Architecture Portfolio - Pablo Escamilla Sanchez

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CurriculumPORTFOLIOVitae 1 The memory of the city 3 Thus the city within 17 Luogo 39 Achisomog 53

Finalist of the 24h architecture competition orga nized by Dick Bouman and Patrick Wiercx for rede signing St Catharinakerk in Eindhoven.

Having taken part in the Graduation studio Interiors, Buildings, Cities; directed by D.J.Rosbottom (p.17). MSc2 Architectural Design Crossovers; MSc1 Heritage & Architecture

Education and certificate MSc Cumlaude in Architecture, Urbanism and Build ing Science TU Delft.

TU Eindhoven. Competitions and awards Awarded for the Best Bachelor End Thesis of the Built Environment of TU/e. Selected by the director of the Bachelor’s Program, Dr. Jacob Voorthuis. (p.3) Nominated to TU/e Academic Awards. Prize granted to the best Bsc Thesis among all departments of the University. (p.3) Awarded as the winner of the Trudo Challenge, 24h architecture competition for a proposal to redesign Strijp-S in ParticipantEindhoven.intheYoung Architects Competition for a chapel in Rwanda.

. BSc in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Science

Pablo Escamilla Sánchez Birth 13/01/99, Córdoba, Spain Current Adress Admiraliteitskade 40-507, 3063ED, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Languages Spanish (mother tongue) English (C1, Cambridge Certificate) German (B2, Goethe Institute Certif Dutchicate) (A1 and in learning process) Contact. (+31) May 2019 Nov 2019CumlaudeTrudoAwardedBestBSCThesisAcademicAwardsApril 2021 April 202120202020June 2017-20202020-20222019

Working experience 4 months of internship experience in Jan Juffer On twerpbureau. Small architecture practice based in Eindhoven and specialized in small renovations. Completion of a normative catalog of possible ex tensions in the declared monument of ‘t Hool for the Foundation SGV ‘t Hool. Under the tutelage of J.P.M. Swagten.



The city is a complex entity in a constant pro cess of transformation, uninterrupted decay, and urban regeneration. Among the challenges of the modern city is the reuse of the ruins of to day, those that pile up on the outskirts, where one can sense the fresh smell of abandonment. Amidst the rusty corrugated metal, the disused warehouses and harbours that recall a former glory lie a possibility for the rebirth of urban life.


The development of the area is rooted in the creation of accessible public space organised throughout the existing levels of the old harbour, a small open theatre in the location of the for mer rampart and the Conservatory and Con cert Hall as the main public buildings distribute their program around the architectural type of the cloister, recurrent in the city of Maastricht.

The collective memory of the city has to be recalled through architectural typology and through the different scales on which it operates. From the space of the cloister to the smallest object that interferes between the sequence of the user and their memory; the door handle they would push before jumping into a performance or a simple chair are elements that play with the materialisation of space and remain in the head of the visitor, the student or artist. Every scale contributes to the collective memory of the site and its mingling with the historic city.

The Bassin, the inner industrial harbour of Maas tricht began its decline in the 1970s leaving the traces of what is to become another project of urban regeneration in a post-industrial site.

However preliminary research uncovered the many layers of this part of the city, a monastery or a fragment of the old rampart of Maastricht among others, build a palimpsest that questions the idea of a postindustrial site detached from the historic centre of the city. In this context, the given proposal for the new Conservatory of Maastricht in connection with a Concert Hall is introduced as fundamental fragments for the memory of these layers, in line with the theory of the architects of La Tendenza and the philos opher and sociologist Maurice Halbwachs. The first, led by the works of Aldo Rossi and Vittorio Gregotti help understand the multiple histori cal layers of the city, the concept of permanent urban forms and the importance of typology to understand the city. The second deals with how these existing forms, industrial heritage but also future interventions can trigger a memory in this particular site, liminal for the city of Maastricht.

J.P.M Swagten

Maastricht Bassin Bachelor End Project (TU Eindhoven)

The memory of the city




PedestrianisationMasterplan of the area and reinforcement of the two historical levels around the Bassin, water and street level.

