Wellness magazine summer march 2017

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Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine

WELLNESS Your Healthy Lifestyle Guide To Wellness

We Heal Organically Tips + How To's Physical Therapy Recipes Investment or Expense? Improve Your Posture!

THE HAPPINESS CONNECTION Healing Naturally in Midtown

in Manhattan


2 Wellness Magazine | Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness



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Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine


Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness

If you want make a lasting change in your health and well-being then you must take specific action. What do you desire to change? Are there health concerns that you, a family member or a friend have been facing for a while now without significant relief? Is your health important to you? If the desire to change your current situation exists within you, let us help you make that transformation a reality.

4 Wellness -

Expense or Investment? Wellness is mastering how to balance all of this to make a lifestyle change that promotes great health and happiness.

5 Chiropractic -


Know Your Spine

7 Tips/How To's 14 Healthcare -



Expense or Investment

16 Get Cured Naturally connection.

The Happiness

18 More Energy - Physical and emotional

solutions to fatigue.

20 Coach's Corner by Dr. Shannon - Adjusting your Head + Heart So You Can Heal Your Life Well and Love Your Life + Life's WorkWell.


22 Nutrition+Recipes - Find the best recipes fronm our kitchen for your enjoyment and entertainment. 23 Deals + FREE + Discounts - Here find the latest best deals on chiropractic, and discounts from our contributors and strategic partners. 26 Acupuncture -

Health is so much more than the absence of sickness and disease. It’s allowing the body to access its ultimate healing ability without harmful drugs or costly surgery.


4 Wellness Magazine | Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness

WELLNESS Your Healthy Lifestyle Guide To Wellness

Publlisher Notes Dr. Craig Fishel Editor-in-Chief Wellness eMagazine

My road to Natural and Chiropractic Medicine began when I was 19 and injured my lower back while playing baseball. I tried so many different treatments under the traditional care model, but none truly got to the heart of the problem. At the recommendation of a friend I went to a chiropractor. This was the beginning of my health transformation. After leaving Albany and my baseball career behind, I attended New York Chiropractic College. After graduation I had the honor of serving at many different facilities; including Village Chiropractic in West Palm Beach, Florida and Park Avenue Chiropractic in Manhattan. I’m also proud to have been awarded the NY Chiropractic Council’s Beacon Award, which is given to Chiropractor of the Year. I’m board certified and a member of the New York Chiropractic College Alumni Association and President of the NY Chiropractic Council in Manhattan. I also enjoy giving back to the community and the world through charitable organizations such as Team Continuum, City Harvest, Gay Mens Health Crisis, and Holy Apostles. My biggest inspiration and the reason I believe in Chiropractic and the philosophy of helping the body to heal itself continues to be my late mother, Lila Fishel. She passed away from breast cancer in October of 2002. I watched the greatest medical minds in the world be defeated by cancer; it changed my world. Since then I have made a commitment to educate the world about the holistic approach to health and well-being – Chiropractic Medicine.

THANK YOU!! For reading our emagazine and visiting the Wellness Center of New York. Here, we encourage our patients to join in a partnership that will evolve into something truly inspiring. Our vision is for every individual to be inspired to achieve a level of health greater than they’ve ever dreamed possible. We use cutting-edge techniques combined with accurate health information in areas of fitness, nutrition, stress and time man-

The Wellness Center of NYC 5115 E 57th St. Suite 1420 New York, NY 10022 (212) 980-5444 drfishel@thewellnesscenterofny.com http://thewellnesscenterofny.com

agement to ensure our patients obtain better health and improve their overall physical performance.


Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine

ust as there are normal values for heart rate, blood pressure, and any other physiological parameters, there is also a normal standing posture and spinal position. The normal posture is one that has the head, rib cage, pelvis and feet aligned and balanced upon the other, both from the front and side views. Your posture is the ‘window into your spine' as it is inside of your posture and responsible for its alignment. The spine should be straight and vertical from the front. From the side, the spine should have normal alternating curves to allow for normal pain-free, maximal range of motion and movement. From the front, the posture is symmetric and the spine is straight. From the side view, the head, rib cage, pelvis and feet are vertically balanced. The spine has essential curves in the side view. These curves have specific normal angles that can be measured from x-rays.

