Ozone Mag #1 - May 2002

Page 1

NNAGA7EINE#t - M&yffit


u$rs pRou[r0 BY TOIIY TOUCH, 0J ELr $Plr{iltilG LATII{ FLAVOR, &





HsIo .TSUE NBN'S Tredch at BET,S Spring Blidg in Ddvtond. photo: JB <<< Mr.


Smilez performing dt the Pdllddium. photo: JB.


Letter From the Publisher

>> pg. lO

OZONE Grdffiti >> pg. 11

Hot Spots: Orldndo's Urbdn Nighilife >> pg. 3,{ Phdt Fem: Hints for Beautiful Bodies >> pg. 49

Ask Jdde >> pg. 52 All About the Benjdmins >> p9. 57 OZONE Fdshion >> pg. 58 Urbdnesque performing dt the Roxy. photo: JB. INTERVIEWS:

Tdnk >> p9. 29 DJ Tony Touch >> pg. 31 DJ Ron Love >> pg. 32 Red Do99 >> pg. 37 DJ Ekin >> pg. 50 DJ Ronnie Ron >> pg. 53 tMx & B2K >> pg. 56 <<<

the wdrhedz performing dt the pdllddium. photo: jb

PHOTO GALLERIES PART I: BET Spring Bling >> p9. 20

Orldndo Source Awdrds >> pg. 22 Front-Line's Roxy Showcdse >> pg. 26 UCF Elements Tdlent Show >> pg. 27 Mvstikdl dt Pdllddium >> pg. 28 Tdnk dt the Mdrtrix >> pg. 28 TonV Touch & Guru dt Tdbu >> pg. 3O 106 & park's

dj dnd free onstdge in ddvton6. photo: jb



Wdlk This WdV Fdshion Show >> pg. 38 Mr. Cheeks dt Tdbu >> p9. ,{O Mobb Deep dt Pdllddium >> pg. ,{l Mr. CC's Birthday Pdrtv >> pg. ,i2

OMIS concert


BAR Ortdndo >>


Jd Rule & Fdbolous drt Tdtbu >> pg. ,{3 OZONE Photo cdttery >> pg. tl


Julid Beverlv (JB) CONTRIBUTORS:

Alison Rdmdidl Bi9 Edrl

Chdrles Mdrch Christind Sddvedrd C.J. Stdnkiewicz CL Veccd Ddin Burroughs DJ Steel Ericd Vdlcourt

Jade Jdrnet Renee Johnson

Jdson Grimes Jesse Jdzz Jibreel

Kerri Trarvlor

Kevin James Kevin Schultz Kimy6tta Kimdr Lddv Essence Mercedes Mike Brunscheen Otoniel Ruiz P. J6hbril Brvdnt

Reborn Reel Richard Quadir Ddvis Ruben Emm6nuel

Shdwdnnd Paris Shoeb Mdlik Siege



Big Earl Productions cdiribbedn Be6ch club Cdribbedn Sunshine Lounge Chill Will Entertdinment Clientell Rddio

Front-Line Promotions

lntox Entertdinment King Law Firm

Ld Messd Productions

Men's Closet

Vo Vuzik Records Mystic Vibes Rdw 9,1


Colonidl Dr. Suite 2O5

1516 E.

orldndo, FL 32SO3 ,107-963-6360

www.ozonem6 g,com ozonemd gohotmdil.com Cover photos of Red Do99 dnd DJ Prostyle: Julid Beverly. OZONE MAGAZINE l9 not responsible for misinformation, typographical errors, or misprints. The views contained herein do not necessarllV reflect those of the publisher

or its ddvertisers, CopVright 2OO2. All rights reserved. No portion of thls magazine may be reproduced in dny way without the wrltten consent of the publisher. Prlnted in the USA.


9*s* j+sf


,ry:**f fi,rr s**rg"jgs$

lhe REAL Hip Hop Events and Freslt Gear visit:

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LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER Some of you know me drs the former editor of Orldndo Source Mdgdzine. After nedrly d yedr of Orldndo Source, Mert dnd I decided to retire the mdgazine, pdrt wdys, dnd move on to bigger dnd better projects. One of mV new ventures is whdt you're redding now - OZONE MAGAZINE.

;ryp. This is definetelv going to be d hot premiere issue. tt's not even vet, drnd I've dlreddv been thredtened to be At DR;f! Fr-r\r-J:=.r. sued. finished Twice (d new record for me!). lf Vou wdnt to hnow ttEEN why, heep redtding. Suffice it to sdy t-trat t'ire hdd mV shdre of THREATEJTIfp orama tnis month, dnd now, t,m inipired. The topic of toddy's is fdke peopte. Sorrv to stdrt on d negdtive vibe, TO BE SUED. discussion some things just need to be sdid. There,s nothing like conT\A/|.E but troversv to cure writer's block.

Let's stdrt with d brief historv lesson. When I wds dbout thirteen, the church my fdmily dttended here in Orldndo went through d messy divorce, so to spedk. lt stdrted with one of my neighbors, who wds bV dll dppedrdnces d perfect exdmple of a Nice Christidn BoV. We,d prdcticdlly grown up together, singing in the choir, memorizing entire books of the Bible, doing puppet shows for sick hids dt the hospitdl, hell, we were even bdptized on the sdme ddv. He wds severdl Vedrs older thdn I wds dnd I distinctly remember hedring him behind me singing the bdss line to ,,Amdzing Grdce,,, one Tues<tay nighi dt Vouth group. A few ddvs ldter, he wds dtrrested dfter it wds confirmed thdt he hdd frequenily molested d dozen boys dnd girls in the church nursery. The worst Pdrt wdts thdrt one of the pdstors hdd suspected it, but hdtdn,t tdken dction sooner. l'm telling Vou this so thdt you'll understdnd whv I hdte hypocrites so much. cdn spot d fdhe from d mile dwdv. perhdps thdt's why l've never liked chris Wdlker, ever since the first time I met him d few months dgo. Now, let me cldrify - l'm not d sdint. But there,s d difference between being perfect dnd being redl. Like JdV sdys, "Redl recognize redl." And Chris wdlker is definitely not fdmilidr. I

chris wdlker is d self-procldimed "Minister," not legdllv orddrined, who writes

for the Centrdl Floridd Advocdte dnd hosts the Gospel Brunch dt House of Blues on Sunddv mornings. ln fdct, he even laughdbly describes himself ds d "light in the mist (sp) of ddrkness.,, With this pedigree, Vou'd expect him to represent Christidnity properly. Thdt's whv I wds stighfly d Gospel column

shocked when d business meeting d few months dgo erupted into d shouting mdrtch with him on his tippy-toes, turning red, cursing and screaming rdcist insults so loudly thdt people two rooms

dwdv hedrd every word cledrlv. Although he claims to be d "professiondl" director, people who hdve worked with him in the pdst hdve told me otherwise - specifically, reputdrble sources describe him ds "extremely drrogdnt" dnd "difficult."

