Snoring and Sleep Apnea

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==== ==== RECOMMENDATION: Just 20 Minutes A Day and This Program Will Help You Cure Sleep Apnea Through Scientifically-Proven Mouth and Throat Exercises. Don't Believe Me? Fine, Check This Out: ==== ====

The stories of people that snore as loud as chainsaws or lions have been around for centuries. The people who are the main characters in these stories have been the center of jokes and ridicule.The fact is that severe snoring could indicate that the person has a life threatening sleeping disorder. This disorder is called Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSA.Statistics show that 3050% of the general population in the United States will snore at one time or another. Snoring is a common occurrence and often relatively un-harmful.Loud snoring can cause social issues such as problems in marriages, sleep disturbances and waking episodes of the snorer and others, and simple social inconvenience.Although not all severe snoring classifies as Obstructive Sleep Apnea, severe snoring can still be treated. There are many home procedures that can remove snoring issues.A healthy weight can prevent snoring because there will be less tissue to relax at night and clog the airway. Sometimes only ten pounds can make all the difference in the world.Studies have shown that most snoring occurs when the snorer is sleeping on their back. If this is the case, try sleeping on the side.Two hours before going to bed try to avoid alcohol, caffeine, and heavy meals. Try to avoid sedatives as well because sedatives relax the muscles in the throat and increase the frequency of airway obstruction.There are also a couple of treatments that can be administered by a medical professional. The first is a Radio Frequency (RF) of the Soft Palate.This procedure uses radio waves to minimize the size of throat tissue and tongue to create more space in the throat for air passage. This decreases the chances of throat obstruction by significant amounts. It may take several treatments for Radio Frequency to become effective. While the inner tissue shrinks, the outer tissue is unharmed. However, long-term success has not been thoroughly studied. The treatment may need to be continued periodically to remain effective.The doctor can also perform a procedure called laser-assisted uvuloplasty (LAUP). LAUP is the process of going through surgery to removes the uvula and surrounding tissue to open the airway located behind the palate. This surgery can be performed with either local or general anesthesia. However, sometimes snoring causes a condition called obstructive sleep apnea.Apnea is the discontinuation of breathing for a time and in this case, due to throat obstruction. Sleep apnea is defined as 30 or more apneas throughout a seven hour sleeping period.Severe sleep apnea cases can result in a breath not being drawn for 60-90 seconds up to 500 times throughout the night. When apnea occurs, a signal is sent to the brain to wake the person so they will start breathing again, disrupting a natural night of sleep.If sleep apnea remains undiagnosed and untreated, it can result in a heart attack, a stroke, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart disease and decreased libido. Sleep apnea can also cause drowsiness throughout the day that can result in loss of focus and productivity, accidents and interpersonal relationship problems.The severity of sleep apnea varies from mild and moderate to severe. Similar to snoring,

sleep apnea is a common occurrence throughout the general population.Studies have shown that 1 of 5 adults has mild sleep apnea and 1 in 15 suffers from a moderate sleep apnea condition. Sleep apnea is also found in 1-3% of children. Most of the OSA afflicted population does not realize that they have a sleep apnea condition and do not seek help until symptoms severe symptoms become a regular occurrence. These symptoms include breathing cessations observed by bed partner, gasping or choking during sleep, problems with mental functions, poor judgment/can't focus, memory loss, and being quick to anger.They may also include high blood pressure, nighttime chest pain, depression, large neck ( greater than 17" around in men, greater than 16" around in women), morning headaches, reduced libido, and frequent trips to the bathroom at night.Once a sleep apnea condition is diagnosed it can be treated depending on the severity of the case. These symptoms can all be relieved.Snoring and sleep apnea are miserable conditions that do not have to be suffered by the snorer or others. Treatment is very important for sleep apnea, as it could result in death.

==== ==== RECOMMENDATION: Just 20 Minutes A Day and This Program Will Help You Cure Sleep Apnea Through Scientifically-Proven Mouth and Throat Exercises. Don't Believe Me? Fine, Check This Out: ==== ====

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