PBA Premier Partner Information

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Advancing the interests of Pennsylvania’s housing industry is no easy job. With the help of Premier Partners, PBA gets it done... The Premier Partner program was developed to provide the opportunity for ongoing relationships between organizations that serve the building industry and PBA builder members. The program serves as a conduit for establishing and maintaining important business relationships among key building professionals throughout the industry. Through a strategic plan to provide exposure and business-building opportunities to those companies who become Premier Partners, PBA offers connection opportunities in abundance. With various association functions, continuing education seminars and connections to faster bids, Premier Partners reap the benefits of connections to PBA’s builder members ever day. The Partners, in turn, provide financial support to PBA which enables the association to promote and protect the building industry’s mission statewide.

Supporting the housing industry, growing your business

Empowerment. Connections. Growth. It all begins with Premier Partners. Partner with PBA today.

600 N. 12th St. Lemoyne, PA 17043

Phone 717-730-4380 Toll-free 800-692-7339

Visit us online at www.PaBuilders.org

Advancing the interests of Pennsylvania’s housing industry is no easy job. With the help of Premier Partners, PBA gets it done... The Premier Partner program was developed to provide the opportunity for ongoing relationships between organizations that serve the building industry and PBA builder members. The program serves as a conduit for establishing and maintaining important business relationships among key building professionals throughout the industry. Through a strategic plan to provide exposure and business-building opportunities to those companies who become Premier Partners, PBA offers connection opportunities in abundance. With various association functions, continuing education seminars and connections to faster bids, Premier Partners reap the benefits of connections to PBA’s builder members ever day. The Partners, in turn, provide financial support to PBA which enables the association to promote and protect the building industry’s mission statewide.

Supporting the housing industry, growing your business

Empowerment. Connections. Growth. It all begins with Premier Partners. Partner with PBA today.

600 N. 12th St. Lemoyne, PA 17043

Phone 717-730-4380 Toll-free 800-692-7339

Visit us online at www.PaBuilders.org



remier Partner organizations are true stakeholders in PBA. During the recent economic downturn of the building industry, organizations that serve it needed more than ever to connect with builders who were building — and turned to the Premier Partner program in unprecedented numbers to find and foster those connections. These organizations know that it is the builder who keeps associate organizations in business, and if the building industry comes to a halt, so does the associates’ business. For Premier Partners, staying connected to builders in thriving times as well as challenging times is reason enough to support PBA by continuing the relationship year after year. In order to fund the scores of legislative challenges which threaten the building industry every day, PBA looks to its Premier Partners for strength and empowerment. As a result, the major legislative accomplishments PBA has realized over the last decade are numerous and significant. Premier Partners take great pride in knowing that they play a direct role in defending and promoting their industry.

THE MANY BENEFITS OF PARTNERSHIP PBA’s Premier Partners receive numerous opportunities to interact directly with Pennsylvania’s homebuilding industry. Consider just a few of the many benefits of becoming a PBA Premier Partner:

Call on the PBA staff and elected leadership to provide a direct line to bidding a job. This priceless service is awarded to all Premier Partners on a regular basis.

During regional events and meetings, Premier Partners have the ability to connect and share business growth opportunities with PBA members.

Receive continuing education on legal trends and market issues that affect the building industry. Attend member only seminars, regional meetings, educational conferences, as well as a whole host of additional opportunities for education and the latest industry information. Support PBA’s builder members and strengthen the Premier Partner program by participating in membership events and outreach programs that support the process of growing business relationships with membership. Enjoy exclusive access to PBA’s Board of Directors meetings.

The tri-annual PBA Board Meeting gives Premier Partners total access to PBA membership and all Premier Partners are given special acknowledgment during these well-attended events.

No question about it...the Premier Partners hold an elite, influential position of partnership and support within PBA — all while enjoying continued company exposure and connection to builders. Now, more than ever, it is crucial to recognize the importance of the Premier Partners’ invaluable role within PBA.

TESTIMONIALS “As a Premier Partner, my company receives a number of unique opportunities to meet industry leaders that would normally not be accessible to us. We admire the work PBA does, and, in turn, fellow members have shown us a new respect for our support.” Lori Fetterhoff, Residential Warranty Company, LLC

“As a busy homebuilder, I call those sales representatives I want to communicate with, and my assistant screens my e-mail and phone calls. But we make exceptions for the Premier Partners because we know they share our industry’s interests.”

“Premier Partners help PBA grow stronger to protect all of our members’ interests. Ultimately because of sponsor support, the housing industry will remain vigorous and profitable for generations to come. That degree of dedication is noticed by builders, who appreciate their support.”