lf you were

drt the grtancto Sstrrâ‚Źe Mert

Deezine Awdrds, Vou probdbly sdw Chris

prancing dround the stdge

- the self-db-

sorbed prick which one drudience member dubbed "The Ndzi." When dwdrd presenter Jonnv Brdvo begdn shouting out cliques in the dudience to get the crowd to pdrticipdte < THE OZONE : VAY 2OO2 >

in the show, Chris chdstised him, "Thdt's not whdtt this is drbout," dnd cut off his mic. lf you were sitting in the dudience you might hdve hedrd, "There's d hit out on Chris. Pdss it on." lf you didn't hedr it while sedted, you probdblv hedrd it in the lobby. So, l'm not the onlv one who wdsn't feeling him. You might hdve even noticed thdt he hdd Rod Z introduce him twice, becduse the first time, the dudience didn't cldp loud enough for his liking. Becduse of things like this, the show rdn much longer thdn it should hdve. Chris cut the show off edrlv, drnd severdl importdnt people didn't get the recognition they deserved. The Mixtdpe DJ of the Yedr Awdrd wdrs not given out, d Specidl Recognition dwdrd for the underground rddio entrepreneur Copdfeel of Rdw 91 (93.9 FV) wds not given out, Rdtt Productions wdsn't recognized for Hottest Ddvtond Ared Promoter, dind D'Ville didn't get the opportunity to show his skills performing the grdnd findle.

of the hip-hop drtists who dccepted dwdrds dt the show. Every dirtv south drtist on stage shouted out Clientell Rddio, becduse thev recognized thdt thev wouldn't hdve been on the stdge without their help. However, some of the hip-hop drtists seem to hdve short-term memories. Don't Vou redlize thdtt virtudllv no one in Orldndo would know you if Copdfeel didn't pldv your music? The only person who dchnowledged him wds DJ Erik. lt mdy seem like d little thing, but it's the little things thdt count. He hds dedicdted the pdrst five years of his life to promoting Orldndo's hip-hop drtists, dnd not one of them even bothered to thdnk him when it mdttered most. None of you dre superstdrs Vet, so don't forget dbout the people who've been supporting you from the beginning. I wds dlso disdppointed with some

While we're on the topic of fdke people, let's tdlk dbout fdke promoters. Ldte one night I was on the phone with the reggde singer Viper when I got d cdll on the other line. lt wds d "promoter" named Christidn Rojds, inviting me to cover dn upcoming "AIDS Benefit Concert," dt Knight Lights, fedturing - you guessed it - Viper. I cliched bdck over to Viper and he didn't know dnything dbout it. Over the next severdl weeks, Christidn cdlled me ddily to remind me to cover his event, dnd wdnted phone numbers of dll my staff members so he could invite (hdrdss?) them too. He insisted thdt Viper wds performing, even though both Viper dnd his mdndger told me he wdsn't.

A few weeks ldter, I rdn into Christidn dnd his perpetudtl

sidekick Brdndon Michdels pdssing out flyers. l've seen plenty of flyers for bullshit concerts, dnd thas one rdnks right up there with the cldssics, complete with pictures scdnned strdight out of Orldndo Source: "J Records & Jimmy Cozier Entertdinment present Viper live in concert, fedturing Jdilbird dnd Sonnv Chulo, with dtppeardnces bv Trind, Petey Pdrblo, Fdrbolous, drnd Trick Ddddv." MV skepticdl looh prompted Brdndon

to insist, "They're dll going to be there! We got the confirmdtions!" The flyer dlso sdid thdt Shdwdnnd of POSE, who, coincidentdlly, wds my roommdte dt the time, would be hosted the event.

I took the flyer home, drnd she,

knowing nothing dbout it, wds furious. Soon Mercedes, who promotes most of the drtists on the flyer, put out phone cdlls dnd 2wdrvs to Jdilbird, SonnV Chulo, dnd Fdbolous'mdtndrger, drmong others, dnd none of them knew dnything dbout it. The ddy of the event, the club wds empty, ds expected. The ddv dfter the < THE OZONE ; WAY ?OOZ >

"show," christidn cdlled dnd deFneRded thdt we not print d review of the event. lf he hdct dsked nicelv, I might hdve considered it, but instedd I totd him thdt mv writer hdd dlreddv written the review dnd it would be printed in the next issue. He soon scredmed something dbout seeing me in court for 'sl6nder" dnd hung up. when I findllv stopped ldughing, I told my writer to forget dbout the review so I could write it myself. The ;ext ddv, I iJot severdl entertdining voicemdils from Brdndon filled with generic insuits tike ',you're unprofessiondl," (thdt doesn't hold much weight coming from someone who doesn't even hdve his own cdr or phone) and ielling me he looked forwdrd to seeing me "in court." so, here vou go, christidn dnd Brdndon! lreviewed your event, just like Vou dsked. So sue me" Findlly, I hdve to thâ‚Źnh word on the street for continuing to promote me in their mdgdzine. l'm redlly fldtterect thdt you're giving me so much dttention. Don't mdke me stdte the obvious - evervbodv hnows you,re only hdting on me becduse l'm more tdrlented thdn dll of you put together. I guess it titres twentv of you to do mV iob. Not bdd for d ,,Whyt" girl, hmmm? Next time vou wdnt to shout me out in your magazine, trv getting your fdcts strdight. Anyone who knows dnvthing dbout the orldndo source Awards hnows thdt it wds Mert's show, not mine. vert dnd I were pdrtners in the orldndo s0urce

MAGAZINE, ves' but in his words, the orldndo source AWARDS sHow wds something "totdlly sepdrdte." lt would hdve been more dpfly tifled the Mert Deezine Awdrds show. I think evervone involved dgrees thdt the show coutd hdve been d lot better. when Mert dllowed d complete idiot to direct the show, I knew it would be dll downhill from there. However, dside from the politics, Mert's origindl ided for the dwdrd show wds positive - d wdv to build the community, d redson for people to support each other. orlando lust

wdsn't reddv Vet. - jB, pr(djulidbeverly.com

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ffiffiY SPffi€NG ffiLENG

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Photos: Julid BeverlV

Above: Ashdntii Jermdine Dupri; Tredch of Ndughtv bV Ndtture & Adrienne of 3LW;

Freewdv & Bednie Siegel. Below: Jdheim & Tigger; Luddcrisi Orldndo's DJ prostyle

Abovs: Ginuwine; Mvstikdli lrv Gotti of Murder lnc.; Tredch of Ndughtv by Ndture. Betow: Koy reppin' Orldndo; Tredch & JBi Adrienne of 3LW overlooking the crowd.

BHT SPRIF{G BTENG e0GA : DAYTOh{A Photos: Julid Beverly

Abovâ‚Ź: Ndughtv bV Ndture; Free of lo6th & Parki Jaheim dnd some lddiesi Luddcris. tselow: AJ & Free; Jdddkiss; Mdster P.

Above: Jd Rulei Lil' Jon dnd the Edstsicle Bovzi Supermodel Nich Usher; Mdster P tdlkin9 to d fdn bdckstdge. Below: Jdheim; the crowdi Luddcris

CIRLANDO SOURCE AWARDS SHGW Photos: Ddin Burroughs & Julidr Beverly

Above: Robert Mdrley (JB); lconz (DB)i WdrHedz (DB). B6tow: pimp J & Red Do99 of Vo Vuzih Records with Sdlt of Chop Shop (JB)i Shreddd & the Dice Records Fdmity (DB).

