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Youth in Agriculture highlights Molly Gaskin
from OFN July 27, 2020
by Eric Tietze
From Garden to Jar
Ozarks Farm & Neighbor is looking for some canning and preserve recipes to help out gardeners with their bountiful harvest. Send us your recipes and look for them to appear in the upcoming issues of Ozarks Farm & Neighbor & on our website.
youth in agriculture tomorrow’s ag leaders
Molly Gaskin
By Veronica Bravo
Age: 17
Bald Knob, Ark.
Jamie and Cindy Gaskin
Sarah, Elijah, Hannah and Asher
4-H Club:
Velvet Ridge 4-H
Club Leader:
Krista Brimer
Photo by Veronica Bravo

PO Box 1514 Lebanon, MO 65536 editor@ozarksfn.com
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“I raise registered Milking Shorthorn cattle. I used the money I had saved up from selling my produce and started plants at the local farmers market and several other odd jobs to purchase them myself. I use my Shorthorns that are in milk to raise orphan calves.
“I show my Shorthorns at the county, district and state fairs. As a family we raise registered miniature jerseys and miniature beef cattle, which I am also actively involved in.”
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture/ living on a farm?
“Riding my horse around our 80 acres. In 4-H, I was able to attend the National 4-H Dairy Conference in Wisconsin. I spent the week there touring farms, museums, the World Dairy Expo, and attending seminars on everything from feeding, breeding and marketing.”
What are your future plans?
“I plan to go to college at Southern Arkansas University for vet tech or ag business and hopefully own a ranch, raising horses and continuing my cattle program.”
What advice would you give to other young people who want to be involved in agriculture?
“Always try your hardest, don’t give up through the ups and downs.”
Awards: “I am a 4-H Teen Star and 4-H State Ambassador. I am also the president of my local 4-H club and secretary of White County 4-H Council. I have won multiple buckles and plaques since competitively showing for the last 11 years; including when my first dairy heifer. Isabel, a standard jersey, won the grand champion commercial dairy heifer class at the state fair. I was also selected as a recipient of a registered jersey heifer as part of a sportsmanship award.”