IMPROVE YOUR POSTURE = LESS SUBLUXATIONS It has been known for years that body posture is like a "Window into the Shape of the Spinal Column". Body Postural problems aid in identifying a variety of dysfunctions in the spinal column. Abnormal Postures can cause or relate to a number of health problems. The majority of visits we see, are for spinal problems related to poor posture. In fact, Chiropractors treat most conditions that are related to improper posture. Abnormal Posture is always associated with an abnormal spine. Abnormal Posture causes increased force and pressure on the muscles, ligaments, and bones of your spinal column. These abnormal forces (caused by abnormal posture) lead to a breakdown of body tissues causing pain and damage. From the front the posture is symmetric and the spine is straight. From the side view, the head, rib cage, pelvis and feet are vertically balanced. The spine has essential curves in the side view. These curves have specific normal angles that can be measured from x-rays. There are many abnormal postures. There can be a shifting off the midline or a turning around the midline. All these postures need to be ruled out for proper treatment. Q: How would one correct your postural deviations without doing this analysis first? A: Chances are your problem(s) have been overlooked and undiagnosed - therefore, untreated and still present. To perform a simple self-test, stand in front of a full-length mirror. Close your eyes and nod your head backward and forward a couple of times and stop in your neutral or comfortable position. Open your eyes without moving any body part. LOOK FOR ANY OF THESE DEVIATIONS IN YOUR SPINE AND POSTURE: • • • • • • • •

Is the midline of face centered over the neck and shoulders? Is your head vertical? Do you see both ears equally? Is one shoulder higher than the other? Is one shoulder/arm more forward than the other? Are your hips centered over your feet? 7. Are your hips level? 8. Is one hip more forward than the other/one buttock further back than the other? If there are any deviations, you may have a serious problem waiting to express itself. Remember: Symptoms are usually the last to show up! POSTURE DEFINITION: the position in which someone holds their body when standing or sitting.


6 Wellness Magazine | Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness

GET TO KNOW Let's examine each vertebra


At the top of your vertebral spine, resides the first cervical vertebra: the C1. Its surrounding nerves control the body’s blood supply, the brain, pituitary gland, scalp, bones of the face, inner and middle ear, and nervous system. Possible effects or conditions if this vertebra is subluxated include: headaches, nervousness, insomnia, head colds, high blood pressure, migraine headaches, mental conditions, nervous breakdowns, amnesia, epilepsy, chronic tiredness, dizziness.

Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine 7 cervical, 12 thoracic, and 5 lumbar vertebrae.

YOUR SPINE It's made up of 24 bones They protect the spinal cord which, together with the brain, form the Central Nervous System which controls every nerve and function of your body. As nerves reside in different areas, when these bones are out of place or misaligned (subluxated), they can affect how certain nerves and organs work. Regular chiropractic alignments ensure your body functions at optimal health levels. Only the most common conditions have been listed here. The type of complication will depend on the type of nerve interference (sensory, motor or trophic), the degree of nerve injury and the length of time nerve disturbance is present. The vertebral subluxation complex is the underlying cause of many health problems. When this condition is corrected, the body functions more normally and initiates the natural healing process. Detection and correction of vertebral subluxations is vital to your health and wellbeing.

The next vertebra in the cervical spine is the C2. The areas of the body controlled by the nerves in this vertebra are the eyes, optic nerves, auditory nerves, sinuses, mastoid bones, tongue, and forehead. Subluxations to this area could cause sinus trouble, allergies, crossed eyes, deafness, eye troubles, earache, fainting spells, and even certain cases of blindness.


The C3 affects the area of your cheeks, outer ear, teeth, trifacial nerve, and bones of the face. Possible effects or conditions if this vertebra is misaligned include neuralgia, neuritis, and certain skin disorders such as acne or eczema.



Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine


The C7 is at the bottom of the cervical spine. Its nerves

The areas supplied by the nerve the C4 protects are the nose, lips, mouth, Eustachian tube, and mucous membranes. Subluxations to this vertebra could affect conditions such as hay fever, rose fever, hearing loss, adenoid infections, and post nasal drip.


affect the function of the thyroid gland, bursa in the shoulders, and the elbows. Subluxations could result in bursitis, colds, thyroid conditions, goiter, tennis elbow, and tendinitis.

