Case Studies - Image Processing

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Case Studies

Learning from existing examples

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Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/11 Tutor Pablo Rica, May 2011

(a building, a product, a landscape etc. built or unbuilt) that has catched your attention. Analyse its qualities (composition, UEM – Degree in Architecture – Workshop for Three-­‐dimensional _Assignment Representation and Image Editing – 2010/2011 proportions, perspective, view, ambient, colors, light, emotions, Group M13 – Pablo Rica – 17.02.2011 Find an motion, existing three-­‐dimensional representation of ias n bject etc.) and try to find out, how the image moade. (a building, roduct, landscape etc. built oir nsights. unbuilt) Then as phare in a ashort explenation your that has catched your attention. Analyse its qualities (composition, proportions, perspective, view, ambient, colors, light, emotions, _Objectives motion, Learning etc.) and to try to fw ind oyut, he image Liearning s made. from existing read hat ou hsow ee (tanalyse). examples. Practicing to communicate your insights in a short Then share in a short explenation your insights. presentation. _Objectives _Schedule Learning to read what you seee (analyse). Learning from existing Learning from xisting examples CS 0P1 Paula ALONSO T02_08.02.2011 examples. racticing to ScABARIEGO ommunicate your insights in a short 02 Patricio RODRÍGUEZ LEPE CS F02_11.02.2011 presentation. 03 Nur AHISSAMI YORDI CS T03_15.02.2011 _Assignment CS 04 Manuel PAREDES BALÉN F03_18.02.2011 _Schedule Find an existing three-­‐dimensional representation of an object CS 0 5 Lucas M ATA G UIJARRO T04_22.02.2011 CS 01 Paula SABARIEGO ALONSO T02_08.02.2011 (a b0uilding, a product, a lRandscape etc. built or u nbuilt) that has CS 6 Josué G ARCIA ODRIGUEZ F04_25.02.2011 CS 02 Patricio RODRÍGUEZ LEPE F02_11.02.2011 catched our attention. Analyse its qualities (composition, 07 AyHISSAMI Cristian CYARRIZO T05_01.03.2011 CS 03 CS Nur ORDI CANTÓN T03_15.02.2011 proportions, perspective, view, ambient, colors, light, emotions, CS 0 8 Carlos G ALLEGO G ALÁN F05_04.03.2011 CS 04 motion, Manuel PAREDES BALÉN ut, how the F03_18.02.2011 and ZtANELLA ry to find DoE is made. CS 09 etc.) Bruno OLIVEIRA image T06_08.03.2011 CS 05 Then Lucas MATA Ghort UIJARRO T04_22.02.2011 in a sD explenation your insights. Zaha Hadid, Horizontal Tektonik, Malevich's Tektonik, London, 1977; painting; CS 10 share Belén OMINGUEZ GALIANA F06_11.03.2011 CS 0 6 Josué G ARCIA R ODRIGUEZ F04_25.02.2011 acrylic on cartridge, 50 3/8 in. x 35 1/16 in. (128 cm x 89 cm) CS 11 Arig AHISSAMI YORDI T07_15.03.2011 CS 07 _Objectives Cristian CARRIZO CANTÓN T05_01.03.2011 Source: CS 12 Carmen BASCON CESAR F07_18.03.2011 CS 0 8 Carlos G ALLEGO G ALÁN Learning o read hat you sJee (analyse). F05_04.03.2011 Learning from existing CS 13 tJesus Gw ONZALEZ IMENEZ T08_22.03.2011 CS 09 CS Bruno ZGilbert Dto E cOommunicate T06_08.03.2011 examples. PANELLA racticing insights in a short 14 TOBAL PLIVEIRA ICHARDO your F08_25.03.2011 Zaha Hadid, Horizontal Tektonik, Malevich's Tektonik, London, 1977; painting; CS 10 presentation. Belén DOMINGUEZ GALIANA F06_11.03.2011 acrylic on cartridge, 50 3/8 in. x 35 1/16 in. (128 cm x 89 cm) CS 11 Arig AHISSAMI YORDI T07_15.03.2011 Source: CS 1 2 Carmen B ASCON C ESAR F07_18.03.2011 _Schedule _Requirements CS 13 CS Jesus G ONZALEZ J IMENEZ T08_22.03.2011 0 1 Paula S ABARIEGO A LONSO T02_08.02.2011 Short presentation (3-­‐5 min.) explaining: CS 14 CS Gilbert T OBAL P ICHARDO F08_25.03.2011 0 2 Patricio R ODRÍGUEZ L EPE F02_11.02.2011 1. Description of your reference image (what is it, where is it, CS 03 source, Nur AHISSAMI YORDI T03_15.02.2011 authors, etc.) CS 04 Manuel PAREDES ALÉN F03_18.02.2011 2. W hat are the qualities of tB he image? What would you change? CS 5 is tLucas MATA GUIJARRO T04_22.02.2011 _Requirements 3. H0ow he image made (your own assumption) CS Josué GARCIA ODRIGUEZ F04_25.02.2011 Short presentation (3-­‐5 min.) eRxplaining: 06 CS 07 ofor Cristian CARRIZO CANTÓN T05_01.03.2011 Upload y our p resentation o nly a n i mage ( JPG or iPs DF), 1. Description f y our r eference i mage ( what i s i t, w here it, and _Contents CS 0w 8 eek eCarlos Gpload ALLEGO Gooklet ALÁN template in F05_04.03.2011 one a fter, u t he B t he V irtual authors, s ource, tc.) Part 1 - Render Images CS 09 ZANELLA DE OLIVEIRA Campus. 2. What are qBruno ualities of the image? What would yT06_08.03.2011 ou change? Part 2the - Photography Zaha Hadid, Horizontal Tektonik, Malevich's Tektonik, London, 1977; painting; CS 1 0 Belén D OMINGUEZ G ALIANA F06_11.03.2011 3. H ow i s t he i mage m ade ( your o wn a ssumption) 3 - Other Techniques acrylic on cartridge, 50 3/8 in. x 35 1/16 in. (128 cm x 89 cm) Part CS 11 Arig AHISSAMI YORDI T07_15.03.2011 _Evaluation Source: CS 1 2 Carmen B ASCON C ESAR F07_18.03.2011 DF), and This p resentation i s p art o f t he f inal e valuation. Upload f or y our p resentation o nly a n i mage ( JPG o r P Te Papa Museum, Wellington, New Zealand, Competition 2005, UNStudio CS 1 3 Jesus G ONZALEZ J IMENEZ T08_22.03.2011 one week after, upload the Booklet template in the Virtual CS 14 Gilbert TOBAL PICHARDO F08_25.03.2011 Campus. _Evaluation _Requirements This presentation is part o(f 3-­‐5 the mfinal valuation. Te Papa Museum, Wellington, New Zealand, Competition 2005, UNStudio Short presentation in.) eexplaining: 1. Description of your reference image (what is it, where is it, authors, source, etc.) 2. What are the qualities of the image? What would you change? UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011 3. How is the image made (your own assumption)