“Today’s global economy is more competitive than ever; but, by being a Premier Partner, you gain the advantage of access to industry leaders from across Pennsylvania. These decision-makers — your customers — understand the significant role our sponsors play in building a strong housing industry.”

Mike Kurpiel, market development manager, ProBuild

Joe Dolan, Dolan Construction, Inc.

Steve Black, president, Stephen Black Builders Inc. PBA past president

To learn more about how you can put the Premier Partner program to work growing your business, please contact PBA at (800) 692-7339.



remier Partner organizations are true stakeholders in PBA. During the recent economic downturn of the building industry, organizations that serve it needed more than ever to connect with builders who were building — and turned to the Premier Partner program in unprecedented numbers to find and foster those connections. These organizations know that it is the builder who keeps associate organizations in business, and if the building industry comes to a halt, so does the associates’ business. For Premier Partners, staying connected to builders in thriving times as well as challenging times is reason enough to support PBA by continuing the relationship year after year. In order to fund the scores of legislative challenges which threaten the building industry every day, PBA looks to its Premier Partners for strength and empowerment. As a result, the major legislative accomplishments PBA has realized over the last decade are numerous and significant. Premier Partners take great pride in knowing that they play a direct role in defending and promoting their industry.

THE MANY BENEFITS OF PARTNERSHIP PBA’s Premier Partners receive numerous opportunities to interact directly with Pennsylvania’s homebuilding industry. Consider just a few of the many benefits of becoming a PBA Premier Partner:

Call on the PBA staff and elected leadership to provide a direct line to bidding a job. This priceless service is awarded to all Premier Partners on a regular basis.

During regional events and meetings, Premier Partners have the ability to connect and share business growth opportunities with PBA members.

Receive continuing education on legal trends and market issues that affect the building industry. Attend member only seminars, regional meetings, educational conferences, as well as a whole host of additional opportunities for education and the latest industry information. Support PBA’s builder members and strengthen the Premier Partner program by participating in membership events and outreach programs that support the process of growing business relationships with membership. Enjoy exclusive access to PBA’s Board of Directors meetings.

The tri-annual PBA Board Meeting gives Premier Partners total access to PBA membership and all Premier Partners are given special acknowledgment during these well-attended events.

No question about it...the Premier Partners hold an elite, influential position of partnership and support within PBA — all while enjoying continued company exposure and connection to builders. Now, more than ever, it is crucial to recognize the importance of the Premier Partners’ invaluable role within PBA.

TESTIMONIALS “As a Premier Partner, my company receives a number of unique opportunities to meet industry leaders that would normally not be accessible to us. We admire the work PBA does, and, in turn, fellow members have shown us a new respect for our support.” Lori Fetterhoff, Residential Warranty Company, LLC

“As a busy homebuilder, I call those sales representatives I want to communicate with, and my assistant screens my e-mail and phone calls. But we make exceptions for the Premier Partners because we know they share our industry’s interests.”

“Premier Partners help PBA grow stronger to protect all of our members’ interests. Ultimately because of sponsor support, the housing industry will remain vigorous and profitable for generations to come. That degree of dedication is noticed by builders, who appreciate their support.”

“Today’s global economy is more competitive than ever; but, by being a Premier Partner, you gain the advantage of access to industry leaders from across Pennsylvania. These decision-makers — your customers — understand the significant role our sponsors play in building a strong housing industry.”

Mike Kurpiel, market development manager, ProBuild

Joe Dolan, Dolan Construction, Inc.

Steve Black, president, Stephen Black Builders Inc. PBA past president

To learn more about how you can put the Premier Partner program to work growing your business, please contact PBA at (800) 692-7339.



remier Partner organizations are true stakeholders in PBA. During the recent economic downturn of the building industry, organizations that serve it needed more than ever to connect with builders who were building — and turned to the Premier Partner program in unprecedented numbers to find and foster those connections. These organizations know that it is the builder who keeps associate organizations in business, and if the building industry comes to a halt, so does the associates’ business. For Premier Partners, staying connected to builders in thriving times as well as challenging times is reason enough to support PBA by continuing the relationship year after year. In order to fund the scores of legislative challenges which threaten the building industry every day, PBA looks to its Premier Partners for strength and empowerment. As a result, the major legislative accomplishments PBA has realized over the last decade are numerous and significant. Premier Partners take great pride in knowing that they play a direct role in defending and promoting their industry.

THE MANY BENEFITS OF PARTNERSHIP PBA’s Premier Partners receive numerous opportunities to interact directly with Pennsylvania’s homebuilding industry. Consider just a few of the many benefits of becoming a PBA Premier Partner:

Call on the PBA staff and elected leadership to provide a direct line to bidding a job. This priceless service is awarded to all Premier Partners on a regular basis.

During regional events and meetings, Premier Partners have the ability to connect and share business growth opportunities with PBA members.

