Pacific City
Building moratorium explained............................ 6
NHS Speech team places 3rd at state tourney
Community Events Calendar............................16 Fishing & Outdoors...........................20
Vol. 7, No. 184 • May 2, 2014 • FREE!
Pedaling with
3,000 cyclists expected as Reach the Beach returns to Pacific City on Saturday, May 17 Come Help Us Celebrate Being Named Corner of 1st & Stillwell, Downtown Tillamook
Champion Small Brewery at the 2014 World Beer Cup®
Sunday, May 18, 3-6pm
Page 2 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
Page 3 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
South Tillamook County Library Club
Library Thrift Shop Now accepting small furniture donations — call for details. Open Mon-Sat 11 a.m.-4 p.m.
Ballots mailed for commissioner race
Tim Josi, David Yamamoto face off in May 20 election, mail-in ballots due May 15
By TIM HIRSCH of the Sun
allots were mailed out to Tillamook Proceeds from this thrift shop County voters on support the Winkelman May 2 for the May 20 election that will decide Library Building who will serve the area as one of the county’s 6335 Ferry St, Pacific City • 503-965-7013 three commissioners. The race for posiDARRYL CLEGG RETROSPECTIVE tion number three on R TT • the Tillamook Board •C CUURRI OI N AALL AAR IRGI IGNI O SS R O of Commissioners pits O longtime commissioner INAL ART • CURIO G I S OR Tim Josi vs. Pacific City’s David Yamamoto, who has a string of volunteer service throughout the county to his credit. • 329 • 8345 503 • • The county will cer503 329 8345 tify their ballot count503 • 329 • 8345 CLOVERDALE, OREGON 97112 97112ing machine on May 9 34395 34395 Hwy Hwy 101101 S,S,CLOVERDALE, OREGON and May 15 will be the Courtesy photo Courtesy photo 34395 Hwy 101 S, CLOVERDALE, OREGON 97112 deadline to mail ballots. BALLOTS WERE MAILED off on May 2 for the race between longtime Tillamook County CommisElection day, May 20, 34395 Hwy 101 S, CLOVERDALE, ORE. sioner Tim Josi (at left) and his challenger, Pacific City resident David Yamamoto. Ballots must will be the last day to either be mailed back by May 15 or dropped off at one of several sites throughout the county by RECEPTION SUNDAY, JUNE 1 drop ballots off at sevMay 20. eral locations throughand says he’s worked in a collaboraergy Subcommittee, Tillamook County out the county. In tive manner to manage our forest to Economic Development Council Small Pacific City, voters will be able to drop create family-wage jobs, revenues for Business Advisory Committee, Tiltheir ballots at Kiawanda Community schools and government services and lamook County Transient Lodging Tax Center, 34600 Cape Kiwanda Drive. recreational opportunities. Josi was Committee, Tillamook County/Oregon recently elected by county commisState University “Envision” Coastal TIM JOSI 34950 Brooten Road, Suite C sioners from 15 western states as a Erosion Committee, Oregon ChapA Tillamook County commissioner P.O. Box 1085, Pacific City, OR 97135 member of the national Association of ter The Alzheimer’s Association “Star 503-801-5221 • Fax 503-965-4525 since 1998, Josi describes his job as his Counties Executive Committee and is Fundraiser,” and Tillamook County “true calling.” also a member of a national committee Emergency Warning Task Force. He Previous government experience working on forest issues. also worked in an outreach capacity Tim Hirsch Vicky Hirsch has included eight years on the Oregon Editor & Publisher Advertising Manager He counts himself of one of two with the Oregon Healthy Kids program State Legislature where he was termsought-after natural resource experts and was an advocate for the Tillamook limited out of office. He has also served Contributors: Scott Gilbert, in Oregon politics, and, at a recent PaCounty Short Term Rental regulations. two four-year terms with the Tillamook Pat Gefre, Dee Moore, cific City-Nestucca Valley Chamber of He told the Sun that at the heart of People’s Utility District and as commisSally Rissel Commerce candidate forum, said that his message is family-wage jobs. sioner for the Port of Garibaldi. he is in a position to make a difference “It’s my feeling we need to stop The Pacific City Sun is distributed free from TilMore recently, is in his ninth year lamook to Lincoln City, and mail subscriptions are for forestry practices that could make a the job losses in timber and dairy and as a member of Oregon’s Land Conavailable for $48 for one year, $24 for 6 months. difference to the county. fishing,” he said, “but, unfortunately, servation and Development CommisAlso at the heart of his campaign I don’t see them as (where our) true sion. He has also been the chair of the message is a pledge to raise awareness family wage growth will be in TillaCouncil of Forest Trust Land Counties of domestic violence and sex abuse. mook County.” for the last 13 