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Spirit Week 2023 In Review

Sophomores: Phineas and Ferb

Freshmen: Monsters Inc.


The Class of 2026 chose the simple yet effective theme of Monsters Inc. for their first Spirit Week. While around 30 freshmen chose not to participate in the dance, they still presented a fun first performance. Leads Anne Weiss as Boo and Bennett Cummings as Randall wowed the crowd with their dance moves. While Spencer Wilhelmsen and Roan Dutta as Mike and as Sully rocked their onesies, their two and a half minute fight scene began to bore audiences. While the leads had some great costumes, the rest of the freshmen class were left with t-shirts due to their tiny budget. Freshmen decorations were nonexistent, but their banner was impressive despite a scary looking Boo. However, it seems like the Class of 2026 missed the memo on how to carry it, for it ripped during their presentation. The real question is, who did it better: The Class of 2026 as freshmen, or the Class of 2022 as freshmen just four years earlier?

After receiving what one might call “typical freshmen fourth place” last year, many students were curious to see what the Class of 2025 would bring to the table. To everyone’s delightful surprise, the sophomores knocked it out of the park with their performance, taking on the theme of Phineas and Ferb. The Class of 2025 defi nitely proved they can dance, as their perfectly cast leads (including Harrison Silver and Reid Richardson as Phineas and Ferb respectively) did a great job guiding character groups in unison.

Their music track featured songs like “Squirrels in my Pants,” a dance led by Cassidy Davis as Candace, the audio telling a story on a level that is typical for juniors and seniors only. The sophomores presented an impressive banner, and their costumes were creative despite a smaller budget. However, their cafeteria decorations were interesting, to say the least.

Juniors: Peter Pan

In only their second year of

Spirit Week performances due to COVID-19, the Class of 2024 had a lot to prove this year, as they were now required to present a morning dance and a video as well. Banners become larger and therefore more difficult each year, yet Reed Millner led the banner committee graciously in a very impressive work. The Class of 2024 decorated the Inman Center well. Despite the cute idea to wear pajama pants as their morning dance costume, the juniors were a bit out of sync. Still, they presented an entertaining video including the iconic trip to Lenox mall. When it came to their performance, the juniors pre sented an ador able and well told version of the classic movie. Starring Henry Levenson as Peter and Deyo Bourne as Wendy, highlights included Gabby Mautner as Tinker Bell tumbling during dances and Sydney Vincent as Captain Hook being thrown high in the air by her pirate crew. To conclude, the juniors pretended to fly in a circle around Gabby and Henry as they traveled to Neverland. Also, their costumes represented each character simply yet perfectly.

Seniors: Willy Wonka

After two impressive performances, the Class of 2023 was ready to take it home for their senior Spirit Week, and pretending it was Wonka’s factory. With a costume committee led by Eloise Gaudet, the Class of 2023 has always had representative costumes to their theme, with this year being no exception and including green wigs for the Oompa Loompas. Emma Beth Neville led the banner committee with grace, pulling off an impressive feat and creating one last masterpiece beautifully representing the theme. When it came down to the afternoon performance, the seniors delivered the sweet story along to DJ Schmitt’s audio track through a 15 minute dance. crew, who absolutely de voured while rocking their tutus. The Class of 2023 presented a creative and amusing video, as they traveled to “Candytopia”

Playing Willy Wonka, Oliver Loree’s dance moves to “Candy Shop” were definitely a highlight of the dance. Each group practiced their individual and partner dances carefully, so many times that every senior memorized the iconic Oompa Loompa dance led by Jordan Loughran. Although one group fell short, CJ Thomas still led an enthusiastic group of girls in the Grandpa Joe dance. The dance was definitely topped off by Charlie Bucket’s (Charlie Fleming) bucket.

Photos: Fred Assaf

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