9 minute read
Julie Turner-Crawford – Female pioneers in agriculture
from OFN July 20, 2020
by Eric Tietze
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Across the Fence
By Julie Turner-Crawford I n this issue of Ozarks Farm & Neighbor, you’ll see it’s all about the ladies. I guess you could say it’s an issue about farm girl/woman power. Statists show since 1970, the number of female-lead farms has more than tripled, making female farmers Julie Turner-Crawford is a native of Dallas and ranchers the largest minority in the industry. Women County, Mo., where she have always been on the farm, running it or working side-bygrew up on her family’s side with their male counterparts, but it has only been in the farm. She is a graduate last 50 years they have received recognition for their tireless of Missouri State efforts and success in the world of agriculture. University. To contact
If you look back in time, there are countless women who Julie, call 1-866-532-1960 made their mark in agriculture, and continue to influence or by email at editor@ the industry today. ozarksfn.com.
For example, Eliza Pinckney was only 16 years old when she managed three plantations in South Carolina. She wanted to reduce her family’s debt and attempted to grow alfalfa, ginger and other experimen tal crops at the time. The crops failed. However, in 1793, she planted the first indigo plant in North America. In case you don’t know, the indigo plant was used to dye fabric, giving denim its blue color. She learned to grow, cultivate and export indigo. Historical accounts, state that by 1775, South Carolia was exporting more than a million pounds of indigo each year, which would equal more than $30 million today.
Harriet Williams Russell Strong fought for eight years to gain control of her husband’s land after he died the late 1800s. Once the mother of four daughters won in court, she began to develop and manage the anchito del Fuerte estate in San Gabriel Valley, Calif., which was filled with walnut and orange trees, and pampas grass. She pioneered new methods in water conservation and dry land irrigation to supply her crops. Her plan paid off as she became the leading commercial grower of walnuts in the U.S. Her legacy includes being an advocate
— Continued on Next Page

Amazing Relish

24x40x10 Galvalume....................... Painted ............................. $ $ 5,797.55 6,401.76 Submitted by: Wilma Oursbourn, Richland, Mo. BYLER BUILDING SUPPLY, LLC All Buildings Are Heavy 29 Ga. Metal, Three 2”x6” T&G Splashboards, All Poles 5”x5” Or Larger, CCA Treated, Fully Trimmed With One 3’x6’ Walk-Through Door & One Large Sliding Door. Plus Tax. Labor & Delivery Available On All Building Packages. Prices may vary due to local code restrictions. 24x32x10 30x40x10 30x40x12 40x60x12 All Buildings Quoted Have #2 Lumber And #1 Galvalume Or Limited Lifetime Painted Metal Galvalume........................ $ 6,886.06 Painted ............................. $ 7,598.22 Galvalume........................ $ 5,616.66 Painted ............................. $ 6,098.95 Galvalume........................ $ 6,430.69 Painted ............................. $ 7,099.08 Galvalume...................... $ 11,272.16 Painted ........................... $ 12,461.71 DECK PACKAGES AVAILABLE Ingredients: • 19 average-sized tomatoes (processing in a blender) • 10 finely chopped onions • 1/2 salt • 4 C sugar • 4 c apple cider vinegar • 3 green bell peppers (finely copped or processed in a blender) • 4 apples, peels and cubed Directions: Mix tomatoes, onions and salt, refrigerate overnight. The following morning, drain liquid, and add peppers and apples. After mixing well, add sugar and apple cider vinegar. In a large pot, bring the mixture to a boil for 20 minutes. Place in jars and seal. From the Cook: This recipe was my mother’s and she made it very summer as long as she was alive. I now make it every summer and I have never made enough to last until the following summer. It’s a popular relish in our home and is used on so many different meats, as well as other dishes. Be prepared with many copies of this recipe. Everyone will want a copy. 2 1/2 MILES EAST OF SEYMOUR ON 60, 1/4 MILE NORTH AT AUTO SALVAGE WWW.BYLERSUPPLY.COM Roof Is Optional 877-573-9314 MON.-FRI. 7:30-5 SAT. 8-12 FAX NO. 417-935-2995 417-771-3104 Additional Sizes & Custom Shapes Available! Know a Good Recipe? Send in your favorite recipe to share with our readers. Mail them to: PO Box 1319, Lebanon, MO 65536; VISIT US AT WWW.BYLERSUPPLY.COM 8x10 • 8x16 • 10x14 • 12x16 fax them to: 417-532-4721; or email them to: editor@ozarksfn.com 4 • • Ozarks Farm & Neighbor • 1 Set of Steps • Handrails • 2x2 Balusters All Deck Boards & Railing Screwed, www.ozarksfn.com JULY 20, 2020
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Across the Fence
Continued from Previous Page
for water conservation, irrigation, women’s rights and education, as well being as an inventor, agricultural pioneer, civic leader and philanthropist. She also formed a water com pany, making herself president and two of her daughters officers in the company, which they sold for a hefty profit.
Dr. Mary Engle Pennington was denied her bachelor’s degree in 1892 because of her gen der. She received only a certificate of proficiency in chemistry, but went on to earn her PhD in the field in 1895. She founded the Philadelphia Clinical Laboratory in 1898, joined the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1905 and became the chief of its Food Research Lab in 1908. She did bacteriological analyses for subscribing doctors and developed milk and dairy standards, including checklist procedures for dairy herds that were adopted throughout the United States. She traveled the nation investigating the effi ciency of refrigerator cars and recommended standards for construction and insulation to reduce bacteria counts in refrigerated and frozen foods. She was the first woman to be inducted into the Poultry Historical Society Hall of Fame.
Life Is Simple
Continued from Page 3
first two farms. As a matter of fact, it had rarely gone as smoothly, with them even complimenting me on having almost all of the calves tagged. Then, we came to the third bunch, which would be the last group to work, right before lunch time, where Judy would have her usual big spread of a delicious meal.
We ran the cows through first, followed by the heifer calves, and lastly, the bull calves. As luck would have it, the very last calf was number 53.
“Whoa!” Ron yelled out. “What’s going on here?”
All the cowboys gathered ‘round, as Ron, with his knife held in his mouth, began. “Jerry, this bull has no testicles!”

We’re Not Just a Farm Store!
Pinckney, Strong and Pennington are just three of the women who crumpled barriers and blazed a trail for today’s female agricultur alists. These three are among the women had to fight to own land, fight for their education, and fight for their spot in what was considered a “man’s world.” a world that did not even al low women the right to vote until 1920.
Women have finally come into their own on the farm over the last five or six decades, and it’s up to us to ensure we are not forgotten in history. We have to make our mothers and grandmothers proud, and serve as role models for the upcoming generations. Eliza, Harriet and Mary are counting on us.
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“There’s a perfectly good explanation,” I began. “I took Judy with me one morning and she begged me to let her tag a newborn, so I did. You guys know she has trouble with left and right.”
To them, that description seemed plausible, so after the heifer was worked and re-tagged in the correct ear, we all walked toward the house for lunch.
“You know,” I added, “I wouldn’t say anything to Judy about her mistake, if you want to eat what she has prepared.”
Since cowboys always want to eat and never make fun of a lady, anyway, nothing was said. But for some reason, I kept rubbing my butt, all the way to the house.
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