years. Josi also serves as The Pacific City Sun welcomes reader input. Please send Letters to the Editor via e-mail: With that in mind, he says an a member of the Oregon Coastal Zone DAVID YAMAMOTO increased focus should be made to Management Association. He is also a The recipient of the Pacific Citydevelop new businesses and light member of the National Forest CounNestucca Valley Chamber of Comindustry to help create those family ties and Schools Coalition Executive merce’s 2012 Chamber Volunteer of the wage jobs. He said that because the Committee, and has served as chair of Year award, Yamamoto has racked up a county has a lack of available light the Bay City Planning Commission and resume of considerable volunteer and industrial space — with the exception chair of the Territorial Sea Plan Advicommunity experience since moving of the Port of Tillamook Bay, which sory Committee. here in 2008, including vice-chair of has recently spent millions on infraHis past community service the Tillamook County Futures Council, structure improvements. he says the includes stints as director of the past-chair of the Pacific City-Woods Tillamook County Economic DevelopTillamook Chamber of Commerce, Citizen Advisory Committee, member ment Council’s commendable efforts, directory of Garibaldi Museum, and of the Pacific City-Woods CAC Land together with Tillamook Bay Comvolunteering for Tillamook Fire DeUse Subcommittee, and a citizen at munity College’s development of more partment. Memberships have included large with both the NW Area Commisapprenticeship programs, could reap the Tillamook County Commission on sion on Transportation and the Territodividends. Children and Families, Kiwanis and rial Sea Plan Advisory Committee. He “(We) need to have a new vision Toastmasters. of where family-wage jobs are going to In his campaign, he has focused on also served as a member of the TSPAC Viewshed Subcommittee, TSPAC Encome from,” he said. his pivotal role in forest management
Gallery Studio Gallery •••Studio Gallery Studio
Pacific City
On Our Cover:
Business & Services Director y
Photo by Tim Hirsch
AN EXPECTED 3,000 cyclists will pedal their way to Pacific City on Saturday, May 17 when the 24th annual Reach the Beach bicycle ride returns. The event is the American Lung Association of Oregon’s largest fundraiser of the year.
Pacific City
Reaches Readers from Tillamook To Lincoln City!
Ads Programs Start at
12 an issue
HAYSTACK FISHING, INC. “Where Fish Tales Are Born” Toll Free: 866-965-7555 Local: 503-965-7555
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Page 4 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
6340 Pacific Ave. • Pacific City • 503-965-7888 • e-mail:
TALKBACK A Mutual Solution? To the Editor: (This is regarding your) April 18, 2014, edition of the Pacific City Sun, where you published (an) article entitled “A Better Buoy?” Thank you for writing this article and affording the opportunity to other citizens (permanent residents, part time residents, frequent visitors, casual visitors) to voice their point of view. The safety of the fishermen, be it commercial or recreational, is, as it should be, the primary focus and purpose of this equipment. This is a dangerous occupation/sport and most people are well aware of the hazards the ocean presents. If the bell buoy is not meeting this criteria, then it should be replaced. However, the replacement should not create a problem for some citizens while solving a different problem for another group of citizens. The ocean dangers are visible and obvious to people who have had even the remotest exposure to the ocean. However, the negative impact on quality of life is not so visible, but it can be equally as troublesome. This is not a good guy, bad guy thing. This is an important issue for all of the community that needs a mutually beneficial solution. With that in mind, the US Coast Guard should be asked to come up with a fix that will be mutually beneficial to all. The technology the US Naval Military has available as evidenced in assisting with the two recent maritime tragedies — Flight MH370 and the South Korean cruise ship — is awe inspiring and it seems that the USCG should at least have a speck of that technology to satisfy this problem. As the article states, changes to mariner aides can be requested by mariners, and rightly so; however, the manner of change should be decided by the responsible agency. According to the USCG website whistle buoys have recently been removed from the waters of two nearby coastal communities. When solving a problem the words “speculate” and “possible” are usually not conducive to a satisfactory solution. I suggest that the onus be put on the USCG, the responsible professional agency, to solve this problem rather than citizens trying to solve this problem for them. I encourage the citizens of this