Case Studies 1.2


Part 1 - Render Images

Project Title: The New Dance and Music Centre in The Hague Author: RAU Architects & Powerhouse Company Project Location: The Hague, Netherlands Year: 2010 Source: the-new-dance-and-music-centre-in-the-hagueby-rau-architects-powerhouse-company/

This image has been realised from a render of the building and edited posible in Photoshop to make it realistic (by adding people in the inside and the outside of the building). But it’s much interesting the perspective of those two men on the front having breakfast in a coffee that gives us the view of the building from another building. This particular perception of the building makes it understand the context where the building is. Focusing on the image qualities, the reflections are very well done and materials seams to be very real-looking. The bad quality of the people whose in the building and the strange perspective of the blue building at the back are very strong .

Arturo HernĂĄndez Marcos, M11. UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


I have chosen this image because it seems very interesesting to me the way it treast the light and the form in which emerges between the trees; the quality environment representation( trees, grass, different pavements and people which are doing sport,walking,playing,...); the image´s perspective in which you can see all the build-

ing levels (floor, walking roof, garden levels), the building reflects on the water and the quality of any shadows. I believe that it could be better in someone of the darknesses and brightnesses that hit to it in the foreground, the silhouette of the people inside the building and any shadows or trees that

UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011

are meaningless, like the trees that appear on the middle image background, specifically in the stairs.

Cristian Carrizo, M13

Project Title: Tek Building Author: Bjarke Ingels, Jakob Lange Project Location: Undisclosed, Taiwan Year: In Progress Source: 5

Project Title: Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum Author: Zaha Hadid Architects Project Location: Michigan,USA Year: In construction Source:

The image chosen is an architectural rendering, a conceptual representation on the building in the campus of the university of Michigan. What is it showing? Where is the focus of attention for the reader? The construction of building is amazing imbuilded, a space that shows an architecture in pieces. I think that it deserves the importance of the building to center the attention of the spectator, using shines and saturated colors for representing the glass, cement and steel, the principal materials. In my opinion, the autor gets a perfect composition, more important, and he establish objects in first and others in second place. He puts people and trees that shows realism and familiarity but always with shadow play, lightdark, and low saturated colors, without loosing the attention of the building.He includes the subtle shadow of the trees and the effect that the sun managed to produce on the human figures. Formes, details and textures are shown realistic. What catches my attention most is that the autor established contrast between the background and the building,he grants more ligthting to the building and gives him a pure white color and realizes color variations, probably with Adobe Photoshop to the botton of the image, creating a sky greenish color.

Patricio RodrĂ­guez, M13 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Regarding to the qualities of the image, we can see the shadows,both: own shadow and cast shadow; the outside reflection in the glass; the inside of the building through the glass; also the inside lights and the sun’s incidence on the tree (on the right side of the image). I think that the image has been made with 3dStudioMax and Photoshop. I think that the building is a render and the people have been placed with

photoshop. Maybe the trees are a render too. I’m not sure if the road, the cars and the signs of the road are part of the render or have been placed whithin Photoshop. At the class discussion we concluded that the left part of the image (the road, the cars, the signs of the road...) aren’t part of the render, is a photo placed with Photoshop. The beige building behind W57th is a photo too.

UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011

We realized that there’s a little anomaly in the right side of the corner of the building: the shadow is nearly the same than the shadow on the left side and we think that in this part should be the sun. Another possibility that we were discussing is if could be a building in front of W57th buildng making shadow in it. If this were true, this part of the image will be correct. Eva Acosta Merchán, M11.

Project Title: W57 (West 57th Street) Author: Bjarke Ingels Group, Copenhagen, dk. Project Location: New York,USA Year: 2011 (in progress) Source: 7

In my opinion, I think this picture is a great example of good use of software to capture public attention, and to enliven the image.In this case the author wants to give activity and movement to the image, and to do it using Photoshop as a tool to put life into the picture, making a number of and a bus and a car. Thus, the image ceases people and children doing different things to be

a simple project edited on computer with various software and becomes like a picture that is captured in real time and place. local events for the public, as we see in the picture, the building is included in the program’s urban area, it looks like people are using this building as a place of transit for cross the square. The Tek Building, we will find variety of In short,

UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011

it seems to me a pretty good project, just how to present it in the image. It’s amazing how the author is able to say much in a single image to use photoshop to give life to building a simple but yet full of submitting a building.