What follow below the seven vertebrae that make up the Cervical region of our spine, are: the 12 bones of the Thoracic region. They are:

The nerves that affect the vo-


cal cords, neck glands, and pharynx are protected by the C5. Issues caused by misalignments to this area include laryngitis, hoarseness, throat conditions like a sore

This vertebra protects the nerves that control the arms from the elbows down including the hands, wrists, and fingers, the esophagus, and trachea. Subluxations to this area may result in pain in the lower arms and hands, symptoms similar to carpal tunnel syndrome, asthma, cough, difficult breathing, and shortness of breath


throat, etc.


The C6 protects the ner ves that control the neck muscles, tonsils, and shoulders. Problems to this vertebra could result in stiff neck, pain in upper arm, tonsillitis, whooping cough, or croup.

The heart, including its valves and coverings, and the coronary arteries are supplied by the nerves this vertebra helps protect. Possible effects caused by misalignments to the T2 include functional heart conditions and certain chest pains.




The nerves this vertebra protects control the lungs, bronchial tubes, pleura, chest, and breasts. Possible effects or conditions if this vertebra is misaligned include bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, congestion, influenza, grip.

The nerves that control the gall

Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine

T6 T7

The T6 protects the nerves that control the stomach. Misalignments to this vertebra could result in stomach troubles including nervous stomach, indigestion, heartburn, dyspepsia, etc.

The surrounding nerves to the T7 vertebra control the pancreas, duodenum. Subluxations to this area could affect conditions such as diabetes, ulcers, gastritis, and hypoglycemia. The nerves that control the spleen and diaphragm are protected by the T8. Lowered resistance, infections, and hiccoughs are some of the conditions associated with misalignments to this vertebra.

T4 T9T8 T5 T10

bladder and common duct are protected by this vertebra. Sublux-

ations to the T4 could result in gall

bladder conditions, jaundice, and shingles.

The vertebra in the thoracic spine protecting the ner ves t h a t c o n t r o l t h e l i v e r, n e r v o u s system, and solar plexus is the T5. Liver conditions, fevers, low blood pressure, anemia, poor circulation, and arthritis are some of the conditions that could develop as a result of subluxations to this important vertebra.


Adrenal and Suprarenal Glands are supplied by the nerves the T9 protects. Subluxations here could affect conditions such as allergies, hives, obesity, hypertension, and hair loss.

The nerves that supply the kidneys are protected by both the T10 and T11. Subluxations to this area can result in kidney troubles, hardening of the arteries, chronic tiredness, nephritis, and pyelitis.


Along with the T10 vertebra, the T11 also helps protect the nerves that affect the kidneys, as well as the nerves that affect the ureters. Subluxations to this region could result in skin conditions such as acne, pimples, eczema, boils, etc., as well as auto-intoxication.


The areas of the body controlled by the nerves in this vertebra are the small Intestines, fallopian tubes, and lymph circulation. Subluxations to this area could result in rheumatism gas pains and certain types of sterility.

Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine


Finally, the lower portion of your spine is comprised of 5 vertebrae known collectively as the Lumbar Spine:


The vertebra in the thoracic spine protecting the ner ves that c o n t r o l t h e l i v e r, n e r v o u s s y s t e m , and solar plexus is the T5. Liver conditions, fevers, low blood pressure, anemia, poor circulation, and arthritis are some of the conditions that could develop as a result of subluxations to this important vertebra.

The L2 is surrounded by nerves that control the appendix, abdomen, and the upper leg region. Misalignments to this vertebra could cause conditions such as appendicitis, cramps, acidosis, and varicose veins.


Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine

The L3 is responsible for protecting the nerves that supply the sex organs, ovaries or testicles, uterus, bladder, and knees. Bladder troublers, menstru-


al troubles, miscarriages, bed wetting, impotency, change of life symptoms, and knee pains are among the conditions that could develop as a result of subluxations to this vertebra.


This vertebra helps protect the ner ves that control the prostate glands, the muscles of the lower back, and the sciatic ner ve. Subluxat ions to t his are a cou ld resu lt in s ci at ic a, lumb ago, dif f ic u lt, painful or too frequent urination, and backaches.


The last vertebra in the Lumbar Spine is known as the L5. The nerves it protects control the lower legs, ankles, and feet (including toes and arches). Poor circulation in legs, swollen ankles, weak arches, cold feet, weakness in legs, and leg cramps are some of the possible effects or conditions when this area is subluxated.


12 Wellness Magazine | Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness

Chiropractic & Allergy

Spring has sprung, and allergy season is in full bloom. Most people don’t know that chiropractic can help with allergies, but this natural approach has proven beneficial to combat all sorts of conditions, including how our bodies cope with these seasonal issues.