community to use this opportunity to make their position on this matter heard. There is now an email address ( and a name provided in this article that people can use in doing that. There is also a tentative due date of which to be aware (May 10). Regardless of the outcome, I appreciate the opportunity to state my views. Richard Potempa Pacific City
Accolades for Josi To the Editor: What has Tim Josi done to deserve reelection? I first met Tim Josi about 15 years ago when I was president of the Pacific City Chamber of Commerce, and he was a new County Commissioner for Tillamook County. I have always had great reservations about anybody who is a “politician.” I was pleasantly surprised when I found Tim to be always available to address any issue, always approaching each issue by understanding the views of all parties involved and then working tirelessly to find solutions that are in the best interest of everyone. What has he done? Unlike Hillary, there is much that can be said about what he has accomplished: From saving Whalen Island being developed and endangering the start of the food chain that is the Whalen Island estuary (the third largest on the Oregon coast), to supporting renewable forest practices that protect both the logging industry and the preservation of the forests, to supporting education for our children, to providing health care services for those who cannot afford their own, the establishment of the Tillamook Reserve Fund, taking money from good years and saving it for lean years so that Tillamook County operations remain stable year in and year out, to working long hours to build Tillamook County into the best place it can possibly be to live. Space keeps me from listing all of his many fine qualities, but someday I think he should be our next Governor. Roger Tracey Beaver, Ore. The Pacific City Sun welcomes reader input. Please send Letters to the Editor via e-mail: Submissions may be edited for length and grammar.
Commissioner Tim Josi Did you know harvest levels here have dropped 93% on our federal forests since the early 1990’s due to most timber sales being litigated? We now have overstocked and diseased forests that result in massive fires. This doesn’t make sense!
Volunteer for a Very Fun Day! Saturday, May 17th Sign Up Today to Volunteer:
I’m in a position to make a difference. Last year County Commissioners from 15 western states elected me to represent them before congress. I want to put our forest back to work and create family wage jobs. PAID FOR BY THE COMMITTEE TO ELECT TIM JOSI, 6740 BASELINE ROAD, BAY CITY, OR 97107
Page 5 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
Officials respond to moratorium questions Construction, big renovations on hold in bid to satisfy FEMA By SCOTT GILBERT for the Sun
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uestions about a buildingpermit moratorium were asked and answered April 19, when about five dozen area residents met with a county and state official at Pacific Coast Bible Church. The occasion was a public meeting of the Pacific City-Woods Citizens Advisory Committee. The officials on hand were Bryan Pohl, director of the Tillamook County Community Development Department, which issues building permits; and Christine Shirley, National Flood Insurance Program coordinator for the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. Also present but subject to few questions was Dan Christenson, a senior hydraulics engineer with West Consultants, the company whose Portland office is performing studies of the Nestucca and Nehalem river floodways in a move needed to end the moratorium. The moratorium in the Pacific City and Nehalem areas, which began in early March and likely will be formalized by the Tillamook County commissioners on May 7, could still have about a year remaining. As of April 30, a snag in getting measurements of the Nestucca River’s underwater terrain was being addressed, but the moratorium’s overall timetable has not required adjustment. The county’s moratorium follows the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s finding that building permits were incorrectly issued in the two rivers’ floodways for decades, possibly altering peak water levels during floods. The river studies will determine those levels. FEMA operates the National Flood Insurance Program, which provides the flood insurance that is required by many mortgages. FEMA’s findings have already cost Tillamook County property owners a 20 percent discount on flood insurance. The moratorium is being imposed to prevent even more drastic consequences countywide while the new river studies go through a bureaucratic process and new flood maps are created and accepted. The 90-minute meeting on April 19 bounced from topic to topic. For clarity, it is presented here in a question-andanswer format, with questions in bold. Is my property affected by the moratorium?