Above: Tredl (JB); lmdge (JB)i dnd t/3 of CN3 (DB). Betow: Fed Up Records (DB); CN3 (DB)l Bi9 Will of Mdx-A-Million dnd Jonnv Brdvo (DB).


Above: vr. cc & the Reggde Ambdrssdrdorsi vr. smilezi x of TDP. Below: Duv6li sonny Chuloi Soet, Duvdl, dnd D'Ville performing the ndtiondl dnthem.

Above: DJ Eriki Southstdri Mert Deezine dnd Julid Beverlvi Rod Z. Below: Pdt Nix, Rdshdd Tyler, dnd Shoeb Malih of Front'Linei Soet; DJ Cdesdr dnd DJ Ndstv.


&w€€*= SHow

=;#tire*g Photos: Ddin Burroughs, Regind Mdck, & Jutid Beverlv

Viper (JB)i Bridget Hdnse (DB)i BdbV Ldc Ftoridd (DB). Eetew: Stevie KdVe dnd Jesse Jdzz (JB); Redlm Z (JB); Mert Deezine dnd Commissioner Cldrence pdge (DB).


Ab{r!;e: Gunn of the WdrHedz (JB); POSE Ddncers (DB); Julid Beverly, Robert Mdrtev, & LddV Essence (RM). Below: Otd dnd Mdrviile (JB)i Tredt (DB)i SonnV Chuto's ddd (DB).

ffiffit&Nffi# s#L$fficffi &kv&rems & &flEffirop&ffiTy Photos: Ddin Burroughs & Julid Beverlv

Abov6: Vdrious fdshions from FREE BY ARDRA B (DB). Beiow: Disco, CldV-D, dnd Alex dt Pdllddium (JB); DJ Jdson, DJ Ndstv, DJ Prostvle, Mr. CC, 6nd Wicked D (JB).

Above: Mr. Smilez (JB)i Remington & Prostvle (JB); TKO (JB). Below: Pdllddium (JB); Rob-Lo (JB); Cdribbedn Bedch crew (JB). Trdnsportdtion bV Shdmar, lnc.,321-113-7593


l? {l.) f'{

T - I . : }',,,r: i1-




=,F: Photos: Julid BeverlV

Ai5'ie: Hdrold of Duvdl; Jdze; Kreishd. Belo\&r: Duvdrli Representing North cdrolindi Puggie of Duvdl dnd Kdrld of POSE.




4 Deep; Urbdnesque. Eelf}\^.r: AC of Duvdli t/4 of Urbdnesque; AC of Duvdl dnd Ddrsheen of POSE; hdlf of Nevdsvde; the other hdlf of Nevdsvde.



UCF ffiLHMEN.{T5 TALENT SF4trW Photos: Julid Beverlv

Above: 3rd pldce winner Trdvis, the sexiest R&B singer in Orldndoi lst pldce winners Soet. Below: T.D.P.i Nemo & Tzdr of the Pdrddox Unit; UCF Elements Hip-Hop Club.

Above: Judges DJ Prostvle, JB, dnd Rickv P of IOZ Jdmz; Plus Wun; znd pldce winners the Scrollmen. Below: DJ Trddemdrki JB & Cleezv; Grdndmdster Q; Don Legend & co.

M*G L*flfl: MVSTEKAL eE FA3-L&DIUM :sr


Mvstihdr; crdv-D & rriends;



Bovz; shdKe ya Assi Mvstihdr

O INTERTAINhIENT: TANK aT Iha NdATRIX lst Ro!v: rdnh: rdnh & roni or o r",.?T""t"T;orffj:::"JHilt


n Bdbv


rdnK & rdnsi rdnh

CHIKT WIKL: TONY TOUCH & GURU @ TABU Photos: Julid Beverly


TonV Touchi Derrick; Chiil Will & TonV Touch. Below: TonV Touch fdns; Choppd

Hilli Brummell & his brother.


TonV Touch & DJ Prostyle; Edion of tntox Entertdinment & Chill Will. Below Tony Touch, Dd Sich One, & Choppd Hiili curu of cdngstdrr.



Born Joseph Herndndez, DJ Tony

Touch wds born dnd rdised in Brooklyn dnd moved to Orldndo with his fdmily drs dt teendger. TonV becdme dn inspiration to mdnv other hip-hop


in O-Town. He stdrted


voung MC by the ndme of Brooklvn Pdrtv. After doing locdl

cdrreer drs


pdrties with his lroc crew, TonV found himself intrigued by the wheels of steel. He bought his own set of turntdbles dnd chdrnged his ndme to DJ Tonv Touch, spinning drt dtnv

venue he could find. He spun

house pdtrties, bdllrooms, even hotels on 016nge Blossom Trdil.

TonV dlwdvs sent the crowd home thirsty for more.

After turning eighteen, TonV mdde d to tdke his skills bdck to the Big Apple. He stdrted putting cdrreer choice

out mixtdpes in smdll stores on consignment, dnd slowly but surely it pdid off . TonV mdde d ndme for himself drnd stdrted meeting

fdmous MCs like Big Ddddy Kdne dnd Guru. Soon, he wds invited to tour in Europe with Guru, dnd dfter thdt,

TonV wds known worldwide. Since then, Tony hds become one of the most recognized DJs in the gdme to spin dnd sell mixtdpes in countries like Jdpdn, Germdny, dnd Frdnce. TonV is dlso the officidl DJ for the legenddrv Roc Steadv crew, one of hiphop's first orgdnizdtions in existence. He dlso is the mdn who put out the 50 MCs mixtdpes volumes l-3, which served ds d stepping stone for mdny underground rdrppers who needed exposure and credibilitv to go mdinstredm in the hip-hop world. Shortlv dfter thdt, he ldnded d dedl with Tommy Boy Records dnd put out his first dlbum, "The Piece Mdker," which wds d! success. TonV hds done whdt other DJs hdve onlv dredmt dbout. Now 32 yedrs old, Tony hds dnother dlbum dbout to hit the streets, dnd d hot single bubbling (,,Cdpicu,,, featuring Fdt Joe, N.O.R.E., dnd JuJu of the Bedtnuts). TonV dnd I hooked up dt d club in Long lsldnd, where he blessed the crowd with d hot exhibition of Hip-Hop lol without even bredking d swedt. He dlso recentlv spun dt Tdbu Nightclub here in Orldndo, where the dudience dlso got to see Guru perform live. Be sure to pick up their upcoming dlbums - Tony's "The Piece Mdker 2,,, dnd Guru's "Bdld Hedd Slick."

