
9 minute read
Three farms make up the Powell operation
Smith RegiSteRed AnguS RAnch PRoduction SAtuRdAy, novembeR 14, 2020 . 1 Pm At the RAnch . beRRyville, ARkAnSAS SAle - new SAle locAtion - Selling 50 Registered Bulls TwoYear Old Bulls . 18-Month-Old Bulls
meet yourneighbors Starting with Good Stock




Selling 40 Registered Females By Terry Ropp Spring Bred Cows . Fall Pairs Wade Powell began his herd with Tattoo: 1039 . 19684215 . DOB: 2/11/19 Tehama Tahoe B767 x Mill Brae Identified 4031 EPD CED 9 WW 87 YW 149 DOC 26 CEM 14 MILK 26 CW 66 Marb 1.00 RE 0.83 $M 72 $W 91 $B 173 $C 296 / 2% Tattoo: 1139 . 19709884 . DOB: 2/18/19 VAR Discovery 2240 x Summitcrest Complete 1P55 EPD CED 11 WW 66 YW 129 DOC 27 CEM 13 MILK 37 CW 57 Marb 1.05 RE 0.76 $M 89 $W 85 $B 175 $C 316 / 1% EPD CED 10 WW 60 YW 107 DOC 27 CEM 9 MILK 33 CW 42 Marb 0.73 RE 0.54 $M 73 $W 74 $B 138 $C 252 / 15% Tattoo: 573 . 18339713 . DOB: 9/19/15 % Rank 30% 1% 1% 15% 4% 40% 4% 10% 15% 20% 1% 4% % Rank 15% 20% 10% 10% 10% 2% 15% 10% 20% 1% 3% 3% % Rank 15% 20% 20% 5% 40% 10% 30% 20% 35% 10% 5% 25% Disciplined Progress...Great Mom entum...Great Character Wade Powell took dual credit high school courses and then attended Arkansas State University College in Jonesboro, Ark., year-round. Consequently, he graduated with a teaching degree when he was only 20 and not quite ready to enter the classroom. For the first six years after college, he worked as a lineman for a co-op. During that time he met his fucommerical black females and a Salers bull only paid for his college education but also provided a down payment for his own farm. “Everything was different when I was a kid,” Wade said. “In our area farmers focused on hogs and had a few cattle on the side. My folks planned ahead and gave me an excellent start.” The Powell’s farm consists of three smaller farms, with one 20 miles away. They run a Wade Powell started raising livestock at a young age. Submitted Photo PA Power Tool 9108 x SAV Final Answer 0035 Sells with a 8/20/20 bull calf by E&B Plus One ture wife Sherry. Both teach grade school in black commercial cattle herd, with two farms Mammoth Spring, Ark. running spring calving and the third For Sale Information, Contact: One of the keys to the fulfillMammoth fall calving. Early on, Wade purBrock Smith (870) 423-3269 . cell (870) 480-6406 ing life he and Sherry live is that Spring, Ark. chased commercial Angus females 99 CR 5015 . Berryville, AR 72616 smithregisteredangus@gmail.com . www.SmithRegisteredAngus.com Sale Managed By: Matt Caldwell . (913) 755-1105 . mattcaldwell75@gmail.com Wade’s parents, Arliss and Patricia, had him working on the farm at a very early age, including caring for his own five cows and 10 and a Salers bull from a nearby farmer. The accidental combination led Wade to his preferred breeding pairing because he liked black hides and sows. The livestock income not the maternal characteristics the Salers
8Ozarks Farm & Neighbor • www.ozarksfn.com SEPTEMBER 28, 2020


FORT SMITH STOCKYARDS F O R T S M I T H Serving Arkansas & Oklahoma OWNERS Sam Chandler • 918-696-6029 Scottie Smith • 918-696-0793 FIELD REPRESENTATIVES Carl Quinton • 479-856-5500 Budge Herbert • 918-658-4781 Dax Tyler • 479-461-3678 S T O C K Y A R D S Sale Every Monday On Farm appraisals • Early drop off pens with 50 grass traps, water, and plenty of shade • Hauling available • Convenient Location • Family Owned & Operated US Hwy 64 Moffet, Okla. Barn 918-875-3131
bull passed on. When Wade decided to raise his own replacement heifers, neighbor Larry LaRue luckily had Salers bulls for sale. Wade used Salers until his females became half Salers, then he switched to Angus bulls.
