Media Practices
Oz Skinner
moodboards 1. What is your company’s goal? It’s audience? Its message? Project Ubuntu is a civic engagement campaign/documentary film project designed to highlight the work of community leaders to better their neighborhoods through citizen and volunteer engagement. The name of the project comes from the African philosophy of “Ubuntu” translated, as I am a person through other people. Our project believes that the welfare of each of us depends on the welfare of all of us. The audience is people of all ages who want to volunteer, specifically focusing on the empowerment and engagement of young people. Our message is about the importance of volunteering, not only to give back to your community, but for building skills, building connections, and building knowledge in the world we share. It is important to me that the logo does two things 1) it communicates that this is a grassroots service organization and 2) that it communicates the meaning behind ubuntu (ie connectivity, I am a person through other people) 2. What branding have you seen or heard that suggests a mood you like? A lot of the branding I have seen is either not well executed or made for a different audience than the one the serve. I really like the Boys and Girls club logo, because it is so simple and easy to understand. I also like their choice of color. But I have yet to find one organization whose font I really like. I think the font will be the hardest part of this challenge. I want something that references the New Deal and a volunteerism of the past, but is also not retro. 3. What does your competition look like? There are a lot of other organizations that do community service work. City Year is the place where most of us learned all of our skills, and while we do similar service as City Year, the scale and the implementation is totally different. While doing research I came across another organization that also uses the Ubuntu word. Its part of a computer company, and its logo is close to what I originally envisioned. SO I had to go back to the drawing board. Fortunately its color palette is totally opposite of what I want to use. A lot of the organizations used pictures of the world or circles to represent community, but I want to try and stay away from that as much as possible,
logos & logotypes This is the original logo for Project Ubuntu. I hated the font choice so I wanted to choose a new font in my design that would be reminiscent of the old CCC and wartime propaganda that was geared towards engaging the citizenry
I chose a color pallet that was heavy in greens and blues. Both colors use the off white nicely without being too hard to read, and they both have positive connotations with service and the environment. I decided to add the orange as an accent an as something to throw in a little unique into the color scheme.
Project Ubuntu my humanity is tied to yours
roject Ubuntu my humanity is tied to yours
My first attempts were to try to recreate the old logo with some new fonts. I was really interested in hands initially because of the connotations they have with service.
My later attempts were centered on incorporating the color palate completely into the logo. I brought in elements in the shape of tools to help with the association to service. I did cutouts of hands in the boldness of the font, but ultimately they were too small of a detail to read. Additionally I like the rounded edges on the logotype as something that could translate well into a name badge on service days
logos & logotypes
While conducting research I came across this abstracted US map. On the advice of one of my early critiques I transformed the map into a shape to use as the basis of my logo. This also allowed me to retry the “cut out hands� trick I used on my earlier logotype. but this time with much better success.
I created two variations of the logo. The inverted color logo to use on releases and flyers that have the blue solid background and the logo with wheels for future implementation of a tracking map where the logo would be animated and drive from project to project.
app button I struggled for a long time over the look of the app button. I knew that I wanted something simple, as most apps are, but still resonated with service. Text was too small to put on here to have any real impact and I played around with incorporating different elements from the logotype to see if I could find something I liked
app button I ended up reusing the shape of the logo and tweaking the colors a bit. This feels reminiscent of the logo but distinct enough that it’s something else. I liked the idea of hands reaching out across the country and meeting in the middle.
tshirts On service days people always love getting a T-shirt. Its something that helps them keep their clothes clean, serves as a memento of their service and can be a powerful tool for engagement of other volunteers. I had the idea of making the shirts like a rock band tour, with all the spots of all the cities we will be serving. This allows volunteers to do a bit of free advertising for us as well as gives us something to sell to help raise money for the project.