I persondlly wish Tony dll the best, both ds d lovdl hip-hop hedd dnd ds d Ldtino. Tony hds hdd d mdjor lmpdct on me, dnd mdny others dround the world. He'll 90 down in history with the lihes of DJ Chdrlie Chdse, Bi9 pun, Crdzv Legs, dnd Willie Esco, who were drll groundbredkerE for Ldtinos in the hip-hop gdme. For more info, log onto www.TonyTouch.com - Big Edrl, bigedrlprod@dol.com < THE OZONE : MAY ZOOZ



rot.ltion on dll locdl rddio stdltions ds well ds mdny other cities throughout the stdte, lihe Gdinesville, Tdmpd, Tdlldhdssee, Ft. Pierce, West Pdlm Bedch dnd Jdchsonville. BootlQg versions of the song were dlreddy oumping dlong the strip during Ddvtond's Bldck College Reunion this pdst month, demonstrdting the song's populdrity. Red Dogg's "Sunshine Stdte," is in heavy

... ""5uNSHlNts S=ATE," GIVES Tr-1tr Dtr11ot tr ,1tr J,'::',::'^::-' F LURIUA >OMETHING TO BE pROUD OF

"Grind Hdrd," the l5'trdck follow-up CD from Mo' Vuzik Entertainment, fedrtures production from Red Dogg dnd coldphingd. lt's solid the whole wdv throuqh dnd in high demdnd. Other drtists from the Killd Gorilld fdmily lend their lyricdl tdlents ds well to mdke this CD d gredt listen. The jlbum covers d vdrietv of subjects, bdsed on life experiences through storytelling lvrics. lnspirdtiondl lyrics encourage street thugs to better themselves, dnd "Sunshine Stdte," gives the people of Floridd something to be proud of.

wds born in Orldndo ds Regindld Tyrone Allen. The second youngest of four children, Regindld wdrs born into d poor family. with the strength from his family, dnd belief in God, Regindld wds dble to overcome the possible consequences of street life - dedth or life in prison. Throuqhout this time, he wds also influenced hedvily bV music. His mother, who sdng in the church choir, was dn inspirdtion for his pursuit of a career in music. As he grew older, he begdn listening to rdp drtists lihe Scdrface, UGK, dnd Too Short, whose music dnd styles begdn to inspire his desire to not onlv become d pdrt of the rdp scene, but dlso to help put orldndo on the map. Listening to Scdrfdce's unique dbilitv to tell his life storv in lvricdl rhvmes generdted d spdrh for Regindld to stdrt writing lvrics about his own life experiences. Recl Dogg, 27,

Soon Reggie begdn to inquire dbout producing trdcks. Usinq his hdrd-edrned monev, he sdved enough to buv his first keybodrd dlnd soon mdstered bedt' mdhing dnd produced his own trdcks.

He soon met the cEo of Mo' Muzih Entertdinment, Jon, better known ds Pimp J, who took d liking to his persondlity dnd voice. Reggie soon becdme d mem-

ber of the hottest group in Orldndo, the Killa Gorillds. Performing ds d Killd Gorilld opened mdnv doors for Reggie to perform on the sâ‚Źme stdtge es icons in teh music industrv such ds Luddcris, Mvstikdl, Juvenile, Trick Ddddv, Trind, Pdstor Troy, dnd mdrnv others. Reggie's hdrd worh dnd dedicdtion helped him become the first drtist from Mo' Muzih Entertdinment to reledse d solo dlbum. For more info, call ,107-523-3555 or visit www.momuzik.com.


- Belz Fdctorv Outlet Mdll - Best Buy - Camelot 'CD Warehouse - Circuit City



- Megdt City DJs - Men's Closet - Pointe Orldndo

'Sam Goody

D- Rcn Love, currently d DJ on Clien:Fll Rddio 91.7, recenflv helped put 13" dndo on the mdrp by representing tf F citV during his tdping of BET's Rop City: ln the Bdssment. OZONE MAGAZINE recentlv hdd d chdnce to :Fdt with Ron dbout the differences -re s experienced worhing for both

c:-mercidl r6dio dnd underground

rddio. OZONE: How long hdve Vou been

here in orldndo?

)J Ron Love: I moved here in 1998 frori Jdchsonville. I hdd d show on S3.7 The Bedt in Jdcksonville, d nice

show from seven to midnight. I hosted the show dnd dicl mix shows 3t the sdme time, which is something i hdven't hedrd here in Orldndo Vet O: What mdde Vou decide to


RL: Honestlv, 92.7 The Bedt

dve me mV wdlking

pdpers. l'd hdd sorne differences with d couple people on the mdncaemetn tedmr dnd to mdhe d long storv

get in dt 102. When I first cdme to Orldndo, he wds doing the Street Jdms show which was svndicdted, so I did mixes for that show which wds dired in different mdrkets throughout the countrV. ShortlV

dfterwdrds, thev got tired of Pdco dt lO2 Jdmz, so mV involvement with 1O2 prettv much died dt thdt point.

O: How did Vou become involved

with Ddwgmdn


with Dawgmdn ldte one 2OO1 6t dn dfter-hours restdrurdnt. He knew me from pldving dt different clubs for Front'Line,

RL: I met

night in JulV

Rock Entertdinment, Hi-Ho Enter-

tdinment, dnd other promoters, so we tdlked dbout the possibilitv of me doing some mixes on his st6tion. For whdtever redson, he wds interested in hdving me on the dir. I told him thdt I wds 'jd 'P! i G.* honored, but I

, ".



#===S ill



short, Pdco


station. I hdve d more commerciat sound. His reply wds,

'Thdt's whdt

we wdnt, for vou to come

'.opez wds mV boss in hso nville, dnd we had


e 'edl good reldtionship. ',AJhen P6co

Clientell Rdtdio

91.7 F|,l?

left tor


Jdmz here in Orl6ndo, d -ew 'regime' cdme in, . - c '^,ith the new cdtptdin cdme the new tedm. l-e stdrted the Wdkeup ::sse down here on 102, dnc when I told him ilort the troubles I !\,3s hdving in tdli- assee he invited - F d: rvr to trv to

on bodrd dnd do Vou.' That's whdt I did, dnd I've been there ever since. O: So, Vou've worked


both commercidl rddio stdtions drnd underground radio. Wh6t differences do Vou see between the


lt's like night dnd ddv. I don't core whot dnybody tells Vou '



{{ TAS$4IffiN

AT THE DOUBTETREH SHO\ru Photos: Julia Beverlv


*EN'i;"": F#ffi.

L:#==â‚Ź= {+ Te##

Photos: Julid BeverlV



i, ,

ShyV, Edion, & Spdin; Mr. Cheeks; Kdthv, Jesse, Curtis, & Melld. Below: Mike & d Mdximum securitv gudrdi Edion, Mr. Cheeks, Choppd Hill, & Jus NVse.


Mr. Cheeks dnd some ddncersi Rob-Lo, DJ Ndstv, & DJ Caesdr. Below,: Spdin & Choppd Hilli SkVVi Mr. Cheeksi JB & Wes

Photos: Julid Beverly


Prodigy, Gdrfiold, Hdvoc, Chino, & Alchemist; wdrHedz. Be ow: D'ville, Southstdr, & Big Wil; WarHed Bldck; Prodigy & Hdvoc redding Orldndo Sourcei D-Bo & Cdl

ii::r sdge, Jesse Jdzz, Tonv C, & friendsi D'ville; chief Pdrtv Roch.l Greg G. Below: D.O.A.i some lddies in the dudiencei vobb Deep fdnsi Qud & his lady; TonV C.