Josué García, M13

Project Title: Tek Building Author:BIG Studio Project Location:Taiwan Year: 2010 (construction) Source: 8

Project Title: Vertical Park Author: Jorge Hernandez de la Garza. Project Location: Mexico City, Mexico. Year: 2009. Source:

I choose this render because is very well done and i think that it has a lot of qualities. First of all the contrast of the colors, the white structure that contrast the green color and especially the black shadows. The building is made with a material that reflect the green and the blue of the sky. The sky is in a blue tenuous color in order to generate a good environment or an agreeable vision. Another feature that is interesting, are the lights of the lanterns, that look very real. The persons are used but not only as decoration also as objects to give us an idea of the size of the structure. At the background we can see the surrounding building but without much details in order to emplesize our building. One mistake in this render is that the shadows aren’t orientated in the same direction.

Juan Carlos Giacoman Gracia, M11 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project Title: Kanas Lake Performance Theatre Author: Internacionl office of architecture, urbanism and design Broadway Malyan. Project Location: China Year: 2009 (competition) Source:

I would like to distinguish from the image the good use that is realized of the shades. On the one hand the building creates a shadow that is very suitable. And on the other hand the persons. Also I would like to speak about the reflection that exists in the water of the trees. Also we can see that the landscape that exists behind the theatre it is suitable enough, it gives him a tranquility feeling.In addition the used sky is realistic enough due to the placement of a series of clouds. finally to remark that the interior of the building can be seen perfectly. The shadows cast by people not entirely accurate, since in some cases vary in experience and size does not agree with the sun. The windows of kanas Lake Theatre Performance seems to be reflecting the sun, but it is not entirely clear whether it is inside out or outside to inside.

Carla Martin de la Rosa, M11 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project Title: Edificio Apoquindo Author: ARQ _ Studio, Chile Project Location: Unknown Year: 2010 Source: http://hormigonarqstudio.blogspot. com/2010/07/edifcio-apoquindo-fotomonatjes-y. html

I chose this render, not as a common example of a perfect image, but more as a critic. First I will start to show general details and then I’ll explain each one of them. Also there are some positive aspects that I would like to mention. I think the sky should have no clouds, clearer and brighter. The brown background should not emphasize anything, which I would remove complete or part of it. The biggest negative point for me are the trees. It seems they are copied and pasted directly in the render, they are completely flat. Leaving aside the details of the surroundings I want to make several notes about the building. For example there are parts that we don’t understand very well. The triangular element on the facade of the building. Also the surround of the building is not very clear. Still, the best part of the render is the perspective of the building. Renders are not always perfect. That’s why I wanted to explain that we can learn a lot from bad examples.

Ignacio García Picabea, M11 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project Title: Movie Art Centre Author: Unknown Project Location: Unknown Year: Unknown Source: Unknown

The image of reference is a virtual project. The main elements that catch our eyes are: the image composition, the reflections and the well balanced foreground-background. The image best quality is the success to understand it like a real building. We can imagine the final result. There are two ways to get this image: 1st: It is a CAD model worked with different programs such as Photoshop or In Design to get the building reflection through the symmetric tool, and to get realistic view with the sky background. Also to get the brightness in the street lamps, the cars running and the real look of the pavement and the trees. Illustrator could’ve been used to place people on the street and to write the letters STAR and MOVIE ARTS CENTER. 2nd Way: In the other hand we could presume that it is a real picture and its been worked out in Photoshop to get the drawing like aspect. We then assume that elements such as cars, people and lights have been added at the end. We see the human scale by the addition of drawn people. The light is perhaps too bright because it’s suppose to be night time and the background is not dark enough so we can see that effect. I would change the treatment of the material so the effect is more realistic.