Photo by Scott Gilbert
BRYAN POHL, director of the Tillamook County Community Development Department, addresses Pacific City residents at an April 19 meeting at Pacific Coast Bible Church as he shows a map of areas affected by a building-permit moratorium. If you received a notification letter sent by the county’s Community Development Department on April 7, at least part of your property is in the floodway or floodplain and is subject to the moratorium. “In this area I think we had about 580 pieces of mail that went out,” Pohl said. What activities are barred by the moratorium? New buildings, alterations costing more than 50 percent of a building’s market value, and alterations that would increase a structure’s square footage will not be permitted. Under FEMA standards, fences, grading and accessory structures also are to be included in the moratorium. What activities will be permitted during the moratorium? “Non-substantial” alterations are allowed, meaning projects that cost less than 50 percent of a building’s market value and that do not add square footage. Routine maintenance is also allowed: “If you want to re-roof your house, or if you want to change siding, things like that, we can still permit all that stuff,” Pohl said. What does the moratorium area include?
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In Pacific City, the moratorium affects the floodway and adjacent floodplain along a three-mile length of the Nestucca River, extending upstream from its confluence with Nestucca Bay. The affected area varies in width, depending on land elevation, and includes much low-lying ground in Pacific City. “Some of the things that have kind of floated around: Anyone within three miles of the river is subject to this. That’s not true,” Pohl said, specifying that the moratorium only affects the floodway and floodplain. What is the difference between a floodway and a floodplain? “Basically, the floodway is the area that would normally flood. Almost every year you will see a flood in this area,” Pohl said. A floodplain spreads outward from the edges of a floodway. A floodplain is the area that has a 1 percent chance of flooding in any given year. In the event of a flood, a floodplain typically will not see the velocity of flowing water seen in the floodway. Development in a floodway requires a “no-rise” certification, showing that the development will not displace or restrict water in a way that would
Sunday in Florence
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Page 6 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
NEWS&COMMUNITY worsen flooding in the surrounding floodplain. That “no-rise” certification is the crucial step that was skipped during permitting over previous decades, FEMA contends. What is a 100-year flood? A “100-year-flood” is a misleading term, Pohl said. The concept refers to a flood level that has a 1 percent chance of occurring in any given year, and there is no timetable. “Please forget the 100-year floodplain. You could have five 100-year floods in a row,” he said. “You could have 10 of them within the same year. It is the 1 percent chance of flooding area.” What are the issues with base flood elevation (BFE)? Base flood elevation, or BFE, is the level that floodwaters have a 1 percent chance of reaching in any given year. The area covered by water at the BFE level is the area that defines a floodplain. There is no way to know Pacific City’s actual BFE without a study, FEMA contends, because of the decades of floodway development that failed to provide the “no-rise” analyses. The level that has long been considered the BFE was set in 1978. Tillamook County has required a three-foot “freeboard” for years when issuing building permits — meaning that a structure’s first floor must be three feet above the level considered the BFE. That “freeboard” could be a “saving grace” for structures that followed the rule, Pohl said, because even if the river studies show that the BFE has risen, it’s unlikely to have risen three feet. Could the yearlong moratorium be shortened? If the new river studies result in more restrictive data than was used in the past and FEMA accepts the data, it might be possible to issue permits earlier than anticipated, Pohl said. However, Shirley noted: “There’s always a possibility that things will take longer.” Will there be enforcement actions? FEMA “may force our hand” to demand changes at more than 100 properties with issues such as unauthorized improvements or a lack of proper flood venting, Pohl said. “Maybe you built your house on stilts and everything was OK and compliant, but then you came through and you did a room addition down under the stilts,” he said. “They documented a lot of cases like that.” Structures in existence before the first