Receive continuing education on legal trends and market issues that affect the building industry. Attend member only seminars, regional meetings, educational conferences, as well as a whole host of additional opportunities for education and the latest industry information. Support PBA’s builder members and strengthen the Premier Partner program by participating in membership events and outreach programs that support the process of growing business relationships with membership. Enjoy exclusive access to PBA’s Board of Directors meetings.

The tri-annual PBA Board Meeting gives Premier Partners total access to PBA membership and all Premier Partners are given special acknowledgment during these well-attended events.

No question about it...the Premier Partners hold an elite, influential position of partnership and support within PBA — all while enjoying continued company exposure and connection to builders. Now, more than ever, it is crucial to recognize the importance of the Premier Partners’ invaluable role within PBA.

TESTIMONIALS “As a Premier Partner, my company receives a number of unique opportunities to meet industry leaders that would normally not be accessible to us. We admire the work PBA does, and, in turn, fellow members have shown us a new respect for our support.” Lori Fetterhoff, Residential Warranty Company, LLC

“As a busy homebuilder, I call those sales representatives I want to communicate with, and my assistant screens my e-mail and phone calls. But we make exceptions for the Premier Partners because we know they share our industry’s interests.”

“Premier Partners help PBA grow stronger to protect all of our members’ interests. Ultimately because of sponsor support, the housing industry will remain vigorous and profitable for generations to come. That degree of dedication is noticed by builders, who appreciate their support.”

“Today’s global economy is more competitive than ever; but, by being a Premier Partner, you gain the advantage of access to industry leaders from across Pennsylvania. These decision-makers — your customers — understand the significant role our sponsors play in building a strong housing industry.”

Mike Kurpiel, market development manager, ProBuild

Joe Dolan, Dolan Construction, Inc.

Steve Black, president, Stephen Black Builders Inc. PBA past president

To learn more about how you can put the Premier Partner program to work growing your business, please contact PBA at (800) 692-7339.

Advancing the interests of Pennsylvania’s housing industry is no easy job. With the help of Premier Partners, PBA gets it done... The Premier Partner program was developed to provide the opportunity for ongoing relationships between organizations that serve the building industry and PBA builder members. The program serves as a conduit for establishing and maintaining important business relationships among key building professionals throughout the industry. Through a strategic plan to provide exposure and business-building opportunities to those companies who become Premier Partners, PBA offers connection opportunities in abundance. With various association functions, continuing education seminars and connections to faster bids, Premier Partners reap the benefits of connections to PBA’s builder members ever day. The Partners, in turn, provide financial support to PBA which enables the association to promote and protect the building industry’s mission statewide.

Supporting the housing industry, growing your business

Empowerment. Connections. Growth. It all begins with Premier Partners. Partner with PBA today.

600 N. 12th St. Lemoyne, PA 17043

Phone 717-730-4380 Toll-free 800-692-7339

Visit us online at www.PaBuilders.org

Platinum Level Partnership •

Opportunities to build relationships with 7,000 PBA members and their 239,000 associates and family members through PBA board meetings, state-sponsored events, regional meetings and committee memberships.

Membership-at-large status with PBA and NAHB and all the accompanying benefits thereof.

Complimentary sleeping room nights for two (2) at each of PBA’s Board of Directors meetings held three times annually.

Complimentary registration for two (2) to attend any state-sponsored builders event.

One (1) full page color advertisement in PBA’s Keystone Builder magazine.

Three (3) opportunities to attach a one-page story or article (150 words or fewer, with link to extended story on Partner’s website) about Partner’s company to PBA Tradesecrets e-newsletter sent to nearly 5,000 people every two weeks.

Banner advertisement in PBA website.

One-time access to list of builder-members in sponsor’s region.

Premier Partner acknowledgement advertisement placed in Keystone Builder magazine at discretion of editor.

Promotion at PBA Board of Directors meetings, which are attended by approximately 200-300 people three times per year.

o Inclusion of sponsor’s logo on all signage and PowerPoint presentations.

o Hospitality suite sponsored by Premier Partners (Thursday evening).

o Breakfast with PBA senior officers (Friday morning).

o Four (4) tickets for representatives of Partner’s company to attend Friday evening function.

o Tabletop display exhibit during plenary session (Saturday morning).

Opportunity to provide one exclusive giveaway item containing Partner’s logo at annual PaCAH event.

Sponsor “Weekly News Clips” on a rotating basis with other Premier Partners. Weekly News Clips is electronically disseminated to PBA’s distribution list.

Display of Partner’s logo on PBA website, linked directly to Sponsor’s website.

Inclusion of one piece of Partner’s product literature to be included in PBA Board of Directors mailing.