Blanca Carasa, M11



Madrid A-42

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The project is located in Getafe, near Madrid. This project is part of a new zone/village of Getafe called Los Molinos Buenavista, which is going to have more than 50 buildings like this one to increase the population. Different construction companies are making differnts parts, some of

them the gardens, others school, and also a new Corte Inglés SuperStore. Now about the render, is very good composed, as you can see at the fi rst time you watch this image, you can think that is a real building. No, is

UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011

a hybrid between Photoshop, 3D Studio Max, Autocad, etc. The shadows, the sky, people, trees, cars, and the shops seems like if they were real. It’s a very good work to sell the houses. Hugo Vázquez Rúa, M11

Project Title: B8 Dominó Author: Promur Urban Promotions, José Vázquez (Architect) Project Location: Madrid, Spain Year: 2008 (competition), 2011 (construction) Source: / 13

ProjectTitle: Title:The TheOpus Opus Project Author: Author:Zaha ZahaHadid Hadidstudio studio Project ProjectLocation: Location:Dubai, Dubai,United UnitedArab ArabEmirates Emirates Year: Year:2007 2007 Source: Source: towers/opus-oce-tower

We can see in the render how the author made good use of reflections in the building. As we see We can see in the render how the author made shadows from the sun, we know that the sun rises use side of refl in the wethe see ingood the left ofections the image. Webuilding. can alsoAssee shadows from the sun, we know that the sun rises scale of the building, because if we look at the in the of left side of the Wepeople. can also see the bottom the image weimage. see little scale of building the building, because we look at of the The Opus is coated withifglass, many bottom of the image we see little people. them curved The been retouched possibly in many photo-of Theimage Opushas building is coated with glass, shop, sky is made with a real picture. On the themthe curved other don´t the shadows of the palm The hand imagewe has beensee retouched possibly in phototrees, what is a little bit strange. shop, the sky is made with a real picture. On the

other hand we don´t see the shadows of the palm trees, what is a little bit strange.

Nur Ahissami, M13

UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011

Nur Ahissami, M13


Project Title: The Pentominium Author: Aedas Project Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Year: Unknow Source:http://www.constructionweekonline. com/pictures/gallery/Projects/Pentominium_ Tower_Dubai_web.jpg

The Pentominium is a supertall skyscraper currently under construction in Dubai, one of the seven emirates of United Arab Emirates. It was designed by Aedas architects it is a global architectural firm (working on mixed-use developments, transportation, education, sport and healthcare building design). When completed, Pentominium will become the second tallest building in Dubai and one of the tallest buildings in the world. The image I brought it´s a render of the building. In the bottom of the picture we can see the perspective on the ground marked by tiles. Above the floor we can see people. They are real pictures posted on the render, with the trees happens the same thing, are made in the same way. Some people and cars that are behind have a motion effect. In the building we can see the effect of light that provides more clarity in its base and darkens according to the building grows in height. On the floor of the building we can also see the reflection of surrounding buildings

Arig Ahissami, M13 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project Title: Battersea Power Station Author: UN Studio, Amsterdam Project Location: London, UK Year: 2004 (competition), 2010 (construction) Source:

This image is a rendering of the building’s ode a glass of UN Studio, Battersea Power Station in London. In that render of the building we can see bright large polygonal glass facades screens. The render is a project, leaving the other buildings in the background, with shadows. So it manages to integrate the project in the space that will be rebuilt. An image with sharp contrasts of light and shadow that plays with different shades of colors like red, yellow, orange, white ... and light and dark hues for the shadows. Respect to persons placed in the render, they appear to be unrealistic since they are very disrupted and widely separated from each other, not like a situation that may occur in reality. In my opinion this is not a very successful render. It does not look like a real building.

Alicia Palacios, M11 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project Title: Crystal Isaland Author: Foster & Partner Project Location: Moscow Year: 2007 (competition) Source: Rendering

I chose this image for analysis. Nowadays this building is in construction, “The Crystal Island” also known as “The Spiral”, designed by the Foster & Partners. Considered the largest building in the world, with a total area of two square meters with five and four hundred fifty meters high. In the building’s facade can find solar panels that promote sustainable architecture. “A city in the building” In the picture you can see the purple color degradation, suggesting the relationship that will exist between the building and the environment. In my opinion the chosen color is not expressing a realistic view. The sky is totally clear except for a dark cloud behind the building and two stars indicate that it is a night vision or sunset. The cloud seems absorbed by the building implying so subliminal, that the project will also adapt to the environment, improvement. High on the summit you can see a flash of light to accentuate their large size. The composition could be from a rendering which adds light and reflection with photoshop. The sky could be a real image but the river is modified with textures.

