Elif Özfidan |Architectural Project Portfolio-Reji Book, Fall&Spring '17-'18

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ENDGAM E written by: samuel beckett translator: genco erkal


Producer & Director : Ethem Gürer

Director Assistant : Sena Semizoğlu

Producer Assistant :

Atilla Gürbüz, Ecenur Yavuz, Kutay Yüncüler, Ruşen Eroğlu,Niloufar Haghighat

Decor & Accessories :

Burak Dede, Ecem Yıldırım, Harun Bilgin, İzel Vişne, Kerem Hancı, Onurcan Togay, Mehmet Atış, Şevda Geçer, Umut Kaya

Sound & Light :

Derya Çağlar, Enis Serdar, Eyşan Yazıcı, Gökçe Yılmaz, İrem Güven, İrem Yüksel, Serhan Akbulut, Tuğçe Topada

Costume & Make Up :

Betül Uyan, Filiz Ay, Kübra Gündeş, Nevruz Kurt, Sena Özant, Simay Harmancıoğlu, Zeynep Tahmaz

Exhibition :

Aleyna Gebiç, Elif Özfidan, Seyra Çınar

Cast :

Ecem Yıldırım, Harun Bilgin, Gökçe Yılmaz, Şevda Geçer


SAMUELBECKETT 13 April 1906 – 22 December 1989

Samuel Beckett was born on April 13, 1906, in Dublin, Ireland. During the 1930s and 1940s he wrote his first novels and short stories. He wrote a trilogy of novels in the 1950s as well as famous plays like Waiting for Godot. In 1969 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. His later works included poetry and short story collections and novellas. He died on December 22, 1989 in Paris, France. “I am not interested in living in a city where there isn't a production by Samuel Beckett running.” ― Edward Albee


ENDGAM E characters: hamm clov nagg nell

original Language: french

date first premiered: 3 april 1957

place first premiered: royal court theatre, london

Endgame, Royal CourtTheatre, London, 1976.




si nanhal lanal yzes si nanhal l

usertraffi c l i ght voi dsp aces

si nanhal l

pl an scal e: 1 /200


a24hourl i vi ng&worki ngsp acefor samuelbeckett. i ti st obeunderground anda20m3vol umemax.


st agedesi gni dea forendgame

this stage was designed timelessly and spacelessly as it would be at any place and at anytime dedicated to the sceniro of the game


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three stages designed to be located in the sinan hall. the stages were placed longitudinally in the middle axis

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dedicated to the absurt atmosphere of the game, the stages were designed to face of each other rather than the audience


thepl acement ofexhi bi ti onsand scenesi nsi nanhal l

In this settlement, it was designed that the audience would go up the stairs and pass through the exhibition, come forward behind the scenes and sit in their places.


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fi nalst ageconcept The scene is surrounded by angled and black planes in order to avoid reference to a defined space There is no furniture and decor Ambiance and mobility are provided by the light synchronized with the game The stage is narrow and high Nothingness Hamm is buried in the scene until his ankles Clov's movements are limited Is Nagg and Nell really there?

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techni caldra wi ngs

frontwi ev scal e: 1 /50

1 1

backwi ev scal e: 1 /50

t opwi ev scal e: 1 /50

si dewi ev scal e: 1 /50

1 2

exhi bi ti on desi gnprocess

1 3

the exhibition units are designed in harmony with the modernist and minimal attitude of the game.

rather than the exhibition units,the works to be exhibited were thought to be brought forward with a simple structure.

1 4

exhibition unit experiments with simple geometric forms

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stage and exhibition integration works

works to make the audience experience the stage better

1 6

exhibition layout trials

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final exhibition settling and unit

1 8

drawings for the module in the staircase

1 9

On the front of these modules is the concept of scenes to meet the people coming from the stairs. on the back of the theater separator projects are exhibited.

frontwi ev scal e: 1 /50

si dewi ev scal e: 1 /50


modules in front of windows and in niches

aluminum l profile (2cmx2cm) dimensions 42cm 100cm 150cm 50cm 55cm

number 12 10 16 12 24 cost:250tl


al i stofma teri als aluminum l profile (2cmx2cm) dimensions 170cm 40cm 150cm 125cm 85cm

number 24 32 24 8 10 cost:0

aluminum box profile dimensions 200cm 170cm 225cm 20cm 60cm 100cm

number 6 2 3 2 2 4 cost:0


p o s t e r


d e s i g n p r o c e s s





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