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Fall Programs 2023 Palestinian American Community Center
from Fall 2023 Program Booklet
by paccusa
Fall Session:
Duration: 10 weeks
Dates: Saturday, September 30 to Friday, December 8
Make-up Week: Monday, December 11 to Sunday, December 17
Closures during fall dates:
- Thanksgiving from November 23 to November 26.
The make-up classes for Thanksgiving closure will be held on December 9 and December 10 for Saturday/ Sunday programs and November 27 for Thursday & Friday programs.

Our center will be closed for Winter Break from December 24, 2023 to January 3, 2024– we will not be holding programs during this time. Our Annual Programs will resume January 6, 2024.
Winter Session:
Duration: 8 weeks
Dates: Saturday, January 6 to Sunday, February 25
Make-up Week: Monday, February 26 to Sunday, March 3
Our center will not be holding programs during the month of Ramadan (March 11, 2024 to April 10, 2024). We will resume our Annual Programs after Eid Al- Fitr on April 13, 2024.

Spring Session:
Duration: 10 weeks
Dates: Saturday, April 13 to Sunday, June 16
Make-up Week: Monday, June 17 to Sunday, June 22

Closures during fall dates:
-Memorial Day on Monday, May 27
We will be open for Memorial Day weekend, but we will have to make-up the Monday that we will be closed on Tuesday, May 28.
-Eid Al-Adha on June 16
The make-up for this date will be on Sunday, June 23.
Annual Program Scheduling:
By registering for one of our Annual Programs in the fall, you will automatically be enrolled for the full 28-week session (which includes our Fall, Winter and Spring sessions). Programs that we are offering as “Annual Programs” are the following:
Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Dabka for all 8 to 16 year olds
Arabic Language Program for all 5 to 14 year olds
Homework help
Our Annual Programs will run from September 30, 2023 to June 22, 2024 (with occasional breaks in-between to observe national and religious holidays - this will be in line with our breaks between sessions).