*i:R?F"=8ffi&V tr&ECT"H fS

P"ctcE Mercedes. ':t lt+i.i:Mr.

*â‚Ź===FgeFi performing.:=s]

CC dnd his birthddv cdkei Red Rdt



Stop & Trevor of Cdrib Crdfti Jdngo Freshi Finesse; Assdssin & Sugdr Slick.




d Beverrv'

lsr Row';:?lourz;SJ'sll3


Dolly's One

Z; X of r'D P' 2nd Row: ovrs

HUul'r'V't'EOD iflAST:

iH liui- & f AFrf :-GUS ffi TA8L!

PFotos: Julid Beverlv. 1st Row: Ernest, Jd Rule, & Chris; Chino, Fdbolous, & Gary. Znd Rsw: Don Q & -sboiousi DJ Ndstv & DJ Prostvlei Farbolous "performing"; Jd Rule redding orldndo Source.

CLOAK & DAGGER ENT.: FAT JOE @ HARD ROCK photos: rurid Beverrv. t" o"*;,:?:::,r:;'Jr.HJ,,":.rl?lr'il"",rii?.starioni rvBress. znd Row: Dr

'Ddwg & Ndstv @ Roxy (JB); T.l. @ Pdllddium (JB)i Poet & Swdmburger @ Tdbu (JB). 3e o'.^r: Grown Folhs o RoxV (JB)i Shu & Stress (MC); Lissd & Kimmy

+ \ds:y, June Buhg, Steel, Jesse Jazz,& Shredm; Jdmmdster J, Chris Turner, & Run-DMC. i + :.r: P. Nix & d friend (JB)i Rod in Tampdi Cdrib Explosion @ Hdrd Rock (JB)


. e: CC & Junior O Hdrd Rock (JB); Khia O Pdllddium (JB); Krazy Pakdlolo in Tdmpd (JB); 'r^J'J'Tdn9 (JB). Bele|!',v: Beres Hdmmond (JB); Wes & GdrV (JB); Lvricdl Desporddoes (JB).

-:.. . F

Nds Q House

of Blues (JB); Ekin & Phdntom feeding edch other dfter the Nds concert (o Hdrd Roch (JB); DJ Bldx & MD of Adiquest.

-B). leic-,'.,i: Willie Fischer & friends (JB)i Cupid

eloeku/ise frorn laft: Bustd RhVmes Wild 98.7; Sdntidgo Skillz & DJ Trddemdrki MJG| Skream & Kimi Poison Dart & RoxV.

-::.. F, n Fdt Joe, & Christindi JoeV Nice, DJ Prostvle, & Rob Love. 3elo\^,: Ed9e, Spree, i+".: 5'.redm,&Jesse Jazzat NexxLeveli MickevSpice&RoxV; lnf6&Adi dtHdrdRock.

: ::,,!,,/ se fiom dbove: Tdrdntuld; Sizzldi Mercedes, Edge, & friends dt Firestone; Southsteri Marlev Fest; shoeb's crew reppin'Grill; Belowi 8-Bdlli B2K, Ericd vdlcourt, & Mdrtin.

:: :, ? Erica Vdlcourt

& lMxi Disco & Vercedes. Below: vercedes & Sonny Chulo's pops; JdtV Love; Nique, one of Wdyne Wonder's biggest fdns; Purplemdn Productions dt Club XS

HINTS FOR BEAUTIFUL BODIES Lddies, looking good in 2OO2 is dr necessitv. Here's d few inexpensive dnd relidrble beduty tips. First of dll, let's tdtlk dtbout hair. tt's time to tet go of the weave. lt's one thing if Vou're doing it for fdshion - ldin't mdrd dtt yd. WhV dve Vour hdir when you cdn get dr wig or d quich wedve? But, for my peeps who dre doing the sndtch bdck ponytdils, here dre some growth stimuldtors to get Vour own hoir growing hedlthy, lon9, dnd strong.

Vitdmins ' Biotin dnd Silicd. Both of these can be purchased dt dnv hedlth food store, Chdmberldin's, GNC, dnd even Walgreen's. The hey is to buv the one with the most milligrams. There dre mdnV compdrnies thdrn mdnufdcture them, dnd Vou cdn even find some vitdmins thdrt dre a combindtion of both. Both biotin dnd silicdt will not onlV help you grow hedlthv hdir, but ndils too. I hdve both dnd continue to use them - they DO worh. Growth Stimuldtor - Now, don't trip. This one is kindd different, but it dlso works. Buy d pint of vodkd and one z-ounce pdch of orgdnic powdered cdyenne pepper. Use d cledn gldss jdr dnd d nvlon knee-high stocking. Pldce dll the contents of the pepper dnd vodhd in the jdr. Place the lid securelv on top and shdke very well. Let stdnd for three ddvs in dr cool pldce. After three ddvs, shdhe the bottle dgdin. Pldce the knee-high stoching over the mouth of the jdr dnd strdin the mixture four times until it's d cledir burgundv red liquid. With an dpplicdtor bottle, (which Vou cdn purchdse drt any Beduty Supply store) pldce it on Vour scdrlp only. lf you wdnt, put d pldstic cdtp over your hedrd drnd ledve it on for drt ledst dn hour dnd d hdlf. lf you like, Vou cdrn sleep with the mixture on Vour hedd. Remember to wdsh your heir thoroughly in the morning dnd proceed with d protein conditioner dnd moisturizer. The results in terms of thick lush hdir growth drre remdtrkdble. But don't tdke mV word for it. Try it yourself! And don't forget to finish your final rinse with cold wdter. It smoothes the cuticle, credting d bedutiful healthv looking shine.

I guardntee both of these bedutv trichs will work, but you hdve to put in some extrd effort ds well. Don't forget to hdve vour ends trimmed dnd wdsh dnd condition properly on dr reguldtr bdsis. lf Vou can't dfford to go to the shop reguldrly, try dr locdl bedutv college or tdke the time to do it Vourself.

Remember, no one cdn tdke better cdre of vou thdn vou. There is only one of Vou, look good dnd enjov! - Kerri Trdvlor, lnspire_You@msn.com < THE OZONE : VAY 2OO2 >


ORLANDO'S MOST WANTED trip,:entlV, I hdd the pledsure of being dble to chdrt with one of Florida's bestreF: secrets, DJ Ekin. His cdlm swdgger dnd uncdrnnv dbility to rock the pdrtv


to Cledtrwdrter hdrs mdde him the quietest, Vet most tdlked in the dred. His reputdtion spedks d different ldngudge unfdmilidr to edrs in the urbdn community. Orldndo

a0.or.Jt DJ


for d long time. Tell us dtbout the t.e3JtV itnd the bedst of the industry. 3J thiln: The beduty of it is thdt l'm dctudrlly fortundte enough to hdve seen drs r-luch ds lhdve, dnd be dble to do something thdt llove to do - entertdin dnd credte. The beast of it is the dmount of bullshit thdrt comes with it. CZ3f'llE: You hdve been in the music business

3 . Orldndo, clo Vou see Beauty or Bedst? n ln Orldndo, I see d lot of both. The beduty is people who understdnd whdt rr dbout dnd dpprecidrte it. The bedsts dre the people thdt dre messing up


:1e 96me. This entertdinment business hds become like college. Everyone is e ther d DJ, dn Mc, or d promoter.


