Özgün Karslı | Architecture Design Portfolio

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curriculum vitae

özgün karslı ARCHITECT ozgun.karsli@gmail.com




14.02.1995 Turkish


school projects 1 F1nance Center 1 Soc1al Hous1ng 1 Med1atheque Bu1ld1ng 1 Encounter Space 1 Re-Funct1on1ng the Gasplant 1 Susta1nable Des1gn Parametr1c Des1gn II

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collective work center. Industry 4.0 project issue Project 1s targeted on des1gn1ng a contemporary work stat1on wh1ch has a funct1on of be1ng a f1nance centre as well. project size 50.000 m 2 İzm1r/Turkey location Autocad/Rev1t/Sketchup/Lum1on/Photoshop/ software Illustrator

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silhouette effect

facade effect

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Holistic Perception.

2+2=5 project issue Project area 1s located at the very enci of "Ist1klal" where 1s one of the h1stor1c and greatest avenues of Istanbul C1ty. The project 1s charged to des1gn a med1atheque bu1ld1ng

project size location software

2000 m 2

Istanbul/Turkey Autocad/Rev1t/Sketchup/Lum1on/Photoshop/ Illustr ator

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to confront. spaces of encounter project issue The project 1s targeted on creat1ng a space to encounter d1st1nct user prof1les. project size 750 m 2 Ankara/Turkey location Autocad/Sketchup/Lum1on/Photoshop software o, N ()Q C :::Äą

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Waterbomb's origami technique 1s a1med to create a shell des1gn based on a parameter. By th1s techn1que 1t 1s a1med to g1ve the she lter a spat1al feature w1th the held of the folded cubic surfaces' and the descending edges' att1tude. By hav1ng the suff1c1ent volume as a feature of the obta1ned form; 1t can be compat1ble for solv1ng the needs of temporariIy spatiaI situations such as sheitering. - It can also be used as a Iandscape element, as a stop or as a paviIIion. - Open1ng and clos1ng opt1ons makes the flex1ble des1gn wh1ch enables d1fferent uses.

fjordian lighthouse. Arquideas-VoF l 2018 project i ssue The project, consists in proposing a space for contemplation and admiration of the environment that will produce an exchange between landscape and spectator. A space where nature plays a key role.

project size 15.000 m 2 location Geiranger Fjord/Norway Autocad/Sketchup/Lumion/Photoshop/Illustrator software *group project

Özgün Karsl 1 Murathan Alp Özok Oskay İ ncee fe Asena Köksal

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the Loop. Arquideas-MoAN 2017 1

project i ssue The MoAN 1s targeted to prov1de an exh1b1t1on space that 1s a reference po1nt for the N1le, 1ntegrated 1nto the landscape and offer1ng v1s1tors a s1ngular exper1ence. project size 30.000 m 2 nearby the n1le r1ver/Nagaa al Mafasallah/Egypt location Autocad/Sketchup/Lum1on/Photoshop /Illustrator software *group project

Özgün Karsl 1 Murathan Alp Özok Oskay İncee fe İpek Rende

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