3 minute read
When should a female enter the breeding program?
from OFN July 6, 2020
by Eric Tietze
farmhelp Making farming a little easier
When is the Time Right?
By Klaire Howerton Sheep and goat producers have several factors to consider before breeding a female for the first time The first round of breeding for a ewe or doe can be a little Some producers do select an ideal age for first time breeding that works for their nerve wracking for the producer. program.
There are many considerations, such as age, weight, time of year and herd goals; Lesley Million of Terrell Creek Farm in Fordland, Mo., likes to allow her dairy fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately), there is no one right answer for first time does to reach 18 months of age before their first breeding. She also works to get breeding management. It requires research, observation, experimentation and a bit of them to at least 100 pounds at this age. intuition for the producer to make decisions that “This helps ensure that a doe is both physiare right for their farm and their animals. cally mature enough to kid and mentally and
Sexual maturity will vary from breed to breed. emotionally mature enough to be a good mothGenerally, weight is a good indicator of breeder to her kids. Besides not caring for her kids, ing readiness. Dr. Elizabeth Walker, animal a doe that is bred too early may have difficulty science professor at Missouri State University, giving birth or developing a decent udder,” she explained hitting 50 to 60 percent of mature explained. weight is a target with any breed of sheep or Producers may also consider performance goats. Other common factors for first-time records of the parents when making first time breeding considerations include gender, birth breeding decisions for the offspring. date and planned breeding dates. Herd records and Expected Breeding Values or
“It all depends on when they were born, genEBVs (similar to EPDs in cattle) can be utilized der and weight – those are the big three, if you for breeding and selection. will. Most sheep and goats are seasonal breedForage can play a role in when ewes and ers, so as day length becomes shorter, they start does cycle into heat for the first time. Walker to go into estrus. If a female is born in August, explained that depending upon forage condithen if that female kid/lamb reaches between tions, ewes and does may only have access to 50 to 60 percent of her mature body weight by dormant grasses that have lesser energy and January, she could come into puberty and breed. will not have that “flush” of energy, at least in However, say a ewe has a lamb in January or February and her daughter hits that fescue country, until later in the fall. 50 to 60 percent mature body weight by 5 or 6 months of age, it will be July or Consulting with the herd or flock veterinarian can help a producer make apAugust, when day lengths are long, therefore she will probably not come into propriate first-time breeding decisions. They can also recommend vaccinations, puberty until 7-plus months of age,” Walker explained. supplements, and other management practices to set new girls up for success.
what do you say? What is the greatest benefit of small ruminant animal production?
“The greatest benefit of small ruminants is they are safer and easier to handle, especially if you’re older and female.”
Darla Grumbein Craig County, Okla.
“They are smaller and safer than our cattle for our children to show and a great alternative so they don’t compete with our cattle breeding stock customers.”
Mark Satterfield Baxter County, Ark.
“They are a smaller animal and easier to show, as well as having a lower feed bill.”
Lewis DeWitt Logan County, Ark.
“The biggest benefit is having a low input with good profitability.”