7 123

8 Longitudinal section 2 Sequence1:500 of cloisters and small concert hall Longitudinal section 1 Main1:500 concert hall Facade1:500Elevationof the Conservatory 321

9 1

3. Cloister for students of the conservatory in the upper level and artists in the lower level Cloister for students of the

10 Isometric Highlightedcutsequence of cloisters revolving around the public Concert Hall.



1. Concert Hall cloister and cloister for artists in the upper level

2. Cloister for students of the conservatory in the upper level and artists in the lower level

11 Combination Drawing Fragment.1:200 Concert Hall cloister

12 Deatil Combination Drawing Fragment.1:100 Concert Hall cloister 1. 650/250mm granite block 230/130mm plywood nailer matte aluminium mounting frame 200/110mm granite block 20mm pinewood finished planks floor 2. 228/108/40mm clinker brick steel reinforcement bars (Halfen lintel 2) 130/100 plywood nailer matte aluminium mounting frame 160/110 prefabricated concrete lintel 60/60mm timber battens 20mm pinewood finished planks wall 3. 228/108/40mm clinker brick 70mm waterproofingcavity membrane 140mm thermal insulation 60mm sound insulation vapor 228/108/40mmretarder clinker brick 60/60mm timber battens 20mm pinewood finished planks wall 4. bituminous seal 300mm prefabricated concrete slab waterproofing membrane 140mm thermal insulation 60mm sound insulation vapor 20mmretarderfinished pinewood planks hanging ceiling anchored to concrete slab 5. 20mm pinewood finished planks floor 40/40 timber battens 150mm prefabricated concrete slab 60/60mm timber battens 20mm pinewood finished planks ceiling


Deatil Isometric Drawing Fragment. Concert Hall cloister design of chairs for the small hall and the doors around the clois ter.

Isometric Fragment.DrawingThearrangement of the chairs in the space of the cloister and small hall allows both of them to be used as rooms. Events create memo ry in space




- Create a public route able to establish anoth er point of connection between upper and low er Brussels, increasing the porosity of the city and the permeability of an existing urban structure.

Ultimately, the project envisions an urban transformation led by the National Bank of Belgium where the use of land property, the State of the Bank, is key to facing land spec ulation and controlling housing prices. The unavoidable ty pology of Brussels, (impasse, arcade and corner building) builds a city within the ruin of the Palace of the National Bank of Belgium.

- Maximise the value of the land property which is currently owned by the NBB to launch a program of affordable hous ing capable of setting a starting point to revert the process of gentrification and land speculation that has historically threatened the process of urban transformation of the city.

A palatial building rests by Rue de Bois Sauvage of Brus sels, an intimate street located at the exact point where the lower historic city ends and the upper bureaucratic city starts. The Palace remains like a parasite of a larger intro verted structure that fortifies an entire urban block to hide the offices of the National Bank of Belgium. The architec tural brief for this graduation project requests the renova tion of the headquarters concerning the vacancy of office space with the greater intention of opening up the National Bank as an institution. In the light of this brief, this archi tectural thesis departs from the premise that in order for the Bank to open up it must get engaged in the problems of its nearby reality, the problems of the city of Brussels. The in-depth analysis of the history of urban transforma tion of the city of Brussels led by land speculation revealed the problems of the Central European capital cities during the second half of the 19th century, which have been un avoidably inherited by the city of the 21st century. The pro cess of urban gentrification of the historic town, firstly by pushing out the working classes to the periphery in favour of the wealthy bourgeois and secondly exploiting land val ue financially erasing any hint of residential life from the old city at the heart of Brussels’ Pentagon. The result of these consecutive processes of urban transformation can be read in space through the architectural typology of Brussels and has been explained in this research by means of the alley, the shopping arcade, the corner building and the blocks of Brusselization. Understanding them not only as architectur al devices but also as urban figures has helped untangle the history of urban gentrification in Brussels which construct ed through time a division between the rich bureaucratic upper eastern city and the working class neighbourhoods in lower western Brussels, articulated by a touristic uninhab ited historic city where the National Bank of Belgium sits.

D.J.Rosbottom, S. Pietsch, S. de Vocht, M. Pimlott

- Reprogram the block to revert the process of Brus selization and erode its monolithic nature through the introduction of residential and retail functions.

Thus the city within National Bank of Belgium, Brussels Graduation Project - Interiors, Buildings, cities(TU Delft)

More than anywhere else, Bd Berlaimont and the build ing of the NBB are examples of this urban transformation that has emptied from the residential life of this area of Brussels. In a process that anticipated Brusselization, the NBB made sure to erase a mixed block where hous ing and retail used to make a piece of the city to turn it into a monolithic impenetrable office block. This es sential aspect of the site, together with the research makes a project with three fundamental intentions:

These three points become the nexus between the con clusions of the research and the design decisions that followed the P2 and P3 examinations. Therefore the fi nal design proposal is concerned with each of these aspects, from the scale of the building mass and how it is oriented towards the city, to the scale of a service staircase that tries to create a partition situation be tween two different programs embedded in the block.



