1 minute read
The Clown’s Farewell
from How To Die Laughing
by Pablo Byrne
The only comment to make here is that the legs can be read across both or individually so it would be hard to recite this one!
I am about to recount the farewell account that was given by a clown when he left a little town and put his best foot forward. suffice it to say he’s not there today but somehow still he remains IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII A feast was laid out on a table of oak For a clown’s farewell to the local townsfolk With fruits in abundance and plenty to spare Much merry was made and done as was dared
The ale overflowed, the wine never ended Cider was drunk and the girls were up-ended By men doing dances, and flashing their muscles As young ragamuffins just tumbled and tussled
Waving his joker, the jester was hearty He never expected so handsome a party And tears found his cheek as he pondered his lot Had he made people happy who were otherwise not?
He picked up his voice having silenced the crowd Then choosing words carefully he spoke out aloud
Oh Farewell good people Here I will stay So long my fine friends I’m not going away I love you and leave you A big part of me A piece of my heart Is embedded in thee Parting’s sweet sorrow And aches for the past Well that’s just not me I’m no iconoclast But I’m happy I’m off So my life rearranges
Where I finish, I start Really nothing changes
The Small twists of fate Things that bind us together
The journeys we make with no care for the weather
Crissing and crossing twixt here and there-after
Makes each life an art full of love but much dafter So, thanks for the memories That’s quite enough for me
And thanks for all the fun What more can there be