Belén Domínguez Galiana, M15

Project Title: Barclays Center Project Title: Barclays Center Author: SHoP Arquitects Author: SHoP Arquitects Project Location: Brooklyn, NuevaYork York Project Location: Brooklyn, Nueva Year: 2006 (project), 2010 (groundbreaking) breaking) Year: 2006 (project), 2010 (ground Source: SHoP Arquitects, Source: SHoP Arquitects,


The image I’ve selcted, is from the New York studio, SHoP Arquitects. The project has not been realized yet. The image I’ve selected is from the New York stuWedio, canSHoP distinguish different elements. Architects. The project has On notthe been first plane yet. we see people, represented like realized fotografs in a coolage and not with a silluete. We can distinguish different elements. On the first plane we see people, represented like phoOn the next layer, the building itself, its probably tographs image, in a collage and of not with a and salute. On a rendered with lots colourful the next layer, theeffects building probably a bright colours. This areitself, madeit’s of photosrendered image, of colorful and bright hop retouching usingwith the lots render as the canvas. colors. These effects are made of Photoshop reFinally, at the background, see canvas. several touching using the render we as the buildings represented very few lines, very discreet, or even some window lights. Finally, at the background, we see several buildings represented very few lines, very discreet, or Globaly we have different figures and every one window lights. we have of even themsome has his own style andGlobally weight inside the different figures and every one of them has his own fotoghraph. style and weight inside the photograph. The look of every detail is important for the good functioning ofevery the image, to remark the The look of detail mainly, is important for the good priority of every thing . functioning of the image, mainly, to remark the priority of everything. Manuel Paredes Balén Manuel Paredes Balén, M13 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011

UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - Case Studies - Rut Cuenca, Esther Maldonado, Pablo Rica - 2010/2011



Project Title: Shenzhen Guosen TowerAuthor: MVRDV Studios, Based in Rotterdam Project Location: Shenzhen, China Year: 2010 (construction) Source:

The image is a full render, including the surrounding buildings and the trees. The render highlights the presence of the building while “ghosting” the surrounding areas, centering the viewer’s attention on the project. In the render, the building emits more light than the surrounding buildings, creating a dark atmosphere in the vicinity while keeping the building as a “beacon of light”. The farther the buildings are from the tower, the more “foggy” they get, to the point of barely being visible. The end result is having the viewer feel the tower is the safest place in the surrounding area, a feeling that goes along with the purpose of the tower (a security HQ) rather nicely. Finally, the light the building emits makes the inside of the building visible, allowing the viewer to appreciate the spaces inside, distancing itself from the typical prism-shaped towers.

Gilbert Tobal, M13 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project Title: NĂŠbula Author: Joaquin Torres, A-Cero CoruĂąa,Spain. Project Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Year: 2007 (competition). Source:

The image shows the reflection of the light of the shops in the crystalline water of the sea, using different technologies of luminosity and reflection The author is using renders for the construction of the buildings and shop. The light in the seas is possible with edited Adobe Photoshop. The shop lights are striking with the white color. The lights are reflected in the see water mixing both yellow and white colours with the blue see water. The formes, the details and the textures, show the realism. The people are represented are in volume and shadows, possible made with Adobe Photoshop. In my opinion, the author of the project wants to differentiate in several planes important mas of the least important thing. The high buildings are in the third plane behind everything. The shops and the green space on the second plane. The water of the sea and the ship they are in the first plane. With this composition the author wants to say that the buildings one finds next to the sea and that quite this accessible to any person.