Urban route

Partition reprogram

20 situation reprogram the block The Bank’s estate use of land property

Urban Route. The city A1:1500sequence of public interiors connecting the lower historic city and the upper bureaucratic city through the city blocks owned by the NBB starting at the lower Musee de la Banque.




Renovation of the NBB. The Palace Intervention at both corners, the entrance of the NBB looking to the square of the Cathedral and a residential corner building overlooking the bou levard. In the interior, galleries make the raised courts liveable and the staircase allow the public route to reach the upper city.



Renovation of the NBB. The Palace


The route goes through a passage, the inner court and the forgotten entrance of the old palace. It is the spine of the social plinth of the NBB. On the upper floor, the offices of the Bank, the dwellings of its housing program and the exhibition space in the old palace are part of this city within.

27 1


A partition situation (1) on the exist ing plan allows reprogramming the block. On plan, the offices of the NBB take most of the floor surface, and the housing program takes place in the public inner courts and eastern facade. The plinth is taken over by city functions such as re tail, municipal sports facilities or the library of the NBB. To provide housing in the existing structure of the inner block, gallery apartments with dou ble height (2) connect both southern and north ern facades, projecting the living spaces towards the most public court and the private spaces to wards the court of galleries.2

Reprogramming the block. The interior 1:1000 1:200 1:150


1 2 3 4 5

Reprogramming the block. The interior Fragment of the Palace of the NBB exemplifies the collision of programs in one of these parti tion situations necessary to make the city within. The Library of the NBB (1), the Auditorium of the NBB (2), the swimming pool for the municipality (3), the offices (4) and the housing (5) above the courts.


Reprogramming the block. The interior Fragment of the fragment. A symbol of the har mony between the Bank and its housing program. Two interlocking staircases for the office workers and the neighbours of the block where both flows could move up without ever meeting.



Reprogramming the block. The interior Reuse1:200 of the existing structure to accommodate the new program. Introduction of precast con crete elements for reinforcement and insulation of load-bearing elements.







Calabria is a complex intersection of plac es, temporal and spatial, that articulate a landscape of traces, form and materiality.

Avena di Papasidero, Calabria MSc - Design Crossovers (TU Delft) A.S. Alkan

2 Project


The second is a programmatic intervention to introduce new forms of sustainable tourism in the Parco del Pollino creating an astronom ical observatory in the ruins of Avena for the tourist, the student or the enthusiast. The pro posal is a response to the topographical and architectural qualities of a village that has lost its light and roofs. The telescoping tower and three pavilions for observation articulate an observatory understanding of the space in the ruin as the result of enclosure and perforation while relying on the language of plateaus and steps that build the circulation of the Village.

The mapping of the abandoned uncovered a phe nomenon that translates the logic of this region, by which villages that are economic and social intensities would be only a few kilometres away from their greater ancestor, a satellite village with whom to share a past, that has however fallen into an absolute abandonment. The reason for this odd form of nomadism lies in the catastrophe of an earthquake, a migration or a demographic crisis. After mapping several of these villages in Calabria and particularly in the stripe of land that intersects the Peninsula from the Adriatic Coast of Sybaris to the Tyrrhenian Coast of Lao, the vil lage of Avena di Papasidero was chosen as the case study for intervention in this phenomenon.


The intention behind the project was to cre ate a small intensity in Avena capable of es tablishing a relationship with the intensive, the twin village of Papasidero, and the extensive, Parco Nazionale del Pollino. The first consists of a morphological intervention that restores the old direct connection between both sites along the topography of the mountain ridge.

Preliminary research carried out on the topic of the abandoned voids of Calabria revealed the historical richness of this region, where time and space are superimposed in moving layers that gradually dissolve in the extensive landscape to make way for the following generation of layers.



Isometric Context Drawing Walkways were added to restore the connection between Papasidero and the abandoned satellite village of Avena.



1 2


Floorplan Avena di Papasidero After1:4oo restoring the access to Avena, concrete plateaus allow for circulation around the ruins that are shored up to create observation pavil ions (1) on the eastern side and the observation tower(2). In a second phase, the church (3)is re stored to accommodate lectures, summer pro grams, exhibitions or projections. In the third phase, the old houses (4) could be renovated to provide a temporary stay for visitors.



Observation1:200Section pavilions appear in the ruin along the concrete plateaus and a telescope tower takes the highest point of the village.


Fragment1:100Section of the observation tower. A light stair case made of metal sheets hangs from cables connected to upper beams to be able to swing independently from the wooden structure in case of an earthquake. The structure is claded with wooden elements that darken the way up to the telescope.


