Where Art and Science Design速
-PPYWMSR showcases a series of original sculptures and prints by artist and designer, Peter Arnoud Bensen. The series revolves around the themes of perspective and illusion, drawing us towards his pieces with mesmerising tricks of the eye. Using pyramids, cubes and spirals, Bensen demonstrates how these basic shapes morph into different entities by a shift of perspective. Bensen describes this peculiar experience as “shape-shifting”. -PPYWMSR is inspired by Bensen’s past experience as a commercial diver. Diving 120 meters into the unknown has made him see things in a new light. Like an observer to a colossal sculpture, Bensen saw the subsea structures around him took on different shapes at different depths of diving. Magical sights that fused from the metal frames around him captivated Bensen in awe, and remained ingrained in his memory. Bensen translates his past adventures into his sculptures, aspiring to evoke the same wonder and fascination in viewers that he had personally encountered. Sculpture has always had the distinction of being something experienced while moving around the artwork. In -PPYWMSR, we constantly engage with our senses of sight and perception while moving towards, across and around the sculptures. Each sculpture is hand-crafted by Bensen and exclusive in its design that cannot be recreated. Every piece has a special signi½cance and a uniUue beauty that demands a physical response and an intellectual challenge to fathom the hidden messages.
we constantly engage with our senses of sight and perception while moving towards, across and around the sculptures.
Peter Arnoud Bensen
Bensen is a professional artist and designer specializing in woodwork, furniture and sculptures. Born in the Netherlands, Bensen started creating little wooden cars since he was six years old. Bensen works primarily on wood for his projects, be it furniture, sculpture or toys. To him, wood is a beautiful medium and can be easily combined with other materials to produce new elements. The scientist in Bensen enjoys working wood to its limit, while ½nding ways to overcome the weaknesses. His investigative characteristic is also a motivation for him to constantly create to help resolve problems. Bensen transcends his thoughts, ideas and passion through his handicraft, with the aspiration to amaze others and try to change the world with his designs. Today, Bensen is exploring into other mediums, such as metal, to integrate into his art and designs.
Inspired by nature’s little wonders, Bensen designed &IILMZI to emulate bees’ diligence and patience, in which they slowly build their honeycomb bit by bit into a perfect dwelling for the bee colony. Similar to artistry, creativity cannot be rushed, and constant effort and persistence are vital to the process of crafting exUuisite and beautiful art. &IILMZI is an elegant and organic piece of art, capturing the charm of nature. Using a single circle with a string of concentric arcs fanning out of it, &IILMZI became the brainchild of the series of Illusion designs. Only available in print, &IILMZI is a delightful expression of Bensen’s pure imagination and craftsmanship.
P.A. Bensen 2015 PAB-P001 | 1010mm (L) X 710mm (H) X 40mm (W) | Polycarbonate, Merbau
Each sculpture in the -PPYWMSR series is composed of a metal frame and a base. The metal frames of the sculptures can be scaled 2 to 8 times its original size. The sculptures are uniUue there will only be one sculpture for each scale. For every size of the sculpture, a special base is designed and crafted to hold the frame. Every -PPYWMSR sculpture is one of its kind, exclusive in nature and can never be recreated.
'YFSMH is a symbol of life, resembling a corridor with many doors. Each of these doors opens up different possibilities and adventure for the seeker. Ultimately, these doors and paths take one to greater heights and opportunities.
Crafted with cubes linked together, one can imagine the 'YFSMH guiding and lifting us from one place to another, just like how every experience in life acts as a distinct moment of learning and growth.
As we observe the 'YFSMH from every angle, it inspires us to think about how our life experiences shape and mold us into uniUue individuals.
Available in: SCULPT PRINT
As astrophysicist Jean-Pierre Luminet once proposed, the shape of the universe is not a sphere, but a dodecahedron. Inspired by this, the dodecahedral base of the 'YFSMH is crafted with twelve identical pentagonal faces, with the angle between a pair of planes as the Golden Ratio. This beautiful and enthralling shape signi½es the universe of knowledge, and how we embark on a life journey to intelligence and wisdom.
PAB-S001 | 370mm (L) X 570mm (H) X 200mm (W) | Metal, Rosewood
COCOON 'SGSSR illustrates the theme of metamorphosis with a series of interwoven rings. The cocoon is one of the most amazing creations in nature, in which a complete metamorphosis takes place.
Available in: SCULPT
In the beginning, the caterpillar is always chomping on leaves. Then it begins to spin a cocoon around itself, ready for the next stage in its life. Within this protective shell, the magical process of transformation Uuietly begins. This is a process uniUue to each species, and can take a couple of weeks, months or even years to conclude. Finally, a butter他y or moth emerges from the cocoon. We are constantly undergoing metamorphosis in life, continuously learning and progressing to become better individuals. Every milestone we encounter is a cocoon for us to grow and 他ourish. We are the caterpillars on our own journey of metamorphosis, meeting different occasions that shape us and in他uence our change. Eventually, we will morph into butter他ies, ready to leave our cocoon for the next challenge.