The privilege of using the PBA Premier Partner logo on Partner’s corporate communications.

Partner’s log on all PBA fax cover sheets sent from PBA office.

Platinum Partnership=$25,000

Gold Level Partnership

Opportunities to build relationships with 7,000 PBA members and their 239,000 associates and family members through PBA board meetings, state-sponsored events, regional meetings and committee memberships.

Membership-at-large status with PBA and NAHB and all the accompanying benefits thereof.

Complimentary registration for one (1) to attend any state-sponsored builders event.

Two (2) opportunities to attach a one-page story or article (150 words or fewer, with link to extended story on Partner’s website) about Partner’s company to PBA Tradesecrets e-newsletter sent to nearly 5,000 people every two weeks.

Banner advertisement in PBA website.

One-time access to list of builder-members in sponsor’s region.

Premier Partner acknowledgement advertisement placed in Keystone Builder magazine at discretion of editor.

Promotion at PBA Board of Directors meetings, which are attended by approximately 200-300 people three times per year.

o Inclusion of sponsor’s logo on all signage and PowerPoint presentations.

o Hospitality suite sponsored by Premier Partners (Thursday evening).

o Breakfast with PBA senior officers (Friday morning).

o Three (3) tickets for representatives of Partner’s company to attend Friday evening function.

o Tabletop display exhibit during plenary session (Saturday morning).

Sponsor “Weekly News Clips” on a rotating basis with other Premier Partners. Weekly News Clips is electronically disseminated to PBA’s distribution list.

Display of Partner’s logo on PBA website, linked directly to Sponsor’s Web site.

Inclusion of one piece of Partner’s product literature to be included in PBA Board of Directors mailing.

The privilege of using the PBA Premier Partner logo on Partner’s corporate communications.

Partner’s logo on all PBA fax cover sheets sent from PBA office.

Gold Partnership=$15,000

Silver Level Partnership •

Opportunities to build relationships with 7,000 PBA members and their 239,000 associates and family members through PBA board meetings, state-sponsored events, regional meetings and committee memberships.

Membership-at-large status with PBA and NAHB and all the accompanying benefits thereof.

One (1) opportunity to attach a one-page story or article (150 words or fewer, with link to extended story on Partner’s website) about Partner’s company to PBA Tradesecrets e-newsletter sent to nearly 5,000 people every two weeks.

One-time access to list of builder-members in sponsor’s region.

Premier Partner acknowledgement advertisement placed in Keystone Builder magazine at discretion of editor.

Promotion at PBA Board of Directors meetings, which are attended by approximately 200-300 people three times per year.

o Inclusion of sponsor’s logo on all signage and PowerPoint presentations.

o Hospitality suite sponsored by Premier Partners (Thursday evening).

o Breakfast with PBA senior officers (Friday morning).

o Two (2) tickets for representatives of Partner’s company to attend Friday evening function.

o Tabletop display exhibit during plenary session (Saturday morning).

Sponsor “Weekly News Clips” on a rotating basis with other Premier Partners. Weekly News Clips is electronically disseminated to PBA’s distribution list.

Display of Partner’s logo on PBA website, linked directly to Sponsor’s Web site.

Inclusion of one piece of Partner’s product literature to be included in PBA Board of Directors mailing.

The privilege of using the PBA Premier Partner logo on Partner’s corporate communications.

Partner’s logo on all PBA fax cover sheets sent from PBA office.

Silver Partnership=$10,000

Bronze Level Partnership •

Opportunities to build relationships with 7,000 PBA members and their 239,000 associates and family members through PBA board meetings, state-sponsored events, regional meetings and committee memberships.

Membership-at-large status with PBA and NAHB and all the accompanying benefits thereof.

Premier Partner acknowledgement advertisement placed in Keystone Builder magazine at discretion of editor.

Promotion at PBA Board of Directors meetings, which are attended by approximately 200-300 people three times per year.

o Inclusion of sponsor’s logo on all signage and PowerPoint presentations. o Hospitality suite sponsored by Premier Partners (Thursday evening). o Breakfast with PBA senior officers (Friday morning). o One (1) ticket for representatives of Partner’s company to attend Friday evening function. o Tabletop display exhibit during plenary session (Saturday morning). •

Sponsor “Weekly News Clips” on a rotating basis with other Premier Partners. Weekly News Clips is electronically disseminated to PBA’s distribution list.

Display of Partner’s logo on PBA website, linked directly to Sponsor’s Web site.

Inclusion of one piece of Partner’s product literature to be included in PBA Board of Directors mailing.

The privilege of using the PBA Premier Partner logo on Partner’s corporate communications.

Partner’s logo on all PBA fax cover sheets sent from PBA office.

Bronze Partnership=$5,000

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