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Jacob Lee Takes First Place in UA District
by P1 Group
4 Competition
P1 Service Manager Adam Collier recently attended the UA District 4 Competition to support four-year apprentice Jacob Lee. Jacob took home first place in the competition - as the only four-year apprentice competing among five-year apprentices and newly turned out journeymen.
Adam says Jacob demonstrated impeccable poise and focus at the event, excelling at all the challenges.
“I was constantly greeted with comments about how calm and courteous Jacob was during the entire event. He absolutely represented Local 533 at the UA District 4 Competition and P1 Service with excellence,” Adam said.
Day 1 included: four hours of written testing, and a four-hour timed project for an electrical system design and operation with a simultaneous refrigeration brazing and soldering project.
Adam says the Business Agents and Training Coordinators noted Jacob was only one of two apprentices to complete the electrical system project, and his was the only wiring project that worked.
“Jacob was also the only apprentice to complete the refrigeration brazing project and receive high marks,” Adam noted.
Day 2 included: seven different service labs, including pump alignment; walk-in cooler; RTU troubleshooting; and boiler lab.
"From my perspective, Jacob performed each lab extremely well, especially the pump alignment, which was very challenging," Adam said.
Recognition goes to Jacob as well as our own P1 Service Manager Sean Marconette, who provided training for Dial Indicator Alignment.
With the 1st Place Championship in the District under his belt, Jacob moves on the to the National Competition.
Congratulations to Jacob, and to everyone at P1 who supports and mentors the next generation of talent!
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