Somewhere, ME Somewhere, VT Somewhere, NH Boston, MA Providence, RI Harford, CT New York, NY Philadelphia, PA Somewhere, DE Baltimore, MD Washington DC Somewhere, VA Charleston, SC Atlanta, GA Miami, FL Triangle, NC Mobile, AL Somewhere, MS New Orleans Little Rock, AK Dallas, TX Somewhere, OK Somewhere, NM Denver, CO Salt vLake City, UT
08.27.12 09.23.12 09.10.12 09.17.12 09.24.12 10.01.12 10.08.12 10.22.12 10.29.12 11.05.12 11.12.12 11.19.12 11.26.12 12.03.12 12.10.12 12.17.12 12.31.12 01.07.13 01.14.13 01.21.13 01.28.13 02.04.13 02.10.13 02.17.13 02.25.13
Tucson, AZ Las Vegas, NV San Jose, CA Oahu, HI Portland, OR Seattle, WA Somewhere, Alaska Somewhere, Idaho Somewhere, WY Somewhere, MT Somewhere, ND Somewhere, SD Somewhere, NE Somewhere, KS St. Louis, MO Somewhere, Iowa Somewhere, MN Milwaukee, WI Chicago, IL Indianapolis, IN Detroit, MI Columbus, OH Somewhere, WV Louisville, KY Somewhere, TN
03.04.13 03.11.13 03.18.13 03.25.13 04.01.13 04.08.13 04.14.13 04.22.13 04.29.13 05.06.13 05.13.13 05.20.13 05.27.13 06.03.13 06.10.13 06.17.13 06.24.13 07.01.13 07.08.13 07.15.13 07.22.13 07.29.13 08.05.13 08.12.13 08.19.13
Somewhere, ME Somewhere, VT Somewhere, NH Boston, MA Providence, RI Harford, CT New York, NY Philadelphia, PA Somewhere, DE Baltimore, MD Washington DC Somewhere, VA Charleston, SC Atlanta, GA Miami, FL Triangle, NC Mobile, AL Somewhere, MS New Orleans Little Rock, AK Dallas, TX Somewhere, OK Somewhere, NM Denver, CO Salt vLake City, UT
08.27.12 09.23.12 09.10.12 09.17.12 09.24.12 10.01.12 10.08.12 10.22.12 10.29.12 11.05.12 11.12.12 11.19.12 11.26.12 12.03.12 12.10.12 12.17.12 12.31.12 01.07.13 01.14.13 01.21.13 01.28.13 02.04.13 02.10.13 02.17.13 02.25.13
Tucson, AZ Las Vegas, NV San Jose, CA Oahu, HI Portland, OR Seattle, WA Somewhere, Alaska Somewhere, Idaho Somewhere, WY Somewhere, MT Somewhere, ND Somewhere, SD Somewhere, NE Somewhere, KS St. Louis, MO Somewhere, Iowa Somewhere, MN Milwaukee, WI Chicago, IL Indianapolis, IN Detroit, MI Columbus, OH Somewhere, WV Louisville, KY Somewhere, TN
03.04.13 03.11.13 03.18.13 03.25.13 04.01.13 04.08.13 04.14.13 04.22.13 04.29.13 05.06.13 05.13.13 05.20.13 05.27.13 06.03.13 06.10.13 06.17.13 06.24.13 07.01.13 07.08.13 07.15.13 07.22.13 07.29.13 08.05.13 08.12.13 08.19.13
Somewhere, ME Somewhere, VT Somewhere, NH Boston, MA Providence, RI Harford, CT New York, NY Philadelphia, PA Somewhere, DE Baltimore, MD Washington DC Somewhere, VA Charleston, SC Atlanta, GA Miami, FL Triangle, NC Mobile, AL Somewhere, MS New Orleans Little Rock, AK Dallas, TX Somewhere, OK Somewhere, NM Denver, CO Salt vLake City, UT
08.27.12 09.23.12 09.10.12 09.17.12 09.24.12 10.01.12 10.08.12 10.22.12 10.29.12 11.05.12 11.12.12 11.19.12 11.26.12 12.03.12 12.10.12 12.17.12 12.31.12 01.07.13 01.14.13 01.21.13 01.28.13 02.04.13 02.10.13 02.17.13 02.25.13
Tucson, AZ Las Vegas, NV San Jose, CA Oahu, HI Portland, OR Seattle, WA Somewhere, Alaska Somewhere, Idaho Somewhere, WY Somewhere, MT Somewhere, ND Somewhere, SD Somewhere, NE Somewhere, KS St. Louis, MO Somewhere, Iowa Somewhere, MN Milwaukee, WI Chicago, IL Indianapolis, IN Detroit, MI Columbus, OH Somewhere, WV Louisville, KY Somewhere, TN
03.04.13 03.11.13 03.18.13 03.25.13 04.01.13 04.08.13 04.14.13 04.22.13 04.29.13 05.06.13 05.13.13 05.20.13 05.27.13 06.03.13 06.10.13 06.17.13 06.24.13 07.01.13 07.08.13 07.15.13 07.22.13 07.29.13 08.05.13 08.12.13 08.19.13
website My biggest critique of the current website was that it was too wordy and the color was so drab. In my redesign I wanted to focus on cutting down on some of the language, clean up the navigation bar a little bit and liven the page with a few more graphics and a brighter color scheme.