You recentlv reledsed dr mixtdpe cdlled, "GAMETIME: Def Jdm Edition." title from? E\ n:For one, the entertdinment business to me is like a game; lihe pldving :le otto. Secondly, the mixtdpe mdrrket is extremelv flooded right nowi dnd ildt s dn understdttement. I dlso wdnted to credte d series so thdt people E3J d dlwavs reldte to me. I've ledrned thdt mixtdpes dre d! pdtrt of the mdrlret:rg process - so lfigured thdt if lwdls to pldtv that pdrt of the gdme, then drdnt€d to pldv mv own wdrv. tr,/'here did Vou get thdt

3 Whdt is it

lihe going from the most tdrlked-dbout DJ in Centrdl Floridd to fugitive on "Americd's Most Wdnted?" l'm the most tdlked-drbout DJ, but I'm probdblv the onlv :rre n Centrdl Floridd thdt hds hdd d principle dcting role on d mdjor series. D aV'rng on "Americd's Most Wdnted" wdrs redllv cool. lt gdve me d chdince to eilpress my versdtility - something thdt I'm most proud of . D d!'lng the most wdnted E.i' n: I don't think


Do people ever mistdhe you


for the fugitive, Gregory Rhodes?

Thdnkfully, l've only hdrd one person dctudrlly 6dmit it to me thdt llook re the chdrdcter thdtt I portrdved on AVW. He tried his best not to offend me


rrlFn he dshed (ldughs).

C itfhdt


hds it been like working for Def Jdm?

crdzv! They've become mV fdmilV, like mV big brother of sorts. lt's :ool to be dble to flv to New York or Los Angeles dnd hdrve some of the most "espected cdts in the gdme vdrlue your opinion. And the check doesn't hurt e tlrFr. MV vision hds been enhdnced in d number of wdvs, but mostlv it's just *ide me more focused. ldm set on dccomplishing pdrticuldr godls now, dts :rDosed to just wdnting to dlwdvs be into something. i.h

C \A,,hdt do you feel you hdve to offer? Lqrr: jlhe thing l've got to give the people is just honestv. Whenever ldo s:Tethin9, I give it mV dll. I'm not going to front like l'm not trving to edt, but ,{ I dlways dttempt to give Vou Vour money's worth dnd then some. There s rr.cre thdn enough of DJ Ekin credtivelv to go dround, but this DJ Ekin is d < THE OZONE : MAY 2OO2


fiIl{ITE BOI J-',-



MlxrMEG Mlx eDs



lot more focused thdn he wds dt this sdme time l6st Vedr. Thdt limits how much of mvself l'm going to dllow to go dround.

€LO$l' .,lAlilZ -.r8ez




O: Do you see difference d


between the ldngudge of industrv hedds drnd the dverdge con-

frffi*,0, TE


Ehin: The industrv

tdlhs bigger. Thdt


mdv be the




The industrv ds


whole is looking dt the world drs dr stdge. The common folk, for the most part, iiir mV opinion, dre onlv focused on whdt's directlv in front of them. O: Why is Vour ndme mentioned more hedvilv in Tampd thdn here? Ehin: Probablv becduse I begdn to focus more on whdt I wds doing in T6mpd. l'm d trdveleri I like to see other things - so when I begdn to do the G€rdge Nightclub (in Tampa), d lot of other things stdrted to fdrll into pldce over there. There is redllv no other redson. I wdsn't over here doing the weehly club nights like some of the other DJs whose ndtmes ring more in the streets. when I wds here, l'd be doing stuff like Disnev's Grdd Nite dnd Bldckvoices.com's Summer Spldsh 2OOl, so to dverdge person who goes to the clubs in Orldndo everv weeh, thev mdv not hdve hedrd mv ndme d lot. l'm r'!ot out d lot these ddvs, dnd when I dm, mV familv dnd I often bounce to different spots to see how things dre in different marhets. To be quite honest, between Def Jdm, school, dnd DJ Ekin Ventures, there hdsn't been time for much else dtnvwdtv.

whdt defines success for d DJ in the industry? ldon't think thdt there is one definition for success. I've been told bV d l,ot of people thdt l'm successful now, but there is d lot more thdt I hdve left to dccomplish. I guess everv DJ hds their own definition. O:


O: Do you pldn on

retiring from the gdme of DJing? just don't wdtnt to be sixty dnd still rochin' d crowd in order to edt. lf I'm doing it thdt ldte in life, it's becduse I wdnt to. Ehin: I don't know, I

O: Without being cockv, how good is DJ Ekin?


l'm good enough to rock with the best of them and hold mV own, but to ledtrn from the worst of them, becduse there is something

hLrrnble enough

to be learned in everv situdtion.

O Anything else vou would like to ddd? Ern: One love to mV House of Steele FAM, the How we Get Down Crew, On Cle Stvles, Big Steve from Mdximum Securitv, mV brother Apollo, Mr. Smilez Er Southstdr (thdnhs for blessing Volume 1), My boys Mr. Bldrck, EP, dnd Danny; and of course, dnybodv thdt's ever supported me. - OL Mecca, clmeccd@hotmdil.com < THE OZONE : VAY 2OO2



€< 43ffi G&ffiffi F> Dedr Jade, l've been dt my current job for dbout six months, dnd d new guv trdnsferred to my depdtrtment. He mdkes comments here dnd there thdt rnahe me uncomfortdrble. He tells me I hdve sexy legs, d nice shdpe, dnd looks

at me like he's interested in me. l'm not interested in him, but I don't wdnt to c.tuse 6ny problems dt work becduse I redllV like mV job. Whdt cdn I do? - Uncomfortdble

le:'Jrcomi+rt**€+, Thsrs €r€,* f*!.!FNe tl"ri**s Vail cdn do. f:.st, Voir €*n pul{ - n.l to tn+ slde 6nd tsll him tl'rdt yel! feel uRc*rnf*rt*+:+ bv tFr* €smrnent$ 'F rndhes 31d e=* *r*V h€ !s*hs *e v*u, dne cee !f he respeets Vour wishes :c ke+i thir:€s += Af!+ lJF *r'*{* {lp.:wsH:d 6nlv d€ th:s if he doesn't *pp+dr :o Fe € thredt" lf g6ar der!'t thinh, th€t's dpF!"Gpridte, Vou cd- slwdvs i*v*lvs ,:,' ,Ti-f:+€:*t+ €*p+fvi$gr 5* ghev €*n t*he l*€ necessdrv steps t* {sntdct .Lrrrcn.esoureFs *r l"lev# s ch€t with him th€rnselvrs. U!tar?:€t+lv, it'E:JF tc ,3:- -her* €:r € few wdvs he rriight rs*et: h€ might ledv+ Vou *l*ne, pursus ,:r rrare, 6r *+t Fi5*ed trtet v*Li *re dissin€ him dnd trv y** ldter {ds€dillt}. ,\,'r'3tever.j*= d*: b* {srFfill. - -!€*e