flood maps in 1978 are “grandfathered into compliance,” Shirley said. But Pohl noted that subsequent noncompliant alterations to those structures would not be grandfathered. Structures that were compliant with county standards at the time they were built will not have to be updated, Pohl said. “What I would tell you, and I don’t know that this will happen, but if there is some dramatic increase in base flood elevation, there could be properties that were compliant at the time they were built that are not compliant now, and that may have insurance ramifications,” he said. What if you have a permit but haven’t started work? “We need to talk,” Pohl told a woman who asked that question. What if you have paid for a permit and want an extension or refund? “If you need an extension, or if you want to just ask for a refund … give me a call,” Pohl said. “We’ll meet, we’ll talk, I will try my best to help you in that
situation.” What if you have already started construction on an unfinished project? A project that met county rules at the time of permit issuance could be OK due to the “freeboard” requirement, Pohl said, while acknowledging that there are unknowns. “I would probably encourage a person to talk to us and follow this very closely,” he said. Will property taxes be adjusted? “We’re monitoring the situation, and we’ll make any adjustments if appropriate,” said Denise Vandecoevering, Tillamook County assessor and tax collector, in a phone interview after the meeting. Vandecoevering noted that values for taxes were set on Jan. 1, two months before the moratorium became an issue. Statements based on those Jan. 1 values will be issued in October for payment in November, and any property owner can contact her office after statements are issued to present evidence contesting the value. If no agreement is reached, an appeal can be filed before the end of the year to schedule a Board of Property Tax Appeals hearing. Will the lost 20 percent discount on flood insurance be reinstated or refunded? If the county can return to the FEMA “gold standard” called the Community Rating System — a status that was lost in connection with FEMA’s recent findings — the discount would be available going forward, but there will be no refunds for the time that the county falls short of that standard. Is the financial hit on flood-insurance premiums limited to the lost 20 percent discount? There is additional bad news for the owners of commercial buildings and “non-primary residences,” meaning rentals and homes where the owners live less than half the year. Unconnected with the current FEMA action, changes in the law mandate that insurance rates on those structures will increase 25 percent per year as they march toward full actuarial rates, which are tied to a property’s certified elevation. Those increases are in addition to the loss of the 20 percent discount, which occurred in December 2013. Once FEMA accepts the new flood maps, can they be challenged? “FEMA has some very specific guidelines for how you challenge the new flood maps,” Shirley said. A property owner would hire a surveyor and submit information to FEMA, and if the agency agrees with changes, it would grant what is called a letter of map amendment, she said. Would dredging the Nestucca River solve the problem? Dredging the river is so unlikely that it’s not a factor. “I think that there are some pretty serious environmental hurdles to dredging the river … the chances of it actually being done are slim to none,” Pohl said. Shirley added: “The volume of water through here would mean that you’d have to do some really serious dredging to make an appreciable difference.” For more information on the county-wide moratorium, call Bryan Pohl at 503-842-3408, extension 3123, or Christine Shirley at 503-373-0050, extension 250. Maps of the affected portions of the Nestucca River floodway and floodplain are available at www.pacificcitycpac. org. Navigate to the bottom of the page and click on the links to relevant PDF documents.
Elect David Yamamoto Tillamook County Commissioner
Looking Out for Your Interests When Elected, I will... Promote Fiscal Responsibility: First and foremost, these are our tax dollars and they must be managed responsibly. Advance Family Wage Jobs: Tillamook County residents are our greatest asset and we must save our traditional industries of timber, dairy and fishing while promoting new small business and light industry. Focus on Tillamook County: A strong focus on Tillamook County is needed to resolve the many long-standing problems which confront us that haven’t gone away. Honor Our Seniors: We must use all available resources to allow our seniors to retain their dignity and stay safely in their own homes. CITIZEN ~ Not Politician: I will actively listen to all viewpoints and make decisions that are in the best interest of Tillamook County taxpayers. I will work hard to provide a predictable, reliable, business-friendly county government. Honesty and integrity are essential for success. I will provide this style of leadership. Please visit my updated website for more detailed information or call me at (503) 701-1235 and let’s talk. I look forward to working with you as your next Tillamook County Commissioner! Paid for by the Committee to Elect David Yamamoto
