PA Admission Viewbook

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{excellence} {respect}



{honor above all}

Megan Kurten ‘09 photo

our mission Pulaski Academy is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory day school for preschool students through twelfth grade. The school is committed to academic excellence and intellectual growth balanced with opportunities for each student to develop ethically, physically, artistically, and socially in a vibrant educational environment.

{cultivating a passion for lifelong learning}

guiding principles The Pulaski Academy Board of Trustees, administration, and faculty provide an educational environment that Cultivates a passion for lifelong learning. Fosters critical thinking and creative problem solving skills. Requires the development and application of effective written and oral communication skills. Emphasizes high character standards consistent with the school’s Core Values: Excellence, Integrity, Respect, and Responsibility with Honor Above All. Promotes social responsibility at every grade level through community service. Respects cultural differences and appreciates the common experiences that bind us. Embraces racial, ethnic, and socio-economic diversity. Fosters strong mentor relationships between faculty and students. Provides professional guidance to each student in a college selection process based on academic, social, philosophical, and economic needs. Prepares students to become thoughtful and responsible adults equipped to shape the future in a global society.

Taylor Hart ‘08 photo

Nurturing intellectual curiosity, encouraging individual initiative, fostering a strong

the pa experience

sense of moral character and integrity,

Students at Pulaski Academy don’t just learn what to think; they learn how to

promoting an atmosphere of open-mind-

think. Offering a diverse, well-rounded curriculum, PA serves as a close-knit

edness and acceptance of others, and celebrating excellence in all areas of life – that’s the PA experience.

learning community dedicated to preparing students academically, socially, ethically, artistically, and physically for the world that lies before them. Our classes provide intimate surroundings that enable teachers to encourage strengths, overcome challenges, and instill in each student a lifelong love for learning. Our faculty and staff have outstanding credentials and experience to offer, but more importantly, they bring with them a deep commitment to nurturing and guiding young people. The success of our personal style of education is reflected in the academic, artistic, and athletic excellence that has made PA a nationally respected college preparatory school.

{accreditations} Independent Schools of the Central States (ISACS) Arkansas Non-Public Schools Accrediting Association (ANSAA) North Central Association (NCA)

Dr. William R. Mott, President

excellence in education

excellence in life So what IS the PA experience? It’s an expectation of the highest in academic achievement. It’s a commitment to personal growth, exploration, and development. It’s an unwavering devotion to bringing out the best in every student. And it’s a dedication to equipping young minds with knowledge and insight for colKaty Allison ‘08 photo

lege, combined with wisdom and values for life.

{equipping young minds}

“Offering a diverse, well-rounded curriculum, PA serves as a close-knit learning community dedicated to preparing students academically, socially, ethically, artistically, and physically for the world that lies before them.”

Evan Dunn ‘09 photo

our faculty PA faculty encourage students to be openminded, creative, intellectually curious, and self-directed. Students and teachers

igniting a passion for learning Serving as the bedrock of the school: our teachers. Our dedicated and talented

work as partners, collaborating both on

faculty share a love of learning that inspires and motivates young minds. PA

a formal and a more personal level, to

teachers are passionate about ideas. They believe that education involves

create a vibrant learning community in which students can grow and thrive.

much more than passing along mere facts, figures, and formulas; it’s a way of life. Our teachers are innovative and proactive. They recognize that each student is on his or her unique path to learning. Individualized student attention helps to create an open, nurturing environment, as well as a strong desire to learn and the ability to think creatively and analytically.

{open, nurturing environment}

A flare For excellence The evidence is in our students. Pulaski Academy’s tradition of excellence is embodied in its students, those preK through twelfth grade wonders whose potential knows no bounds, both in learning and in life. This greatness is further evidenced by the personal and professional successes of over three decades of PA graduates. At Pulaski Academy, we not only value classroom achievement, but we promote the impor-

Megan Kurten ‘09 photo

tance of moral character, integrity, leadership, and social responsibility. PA is a vibrant learning community that seeks to inspire students to embark on intellectual journeys leading to the discovery of themselves and the world around them. PA students are capable, motivated, and full

Tatiana Han ‘09 photo

of promise. They come from diverse backgrounds and are ready and willing to take advantage of the exceptional educational,

{core values}

extracurricular, and leadership opportunities









that lie before them. Building on a tradition of a 100% college acceptance rate, our students are commited to following in the footsteps of PA graduates who have moved on to the most competitive and highly regarded uni-


versities and colleges across the nation.




