What You Can Do to Help the Amazon

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Keeping the Earth Healthy THE AMAZON IS IN DANGER

In order to sustain our planet and keep it as healthy as possible, we must leave it in better condition than how we found it. Unfortunately, for hundreds of years since the Industrial Revolution, people have been doing the opposite. By polluting the air, oceans, and soil, the planet’s health is dwindling. One of the most horrendous acts we have in licted on the earth is cutting down trees in the Amazon. By destroying the rain forest, we are cutting o f our Earth’s lungs. But there are a few things you can do to help the Amazon!

Reduce Papers and Wood Usage REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE Many trees cut down in the Amazon rainforest are used for paper and wood products. These products include the phone books we never use, toilet paper, paper towels, lawn furniture, window trim, and much more. It’s important to cut down on your paper and wood consumption. Use products made by recycled items, use cloth napkins or bring your own bags to the grocery store. Reusables are a key factor in saving the Amazon.

Eat Less Beef It's important to be mindful of how much your consuming and making the e fort to eat less of it. Many fast-food restaurants and processed products will use beef from the rainforest. Trees are cut down in the rainforest to make room for more cows to meet higher demands. In order to help stop this from happening, it’s important to eat less beef and ind more sustainable sources of protein.

CALL OUT LA GE CORPORATIONS It’s important for consumers to hold them accountable and ensure they are having a positive e fect on the Amazon instead of a negative one.

DEMAND CHANGE No matter how much work individuals will go through to make an impact, the biggest impact will come from businesses and corporations. Their way of doing business and business practices can have a major e fect on the state of the Amazon.


One of the greatest and most e fective ways to help the Amazon is by investing in it. In an e fort to protect the world’s rainforests and the rights of rainforest communities, RAN’s Protect-an-Acre Program was created. Not only does this program protect trees being taken down and land from being destroyed, but it also protects the communities that live o f the land and need it to survive.

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