Tertulia No.02

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(Spanish: [ter’tulja])

femenine noun 1. Meeting of people who meet regularly to talk or discuss 2. Conversation or chat verb 1. [tertuliar] to converse or talk

Inner thoughts and ramblings

by Paola RĂ­os


le future proche . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


a girl & her hat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


culture dans un cafĂŠ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


ritmo veraniego . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



le futur proche

Life seems to pass by me and I feel like I can never catch up to it. There seems to be the standard placed on when one should experience certain things; like traveling, being in a relationship, getting a job, getting your dream house, etc. Yet is it so wrong if one is not playing by those rules? Is it wrong to experience life at a different pace? It is very common for people to actively search for jobs or internships while one is still studying. But what is so wrong about enjoying that time in school or as a student. While it is true that one never stops learning, the period in life where you can only focus on that is limited. Therefore, is it such a crime to want to enjoy it? One has their entire life to work; enjoy the moment where you may not necessarily need to. Everyone wants to be successful

and achieve their dream positions in life. Yet, it is easy to wonder whether these thoughts originate from a natural human desire to succeed or whether they were socially established and withheld through the centuries. Maybe it is a combination of both. The media is always showcasing the young proteges, the youngest millionaires, the 30 under 30, etc. While these people have achieved incredible feats and should be acknowledged, the extensive media coverage of such lists has put pressure on those entering the working force to succeed at equally fast rates. It seems that by thirty we all must be earning a hefty salary, traveling around the world, be married and maybe have a child on the way. The truth is the characters from Friends could never afford that apartment and Carrie Bradshaw would probably

be living in a ridiculously expensive micro-studio. It is important to debunk these expectations one might even unconsciously put on oneself. The truth is your dream job might take some time to achieve and you will most probably struggle and have to make some sacrifices along the way, yet that does not make you a failure. Yet if no one speaks the truth about life, work, and success, people might regard themselves as such because they are not company owners or have an amazing house by twentyeight. Enjoy the period of life you are currently at. Don’t try to rush the future. And when you do begin working, remember success is not measured by immediacy but by hard work and dedication.


a girl & her hat One Saturday morning in June.


culture dans un cafĂŠ After living in a very coffee shop ridden town, one begins to notice the unspoken rules that these businesses all have in common.



Keep a moderately low volume when speaking. Be mindful that others might be concentrating on reading, studying, or brainstorming. This might seem highly logical, but sometimes you might get wrapped up in a conversation and disregard how loud you are being. If you are studying and need complete silence, remember that a coffee shop is a commercial space where meetings are taking place and background noise will be prevalent.



A coffee shop is a very versatile space which lends itself to multiple practices. Some people are there to eat, write, study, meet up or take photographs. Just because you are busy working on your final does not mean you can give an annoyed glance to the person taking a photo for their social media. Now, this is not exclusively reserved for this space. Not judging what people are doing is a rule that applies to pretty much every moment in life since you are not aware of others’ circumstances.



Maybe it is my bookworm side coming out but I like noticing the titles people are reading. I am sure others might share the same curiosity yet you might find yourself judging the person for reading a book you might not have liked or that is intended for a ‘younger audience.’ Never belittle someone for their reading material. Books are highly insightful, educational and entertaining. Some people might be reading for leisure, others to broaden their point of view or learn. Just because you did not like a book or author does not mean that the book has no value, let the reader decide for themselves. If someone is reading a book you really like do not be afraid to voice it. You might even begin a conversation on themes or characters etc.



Sometimes you don’t want to read or work. That is fine. Entertain yourself by observing your surroundings. This activity has been lost in American society due to the fast-paced environment it demands. Because of this workaholic mentality, any activity that involves resting is criticized. “You’re wasting precious time,” it says. Yet in other cultures, people-watching is part of their common activities. In France, the term flâneur came to be in the 1800s to describe someone who mindlessly wanders and observes. Do not be afraid of utilizing that same philosophy of mind and sit in a café for an hour or two taking in your environment. I highly recommend people-watching when traveling. One can learn so much by carefully observing life happening around you.



In a city where there are many coffee shops, one can get wrapped up in trying to visit as many as possible. Don’t be afraid to visit the same shop more than once. The atmosphere inside changes completely at different times or days. The music might be different as well as the crowd which leads to a change of mood. Some shops might host events on different days, so you might be able to catch a movie, a live music performance, or a brunch special. This is comparable to one of the principles Impressionists and Post-Impressionists artists followed. You’ve probably seen multiple paintings of the same subject at different times of day. While the figures might remain the same, the mood completely changes due to the difference in light. Seek out to experience those different moods by revisiting a location.

06. music As I write this, I’m sitting in a French-themed café in the US, which means they are bound to play La Vie en Rose by Edith Piaf a million times. (In fact, it just started playing. No joke.) I’m pretty sure you know it, it is a highly popular song. Yet, please do not start loudly singing a song you recognize. The café might have a karaoke night where you can belt out to your heart’s desire. (Lip singing is encouraged, though). Be open to other types of music at a coffee shop. Think of it as a Spotify playlist (it probably is) where you can discover new songs and genres. On that same note, be open to music in other languages. Yes, you might not understand the words but that’s the magic of music, you can connect with it through the melody and tunes.

07. sitting Don’t get mad because there aren’t any available seats or your favorite spot is taken. I am very guilty of doing this but I’ve learned to breathe and wait. If you find a two-seat table with only one occupant, do not be afraid of politely asking if you can use that empty space. Sometimes sharing is the only way to work inside a shop and you might even end up with some good conversation or company. If you are sitting doing and start noticing a mass of people coming in being mindful of the situation. If you are finished be respectful of those on the lookout for a seat or table.

IV. ritmo veraniengo

little jesus Norte

Pilar Cabrera, Lorena Jiménez

ay ay ay Rawayana

ingrato corazón Marissa Mur

ven que te quiero ver Alex Ferreira


tu amor no vale un bolero

entre luca y juan mejía Vicente García

soledad y el mar Natalia Lafourcade

bailar contigo Monsieur Periné

jóvenes Little Jesus



no. 02

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