Courage to stand for right





Personal Conduct


our students

our curriculum At Pulaski Academy, we believe that every child possesses an inherent love of learning and a joy for discovery. At the heart of

early childhood school: It All Begins With a Spark

our Early Childhood program is a commit-

In the Early Childhood School, each day is a stepping stone to acquiring

ment to innovation and a dedication to

the proper foundation for success in PA’s college preparatory curriculum.

promoting inquiry and exploration.

Throughout their ECS years, students experiment, collaborate, and solve problems, all the while building essential cognitive, social, emotional, motor, perceptual, listening, speaking, and writing skills. The focus of the program is on development of the total child with an emphasis on high character standards and moral values. The Early Childhood curriculum is designed to stimulate young minds in innovative and exciting ways. The sequential, developmentally appropriate program carries students from age three through first grade, laying solid groundwork in the formative years. In addition to such national standard based courses as Open Court Language, FOSS Science, and Everyday Math,

Brian Yuen‘07 photo

{inherent love of learning}

“ECS faculty believe that children are naturally curious, creative, and eager.”

students attend enrichment classes in Einstein Time, FOSS Science, Spanish, art, and technology. ECS faculty believe that children are naturally curious, creative, and eager. Teachers encourage learning by doing, promote cooperation rather than competition, and embrace high expectations for the pursuit of educational excellence. The ECS strives to provide an atmosphere of excitement where children love school and discover that learning is fun.

Kate Watkins ‘09 photo

PA Lower School students are active, inquisitive participants in their educational journey. They’re newscasters in their own daily television show. They’re chemists and biologists in their hands-on science classes. They’re artists and musicians, writers and explorers. They’re the leaders Kathleen Pait ‘10 photo

of tomorrow.

{grow with confidence and character}

lower school: Fueling the Fire PA’s Lower School is a dynamic and energetic place that inspires students to reach their full potential as they discover more about themselves and the world. LS students engage in learning activities that stimulate them socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually as they begin their educational journey. Through such innovative enrichment programs as PATV (a daily television show in which LS students serve as newscasters, interviewers, writers, and producers) and Think Tank (a unique, weekly learning opportunity with a gifted and talented specialist), students begin to reason logically and thoughtfully, create with purpose and originality, and grow with confidence and character. The Lower School strives for balance between a challenging curriculum and a developmental, exploratory experience. Grade level, self-contained classrooms enable students to participate in a nurturing learning environment that emphasizes the acquisition of basic skills, the exploration of ideas, and the development of the ability to work independently.

Taylor Hart ‘08 photo

Katy Allison ‘08 photo

Our Middle School curriculum seeks to instill confidence and competence during a time of adolescent growth and change.

middle school: From Flicker to Flame The pre-teen and early teenage years are ripe with changes, adjustments,

The MS environment is both nurturing

and transformations. Designed specifically to meet the needs of early

and engaging, enabling students to ex-

adolescents, the PA Middle School curriculum eases students through the

periment, discover, and evolve.

the more challenging, true college preparatory experience of Upper School.

transition from the comfortable, structured environment of Lower School to The program’s hands-on, experiential approach complements instruction in the core subject areas with courses in foreign language, technology, physical education, and the arts. Meanwhile, a number of learning activities take place outside of the classroom as well—from the annual 6th grade voyage to Space Camp to the 8th grade adventure at Camp Winnamocka—each serving as a unique learning opportunity designed to support academic study. Whether venturing outside of the classroom or engaging in an on-campus learning experience, MS students enjoy being part of a close-knit community that supports individuality while also emphasizing the acquisition of critical academic and life skills.