Allergy sufferers

have praised chiropractic care for over a century.

Heal Naturally With The Chiropractic Approach Your immune system works to keep you 100% natural, organic, unadulterated. It recognizes and destroys bacteria, viruses, pollutants, pollen, drugs, tumors, debris and certain artificial substances.

Many things influence how well your immune system functions: your nervous system, endocrine system, diet, genes, and emotions. The most common immune system disorder is the allergy that occurs when the immune system overreacts to an allergen (dust, pollen, milk, dog or cat dander, strawberries, etc.), and the body produces too many neutralizing chemicals (especially histamines) in response. Orthodox medicine has no cure for allergies, only treatment of symptoms. Antihistamines are often prescribed

and these can cause heart problems (among other harmful side effects like nausea, vomiting, and blurred vision) and should not be used with alcohol, sedatives or tranquilizers. Chiropractic care is not a treatment for allergies, though. The goal of chiropractic care is to locate and correct subluxations – serious nervous system stress. Subluxations have been found to cause hypertension, myocardial damage, heartburn, esophagus erosion, allergic reactions, eczema, bronchial asthma, and cyclic allergic symptoms, among others


Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine

By removing subluxations from the body, chiropractic care enables the immune system to function more effectively – something all allergy sufferers need since a nervous system with less stress functions more efficiently. Some people call Spring and early Summer “allergy season” because of the increase in hay fever and allergies around that time. Instead of reaching for harmful medications, try getting adjusted. Get checked for subluxations and SAY NO to allergy season! Great Read!!

Fundamentals of Chiropractic from the Standpoint of a Medical Doctor, 1959, Carl F. Haug Verlag, Germany).


14 Wellness Magazine | Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness



Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine


IN YOUR BACK “Health care” is the largest expense U.S. businesses have today. The current economic climate will force individuals and companies to carefully evaluate their costs. The way most Americans currently approach their health is definitely an expense. The investments of today should appreciate (recent market flux notwithstanding) while the expenses depreciate.

used to be your money or your company’s money) and earn huge returns (health insurance profits) and then they may pay the doctor or hospital with your money.

For example, if you buy a car today it will lose its value very quickly – this is an expense. If you buy anything that loses value with time, it is an expense.

You go to a health club (investment) eat healthy (investment), see a wellness-based Chiropractor (investment), buy bottled water (investment), learn great time and stress management (investment).

Somewhere along the line, we confused having insurance with being healthy. This approach to health should be viewed as an expense because it does not accrue any value. In fact, the U.S. approach to healthcare is not only the world’s most expensive, but dollar for dollar, it is the worst. Think about the model we use: we pay a third party (the insurer) so that they can invest this money (which

Here is a better model. Imagine if every company or individual were using those dollars to invest in their health.

If we followed this model, would our health insurance costs go up or down? Do we still need catastrophic coverage in this model? Yes, in fact, with this model the care at hospitals and emergency based care centers will improve - less people are coming in with non- traumatic emergencies in this model.

How We Take Care of Our Health Wellness is not about a fad or trend, it's about a new and infinite need infusing itself into the way we eat, exercise, sleep, work, save, age, and almost every other aspect of our lives… The sickness business is reactive. Despite its enormous size, people become customers only when they are stricken by and react to a specific condition or complaint...the wellness business is proactive. People voluntarily become customers -- to feel healthier, to reduce the effects of aging, and to avoid becoming customers of the sickness business. Everyone wants to be a customer of this earlier-stage approach to health.

When we sit down to figure out our budgets, we must ask ourselves the right questions as to what is an expense and what is an investment. Health care -the actual care- and how we take care of ourselves is surely an investment and not an expense!

16 Wellness Magazine | Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness

Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine

The Happiness



The opposite is also true: an unhealthy person often exhibits lack of energy and joy. Your inner chemistry is responsible for this and, ironically, patients that are often diagnosed as “chemically imbalanced” are treated with medication that further negatively affects their chemistry. “The nervous system controls and coordinates all organs and structures of the human body ” and this system is protected by the spinal column. Misalignments or subluxations to the vertebrae in our spines can irritate particular nerves and thereby affecting their function and that of the structure and organs they control. When subluxations occur to any of the top three vertebrae of the cervical spine, the possible effects or conditions range anywhere from nervousness and insomnia to migraine headaches and anxiety, among many others. Additionally, the

production of serotonin and dopamine (our “happy chemicals”) is jeopardized. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety is the most common mental health illness. It affects more than 19 million Americans ages 18-54. Patients suffering from General Anxiety Disorder make three to five times more visits to doctors’ offices and emergency rooms. Energy flows over your brain and spinal cord through your nerves (and other tissues) and back to the brain and spinal cord. A healthy spine and nervous sys-

tem keep your flow of energy balanced, your immune system strong and your resistance to disease high. An unhealthy, unbalanced spine can interfere with the natural flow of energy through your body, creating blockages and imbalances that may cause physical and emotional fatigue.

