Spring 2015 nyc branded font

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41 Park Row | New York, NY 14th Floor 212-346-1950 | www.pace.edu careers@pace.edu | @paceucareers



(f) Jan. 23rd12:00pm-12:45pm (t) Jan. 27th 12:00pm-12:45pm (w) Jan. 29th 3:15pm-4:00pm

100+ employers are looking to hire for full time jobs and internships from ALL MAJORS! Dress in professional attire and bring lots of resumes! DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS OPPORTUNITY

Meet recruiters on campus looking to hire Pace students & 2015 Grads

(th) Mar. 5th | 2:00-5:00pm NYC One Pace Plaza (w) Apr. 1st | 11:00am-2:00pm PLV Goldstein Fitness Center

P R A C TI CE IN TE RV IE W D A Y (w) Feb. 18th, 9:00am– 5:00pm, 41 Park Row, 14th Floor Practice your interview skills with a professional. Get feedback about your interview and network with recruiters. Email careers@pace.edu to register.

N ON - P R OFI T P ANE L (w) Feb. 18th, 6:00-8:00pm Bianco Room Come hear from professionals in the nonprofit sector discuss career opportunities. Co-sponsored by the Wilson Center.

HOW TO WORK THE CAREER FAIR Date TBD 10:00-11:00am, 12:15-1:15pm, 3:30-4:30pm Create a 30-second pitch and learn how to present yourself when you meet a recruiter. Stand out from the crowd by being prepared.

C A RE E RS I N M A R KE T IN G Date TBD NYC Campus Come hear from professionals to learn more about ways to break into the field. Gain knowledge and network your way to your next internship or full time job! RSVP email: pgopalkrishna@pace.edu

O PE N HO UR S (f) Feb. 27th, (m) Mar.2nd, (t) Mar. 3rd, (w) Mar.4th Need a resume reviewed before the career fair? Visit us during our open hours.

NE T WO R KI NG RE CE P T IO N (th) Mar. 26th, 5:30-8:00pm Bianco Room Join us for a night of networking with experienced career professionals. Hors d’oeuvre will be served. There will be multiple opportunities to mix and mingle, ask questions and make an impression on these very special guests. RSVP to careers@pace.edu

ART HISTORY DEPT OPEN HOUSE (m) Apr. 13th, 4:30-6:00pm Resource Room Join us for this annual spring art history event and career panel session.

CAREERS FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (w) Apr. 15th, 12:20-1:15pm Bianco Room Panelists will discuss their positions and how their background in English helps them succeed in the field. Learn about potential careers and avenues.

C A RE E RS I N F IN A NC E (w) Apr. 29th, 6:00-8:00pm Bianco Room Career Services and ALPFA are bringing professionals from the financial services industry to campus! Here about trends and learn how to position yourself for the right opportunity on Wall Street!

DRESS FOR SUCCESS with LUBIN Date TBD NYC Campus Learn appropriate dress attire for work and interviewing. Adhere to your employer’s dress code while staying contemporary, and professional.

C A RE E R E X P O P RE P Date TBD NYC Campus Get prepared for NYC’s Uncubed Event, the “most creative recruiting event in tech.” Learn how to develop a strategy and connect with creators in design, tech, and exciting NYC businesses.

C A RE E RS I N PS YC HO L O GY Date TBD NYC Campus Ever wonder how your skill set in psychology can tap into other avenues? You may not know about the many career paths available to you. Our speakers will share their experiences and opportunity available.

HOW TO APPLY TO GRAD SCHOOL Date TBD NYC Campus If an advanced degree in your future, be sure to attend this event on applying to graduate school programs. Learn about application procedures and testing information.

J O B S E A RC H BO OT C A M P Date TBD NYC Campus Actual company representatives will help you with resume branding, developing power interviewing skills, give social media and networking tips, provide useful job search resources and discuss current hiring trends.

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