Tatiana Han ‘09 photo

Taylor Hart ‘08 photo

“Designed specifically to meet the needs of early adolescents, the PA Middle School curriculum eases students through the transition from the comfortable, structured environment of Lower School to the more challenging, true college preparatory experience of Upper School. “ Grace Dodson ‘09 photo

{close-knit community}

{grow and learn together} PA Upper School students strive for excellence in all areas of life, whether in academics, in their interactions with others, or in leadership or service roles. Opportunties

Katy Allison ‘08 photo

to stretch and grow abound, and our US

upper school: Fired Up for the Future The PA Upper School offers a dynamic college preparatory curriculum

students welcome the chance to spread their wings and expand their horizons.

that encourages students to use their creativity and natural curiosity to become partners with faculty in the learning adventure. In addition to core requirements, students can choose from a variety of electives that include such courses as Film as Literature, Independent Science Research, Theatre Rep, Model UN, Senior Thesis, Digital Media, Honors International Studies, and Personal Finance. Twenty Advanced Placement and twelve honors courses are also available. Outside of the classroom, Upper School students are active participants in any number of clubs and organizations. Sports teams, music rehearsals, theatre performances, and other campus activities enable students and teachers to grow and learn together. Community service is also an integral part of the US experience. Students must meet service learning requirements in order to graduate, but most PA students far exceed the minimum. Upper School students typically complete between 10,000 and 15,000 hours of community service each year and have been accepted to 147 different colleges throughout the nation in the last three years.

our curriculum

the arts The arts are a vital component of our vision for the social development, intel-

enlighten the mind, enliven the vision

lectual growth, and creative expression

PA’s commitment to the arts is evidenced by the school’s depth of instruction

of our students. As a part of its efforts to

and wide range of creative opportunities in the areas of music, visual arts, and

educate the total person, Pulaski Academy

cultivate artistic talents, becoming active participants in a journey of inspira-

theatre. Within this enriching environment, students identify new interests and

supports a vibrant culture of visual and

tion and imagination.

performing arts.

Music Music is an essential part of the PA experience. Our goal is to inspire and to encourage an appreciation for music while enabling students to gain a solid understanding of musical concepts. Throughout their PA education, students receive special instruction in ear-training, vocal development, and instrumental training, giving them the necessary tools and knowledge to become poised musicians who find joy in the art. Certified instructors assist and mentor students in all areas of music, whether that student is a kindergartener preparing for the annual spring musical, a sixth grader who wishes to play the saxophone, or a senior who hopes to perfect the tonal quality of his/her singing voice.

Visual Arts Pulaski Academy recognizes that visual arts play

{creative expression}

an integral role in the development of young minds. By engaging in a curriculum rich in art, students learn to explore their imagination, unleash their curiosity, and apply their creativity to any project they undertake. A student’s artistic vision and appreciation for visual arts is limitless, especially in the hands of a passionate, talented teacher. PA’s gifted visual arts instructors are all experts in their field, as well as enthusiastic and caring mentors. While cultivating the talents of each child, they set

Alexa Pearce ‘13 art

high standards for excellence in the arts and promote creative thinking in all avenues of academic life.

Theatre Pulaski Academy’s theatre curriculum not only provides Middle and Upper School students with the opportunity to collaborate with others on a shared artistic endeavor, but it teaches them to give and receive meaningful criticism while polishing their analytical skills. Through the performing arts, students also learn poise and gain the confidence needed to become effective public speakers. Megan Kurten ‘09 photo

Students participate in improvisations, as well as solo, duet, and ensemble acting. Opportunities also exist for those more interested in the behind-the-scenes workings of theatre: playwriting, costume and scene design, props, lighting, theatre makeup, publicity, stage management, and directing. Finally, the PA theatre curriculum provides students with a deep understanding of the history and practice of theatre as an art form, enabling students to develop a true appreciation for all aspects of the theatrical world.

“Within this enriching environment, students identify new interests and cultivate artistic talents, becoming active participants in a journey of inspiration and imagination.”

Whether our students pursue the arts professionally, enjoy them as a creative outlet or hobby, or support them in the community, Pulaski Academy cultivates a lifelong appreciation for the creative process.