Good bulls are an important part of creating a productive herd. Wade likes to use EPDs in bull selection and looks for calving ease, maternal traits, docility and growth. Then he always wants to see the bull in person so he can check feet and legs, muscle and bone structure. Wade also checks their eyes, which he believes indicate temperament and general health. Always purchasing young bulls, no more than 2 1/2 years old, he keeps them until they are 6 or 7 by rotating them on the different farms.
Females can be culled for temperament issues or for not breeding back. Cows have one chance to skip a cycle before being sold. However, the most common reason for culling is age, which is 14 or 15 years old.
“My experience has been that if a cow produces well until she is 7 or 8, she will continue to produce well until 14 or 15, unless something unforeseen happens,” Wade explained.
The herd is worked twice a year with a quality vaccine protocol. Pour-on wormers are used in the spring and an injectable in the fall. The main health concern is anaplasmosis, which Wade feels is a vector from flies and tics, a problem he is still working to solve. He is currently using a mineral supplemented with fly control that requires a veterinarian prescription. Recently, a Kansas college developed an anaplasmosis vaccine and is looking for a partner to make it.
“If that all actually comes about, that vaccine will be a huge benefit to our industry,” Wade said.
The other part of his health protocol is weaning his calves at 8 months and then keeping them an additional 45 to 60 days.

During that time, they receive a second round of vaccinations and are fed a 12-percent protein ration at a rate of 8 pounds per Wholesale Seed Division day, per calf to promote healthy growth. Calves are sold at Ozark Regional Sale Barn 417-725-3512 • 1-800-648-7379 in West Plains, Mo., with the Missouri border being less than a mile from their home. Though the Powell’s have always raised their own hay, Wade is considering expanding the cattle operation as well as the number of pounds of meat produced per acre. Buying rather than producing hay may be part of the process. “It’s a matter of economics,” Wade said. “If Bag Custom Mix ALFALFA 60 COMMON SENSE, 3-WAY BLEND 3.06 2.86 Haygrazer, Cimarron & Liberty, Inoc/Not Coated 50 GENUITY-ROUNDUP READY®, 7.48 L446RR Coated 65% Pure 50 HAYGRAZER, Cert. Inoc/Not Coated 90% 2.96 50 CIMARRON-VL400, Cert. Inoc/Not Coated 90% 2.96 GRAINS Wt. Lbs. Bulk Lb. Bag Lb. Wt. Lbs. FESCUE 50 KY-31, Certifi ed & Endophyte-Free 90% 1.69 ONLY $12.00 PER ACRE DIFFERENCE 50 KY-32, Certifi ed & Endophyte-Free 90% 1.69 50 KY-31 90% 1.24 50 KY-31 & 10% ORCHARD GRASS MIX 87% 1.18 50 KY-31 & 12% ANN. RYEGRASS MIX 90% 1.04 50 FAST PASTURE MIX, Cattle/Horse 90% 1.69 63% Endophyte-Free KY-31 Fescue, 14% Hulled Orchard Grass, Germ $ Lb. Add a Legume purchasing an important piece of equipment is the only way to keep haying, I’m going to have to put pencil to paper and figure out the best Wt. Lbs. 50 COLDGRAZER RYE, Stain Cross Cereal Grain 50 TRITICALE, Fridge 50 TRITICALE, TriCal 348, Sept. 10 +$1 bg +$1 bg +$1 bg 16.98 18.94 19.95 19% Best-For Plus Ryegrass & 4% Timothy 25 BAR