Dedr Jdde, l've been broken up with mv boyfriend of three Vedrs for drbout two months now. I thought I'd be over him by now, but I still crv over stupid things, stdy in bed d lot, constdntlv think dbout the lies he told me, and hdrdlv e6t. I wdnt to get over him so bdd drnd move on, but somehow I cdn't. whdt cdn I do to feel better? - Depressed

l€i' )rpress€d, Y*rJ;d;S it Vs*rcslf. You €r+ d+gressed. if you've been fs*i^q 116 li,s for ov*,r tw* w+€ks, lwsuld seoh professic*€l h?!p.5orn6 of th*

:,+ncv!crs vcu'\re dss€r!*sd €re $\rmBtomrs of depressio* {excessive wsrrv^ q :'V:*q, ieeiing wsrthless dnd $dd, ioss of dBpetite, }r*blems si€epinq, dnd *:rFi. Ev+rv*** sHperi*fice6 th*$s fselan€$ et *i:e time or dnothe., b*t if it 3f :Fcts your d*ily r*utlne fcr t*ng ptrrisds of time, th€n it rni*ht be unh**lehv. :.i"lseling !s *n *pei*n,6n* eh€re *re msdi€et:ens you cdn tdke lihs Z*lsft :r P!"oz.c (dnti-d*FrsscdrrtsS th*t €dn dllev;dtF the sVmptoins while Veu se+k 'r+ E, +rem e prcf+gsi*n€!. lf :t wanrlFs vgu thi€ much, tdhe €dre of ycurs*lt i-3 lc wh*t'€ **sC. l€ it's nct thdt seri*u€, Veu A**w whdt they sdv -:*F best J,'l r :o cet over ths l*€t rRdn is thF next mdn. - JardF

Dedr Jdde, I recentlv ldnded d job dt the sdme compdny drs .r mdrn I used to sleep with. Bdck then, it wds just sex, but now thdt we spend a lot of time together dt work, l've stdrted to redlly cdre dbout him. I'd like to be his girl dgdin, but the wdv I feel now, l'd wdnt more thdn just d phvsicdl thing. The proDlem is that he's dlreddv in a reldtionship, dnd seems hdppy. I think he wdnts me drlso, drnd I dssumed he hadn't mdde the move becdtuse of his girl. The problem is thdt one of mV co-workers cdrught him gettin' his fredk on with someone ELSE during business hours (while clueless wifev wds 6t home coohing). lt's redllv none of my business, but it put me into this crdzv identity crisis. I feel like I'm not good enough to be his wifev, but not sexv enough to b,e his ho. Whdt do you think? - Confused

:ed'Cc*fu=*+, *VhV drtr Vsu *rrsr} w*cti*q V*ur al.ne endlvu:n€ lhis?!? Ds , c i "ediize n*Ls sillv Vsu s*und? H:s sctian$ er+ nothing dgdinst you psrssn. ,,' le'ii lust:*** whdtFver hs {*n q*t. SF ql*d y**'r* not his tro, *nd ?vpn -.re qlsd i*€t v*u'rs not wif$v et lisrne b6ing lief ta. Keep the rF€*tlonehip 3r c rr-r5ine=s:*s#i, frt'rd wfr*csljsr v*$ ds, iFsi5e tle urge to rip hi* elothF$ :" .':; don't =*s# th@ dflsm€! *frd Vgt! kr}ew V*cJ deserve better"'l**F Emdil Vour questions to Ask_Jdde@Hotmdil.com - DON'T BE SCURREDIII!!



<< URBAN DRAMA >> Sound Check, introducing DJ Ronnie Ron dnd Urbdn Drama, where - "God is the Biggie, Biggie Bomb!" Whdt? Who? Hold

up. Thdt's what I thought. A lot of Vou hdve been sleeping on one of Orldndo's most positive hip-hop rddio shows to hit the dirwdves.

CI,,LS rd

Strdight out




of O-town, DJ Ronnie Ron

he hds been in the DJ business for dbout nine yedrs, dnd spins every sunddv between 5 PM dnd 6:3O PM on WOKB 1600 AM. Urbdn Drdmd is d rddio Progrdm thdt is gedred towdrds dll dges dnd bdchgrounds. Yes, it is on the spiritudl tip - it's dll dbout christ. Don't get it twisted - it is full of fldvor for the edr, not the trdditiondl gospel music your big mommd mdde vou listen to, but enough to get Vou crunk for Christ. "Gospel hip-hop hds



positive lyrics so Vou don't hdve to


dshdmed of whdt Vou're listening to. The words inspire you without cursing, so it's

something Vou cdn listen to with your pdrents," sdvs DJ Ron. The Urbdn Drdmd tedm consists of Miz Bunnv dnd Minister Dedric Brown dlongside DJ Ronnie Ron.

When people think of gospel hip'hop, thev sometimes 9et d negdtive impression, but thdnks to drrtists like Kirk Frdnhlin dnd MdrV Mdry, the music is crossing over into the mdinstream. Believe it or not, Gospel hip-hop hds been on the scene since t930 when the Dixie Hummingbirds stdrted rdpping dbout dbout Nodh. lt resurfdced in the l98os dnd is still trying to bredk into the mdinstredm airwaves in 2OO2.

just d couple of voices on the dirwdves. TheV pdrticipdte in communitv dctivities to show dnd prove God's love in various wdvs. The first Sdturddy of every month Vou cdtn catch DJ Ronnie Ron dt Semordn Skating Rink. He dlso continues to do 5th Grdde Grdd Gospel nights ds well ds hip-hop Gospel davs in schools such ds Grdnd Avenue Elementdrv dnd lvey Ldne. "Through the Vedrs I hdve witnessed Voungsters coming to Christ just through the music," sdys DJ Ronnie Ron, "Urbdn Drdmd's godl is to help Vou build d reldtionship with Christ dnd not be dshdtmed of whdt Vou Urbdn Drdmd is more thdn


DJ Ronnie Ron's persondl fdvorites include drtists lihe Cross Movement, who he compdres to Wu-Tdng, dnd Pettidee, whom he describes drs dr cross between Shdggv dnd Mvstikdl. Persondllv, I lihe Gospel gdngstd rdp with the West Codst feel ' drtists like BB Jdy, whose flow reminds me of the Notorious B.l.G. Gospel hip-hop is dccepted on dn individudl bdsis.

