NLT 1012 NR Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
Dimor Oneway Pallet 1012
: : : : : : : : : : :
NLV 1012 NR Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load
: : : : : : :
Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
: : : :
NLS 1012 NR Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load
: : : : : : :
Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
: : : :
SLV 1012 NR Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load
: : : : : : :
Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
: : : :
SLS 1012 NR Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load
: : : : : : :
Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
: : : :
Nestable 9 Feet 1000x1200x130 6 (+/-1) PP 1000 1000 (wrapping) N/A 4 way 4 way 4 way
mm kg
kg kg Dimorphodon !
Caudip Nestable Pallet 1012 Nestable 9 Feet 1000x1200x133 8 (+/-1) PP 1500 1000 (wrapping) 800 (w/o wrapping) N/A 4 way 4 way 4 way
mm kg kg kg kg
Caudipteryx !
Caudip Nestable Pallet 1012 Nestable 9 Feet 1000x1200x133 10 (+/-1) PP 1500 1000 (wrapping) 800 (w/o wrapping) N/A 4 way 4 way 4 way
mm kg kg kg kg
Caudipteryx !
Caudip 3 Runners Pallet 1012 Stackable 3 Runners Snap 1000x1200x148 mm 11 (+/-1) kg PP 2000 kg 1000 (wrapping) kg 1000 (w/o wrapping) kg Up to 300 kg 4 way 2 way 2 way
Caudipteryx !
Caudip 3 Runners Solid Pallet 1012 Stackable 3 Runners Snap 1000x1200x148 13 (+/-1) PP 2000 1000 (wrapping) 1000(w/o wrapping) Up to 300 4 way 2 way 2 way
mm kg kg kg kg kg
Caudipteryx !
NMV 1012 NR Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load
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Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
: : : :
NMS 1012 NR
Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load
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Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
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SMV 1012 NR
Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load
: : : : : : :
Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
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SMS 1012 NR
Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load
: : : : : : :
Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
: : : :
Raptor Nestable Pallet 1012 Nestable 9 Feet 1000x1200x160 mm 14 (+/-1) kg PP 3000 kg 1500 (wrapping) kg 1000 (w/o wrapping) kg N/A 4 way 4 way 4 way
: : : : : : : : : : :
Velociraptor !
Raptor Nestable Solid Pallet 1012
Nestable 9 Feet 1000x1200x160 mm 16 (+/-1) kg PP 3000 kg 1500 (wrapping) kg 1000 (w/o wrapping) kg N/A 4 way 4 way 4 way
Velociraptor !
Raptor 3 Runners Pallet 1012
Stackable 3 Runners Snap 1000x1200x175 mm 17 (+/-1) kg PP 4000 kg 2000 (wrapping) kg 1000 (w/o wrapping) kg Up to 600 kg 4 way 2 way 2 way
Velociraptor !
Raptor 3 Runners Solid Pallet 1012
Stackable 3 Runners Snap 1000x1200x175 mm 19 (+/-1) kg PP 4000 kg 2000 (wrapping) kg 1000 (w/o wrapping) kg Up to 600 kg 4 way 2 way 2 way
WMV 1012 NR
Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
Velociraptor !
Stego 6 Runners Pallet 1012
Full Perimeter Cross 1000x1200x160 19 (+/-1) HDPE 5000 1500 1000 4 way 4 way N/A
mm kg kg kg kg
Stegosaurus !
WMV 1111 NR
Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
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PMS 0810 NR Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
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PMS 0810 RB
Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
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EHT 1012 RB Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
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EHT 1212 RB Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
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Stego 6 Runners Pallet 1111
Full Perimeter Cross 1100x1100x160 17 (+/-1) HDPE 4500 1500 (wrapping) 750 4 way 4 way No
mm kg kg kg kg
Stegosaurus !
Para Stackable Pallet 0810 Stackable 9 Feet 800x1000x150 15 (+/-1) HDPE 2500 800 300 4 way 4 way 4 way
mm kg kg kg kg
Parasaurolophus !
Para Stackable Pallet 0810 RB
Stackable 9 Feet 800x1000x150 15 (+/-1) HDPE 2500 800 300 4 way 4 way 4 way
mm kg kg kg kg
Parasaurolophus !
T-Rex 3 Runners Pallet 1012 Non-Perimeter 3 Runners 1000x1200x170 24 (+/-1) HDPE 6000 2000 1000 4 way 2 way 2 way
mm kg kg kg kg
T-Rex !
T-Rex 3 Runners Pallet 1212 Non-Perimeter 3 Runners 1200x1200x170 29 (+/-1) HDPE 6000 2000 1000 4 way 2 way 2 way
mm kg kg kg kg
T-Rex !
DHV 1113 RB Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
: : : : : : : : : : :
Baro Double Pallet 1113 Reversible Double Deck 1100x1350x165 40 (+/-1) HDPE 7000 2000 1000 4 way N/A N/A
DHS 1113 RB Style Bottom support Size WxLxH Weight Material Static Load Dynamic Load Racking Load Forklift Handlift Stacker
: : : : : : : : : : :
mm kg kg kg kg
Borosaurus !
Baro Double Solid Pallet 1113 Reversible Double Deck 1100x1350x165 44 (+/-1) HDPE 7000 2000 1000 4 way N/A N/A
mm kg kg kg kg
Borosaurus !
Pallet options Snap on runners - Snap on runners are available as an addition to selected nestable pallets.
Foot cover - Foot covers are available on selected pallets.
Rim - Rims are available an selected pallets. - Minimum order applies.