OPTIMA E34, Friendly Endophyte, Sept. 5 25 MAX Q II TEXOMA, Friendly Endophyte, Sept. 5 25 ESTANCIA, Friendly Endophyte, Sept. 5 ASK ASK ASK way to increase my productivity and efficiency. Other factors include how many cows I can put on each acre without overgrazing or degrading the soil. People often don’t consider time as a 50 WHEAT-FORAGE MAXX, 50 WHEAT-TRUMAN, Combine Type, Limited 50 WHEAT-VANTAGE, Aug 30 Compares to AgriMaxx +$1 bg 11.74 +$1 bg 15.85 +$1 bg 16.85 DEER PLOT 60 DEER PLOT MIX 1.36 1.16 EA BAG PLANTS 1/2 ACRE: Coldgrazer Rye, Bob Oats, Peas, Alfalfa, Jumbo Ladino Clover, Crimson Clover, Turnips, Radish, Chicory, Rape Bulk Lb. Bag Lb. cost, but if everything is completed properly 50 FALL FORAGE OAT, Aug 30 +$1 bg 19.94 50 BULLSEYE ANNUAL DEER MIX 38.64/Bag at the right time, efficiency is maximized. Experience and observation have taught me an important thing is to have a plan that includes a goal, a direction, and a general time frame combined with patience and flexibility.” Wade acknowledges he has a true partner Bag Lb. 50 BARLEY, Winter Atlantic, Limited +$1 bg 19.94 GRAIN ADDITIVES 50 WINTER PEA, Austrian 0.79 0.59 50 HAIRY VETCH, Winter Legume 1.94 1.74 50 TURNIPS, Purple Top 1.76 1.56 50 TURNIPS, 7 Top Forage 1.88 1.68 50 RADISH, Daikon Driller 1.68 1.48 $ Lb. CONTAINS 11 WINTER ANNUALS: Rye, Triticale, Wheat, Oats, Peas, 2 Types Turnips, Vetch, Clover, Collards, Rape 50 BROADSIDE BLEND, Eagle Seed Fall 66.84/Bag 50 BUFFALO FALL BLEND, Eagle Seed Fall 68.86/Bag 50 SMORGASBORD BLEND, Eagle Seed Fall 68.86/Bag 25 CHICORY, “6 Point” Perennial 4.92 4.72 50 JUMBO LADINO CLOVER 3.98 3.78 60 ALFALFA, Haygrazer 3.16 2.96 in his wife Sherry. “Sherry is always right there at my side and forever exceeding my expectations,” Wade 50 COLLARDS, Impact ORCHARD GRASS 50 ARID, Drought Tolerant 1.98 1.88 90% 2.26 Germ $ Lb. Add a Legume 50 BUCKWHEAT, Apr-Aug 50 PEAS, Austrian 50 RAPE - BRASSICA, Canola 50 RADISH - DAIKON, “Driller” 1.48 1.28 0.79 0.59 1.30 1.10 1.68 1.48 confessed. One of the things Wade is most grateful for 50 ARID “DR”, Disease + Drought Resistant 50 POTOMAC, Disease Resistant 90% 2.56 90% 1.98 50 TURNIPS, Purple Top 50 TURNIPS, 7-Top 50 COLLARDS, Impact 1.76 1.56 1.98 1.78 1.98 1.88 was the opportunity to raise his sons Collin 50 HULLED ORCHARD, VNS 85% 2.64 and Coltin on the farm with each son now owning his own farm. Your Ag Chemicals Headquarters! “I never will forget the day Collin came home for a weekend during college and said 510 W Mt Vernon, Nixa, MO 65714 No license req’d to buy 2,4-D or GrazonNext! he had never realized how hard we worked,” Wade said. “That was when I knew we had nixahardware.com given our sons the work ethic they needed to Nixa Hardware Company warrants to the extent of the purchase price that seeds sold are as described on the container within recognized tolerances. Seller gives no other or further warranty expressed or implied. Prices/Germination subject to change succeed in whatever they choose to do.” SAVE YOUR SEED SAMPLE without notice. We reserve the right to limit quantities. SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE
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