At PA, we believe in the importance of developing the whole student: intellectually,

educating the whole student

emotionally, AND physically. PA coaches

The Pulaski Academy physical education program not only promotes healthy

are trainers and mentors, dedicated to cul-

competition, but it focuses on the teaching of invaluable lessons in sportsman-

tivating winners who excel on the field, in

ship, participation, leadership, responsibility, and teamwork. Beginning in our Early Childhood program, students take part in weekly activities with a certified

the pool, on the court, and—most impor-

physical education specialist who applies the SPARK (Sports, Play, and Recre-

tantly—in life.

ation for Kids) method to teaching the values of physical education. The SPARK program focuses on coordination and strengthening of large muscle groups while also teaching students how to work together, solve problems, and share. In Lower School, students continue their lessons in physical education with the aid of the SPARK curriculum. The program not only encourages exploration and creativity, but it emphasizes the importance of proper form and technique for generalized skills (e.g. throwing, catching, kicking, striking). Students in second grade begin to explore movement patterns with a partner to define movement in relation to another person, shape, or group. By the third grade, students move while learning fundamental skills involved in such activities as basketball, soccer, and volleyball. Fourth graders continue to develop motor skills and an understanding of teamwork as they’re faced with new drills and challenges, eventually advancing to mastery of small, sided games.

Katy Allison ‘08 photo

far from EXTRAcurricular

athletics Lessons in physical education continue in Middle School, now with more of an emphasis on individual and team sports. The curriculum focuses on skillbuilding and involves students in a number of new and challenging games, including flag football, wiffleball, and floor hockey. By the time students reach 7th and 8th grade in Middle School, and throughout their Upper School years, students have the opportunity to pursue competitive athletics and lifetime fitness in a variety of ways, all of which emphasize sportsmanship, respect, commitment, discipline, and cooperation. Athletic opportunities abound for both males and females and include such sports as football, volleyball, tennis, basketball, swimming, track, and golf. Just as our academic programs are designed to provide students with a broad range of opportunities to achieve their potential and build confidence, intellect, and initiative, such is the case for our athletic program. A host of outstanding faculty members plan and alumni, and trustees reinforce them.

Kelcie Lewis ‘07 photo

Tiffany Chiu ‘09 photo

Matt Swaim‘08 photo

“. . . students have the opportunity to pursue competitive athletics and lifetime fitness in a variety of ways, all of which emphasize sportsmanship, respect, commitment, discipline, and cooperation.”

{build confidence, intellect, and initiative}

implement these athletic opportunities, while a community of parents, friends,

clubs & activities Co-curricular opportunities are extensive and diverse, with options ranging from Literary Club to Chess Club to Model UN.

the social and collaborative side of education

With over thirty active clubs and organi-

At Pulaski Academy, we recognize that character development does not come

zations in place, our students are sure to find that extracurricular niche.

about through classroom instruction alone. Whether attending school dances, embarking on field trips, serving as yearbook editor, collaborating on school projects, engaging in a challenging chess match, performing in the spring musical, or taking part in the annual eleven-day Junior College Trip, PA students are active participants both on and off campus.

Katy Allison ‘08 photo

Amnesty International, Asian American Association, Art Club, Chess Club, Club Science, Council for International Affairs, Diversity Council, Engineering Club, Fellow-

{clubs and organizations}

ship of Christian Athletes, French Club, Geography Bee, Green Club, Honor Council, IDEA Club, International Thespian Society, Interact Club, Literary Club, Literary Journal, Memory Book, Model UN, National Beta Club, Newspaper, Order of Excellence, Quiz Bowl, Second Generation Club, Senior Brothers/Sisters, Spanish Club, Student Council, Thespian Troupe, Yearbook, Young Democrats’ Society, Young Republicans’ Society Tiffany Chiu ‘09 photo

Through our commitment to service, we seek to heighten our students’ sense of moral responsibility and awareness of social problems, while building in them a feeling of personal fulfillment through their dedication and caring for others.

Katy Allison ‘08 photo

learning to serve, serving to learn Community Outreach Service learning is an integral part of the PA experience from three years old through twelfth grade. Grade level class service projects target local, national, and world organizations, including the Pulaski County Humane Society, the Access School, the Dorcas House, Hope Lodge, Easter Seals, Red Cross, and Heifer Project International. Through group and individual efforts, students learn to serve others. And by serving others, they learn about themselves and the world around them. As a part of their graduation requirement, Upper School students must complete at least fifteen hours of community service per year for a total of sixty to graduate. Most PA students far exceed the minimum.

