Therapy Equipment
therapy is a highly effective treatment option for many health conditions. Ozone therapy can be beneficial to people who aren't able to get results from traditional treatments.

EQUIPMENT To "do it yourself at home" preventive ozone therapy you would need to acquire the necessary equipment. 1. Ozone generator (to make ozone) 2. Oxygen source (tank, concentrator) 3. Accessories for different purposes 1. OZONE GENERATOR
To produce ozone from oxygen, a Cold Corona Discharge generator is used. There is no cooling fan required. The generator is small, lightweight, portable, and easy to use. Recover U ozone generators come with their own regulators and switches to adjust the ozone levels. (Ozone levels can also be adjusted by changing oxygen flow). It is designed for silent operation in harsh environments. It has short circuit protection
and is fused. Ozone generators are made in the USA. They can be customized to include all the parts you require to get started using ozone immediately. Each ozone generator comes standard with a 5-year warranty on the unit and a lifetime warranty for the reactor chamber. 2. OXYGEN SOURCE Ozone can be used at home to prevent disease. There are many options: -An oxygen tank (100% oxygen) A high quality oxygen concentrator (90% oxygen). 3. ACCESSORIES
While many
materials aren't ozone-resistant and can break down, some materials are compatible with ozone, and are safe to use (Teflon, silicone, glass, Kynar, HDPE, Viton(r), etc).
All accessories should be made of ozone safe materials. Oxygen tubing is used to connect the oxygen tank/concentrator to the ozone generator -inputSilicone tubing – to connect the ozone output to an applicator/treatment zone Connectors To connect tubing and accessories with the ozone generator -Adapters- These are used to connect tubing and accessories securely -Ozone destructor- To pass excess ozone through it, and then to neutralize it into oxygen -Applicator for ear insufflation - For sinus and ear -insufflationRegulatorof oxygen flow -Humidifier bottles - humidify the ozone to insufflate.Funnels for cupping
For More Information: therapy