Who knows, soon you might be dble to cdtch d concert dt Hdtrd Rock or dnother locdl venue fedturing one of the mdrnv Gospel hip-hop drtists brouqht to Vou by Urban Drdmd. You might even hedr them on 95.3 Pdrtv or lO2 Jdmz. DJ Ronnie Ron is working on it, but in the medntime listen to WOKB 1600 AV. You cdn redch him dt (321) ,138-5825 or (1O7') 355-3530 or bV emdil dt RonnieRonzh@dol.com. - Kerri Trdylor, lnspire-Youomsn.com < THE OZONE : VAY 2OOZ >



& PRINTING GRAFIX Mgi:;-'. -_ =:1==%!

ffibg8-To4-Gd-ffi dka .kx





the h6vs ef ths NsxAr h{ill6nni!"}m, dr* sR their wev to stdrdom with their self-titled deb&,t Cl). "fF,e hit sing$s "Uh Huh," wss * l06th & Pdrk favorite, ldndin8 th6m1 dt the t6,! spot fer Lvaah's. [-i!' trlzx, J-&oog, O-ncrian, dtnd Raz B rdng6 frern €Sa !.4 ts dqe 1&, bt"!t don't let tti€t feel Vou. Their cre.ttivitv dtnd vihrdrrt perfsrmdnq*s fl4vs a€rn$d geK rsspect 65 VeN.rnq drtists with strong eanssr$ €hqed ef th6,ffi1, rnuch likp their m'!ent*ns, lh,4x {forrnerly lmmdture}. €v*n wich 8ll thsir gi.lecsss, th€, rn@rnbers 6f BeK hdve m6n.g€d to remdin &,eK,

OZONE: First, congrdtuldtions on Vour rdpid success. How does

it feel to hdve

d hit single? B2K: lt feels very good;.we just wdnt

to thdnk all the fdns. Also, dll the support from lo6th & Pdrk hds been gredtt. \ /e're dbout to go out there dtnd retire the video, dnd dlsb premiere the new video we just shot for our single, "Gots to Be." O: How did B2K get stdrted?

BZK: Previous mdndrgers put J-Boog, Rdz-B, and Lil' Fizz together, and then

Chris Nelson took over dnd ddded Omdrion, who's Bdtmdn's (of lMx) little brother, to the group. lt's been over four yedrs now, dnd we've become lihe


O: There are mdtnv boy bdnds out now, whdt sepdrdttes you from the rest? B2K: We let our fdns be the judge of that. All I cdn sdv is that edtch person in

the group brings something different to the tdble.

O: Who is dn drtist that Vou would like to work with? BZK: We'd dll lihe to work with Michdel Jdckson. O: Whdt cdn we expect from B2K in the future? BzK: Overdll, we just wdrnt to be entertdiners. As fdr ds our dlbum, whdt we wdnt to hdve now is longevitv. \ /e're gonndr keep re-inventing ourselves. being innovdtive, dnd bringing new things to the tdble every time we come.

lMx €tsp &ff*rsd ts honsr &XSf',g with dn intpr\risw 6E wcll. Batman, Romeo, dnd !-.n.S" {l*itt[s mrusrnrnpr 8oV] hsve b**n dt it fer &]most d decdde now, yet th6v'irs stil! rmends6d te msintein th@ $sliddrity *f tfiair group. These young rnsn h&va €rnprqed f!"$m &rnrneturs to tfts verv rnatura lVx, and continue to sstsnisF, us wlth qrsst perform€rieas. Yh6,ir aurr*nt single, "MV First Time," hss bssn 6 hit 6cr"ss5 tli6 eountry"

We hdven't hedrd from you in d while, so you surprised us with the hit single, "MV First Time." lt's obvious whdt inspired thdt song, but whdt mdrde you decide to write d song dbout it? lVx: We redrllv wdtnted to tdlk drbout something people could reldrte to. without getting too vulgdr. We were all in the studio trving to come up with something thdt the world's never redrllv hedrd before. L.D.B. cdrme up wath the concept. No one redllv tdrlks dbout their first time, especiallv from d man's point of view. OZONE:

O: We've watched lmmdture become lMx. Whdt do you feel is

different dbout

the two?

lvx: We're still the sdtme ds fdr ds being humble, hdrd-workers, striving

godrls. The onlv thing thdt's different is thdt we're three Voung men instedd of three voung hids.

towdrds our

O: Bdtmdn, how does

it feel to hdve Vour Vounqer brother (Omarion of BzK) < THE OZONE : MAY 2OOZ >

follow in your footsteps?

to see him out there performing dnd doing his thing. I know thdt's whdt he redlly loves to do, dnd the girls love it. lMx: l'm proud of him. I love

wdnt to know, dre you in dnv reldtionships right now? Bdtmdn: I just got out of one so I guess you could say l'm single, but l'm still hedling. L.D.B.: l'm holding it down right now, but it's d bit shdky. Romeo: l'm drvdtildble, dnd reddy to get something crdckin'. O: The ladies

to tell your fans? lMx: Visit our website, www.lMxFdn.com, dnd our dlbum, "lMx," is in stores now, so go get it! Also, look out for the new single, "Bedutiful," dropping redl soon. * gri** lfr*l**urC, â‚Źric61**!s{:}rrrcstevdh*e.â‚Źs!'s} O: ls there dnvthing else Vou'd like




I lr'{*ffiHl*:


***xir,{6 th,iF*:

sfri*sf*j*ss'l€ Sfi*tr*sil.{sm MilTT*: "l **a!'i f*!r."





sAnnDArr$ io Fll. t Alt


PANOP I - "Pop d Pill" bV White Ddwg

2 - "l Told Your Ass" bV Trind 3 - 'Still FlV" by the Bi9 Tvmers ,1 ' "YdYdYd" bV Ying Ydng Twins 5 - "Sunshine Stdte" bV Red Dogg 6 ' "lf We Ride" bV Fed Up Records 7' "Robberv" bV Ndppv Hedds I - "MV Neck, My Bdck" by Khid 9 - "Wdtch Out" bV the Outtdgetit BoVz l0 ' "No More Gdmes" bV SBdll




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. Variety $tora r noats Jew*lry & Ol*thirlg . Reat by.tke.hau* ***srfing $ttrdi* . *n*k* ' Screer prirrt$ * "lui*e B*r r *l***lrss * *ilr ' FJts*is;Eq*#sg r gps,sr ffip"tlep r *aucehxll . Boois & $hs*tl Bâ‚ŹfrS4arlfyr$hrl$, &Erdfulinp'

I - "Ordnge Countv" by Tredl 2 - "Rdiny DdVs" bV Redlm-Z 3 ' "Who Wdnts This" bV Smilez & Southstdr 4 - "strdpped" bV R-Sendl : . )./.. 5 - "Sunshine Stdte" bV Red Do99 . .

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"Worth the Wdit" bV Tzdr & Xodus

"Set lt Off" by Urbdnesque f/ Tropic & Logic

l0 ' "Dedicdtion" bV Genghis Khdn



I ' "Pdss the Courvoisier 2" by Bustd Rhymes

2 ' "Feel The Girl" by Miss Jdde 3 - "Give lt To Her" by Tdnto Metro & Devonte ,1 ' "Feels Good" bV Ndughtv bV Ndture & 3LW 5 - "HeV Bdby (remix) bV No Doubt



7' "MV Neck, MV Bdck" bV Khid I - "Oops (Oh My)" by Tweet 9 ' "Gots To Be" bV BzK l0 ' "Don't You Forget" (rmx) bV Glenn Lewis < THE OZONE : WAY 2OOZ >




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