Ashlee Towns ‘08 photo

Campus Service Students also participate in rewarding service projects within the school community by serving as Senior Brothers and Sisters, by volunteering as PA Pals and Reading Buddies, and by acting as school ambassadors. They also take part in class projects to clean up campus litter, recycle, and raise and lower the flags. Through service to others, students develop a sense of civic responsibility and a lifelong commitment to volunteerism.

service learning

our campus We recently more than doubled the size of our campus! In doing so, we’ve enhanced the educational opportunities of our

expanding minds, expanding possibilities

institution while giving rise to limitless

When a school expands its campus size from fifteen to thirty-two acres and

possibilities for our students.

adds over 180,000 square feet of facilities, opportunities abound. With our recent expansion, we offer students a host of new possibilities. A larger campus translates into enhanced academic and enrichment programs, an expansive library, a state-of-the-art gym, extensive technology opportunities, a cozy student café, a sizable bookstore and spirit store, and multiple venues for the performing arts. Perhaps the most notable results of our expanded campus: spacious new facilities for our Early Childhood and Lower School. Now there’s more room for PA youngsters to grow.

“When a school expands its campus size from fifteen to thirty-two acres and adds over 180,000 square feet of facilities, opportunities abound.”

{enhanced academic and enrichment programs}

come visit us! To get a true sense of the PA experience, to really feel and understand what we’re about, you need to visit our campus. Take a personal, guided tour across our 32-acre learning environment and immerse yourself in ideas, discussions, and a community of diverse people. Meet faculty members and current students. And see firsthand if Pulaski Academy is right for your child.

“Take a personal, guided tour across our 32-acre learning environment and immerse yourself in ideas, discussions, and a community of diverse people.”

arranging a visit is easy! To schedule a personal tour of our campus, contact our Admissions Office at telephone: 501.604.1923 email: In the meantime, please visit our Web site at to learn more about what PA has to offer.


Kate Watkins ‘09 photo

We welcome students who will benefit from our academically challenging and

a life-changing decision

enriching programs and who will contrib-

Whether you’re in the beginning stages of researching schools for your pre-

ute their own special talents and enthusiasm to the school community.

schooler, or you’re looking to make an academic change for your teenager, the decision you’re engaged in is one of the most important in the life of your child. The PA Admissions Office is honored that you have included us in this decision process, and we want to be as helpful to you as possible. Our primary goal is to partner with you and assist you in deciding if PA is the right school for your child and your family.

what type of child can benefit from a pa education? A successful PA student is one who will appreciate and take advantage of the exceptional educational, enrichment, and extracurricular opportunities that the school has to offer. PA students enjoy challenges. They are both leaders and team players. They are intellectually curious, and they want to discover more about themselves and the world around them.

what sets pa apart? Pulaski Academy provides the perfect balance of academic vigor and accepKaty Allison ‘08 photo

tance of individual learning styles in a vibrant, nurturing environment. And while we believe in challenging our students academically, we are equally interested in helping them to evolve into respectful, responsible people of

{memberships} National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Independent Schools of Maximum Complexity (INMAX) Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Arkansas Athletic Association (AAA) The College Board Cum Laude Society

integrity. PA classrooms are small and intimate, allowing for a great deal of personal attention and interaction with faculty. Our teachers are truly there for our students, giving freely of their time, friendship, and support. Graduates of PA are confident, well-rounded young men and women. Having immersed themselves in our dynamic curriculum, developed new talents, mastered new subjects, experienced the rewards of team play, and built friendships to last a lifetime, they are ready to face their futures.

admission admission to pa The Pulaski Academy Office of Admission seeks to identify, attract, and retain a diverse group of students who show promise of intellectual aptitude, scholastic motivation, utmost character, athletic ability, and extracurricular interests. The purpose of the admission process is to ensure a wise and appropriate choice of school for the candidate. The PA admission process is designed to be personal, thorough, and fair. The process helps us to get to know each applicant personally and gives each applicant a clear understanding of the educational opportunities and expectations of Pulaski Academy. Because the process differs slightly at each division, be sure to review the application requirements carefully. A completed application portfolio includes: Completed application Application fee of $50 Academic transcripts or report cards PA admission test