Page 7 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
on the
Great Times! By VERNE MOBLEY Lions Club President
Well, Howdy South Tillamook County, and all you folks from far away who read this great newspaper! We Lions have just been having our normal great times. We know we have great people in our club but need to mention one in particular. My wife Pat and I attended a Lions zone meeting in Rockaway Beach on Saturday, April 2. All Lions Clubs from here to Astoria attended and Lion Lea Traxler rode with us. Wow! What a welcome she gets at these things. Hugs all around!! She is much respected and loved here and around the state. Lion Teresa Smith has been at it again. She sent a news article to the Lions International magazine about our very successful Easter egg hunt. And you know what? They published it!! Lions around the world know now of Nestucca Valley Lions Club!! Way to go, Lion Teresa!! Lion Jim Dieringer is “chompin’ at the bit” for our first Elephant Ear event of the year at the Tillamook Rodeo in June. Lion Jim has guided us in this venture for many years and it has been our biggest money raiser. Another of our dedicated Lions is Ruby FryMatson, who is our Lion Tamer for two years. She prepares the hall, makes coffee and makes sure we are ready to meet. She has served in many offices in the club including President two years ago. Thanks, Ruby! Please talk to any Lion about joining the club or call me at 503-392-4436. You’ll like it. Yep!! Paid Advertisement
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Landing an Area for the Community BLM seeks public comment on environmental assessment for proposed Recreation &Public Purposes lease with PCJWSA The Bureau of Land Management is seeking public comments on an Environmental Assessment and unsigned “Finding of No Significant Impact” for a proposal to issue Pacific City Joint Water-Sanitary Authority a Recreation and Public Purposes Lease, a Communication Site Lease, and amend a Right of Way Grant. Comments for the EA, which is available for review at either BLM’s Tillamook Field office or online at salem/plans, are due by May 30 and can be mailed to Karen Schank, BLM Tillamook Field Office, 4610 Third Street, Tillamook, Oregon 97141. Feedback will also be accepted via email,, or by fax, 503-815-1107. Located on BLM-administered lands located east of Cape Kiwanda in Pacific City, the 77.75-acre project area has long been targeted by PCJWSA as they have sought to preserve the area for community use and at the same time, reserve a portion for future infrastructure needs. The new leases and grant amendment would allow the construction of hiking trails, an emergency evacuation area with shelter and access road for PCJWSA’s continued operations, a communication tower for remote operations of treatment facilities, and fencing around existing wellheads. “We’re glad it’s to the point of public comment,” said PCJWSA manager Tony Owen. “We’d like to have as many positive comments as pos-
sible.” Owen added that he encourages the public to read the EA and noted that without an R&PP lease such as this, it was highly likely that the property could be sold to a developer, a use that he believes isn’t in the public’s best interest. He added it’s a belief that BLM shares and praised their spirit of cooperation. “BLM has been very supportive,” said Owen. “They feel they don’t want to see it developed. They feel it’s best use is as a community asset.” Key points supporting its unsigned finding of “no significant impact” include an assertion that the projects design features will “reduce the risk of effects to affected resources.” Additionally, the BLM report states that the project will have minimal effect to both wildlife and habitat, noting that a planned trail will be designed and located as to “reduce potential impacts to botanical species.” In the case of a low wildlife impact, the EA says the “parcel will generally retain its natural character and habitat condition” and that “design features have been incorporated to minimize impacts.” Following the public comment period, BLM will have 15 to 30 days to respond. Owen said, that if all goes well, he hopes to have a lease signed by late this summer. For more information, call Traci Meredith at 503-315-5991.