The base is also shaped after the 'SGSSR with a crystal ball embedded deep inside the core of the wood. When we peek into the crystal ball, we see an inverted image of our surroundings. It is as though everything that we know of has been transformed and a whole new world is captured within the crystal ball a world full of challenges and opportunities.
PAB-S002 | 500mm (L) X 570mm (H) X 200mm (W) | Metal, Rosewood
'YFI 7XEGO brings us back in time, to our childhood memories of playing with blocks. We started out with grabbing and picking up the blocks, acUuiring our coordination skills. Then we ventured on to stacking them on top of each other. Through this simple act of playing with blocks, we discovered that having a good foundation is a vital ½rst step to building a solid and stable stack of blocks. 'YFI 7XEGO also re¾ects Bensen’s uniUue experience of working at the university. Spending time in the university made him realise that while the school pushes one to think outside the box, it offers an established foundation of knowledge for one to fall back onto. Building a good foundation in everything that we do is an important lesson that we carry with us throughout the rest of our lives.
'YFI 7XEGO comes in two different bases. Both bases are shaped out of cubes. The cubes signify the fundament of knowledge how the wealth of knowledge is built and strengthened to prepare us for future challenges and opportunities. The metal base comprises a single layer of cubes which is intentionally built “oversized”, illustrating the idea of being a stable fundament and having strong potential for growth and progression. It also carries a the frame of 'YFI 7XEGO that is twice the original dimensions. If you look closer, you will notice that the wooden pedestal rests on a ¾at base that is decorated with a sunburst embellishment in darker wood. These rays travel to meet in the middle, symbolising the origin of a foundation that grows into something bigger and better.
Available in: SCULPT
PAB-S003 | 350mm (L) X 550mm (H) X 200mm (W) | Metal, Rosewood (Original Size) PAB-S004 | 685mm (L) X 790mm (H) X 410mm (W) | Metal, Cherrywood (2x Size)
4]VEQMH MR 'YFIW is the only sculpture that comes in three parts. Each sculpture comprises a pyramid within a cube, encased within a larger cube all crafted on a single plane. This fascinating design plays with the way our eyes perceive space and dimensions, highlighting the interplay between 2-dimensional and 4-dimensional space.
The true essence of this sculpture comes from the emotions evoked by observing it. In that instant when we ½nd out that we have been fooled, we get greatly disappointed. Yet, we still hope that what we see is real, as it is too beautiful to be illusory. As we observe the sculptures in seUuence, a slight transformation unfolds within each cube, adding to its enchantment.
In a way, 4]VEQMH MR 'YFIW makes us realise that it is really easy to make one believe in a beautiful lie. But it is very dif½cult to make one understand and believe that one has been lied to.
Available in: SCULPT
Each base is fashioned out of a cube, with its corners cut into at a 30-degree angle. When placed together, each cube rests against each other, forming a hollow triangle in the centre. The magic happens when we walk around the 4]VEQMH MR 'YFIW. The elusive sculpture seems to only allow us to see two sculptures at a time, while the last sculpture disappears into a thin line.
PAB-S005 | 230mm (L) X 360mm (H) X 150mm (W) | Metal, Rosewood
GOLDEN +SPHIR ,IEVX plays on the concept of the Fibonacci seUuence and the Golden Spiral. The Fibonacci seUuence is as old as time. It is the ground principle for all elements striving for beauty and completeness in both realms of nature and art. From this string of numbers comes the Golden Spiral, an aesthetic ideal for all structures, forms and proportion. The Golden Spiral can be observed all around us, be it in trees, music or in the human body and has been widely employed in art and architecture since its discovery.
For demonstration purposes only, not for sale.
A metal base will be used for scaled-up sizes of the +SPHIR ,IEVX The base symbolises a universal spring where all life originates. From this strong foundation, an elegant tree blooms and 他ourishes, reminding us the beauty of life.
PAB-S006 | 400mm (L) X 450mm (H PAB-S007 | 500mm (L) X 530mm (H
H) X 200mm (W) | Metal, Cherrywood H) X 150mm (W) | Metal, Rosewood
+SPHIR ,IEVX expresses the concept of life. One can imagine a heart-shaped tree, composed of two Golden Spirals, blossoming from the metal roots. The heartshaped sculpture has a pure scienti½c meaning, melded with cubes of dimensions following the Fibonacci seUuence. It also encompasses an aesthetic signi½cance, with the cubes, representing fruits, hanging from the perfectly proportioned and shaped “branches”. +SPHIR ,IEVX is a thought-provoking sculpture, showcasing the perfect harmony of science and art. More than just a piece of art, it captures Bensen’s respect and passion for the two disciplines in life.
Available in: SCULPT PRINT
The sides of the wooden base are carved out accordingly to the Golden Spiral, echoing the +SPHIR ,IEVX´s contours. These perfectly curved sides show how the scienti½c Golden Spiral is attractive and soothing to the human eye.
