbor assumes no responsibility for the credibility of statements made by interviewees. © Copyright Ozarks Farm & Neighbor, Inc., 2021. All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
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