Chiropractic care removes

DR. FISHEL "the happy adjuster" When discussing the benefits of Chiropractic on someone with anxiety or depression, Dr. Fishel stated “I fully believe we are making major [positive] changes in people.” He further added that “at the Wellness Center of NY, we have patients who have reduced and eventually eliminated their anti-anxiety and depression medication after receiving regular chiropractic care.”

the interferences to the nervous system by correcting the misalignments and allowing the body to heal

18 Wellness Magazine | Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness

More Energy

Fatigue or low energy is a very common condition. It can range from awakening in the morning with a chronic tired feeling, to a severe physical and psychological depression characterized by a total lack of pleasure or sense of fulfillment (anhedonia).

Boredom No baby is born bored – and if anyone should be bored, it's a baby! All it has to do is to eat, excrete and sleep. But babies are full of energy, excitement and vitality; they're full of life. When a child complains that he or she is tired all the time, or bored, we know that something is very wrong.

A Big Mistake What happens to our natural curiosity, sense of wondrous adven¬ture and boundless energy as we age? Why have so many adults lost (or rather, lost touch with) life's excitement? What happened to life's sparkle? When adults exhibit chronic tiredness or fatigue, we don't get nearly as concerned as when a child does-and that's a big mistake. Life should be filled with energy, no matter what a person's age.

Why Chronic Fatigue There can be many causes of chronic fatigue from organic conditions such as cancer, cardiovascular disorders and endocrine disorders, or emotional stress such as depression, anxiety or trauma. Chronic fatigue can be due to sleep deprivation, the adverse effects of prescribed, over-the-counter or illegal drugs, or an unhealthy lifestyle that doesn't permit you to "catch up" with your¬self.

Others feel that chronic fatigue may be a nutritional condition that can be corrected with improved diet.

Spinal Balance, Energy A common cause of fatigue is an unbalanced spinal column. How? A simple analogy: If you were carrying a bowling ball, how much more difficult would it be to carry it at a distance from your body than at your side? Your head weighs about as

much as a bowling ball; if your head is off-center, "carrying" it can exhaust you! Also, your 24 movable vertebrae, sacrum, hips and pelvis also need proper alignment in order to make efficient use of your energy. A modest unbalance (for example, a "short" leg) could translate into a considerable amount of wasted energy as time goes by.


is a warning: it is one of the earliest signs that some¬thing in our lives, physical or emotional, is not right.

Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine

Through Chiropractic Nerve Energy Energy flows over your brain and spinal cord through your nerves (and other tissues) and back to the brain and spinal cord. A healthy spine and nervous system keep your flow of energy balanced, your immune system strong and your resistance to disease high. An unhealthy, unbalanced spine can interfere with the natural flow of energy through your body, creating blockages and imbalances that may cause physical and emotional fatigue.

Unique Place When chiropractors correct a mechanical distortion in your body with a chiropractic spinal adjustment, nerve system energy is normalized. In effect, chiropractic care heals a broken bridge between your "physical body" and your "energy body" so

that they may communicate better with one another and restore harmony to your "body-mind." All your body systems run on energy and, when properly workÂŹing, give you an abundance of the energy and life with which you are naturally

endowed. There is abundant energy within you all the time. Unfortunately, it can get blocked, unbalanced and congested. If you are fatigued, bored, tired, depressed or lacking enthusiasm, you should investigate the natural health approach of chiropractic.