MULTI-CUBES Crafted with sixteen cubes and two pyramids, all wrapped within a large cube, the 1YPXM 'YFIW is created to enrapture us into its detail yet be immersed in the beauty of its 3-dimensional, and even 4-dimensional illusion. This sculpture brings the investigative nature of Bensen to life with its array of cubes and pyramids. Bensen experimented with the limits of the cube, adding in polyhedron structures into the frame, yet retaining its illusionary effect. If we observe the 1YPXM 'YFIW from different angles, we will realise how its shape shifts and slips into another dimension easily, teasing our sight and feeling. It is as though the 1YPXM 'YFIW is a sentient creature itself.
Available in: SCULPT PRINT
Mirroring its sculpture, the base is built out of layer of cubes. At the corners of the dominant cube are four smaller cubes. These cubes have the exact dimension as those seen in the sculpture.
PAB-S008 | 440mm (L) X 620mm (H) X 270mm (W) | Metal, Rosewood
One of Bensen’s favourites, ;MXLMR is the only sculpture that encompasses both form and motion. The spiralling structures are built on a 2-dimensional plane, yet it gives the illusion of a 3-dimensional sculpture, and even 4-dimensional. The ¾uidity of the spirals creates a sense of motion, which is accentuated when we walk around the sculpture, observing how the spirals seem to revolve along with our movements.
Available in: SCULPT PRINT
Bensen’s fondness for exploration and his desire to “always wanting to know what is within” is embedded in ;MXLMR We are able to see through each layer to reach the heart of the structure, expressing a form of fragility in transparency. Yet the sculpture is made of solid iron, a symbol of strength and stability. The juxtaposition of transparency and solidity elicits curiosity and brings up Uuestions.
The solid sphere in the base symbolises planet Earth, where all life and forces of nature originate. It signi½es the innermost core that every element possesses and emanates from. The sphere is set in a rounded depression of a wooden foundation. Inspired by Stephen Hawking’s theory of the bending of space-time, the depression signi½es how our reality may be completely different from the actual reality, which we will never ½nd out.
PAB-S009 | 800mm (L) X 1270mm (H) X 400mm (W) | Metal, Cherrywood
The base is composed of a single spherical-shaped steel weight , resting within a wooden foundation. Bensen sees the spherical base as the incubator of life to which the 9QFMPMGEP is connected to and passing on the ¾ow of life from one place to another. Bringing the Hawking’s theory of the bending of space-time to life, the depression shows us how our reality may be poles apart from the actual reality. Bensen hopes to inspire people to keep exploring the unknown and never stop ½nding answers.
PAB-S010 | 680mm (L) X 15780mm (H) X 400mm (W) | Metal, Cherrywood
9QFMPMGEP features a series of rings being spun into an elegant swirl, exuding a sense of Uuaint beauty. The sculpture symbolises the žow of life, like how a mother provides for and nurtures her child through the umbilical vein. More than just a symbol, 9QFMPMGEP captures Bensen’s memories as a deep-sea diver. The umbilical cord of a diver carries vital elements to him during missions, acting as a lifeline in the deep sea. With 9QFMPMGEP Bensen shares a part of his past with us and connects us with a realm that we would hardly, if not never, be in touch with.
Available in: SCULPT
Cuboid | PAB-002 1010mm (L) X 710mm (H) X 40mm (W)
Golden Heart | PAB-P004 1010mm (L) X 710mm (H) X 40mm (W)
Cubestack | PAB-P003 1010mm (L) X 710mm (H) X 40mm (W)
Multi-Cubes | PAB-P005 1010mm (L) X 850mm (H) X 40mm (W)
Within | PAB-P006 1300mm (L) X 1500mm (H) X 40mm (W)
Umbilical | PAB-P007 1300mm (L) X 1900mm (H) X 40mm (W)
Materials used: transparent polycarbonate sheets and merbau wood
PABensen is a design company that strives to create thought-provoking works and innovative functional products that bridge the ½elds of Art and Science. Founded in 2012 by two diverse personalities – Artist Peter Arnoud Bensen and Scientist Pina Marziliano-Bensen, PABensen celebrates the union of Art and Science through its concepts, designs and works. Each handcrafted product is designed to be artistic and functional with an underlying scienti½c principle. From luxurious sculptures to avant-garde lighting, PABensen continues to explore, innovate and provide superior Uuality lifestyle services for customers worldwide.
PABensen Pte. Ltd. NTU Innovation Centre Block 2, Level 1, Unit 113D 18 Nanyang Drive Singapore 637723 Copyright©2015 PABensen Pte. Ltd.
To get a Uuote or any further enUuiries, feel free to email us or give us a call at: Peter Arnoud Bensen | +65 9725 6827 Pina Marziliano-Bensen | +65 9155 6971
Catalogue created by: Heng Yiwei