Lucas Mata Guijarro, M13 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Part 2 - Photography

Project Title: Night in London Author: Unknown Project Location: London, UK Year: 2009 Source:

In this image of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben in London, UK, we can appreciate a modification in the colour scale, as blue has been turned into purple, brown into green and white into yellow. Furthermore, the bridge, which has been placed in the middle of the image, tries to make a division between the real world corresponding to the clearest part, above the bridge, and a fictional one which is formed by the reflections on the river. In addition, none of the two buildings of have been put in the middle of the image, as they have been placed on the sides of it, in an attempt to focus on the bridge and the effect of division it creates.

The light also plays an important role in the photograph, making more intense the reflections and the lighter colours. As well, the light is more intense in the left of the photograph, in an attempt to give the Houses of Parliament more importance, in the detriment of Big Ben. With the variation of colours, there’s been an intention to create an atmosphere of fantasy leading us to a more medieval era.

Jaime Redondo Luengo, M11 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project Title: Bird´s Nest Author: Herzog & De Meuron Project Location: Beijing , China Year: 2003 - 2008 Source:amazingmundo.blogspot. com/2009/12/edifi cios-raros-1.html

The most important qualities in the image are the colours that give life to this building, some colours that make you stay longer time seeing the picture. The picture is divided into two parts, the top is the real building, and the other part is the water, which is interesting because it reflects the building and gives continuity to the image. Also we can see people where there is light in a lot of colours, like red, orange, yellow, green and blue. These people are very small, and difficult to see. We can see light above the stadium. And because it is night, you can see what´s inside the structure. In other photos which are taken during the day, it´s impossible to see. I chose this photo because it has a lot of colours and the division with the water is very interesting.

Carmen Bascon Cesar, M13 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project Title: Coliseum Author: Unknown Project Location: Rome, Italy Year:Unknown Source:

In this image we can see a real photograph of the Roman Coliseum. The photograph has been taken in the night, and in spite of this, the artist manages to create an interesting range of light. Firstly, we can analyze the lights of the vehicles, taken long exposure, producing an effect of red and white lights which create a high contrast between them. Furthermore, we can see that the most important light comes from the Coliseum, with a majority of green and yellow getting out from the windows. This fact contrasts with the blue from the sky. I´ve chosen this image because the decision of placing an ancient building such as the coliseum with a modern illumination that makes it more appealing really seemed interesting. In addition, the photographer has been able to get a moment of the day in which the colour of the sky can play an important role creating the contrast aforementioned, and this has been achieved perfectly.

Ignacio Acebes, M11 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project Title: Burj Khalifa Author: unknown Project Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Year: 2010 (opening of the building), 2009 (construction) Source: http://mujerdiosa.blogspot. com/2011/02/la-zona-insolita-dubai-la-ostentacion.html

This image we are viewing is a photograph of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai, UAE. It is the tallest structure built by mankind, consisting of 828 metres. It is a photograph taken during the opening of the building. It was taken in the night and far away from the building in order to enable its complete vision due to its height The image has been structure so as the skyscrper appears in the centre with a large amount of light. There’s a color graduation in the background of the image, making a darker sky as we ascend. It is also possible to see a variety of colours such as yellow, green, red, violet, blue, etc. The focus that are enlightening the building create a sense of movement to the photograph. During the opening of the place, the main objective was to show its grandiosity to the world. I believe that this photograph represents perfectly that sensation, as if it were science fiction.

JosĂŠ Carmona, M11 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project title: Macao light capital Author: Unknow (Marco 93 in his blog) Project location: Macao Year: 2011 Source:

For my case study I have chosen a photograph which is composed by a city at night and some colourful lights moving quickly. The main colours are black, red, blue, white and yellow, and they form a great contrast. These lights form doodles and drawings which are real, but we can´t see them in reality. Because of that I thought the photo was interesting; because the idea of watching movement through lines makes the people get an additional information which couldn´t have only seen with their eyes. Maybe what the author wanted to express with this photo was the city and the estressing movements of cityziens. In my opinion, this type of techniqe contrastes with the dark and the perfect lines of the buildings, and this is a very original method to catch the attention in a panel.