Donate One of the main components of the website was a trailer video. This video is to help give people a quick read of what our mission and goals are as well as to give some basic info about the project
The second feature is an interactive map that will quickly allow users to search for service projects by state, as well as to give some information about our partners in each city we will be visiting
I really tried to pay attention to the way that lines were represented on the page. I wanted to feel a like the page had been painted rather than coded. Many of the lines used on the page have an unfinished stroke applied to mimic the effect of a paintbrush
Project Ubuntu countdown
What is Ubuntu?
history team
"Ubuntu" is a philosophy found throughout the southern nations of Africa that is characterized by the notion that a person is a person through others (in Zulu: "umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu"). That is, as Archbishop Desmond Tutu says, it is not centered around the concept of "I think, therefore I am;" but rather, “I am a human because I belong. I participate. I share." It comes from someone "knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed."
“I am a person through other people. My humainity is tied to yours”
Our Mission Project Ubuntu is a civic engagement campaign/documentary film project designed to highlight the work of community leaders to better their neighborhoods through citizen and volunteer engagement. The name of the project comes from the African philosophy of “Ubuntu” translated, as I am a person through other people. Our project believes that the welfare of each of us depends on the welfare of all of us. As the world faces the prospects of a global recession it is important now more than ever to showcase the power citizen service has to strengthen communities and unleash
join us
Project Ubuntu countdown
join us
What is Ubuntu? "Ubuntu" is a philosophy found throughout the southern nations of Africa that is characterized by the notion that a person is a person through others (in Zulu: "umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu"). That is, as Archbishop Desmond Tutu says, it is not centered around the concept of "I think, therefore I am;" but rather, “I am a human because I belong. I participate. I share." It comes from someone "knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed."
Our Mission
“I am a person through other people. My humainity is tied to yours”
Project Ubuntu is a civic engagement campaign/documentary film project designed to highlight the work of community leaders to better their neighborhoods through citizen and volunteer engagement. The name of the project comes from the African philosophy of “Ubuntu” translated, as I am a person through other people. Our project believes that the welfare of each of us depends on the welfare of all of us. As the world faces the prospects of a global recession it is important now more than ever to showcase the power citizen service has to strengthen communities and unleash the potential of the citizenry. We believe that the social capital generated by volunteering plays a key role in economic regeneration. This project aims to empower citizens and communities
Project Ubuntu countdown
join us
What is Ubuntu? "Ubuntu" is a philosophy found throughout the southern nations of Africa that is characterized by the notion that a person is a person through others (in Zulu: "umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu"). That is, as Archbishop Desmond Tutu says, it is not centered around the concept of "I think, therefore I am;" but rather, “I am a human because I belong. I participate. I share." It comes from someone "knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed."
“I am a person through other people. My humainity is tied to yours”
Donate Our Mission
Watch to learn more about Project Ubuntu
Project Ubuntu is a civic engagement campaign/documentary film project designed to highlight the work of community leaders to better their neighborhoods through citizen and volunteer engagement. The name of the project comes from the African philosophy of “Ubuntu” translated, as I am a person through other people. Our project believes that the welfare of each of us depends on the welfare of all of us. As the world faces the prospects of a global recession it is important now more than ever to showcase the power citizen service has to strengthen communities and unleash the potential of the citizenry. We believe that the social capital generated by volunteering plays a key role in economic regeneration. This project aims to empower citizens and communities through volunteer service and educate the general through public hands on volunteerism and issue advocacy.
Project Ubuntu countdown
join us
What is Ubuntu? "Ubuntu" is a philosophy found throughout the southern nations of Africa that is characterized by the notion that a person is a person through others (in Zulu: "umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu"). That is, as Archbishop Desmond Tutu says, it is not centered around the concept of "I think, therefore I am;" but rather, “I am a human because I belong. I participate. I share." It comes from someone "knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed."
“I am a person through other people. My humainity is tied to yours”
Donate Our Mission
Watch to learn more about Project Ubuntu
Project Ubuntu is a civic engagement campaign/documentary film project designed to highlight the work of community leaders to better their neighborhoods through citizen and volunteer engagement. The name of the project comes from the African philosophy of “Ubuntu” translated, as I am a person through other people. Our project believes that the welfare of each of us depends on the welfare of all of us. As the world faces the prospects of a global recession it is important now more than ever to showcase the power citizen service has to strengthen communities and unleash the potential of the citizenry. We believe that the social capital generated by volunteering plays a key role in economic regeneration. This project aims to empower citizens and communities through volunteer service and educate the general through public hands on volunteerism and issue advocacy.
Project Ubuntu countdown
join us
What is Ubuntu? "Ubuntu" is a philosophy found throughout the southern nations of Africa that is characterized by the notion that a person is a person through others (in Zulu: "umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu"). That is, as Archbishop Desmond Tutu says, it is not centered around the concept of "I think, therefore I am;" but rather, “I am a human because I belong. I participate. I share." It comes from someone "knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed."
