A Man's Story Collection

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M a n ’ s

S t o r y

C o l l e c t i o n


M a n ’ s

S t o r y

C o l l e c t i o n

22 September 2010 London Fashion Week

“Always ground-breaking &

spectacular he is one of the few menswear designers who brings a sense of dramatic showmanship to his presentations.�

Maris Davis, Editor In Chief, Fashion Windows





zwald Boateng closed London Fashion Week on the evening of Wednesday 22 September 2010 with a monumental fashion show that redefined him as one

of the most innovative and compelling British designers today. The concept behind the collection conveyed the dynamism of Ozwald Boateng - a brand that can grace all men, no matter the age, size or ethnicity. A full-house at the Odeon Cinema Leicester Square was left stunned after witnessing an incredibly ambitious, filmic event. After previewing a montage of clips from the new documentary film ‘A Man’s Story’, a vast array of

100 models took to the stage with an overwhelming presence. An exhibition of absolute sophistication, refined design and styling with undeniable conviction, showcasing both Autumn/Winter 10/11 and Spring/Summer 11 collections. The finale saw the models exit the stage through the audience and take to the streets of London. Electrifying shots of colour and crews of striking men dressed in Ozwald Boateng cut open the Mayfair streets as the army of models marched back to the Savile Row HQ, leaving onlookers perplexed and amazed. This book has captured the exhilarating 24 hours when Ozwald Boateng put on a show that will go down in history as one of London’s most epic fashion shows.

24 hours till show Ozwald orchestrates the choreography rehearsal in a Mayfair Car Park

21 hours till show Ozwald and his team return to Savile Row HQ for final preparations

19 hours till show Tailors work on alterations to show garments

7 hours till show Models arrive at Savile Row HQ

6 hours till show Hair by Chris Foster and his team Makeup by Dean Rudd and the M.A.C. Pro Team

5 hours till show Models are dressed in show pieces

3 hours till show Models leave Savile Row for the venue

2 hours 45 minutes till show Models arrive at the Odeon Leicester Square via the back entrance

2 hours till show Models prepare for final rehearsal

30 minutes till show Models wait backstage

30 minutes till show Ahmed Dickinson’s masterful performance on the classical guitar welcomes guests into the auditorium

“A show that went

far beyond

a runway presentation. This was an event, meticulously planned and seamlessly rolled out.�

Sasha Wilkins, Mercedes Benz - Voices Of Fashion

A M an’s Story Collection

Ozwald Boateng’s grand presentation of the collection A Man’s Story was born from his notion that all men can dress with style and look beautiful. The appreciation for the experience of the individual and the enhancement of character and self belief is the foundation of the collection. Through 25 years of evolution as a fashion designer Ozwald Boateng has mastered his precise cut, signature use of colour and design philosophy, akin to generations of men around the globe. On Wednesday 22 September 2010 the 1,600 strong audience at the Odeon in Leicester Square, London witnessed an extensive collection with the energy and strong sense of identity that embodies definitive menswear. Ozwald Boateng opened the world of high-end fashion to all men across the cultural spectrum. The success of the collection was distinguishing the journey of the beholder, the story behind the man, as a platform for enlightenment and inspiration.

The show begins with an exclusive preview of clips from the upcoming documentary film ‘A Man’s Story’

Ozwald Boateng launches his greatest catwalk show to date with an onslaught of monochrome

“ Boateng’s London show was

E p i c .”

Carola Long, Deputy Fashion Editor, The Independent

“ Boateng has broken barriers doing this show. It was

E p i c .” Yin n Yang Blog

“ I t


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wa s



g show

a nd


s tat e m e n t. ”

Nicola Copping, The Financial Times

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“ I can honestly say i have been to the sort of show that makes you think you are witnessing a piece of

h i s t o r y. That menswear cannot be the same anymore after that. The sort of show where love, applause, emotion, pop culture, art, music and fashion mix all together and form a coherent evening.

Pure entertainment.� Alize Morand Blog

All 100 models return to the stage

“I t

w a s

w o r t h

t h e

t w o - d e c a d e - l o n g Shortlist Magazine

n e a r w a i t . �


blockbuster fashion show by Savile Row designer Ozwald Boateng…he certainly made a statement last night and brought London Fashion Week to close with a plenty of bang.”

Simon Chilvers, The Guardian

“ One of the best pr oduced shows of the week. The sweetest moment? When Ozwald escorted his father on stage to take his bow.�


The show finale sees all 100 models exit the stage into the audience and out the front doors of the Odeon and walk back to the Savile Row HQ, via Piccadilly Circus and Regent Street.

Photography by

Thanks to

Billa Baldwin

Jazz Virdee

Chris Foster

Sam Lambert

Paul Ames

Christopher James David Pattinson Matt Thompson Nedim Nazerali

Sergey Kovalenko Stephen Coke

Ben Cottrell

Andrew Curtis

Miles Warren Tiffany Atakorah

Iryna Stepchenko Andre Davis Aaron Dash Alex Taylor

Miguel Gutierrez Kem Mehmet

Michelle Natasha Dixon Caterina Maiolini Janine Thorpe Veir

Chris Willson

Stephen Jones

Jake Grantham

Sara Blonstein

Khalid Fakhour

Brian Jones

Faisal Benchekroun Jane Shepphard Anna Wilhelm Ibrahim Dinis

Dan Keam-George Vikki Burns

Tim Wade

Amie Witton-Wallace

Liam Maher

George McPherson

Shaka Maidoh

Patrik Binkowski Megumi Ikeda Aduu Juma

Alex Barlow

Talib Choudry Matt Ryalls Underdog

Alex Curtis

The British Fashion Council

Filipa Sequeira Vieira

AMCK Models

Martin Blackburn

First Models

Aly Sazan

Mekayla Jarvis-Irving Mary Taylor

Radina Partrick

Subinder Randhawa Toby Cullen

Tom Portsmouth Richard Guton Rocio CaramĂŠs Yemi Spaine

Chad Hobson

D1 Models

FM Models

M&P Models Models 1

Nevs Models Next Models

Oxygen Models

Premier Models Select Models

Storm Models

All 100 models

Strange Fruit

MoĂŤt & Chandon

Ahmed Dickinson

Roja Dove

Dean Rudd

The M.A.C PRO Team

The Dorchester Collection Blackberry

M.A.C Makeup ADL

This book is dedicated to my Father

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