María Bernardo, M11 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project Title: Villa mairea Author: Alvar Aalto Year: 1937/1940 Source: Unknown

This image is a photography of the building of villa mairea of famous architect alvar aalto. Besides the ‘’peculiar’’ geometry mixed with the nature, I go to centring in the reflection produced in the water, it does that the building seems to be double, to the igula that the vegetation. It is not a render, a composicipon or collage either, is a photography of the royal building. Of the things more peculiar in a render they are the reflections, but there is nothing as the royal reflection in the water, because of it I think that a photo is better to see the reflection that a render clearly.

Jesús González Jiménez, M13 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project Title: A perspective in the city Author: Unknown Project Location: London, UK Year: 1998 Source:

In the first saw of this image we all can think that its about a render becouse it looks unreal. This image looks like a render but that´s not true. That was made by a technic called HDR which combinates photographs of different perspectives of the building and change its qualities such as contrast, saturation and illumination. It also exagerate the perspective of the view and makes such an unreal effect that is hard to believe that is based on a real landscape. As a result, we can see a very dynamic image that catches your attention because of the strenght of the colours, the contrast between them and its high resolution. The dynamism is created by the huge variety of colours that are reflected in the floor and with the difuminated area of the left, that maybe are people running. The building at the end of the main street is also more diffuminated than the others to create depth sensation.

Ana Rodríguez Fernández M-11 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Project Title: The Houston skyline Author: foureyes Project Location: Texas, USA Year: 1993 (construction) Source: Mythical World

The Wells Fargo Plaza, formerly the Allied Bank Plaza and First Interstate Bank Plaza, is located at 1000 Louisiana Street in downtown Houston,Texas (USA). It is a retouched photo. The picture is taken from a low point to which this building. This causes the building has three vanishing points. The building seems more because of this. The author of this photo has increased the blue tones. The light intensity is very Obvious. Down, the light is very dark, and, When you look up, the clarity Gives a feeling of greatness. But it is strange that the sky goes from white to blue tone. The author uses the surface of the glass building is to enhance the mirror effect. A problem I see is that we do not know from where comes the sun. This photo is retouched for a program like photoshop.

Pedro Cosano Marabotto, M11 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


Part 3 - Other Techniques

Project Title: National Music Centre Author: Elizabeth Diller, Ricardo Scofidio and Charles Renfro Diller Scofidio + Renfro Project Location: Calgary, Canada Year: 2009 (competition) Source:

This building is the National Music Center in Calgary, Canada. This is a project carried out in collaboration between three architects Elizabeth Diller, Ricardo Scofidio and Charles Renfro. This project led to competition in 2009 if not go on to win. I chose this picture because I draw much attention his way to make a three-dimensional representation of this building. The first impression I had was that it was a hand made drawing, but after looking better I think the image may be a combination between hand drawings and renderings. Another thing that has caught the attention of this picture is the reflection of the people in the areas where the soil is made of glass. It is also very interesting the way you get the perspective of the stairs. I believe that combinations of methods of representation is a very successful representation of elements in three dimensions, working with handdrawn elements, as renders images and uniting all these pieces in a large college.

Bruno Zanella de Oliveira, 2011 UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011


The image illustrates an article by Andrés Jaque on a possible proposal for the area “La Cañada Real”. The image shows a buildings in the foreground on a real landscape photo retouched.In my opinion, to make the building had used 3dstudio or rhino and possible Adobe photoshop to retouch the render. (The image on the background is a real image retouched in photoshop). Some of the

changes are for example the color of the sky that changes into yellow, there are birds and other animals and also trees added in the foreground.The main quality of the image is good use of the colors that make it a very striking and dynamic image.

Paula Sabariego Alonso, M13

UEM - Degree in Architecture - Workshop for Three-dimensional Representation and Image Editing - 2010/2011 - Case Studies - Tutor Pablo Rica - May 2011

Project Title: Unknown Author:Andrés Jaque Project Location: Madrid, Spain Year: 2009 Source: 32

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