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Youth in Agriculture spotlights Brooklyn Foreman
from OFN July 12, 2021
by Eric Tietze
youth inagriculture tomorrow’s ag leaders Brooklyn Foreman
By Neoma Foreman
H Age:16 H Hometown:Walker, Mo. H Parents:David and Betsy Foreman H Sibling:Carter (10) H FFA Chapter:Northeast Vernon County H Chapter advisor:Brett Neil What is your involvement in agriculture?
“My family operates a Polled Hereford/ Angus beef farm. I help my dad ear tag the new baby calves. When we have the veterinarian help us work the cattle, I am able to keep track of the cattle or help separate them. When Dad hays the cattle, I am the official gate opener and closer, to keep the cattle in the pasture where they belong. In the Schell City 4-H, I was most of the officers. My main project was raising pigs to show at the Vernon County Youth Fair. In FFA, I am the chapter treasurer and learned how to weld. I was on the meats judging team. At the district contest we placed third and qualified to go on to state; we got sixth at state. I learned a lot about judging cattle, identifying meat cuts, and have used this to help my dad decide which heifers to keep for our herd or the weight of the calves to sell.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture?
Submitted Photo

“Growing up with farm animals is definitely my favorite part.”
What are your future plans?
“I am undecided. I do enjoy agriculture a lot, but I am not sure if I want it to be part of my future career yet.”
What is the best advice about agriculture you have received from adults?
“My dad tells me to ‘stand clear of the momma cows. Never get between a momma and its baby.’ So far, I haven’t gotten trampled.”
What advice would you give to other young people who want to be involved in agriculture?
“It’s a great experience to have, even if you might not wish to pursue it.”