Page & Associates Communications

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The Wave of Today Employee-Focused Benefit Communications

It’s a BuzzFeed, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube World. Employees aren’t reading old-fashioned dense text and table-filled benefits documents. Let’s do something better together: Let’s upgrade your benefits communication program with rich learning environments that engage and activate your employees. Communications are more important than ever


more powerful and able to support the employee

Our philosophy


cost partnership you need.

Our media approach


The power of measuring everything


How we work with you


Our qualifications to work with you


A final question and our contact info


Together, we will make your communications

We are a communications agency specializing in developing employee-focused benefits communications that deliver a better ability to engage and activate your employees.







64% of surveyed employees rarely

48% of surveyed employees say

80% of surveyed employees agree

or never understand the changes

they are at least somewhat likely

that a well communicated benefits

in their benefit coverage.*

to look for new jobs in the next

package would make them less

12 months.**

likely to leave their jobs.*

Benefits communications are more Important than ever to retaining talent. But, yesterday’s tired approaches won’t cut it. Long benefit guides

Today’s benefits communications must adapt to new employee preferences.

filled with dense text, industry jargon and inscrutable benefits tables

That is where we come in. Page & Associates Communications provides

are not how people interact with information today. The internet has trained people of all ages to seek information quickly and

the next generation solutions that reach your employees and give them the tools they need to make an informed benefits choice.

interactively; following links and exploring topics based on their interest.

* 2014 Aflac Open Enrollment Survey ** 2014 Aflac Workforces Report


Page & Associates Communications, LLC

Nurture, engage, activate.

When you hire us to collaborate with you on your benefits communications, you get a partner who will craft language from the perspective of your employees and deliver the exact media they need to be engaged.

We see your employees as constituents whom we hope to influence to make informed benefits choices, but that first need us to help them to: â–ś Understand the language of benefits â–ś Know the steps to use benefits wisely â–ś Appreciate how their lifestyle choices affect their costs This constituent philosophy translates to your communications in these important ways: 1.

Our documents are structured as practical decision support guides, helping your employees to understand their choices.

2. We eliminate as much industry jargon as possible (and where we cannot completely, define it at the point the translation is needed). 3. We see spouses/partners as decision makers and include them as vital audiences in benefits communications. 4. We streamline benefits communications by layering information so that the essential information is clearly absorbed, with in-depth information easily available if wanted. 5. We provide multiple media avenues to the education needed, allowing users to choose their preferred method of learning. n n phone: 856.783.5589


Our Media Approach: Choice PAAC offers one of the largest range of communication services available anywhere. But, the value of our service set is not in a long laundry list; it’s how we combine these services to give your employees and their families the greatest range of choice possible to find their ideal learning tool. Many of our programs combine web-based interactive presentations, mobile-ready websites, e-mail, SMS, and print communications into an integrated campaign.

Communication Campaigns We bring a wide range of traditional and digital communication types to support your efforts: 1.

Recruitment & New Hire Guides We provide our new hire guides in multiple stages, including pre-candidate, offer and benefits onboarding.

2. Open Enrollment Guides - Our open enrollment guides are provided in two forms – expert and novice. We also provide spouse/partner versions at no additional charge. 3. Wellness Program Introduction/ Education Programs. 4. Consumerism Introduction/Education Programs. 5. Carrier Transition Programs – Disruption surveying, transition announcements, provider search education, transition of care education. 6. Health Care Reform Education — Information portal and employee updates to explain ACA relevance.


Page & Associates Communications, LLC


Benefit Updates – On-demand e-mail/ text communications.

8. Employee Surveys - Including Benefits Satisfaction, Dependent Audit, Provider Disruption, Tobacco Use, Voluntary Benefits, Exit Surveys). 9. Private Exchange Promotion/ Education Programs. 10. Retirement Plan Promotion. 11. Voluntary Benefits Promotion. 12. Autoresponder libraries – Automated Instant benefits document delivery. 13. On-Demand/Opt-In Text Messages. 14. Employee Meeting Webinars/ Presentations. Technical Documents: 15. Total Compensation Statements 16. Employee Manuals 17. Interactive Forms

The Power of Measuring Everything: Don’t just give information. Get insight.

PAAC recognizes and appreciates the value of print

The first benefit to you? Insight.

communications. Still, wherever possible, we emphasize


digital media. Digital Communications deliver tremendous advantages to you, including lower development costs, faster distribution,

Ranking of employee interest in benefits (core, ancillary and voluntary) based on order of accessing them and time spent on them.

2. Readiness of employees to embrace a consumerism

and being better received by employees.

message or a wellness program (percentage of employees

No advantage is more important, however than its ability

who spent significant time on applicable sections).

to track the quantity and quality of employee utilization. Every digital communication we provide has built-in user

3. Employee interest and engagement by employee class, or location.

tracking capability. This tracking gives crucial insight into

Next benefit? Your benefits communication program

how employees interact with it: How many visited, how

will LEARN from experience.

long they spent on the entire document, as well as visits to each section of the communication.

We will harness the power of information for you to turn your data into valuable insights to make future communications

With digital communications, you will also have the ability

more effective at connecting with employees by adjusting

to track individual employee utilization. Individual tracking

messaging, format and branding.

is useful, for example, in understanding a candidate’s

Not to Worry. We’ll Do It.

areas of interest based on the use of the new hire guide (feature can be turned on/off).

We know you don’t need another task. Custom ongoing reporting is integrated into our service to you. You tell us the information you want to track and it will land on your desk at the interval you specify. n n phone: 856.783.5589


How We Work With You

We are committed to working seamless with our client partners. We begin

Team Consistency

by collaborating with you to create precisely the communications support

The team you start with is the team you will finish with.

program needed to achieve your benefits management goals. Single Source Regardless of the scope of the program, we can do the heavy lifting. We are a single source resource for end-to-end communications project completion, able to provide all of the creative, production and project management services needed. Transparency in Cost. We define the cost of our services up front and unless you request a change, we won’t talk about price again. No add on fees, just the fees and the production costs we agreed on.


Page & Associates Communications, LLC

Production We oversee all print production. We host digital communications on our dedicated web servers (unless you request to host them). Reporting PAAC conducts all tracking and reporting – providing reports in a manner and frequency determined by you.

PAAC has direct experience working with firms in your business sector.

We are ready to add value immediately.

Glenn Page, our lead consultant, has over 25 years of success in Benefits Communication and Corporate Communication Executive Roles - working with companies of all sizes and in virtually every industry. Prior to founding PAAC, Glenn was Senior Vice President in charge of communications for Frenkel Benefits, a nationally prominent benefits broker and consultant. He founded the communications department and in that role for over ten years, formulated the benefits branding strategy for hundreds of local, national, and international firms. Glenn directly managed benefits communications for the firm’s large and VIP accounts. In this role, Glenn has been at the forefront of benefits industry trends, developing communication strategies to support the introduction of numerous consumer-driven health plans, wellness and ACA strategies for his clients. Glenn is supported by experienced communications professionals who have extensive experience in benefits communications project management, digital communications production and in technical areas, such as employee manuals and benefits statements.

References available n n phone: 856.783.5589


When is the last time you and your employees were excited about (or even interested in) your benefits communications?

We can change that.

Have a communications challenge you think might benefit from our approach to benefits communications? Want to discuss the value of our services in a general way? Let’s talk. No obligation. Just friendly dialogue.

Contact Glenn Page at 856-783-5589, or via e-mail at Page & Associates Communications, LLC 10000 Lincoln Drive East, Suite 201, Marlton, NJ 08053.


Page & Associates Communications, LLC

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