Standardized tests Teacher recommendations Writing samples Interview or observation

Sidney Parisi ‘10 photo

affording pa We encourage families not to let concern about the cost of their child’s education prevent them from exploring opportunities at Pulaski Academy. Recogfamily to find ways of making a PA education a reality. We offer an extensive, need-based financial aid program for families who qualify. To be eligible, a student must be in good academic standing and demonstrate financial need as determined by School Scholarship Service (SSS) in Princeton, New Jersey. In addition, we offer several need-based, as well as merit-based, scholarships. For more information, please contact our Admissions Office at 501.604.1923 or complete our online inquiry form at > Admissions > Request Information.

Pulaski Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, or national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and financial aid program, or athletic and other school-administered programs.

{we are committed}

nizing that every situation is unique, we are committed to working with each

college prep planning for college Because our faculty and staff come to know our students so well throughout the years, we are in a unique position to effectively guide them through the process of identifying the colleges that best suit their interests and goals. As a college preparatory school, all aspects of the program, from our dynamic classes to our emphasis on leadership and community service, pave the way for future academic success. Each class of seniors has much to be proud of: strong ACT and SAT scores, a high percentage of National Merit Semifinalists, and100% acceptance to college. Our Counseling Center houses expert staff members who give individualized attention to our students throughout the four-year process. The Counseling Center not only provides assistance in exploring college options, but it aids students in writing application essays, preparing for admission interviews, and arranging college visits.

PA graduates are accepted to a multitude of outstanding colleges and universities across the nation. The following is just a sampling of the schools that recent graduates have been accepted to. Arizona State University Auburn University Barnard College Baylor University Belmont University Biola University Boston College Brandeis University Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Colby University Colgate University College of Charleston College of William & Mary Colorado State University Columbia University Connecticut College Cornell University Dartmouth College Davidson College Duke University Emory University Fashion Institute of New York Florida State University

George Washington University Georgetown University Georgia Tech University Hamilton College Harding University Harvard University Hendrix College Indiana University James Madison University John Brown University Johns Hopkins University Lake Forest College Lambuth University Loyola University Lyon College Mass. Institute of Technology Middlebury College New York University Northwestern University Ohio State University Oklahoma State University Pepperdine University Pitzer College Princeton University

Purdue University Rhodes College Rice University Savannah College of Art and Design School of the Art Institute of Chicago Southwestern University Smith College Stanford University St. Louis University Swarthmore College Temple University Tulane University U.S. Air Force Academy U.S. Military Academy U.S. Naval Academy University of Arkansas/Fayetteville University of Arkansas/Little Rock University of California/Berkley University of California/Davis University of California/Los Angeles University of Central Arkansas University of Colorado University of Florida University of Georgia

college acceptances

University of Illinois University of Mary Washington University of Miami University of Minnesota University of N. Carolina/Chapel Hill University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania University of Puget Sound University of Rochester University of South Carolina University of Southern California University of St. Andrews/Scotland University of Texas/Austin University of Tulsa University of Virginia University of Washington Vanderbilt University Vassar College Villanova University Virginia Tech University Wake Forest University Washington & Lee University Washington University Wesleyan College

{visit us}

pa at a glance status

Independent, coeducational, college preparatory day school for preschool students through 12th grade



president & head

Dr. William R. Mott

religious affiliation

As an independent, non-sectarian school, PA embraces and celebrates all faiths, races, and cultures


Independent Schools of the Central States (ISACS), Arkansas Non-Public Schools Accrediting Association (ANSAA), North Central Association (NCA)




Minority enrollment is 15% school-wide (16% in Early Childhood, 15% in Lower School, 16% in Middle School, and 13% in Upper School). International enrollment is 2%.

advanced placement

20 AP courses offered

honors courses

12 offered

Pulaski Academy is located in West Little Rock, the cultural and medical hub of Arkansas, as well as the state’s capital city. Our campus is easy to find, nestled in a residential area on the corner of Hinson and Napa Valley, only a mile from I-430 at the Rodney Parham exit.

12701 Hinson Road Little Rock, AR 72212 501.604.1923

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