“I am a person through other people. My humainity is tied to yours”
Week 31: Austin Partner: Boys and Girls Club of Greater Austin
Our Mission
Watch to learn more about Project Ubuntu
Project Ubuntu is a civic engagement campaign/documentary film project designed to highlight the work of community leaders to better their neighborhoods through citizen and volunteer engagement. The name of the project comes from the African philosophy of “Ubuntu” translated, as I am a person through other people. Our project believes that the welfare of each of us depends on the welfare of all of us. As the world faces the prospects of a global recession it is important now more than ever to showcase the power citizen service has to strengthen communities and unleash the potential of the citizenry. We believe that the social capital generated by volunteering plays a key role in economic regeneration. This project aims to empower citizens and communities through volunteer service and educate the general through public hands on volunteerism and issue advocacy.
Service: Mural Painting and Leadership work shops at Brookstone Community Center Contact: Bud Deerborn
flyers One of the biggest pieces of ephemera we need are flyers. We needed to have something that was going to be able to let people know we are coming to their neighborhood. Ultimately I would have liked to have created a few different variations of these flyers, but the rest of the team was so excited by the first iteration that I kept it in tact.
ARE YOU READY TO BE THE CHANGE? Come volunteer with Project Ubuntu and The Boys and Girls Club as we we help refurbish Brookstone Community Center
Saturday November 14th Join hundereds of student and community volunteers at Brookstone Community Center, 6984 west hyde park road to engage with service and community
10 am - 4:30 pm
Project Ubuntu is a national voulnteer engagement project designed to highlight community leaders and volunteers who work everyday to stregnthen their neghborhoods
Learn more at
ARE YOU READY TO BE THE CHANGE? Come volunteer with Project Ubuntu and The Boys and Girls Club as we we help refurbish Brookstone Community Center
Saturday November 14th Join hundereds of student and community volunteers at Brookstone Community Center, 6984 west hyde park road to engage with service and community
10 am - 4:30 pm
Project Ubuntu is a national voulnteer engagement project designed to highlight community leaders and volunteers who work everyday to stregnthen their neghborhoods
Learn more at
Since we will be having multiple communications with partners, funders, and organizations, I thought it would be appropriate to create some letterhead. I wanted to create something that was both a little whimsical but also served a business function. I didn’t want the piece to feel too over designed so I opted to keep it simple with the hands dominating the lower left of the page. I also wanted to include a place for our tagline as I noticed that our webpage was the only other place that included the definition of ubuntu.
Project Ubuntu PO Box 763 Charleston SC, 29401 585.624.1217 ext 567
"Ubuntu" is a philosophy found throughout the southern nations of Africa that states, “I am a human because I belong. I participate. I share." It comes from the understanding that it is in our connectivity with other people we find the joy of life. Project Ubuntu will find, celebrate and inspire "good people" who see a purpose in helping. There are countless organizations and individuals that help provide others the support and resources they lack due to societal inequalities. In every situation, it takes human efforts to provide unjustly treated individuals a ground to stand on and make their own decisions. We will focus on finding folks who are dedicated to selflessly serving their community, be they occasional volunteers or people working full-time for non-profit causes. We firmly believe such individuals transcend class and ethnic categories, and we will find them as we travel to 51 diverse urban and rural communities. We will inspire these volunteers by providing support and encouragement, as well as by connecting them with the massive, invisible network of goodwill they are a part of. We also hope to inspire the rest of the world by telling their stories and mobilizing a contagion of kindness. This campaign is called Project Ubuntu because it celebrates the people whose purpose is defined by enabling all humans to thrive. Not only do they see the value in helping others, they see responsibility. Kindness, rather than being a transient quality, is part of their essence: they exist as a person through other people. The Scope: Project Ubuntu will spend one week in one community from each state and Washington, D.C., spanning 51 diverse urban and rural communities between Aug. 26, 2012 and Aug. 24, 2013. Every Sunday will be spent traveling, covering some 14,133 miles of road and flights to Hawaii and Alaska. "Ubuntu" is a philosophy found throughout the southern nations of Africa that states, “I am a human because I belong. I participate. I share." It comes from the understanding that it is in our connectivity with other people we find the joy of life. Project Ubuntu will find, celebrate and inspire "good people" who see a purpose in helping. There are countless and
I am a person through other people My humanity is tied to yours
business cards
O z Sk in n e r Media and Design Manager 530.828.0631
Oz S ki nner Media and Design Manager 530.828.0631