Fragment1:50Section of the observation pavilion. A light weight wooden structure supports a metal grilled floor, designed benches for viewing and a thin metal roof plate perforated to frame the sky while protecting the ruin from erosion.

49 3 5 4 8 2 6 7 1

50 1 8765432



The pavilion Bosduif is one of the traces of that “Heaven” that once was Groot Schuylenburg for the memory of not only the events of 1943 but also the life that preceded the massacre and oblivion of this place. It is the aim of this proposal to re cover the values of the rural preserve and extend the language of K.C van Nes, restore the long promenades and define space with the green, capable of rising courtyards, entrances and per spectives of bushes and trees, shadows and light. Inside Bosduif, one can read walls and hear ob jects speak of the memories of those that once were taken care of. The nostalgia is almost breathable and takes the form of an abandoned sandbox, a tiled wall that children caressed with the tip of their fingers while walking down the stairs, the niches of the cast-in cupboards where they would try to hide. However, beyond all objects and materials is space and here the domestic memories adopt the form of a se quence that takes you by the hand to the deep est of the house in a constant turn of corners.

Taking as an example the theories of the British psychiatrist Russell Barton, who in his book In stitutional Neurosis (1966) explains the path to a better mental care system, deeply rooted in the routine of the residents and the design of their space. Barton claims the need for space that people can feel familiar with rather than functional hospitals. He recalls the importance of institutions where people are aware of the space they inhabit and that offer the possibili ty of appropriation. Furthermore, he conceives the institution as a place for the improvement of the residents, where multiple disabilities coex ist in a routine of activities and responsibilities.

In the light of the nostalgic value of the house and the need for a domestic space, the project intends to reinforce the common in opposition to the private, restoring and reusing the circulation of the sequence of space from the openness of the landscape to the privacy of the room.

ACHISOMOG Heritage & Architecture (TU Delft) A.C. de Ridder

In September 1933 the Foundation stone was laid for the Paedagogium Achisomog, an ensemble of three buildings that would become the house for more than 70 children with mental disabili ties. The institution would integrate within the so-called Apeldoornsche Bosch, a forest on the outskirts of the burgeoning city of Apeldoorn, where the landscape architect K.C van Nes had imagined the bucolic, rural scenery for the Jewish mental healthcare institution that quick ly earned the name of the “Jewish Heaven”. It is unfathomable the value of this land that still retains the essence of the bucolic, the warmth of latent care and the unfortunate memory of that night in the January of 1943 when chil dren, adult patients and workers were violently put in trains with a fixed course to Auschwitz.

Apeldoornsche Bosch MSc 1 Project -

It is the aim of this proposal to restore the atmo sphere of the domestic, where there is space for memory but also for the exercise of healthcare.



56 Landscape intervention Restoring1:1500 long promenades and using trees to strengthen meadows in the park like courtyards in the landscape. Existing trees New trees

57 21 4 3 5 Ground plan

58 Floorplans Bosduif Pavilion 1.1:250Common Living for both clusters 2. Kitchen and dining, the centre of the cluster 3. Intermediate space 4. Common Living room for 2 or more people 5. Private room 6. Rooms for caretakers 7. Terrace454 7 5 6 First Secondfloorfloor

59 Route to private room in the ground floor Route to private room

60 room in the first floor Floorplans Bosduif Pavilion 1.Common Living for both clusters 2.Kitchen and dining, the centre of the cluster 3.Intermediate space 4.Common Living room for 2 or more people 5.Private room Route to private room in the second floor


Isometric section Restoring long promenades and using trees to strengthen meadows in the park like courtyards in the landscape.


63 Combination Drawing North1:15 wing, new extension. The use of thermal mass becomes the main strategy to reduce the energy demand. The intention is to create a mas sive 1-meter thick wall with insulating aerated clay bricks and reuse the existing outer brick walls. A lightweight wooden structure holds up an insulat ing green roof. 1. 220 x 110 x 50 mm existing clay brick x2 (emish bond) 10 mm mortar joints recessed 3 mm 160 x 140 mm concrete lintel 50 mm air cavity 400 x 300 x 380 mm air insulating clay brick with 65.19% void fraction (with steel rein forcement bars at lintel) 20 mm plaster finish 2. 160 x 160 granite coblestone oor 540 x 160 granite block Waterproong membrane 40 mm mineral wool thermal insulation board plywood door mounting frame 40 mm mineral wool insulation Prefabricated 200 mm concrete floor

Isometric Detail Cut Extension of the south facade towards the gar den. The same thermal mass system is applied in the new and the old, cushioned with a thin metal frame that continues in the terrace as a railing.




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