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Youth in Agriculture spotlights Sheyenne Freund
from OFN August 10, 2020
by Eric Tietze
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youth in agriculture tomorrow’s ag leaders
Photo by Julie Turner-Crawford
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By Julie Turner-Crawford
Age: 17 Hometown: Granby, Mo. FFA Chapter: East Newton FFA Advisors: Steve Loveday and Brian Nelson

Ask About Our Quick Service. What is your involvement in agriculture? “I don’t live on a farm, but I have always loved being around animals. It’s just something that brings me a lot of joy. Being involved in ag and FFA in high school is kind of like my safe spot.
Over20Colors and My teacher, Mr. Nelson, has cattle on his farm and some horses, so we bring them in and learn about the animals. We also usually have a pig at the school and she usually has babies. We take
Several Styles To Choose! care of the babies. Sometimes we have chickens, goats or other animals that are bought in, so we get to learn more about them. Being in ag has allowed me to be around the animals I love. My best friend, Vanessa Enslow, is really a big part of why I got involved in FFA. I hadn’t planned to CALL US be involved in it at all, but she showed me the possibilities FFA can give me.” FOR What are your future plans? “I’m trying to decide if I want to go into nursing or be a teacher. Either way, I want to be CURRENT around kids, so I would go into pediatric nursing or be a kindergarten through fourth-grade PRICING teacher. I hope to one day live on my own farm. If I’m a teacher, I can always take my students on a field trip to my farm to show them the animals. I hope to teach kids a little something about agriculture. Also, my family emigrated from Germany and built a farm from the ground
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BYLER BUILDING SUPPLY, LLC What would you tell other students who are thinking about being involved in FFA, even if they don’t live on a farm?
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