20 Wellness Magazine | Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness




id you know? nown for being boisterous and gregarious, Hi When you’re afraid, your natural tendency is to cover up and hide. What are you hiding from? When you’re hiding, you’ll find it extremely difficult to move forward, or even to move at all! Do you remember playing hide-and-seek as a kid? I was very small, so I always found places to hide that seemed impossible for anyone to find me. The problem was, I was usually stuck in a small, dark place, unable to move. Looking back, I wonder who was winning— the one hiding or the one seeking? What are you afraid of? Have you ever noticed that you don’t run to something you fear, but away from it?


or that reason, it will help to uncover what you’re afraid of by asking yourself, “What am I running from?” Fear is simply an emotion that we feel based on what we believe. If you find that you have a tendency to feel fear often, it’s time to uncover what you truly believe about you. For instance, if you’re afraid of not having enough… money, love, etc., perhaps the deeper belief is that you’re not enough. What I’ve found over my many years in private practice, as well as Life Coaching, people will care for that which they value. If you’re not caring for you or are neglecting any area of your life, especially your health, it’s likely that you don’t know your true value.

Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine


o please do yourself a favor; don’t respond quickly to my questions. And let me encourage you, if these questions make you feel a little uncomfortable, agitated, nervous, or scared, then there’s hope for you. As a human being, it’s easy to think this way of yourself: “I, of all people shouldn’t be afraid of anything, right? I have it all together. I am successful; I’m a mover and a shaker, a leader, and a mother (or a father). I’m the one everyone else comes to when feeling scared or unsure and when needing advice. So how can I be afraid?”


he truth is, we all are afraid of something, at some time or another, but even this admission isn’t the whole truth. Ironically, being afraid isn’t our problem, but living in fear is. Why? Because living in fear smothers, isolates, paralyzes, and eventually suffocates us, suddenly and drastically affecting everything (including our health) and everyone around us (our relationships). Diagnosis: Fear? Treatment: Exposing the truth about what you believe, who you are, your value and WELLTH...AND BELIEVING IT! Today’s your day to uncover, discover and recover your health and YOU so you can fully express the life and wellth that’s within you. Wellthfully yours. xo Dr. Shannon



like to call it, “Your WELLTH” Wellth = True health and wealth; the physical (body, mind, and spirit) embodiment of the fiscal definition of wealth. Or quite simply, it’s the wealth inside of you; wealth in your body. Your wellth is the source of your health! What stands in the way of your fullest expression of wellth is any belief that leads to fear. So, what are you afraid of? I used to respond quickly to this question by saying, “Nothing!” What was disturbing about my answer wasn’t even so much in what I said, but in what I thought; I honestly thought I was telling the truth. I soon realized, there is nothing scarier than not knowing the truth and basing personal fearlessness upon it.

Dr. Shannon is a Life Coach and Engagement Expert www.doctorshannon.com



22 Wellness Magazine | Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness


Gazpacho 4 cups tomato juice 1 onion, minced 1 green bell pepper, minced 1 cucumber, chopped 2 cups chopped tomatoes 2 green onions, chopped 1 clove garlic, minced 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar 1 teaspoon dried tarragon 1 teaspoon dried basil 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley 1 teaspoon white sugar Salt and pepper to taste

Yields: 10 Servings In a blender or food processor, combine tomato juice, onion, bell pepper, cucumber, tomatoes, green onions, garlic, lemon juice, red wine vinegar, tarragon, basil, parsley, sugar, salt, and pepper. Blend until well-combined but still slightly chunky. Chill at least 2 hours before serving.

Noodles with Shimeji Mushroom 7 ounces dried Japanese style noodles 1/2 cup olive oil 2 garlic cloves, minced 6 ounces shimeji mushrooms 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 teaspoons miso paste salt and pepper 2 tablespoons finely minced parsley

Bring a saucepan of water to a boil and cook the noodles according instructions. Heat the oil in a skillet over a low heat and add the garlic cloves. Saute until fragrant. Turn up the heat & add the shimeji mushrooms and saute until the mushrooms

are soft. Lower the heat and add a ladleful of cooking water from the noodles, the soy sauce, and the miso paste. Stir until the miso is dissolved. Season with salt & pepper and seave the sauce to simmer. Drain the noodles and add them to the sauce. Stir well

Issue 1 | April/May/June 2017 | Wellness Magazine


Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness




24 Wellness Magazine | Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness


Your Healthy Lifestyle To Wellness

Join Us Online For Even More Great adjustment of your body and your soul.

www.thewellnesscenterofny.com Wellness oF New York: 5115 E 57th St. Suite 1420 New York, NY 10022 (212) 980-5444 drfishel@thewellnesscenterofny.com www.thewellnesscenterofny.com

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