Remember the Heroes
Donations are being sought for Cloverdale’s Col. Reusser memorial
unds are being sought for the Col. Kenneth Reusser Memorial, a landmark that seeks to honor those that have attended Nestucca High School and later died in the line of duty in the U.S. military. The public has two ways they can help. They can send donations to: Tillamook County Pioneer Association, 2106 Second St., Tillamook, OR 97141, with a memo labeled “Nestucca Heroes” or they can purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win a machine embroidered towel set with a a patriotic bag. Tickets are $1 each of six for $5. and can be purchased at the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum or by calling organizer Kay Saddler. Funds received will be used to add an engraved granite slab to the memorial, which is located on the premises of the Shell Game in downtown Cloverdale. The engraved addition will list those killed in action or who died in the line of duty. Organizers hope to create a place in the community that will “express honor, respect, and even sorrow.” Saddler says it’s also a chance to show community pride. “We (want the community and visitors to know
that) we have not forgotten these brave soldiers who gave their lives defending our freedoms and protecting others,” she said. Though the project was originally an adopted project of the Nestucca Valley Ladies Auxiliary, VFW Post 9611, the effort is now a community-based effort as the Auxiliary’s charter was cancelled because it was associated with a disbanded VFW Post. On the list to be honored on the plaque are former Nestucca students Alfred Kreutz (class of 1935), John Collier (class of 1939), Charles Galloway (classof 1940), Clarice Bettis (class of 1952), Mike Earl (class of 1963), Michael Couch (class of 1968), Dale Sorensen (class of 1968) and Alan Carbaugh (class of 1977). The effort will culminate with a community dedication on Saturday, May 24. The agenda for the 1 p.m. event will include a presentation of colors, blessing, pledge, music, introduction of guests, a laying of wreath and flowers, a moment of silence and a 21-gun salute, as well as a remembrance of Col. Reusser. For more details on the dedication, be sure to pick up the May 16 issue of the Sun or call Kay Saddler at 503-3985000.
AREACHURCHES BEAVER COMMUNITY CHURCH, 24675 Hwy. 101 S., Beaver. 503-398-5508. E-mail: pastorjoshgard@hotmail. com. A non-denominational Bible-believing church that loves families. Weekly Sunday School all ages, 9:45; Morning Worship, 11 a.m.; High School Youth Group, 6 p.m.
392-3585. Sunday school 9:15 a.m., Sunday worship 10:30 a.m., Wednesday night 6:30 p.m.
BLAINE COMMUNITY CHURCH, located six miles up the Nestucca River from Beaver, (503) 965-6368. Sunday School at 10 a.m., Worship Service at 11 a.m. Weekly Bible studies at various locations.
NESTUCCA SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, 38000 Hwy 101, Cloverdale, (3 miles north of Pacific City) 503-3924111. Pastor Greg Brothers. Services Saturday 9:30 a.m.-noon. Fellowship Dinner every week following services. All visitors welcome.
CLOVERDALE BAPTIST CHURCH, 34464 Bridge Street, Cloverdale. 503-392-3104. Sunday School at 10 a.m., Sunday Worship at 11 a.m. & 6 p.m., Wednesday prayer at 7 p.m. COUNTRYSIDE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, 19005 Hwy. 101 S., Cloverdale. 503-398-5454. Sunday school 9:45, Sunday worship at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. HEALING WATERS BIBLE CHURCH 41505 Oretown Road East, Cloverdale, 503-392-3001. Come worship in the Pentecostal tradition. Adult and children Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. Sunday church service at 10:30 a.m. HEBO CHRISTIAN CENTER, 31350 Hwy. 101 S, Hebo. 503-
Page 8 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
NESTUCCA VALLEY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 35305 Brooten Road, Pacific City OR (503) 965-6229. 9 a.m. Sunday School; 10 a.m. Worship; Friday 10 a.m. Bible Study.
PACIFIC COAST BIBLE CHURCH, 35220 Brooten Road, Pacific City. 503-965-7222/503-812-1106. E-mail: pcbcpastordan@ A Bible-believing/Christ-centered Church. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m., Sunday school 11 a.m., Youth group 4 p.m. on alternating Sundays. Also Weekly Bible Studies. ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC CHURCH, 34560 Parkway Drive, Cloverdale. 503-392-3685. Weekend mass: Saturday at 5:30 p.m., Sunday at 9:30 a.m. WINEMA CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 5195 WiNeMa Road, Cloverdale, OR. E-mail: Proclaiming the Word of God in the historic Chapel on WiNeMa Camp Campus. Sunday Worship at 10:45 a.m. with Bible School at 9:30 a.m.
Tim is working for us
County Commissioner Tim Josi Keeping our State Forests working for us in an environmentally and sustainable manner is now in jeopardy. Recently the State settled a lawsuit over the Marbled Murlette that shut down 90% of the Elliott State Forest in Coos County. State and private forests in our area are now in peril of also being shut down. Now the State is being threatened with additional litigation for not doing enough to protect Coho Salmon as they spawn and rear in our state forests. How can this be True? We have spent millions of dollars improving habitat on our state forests and the results are remarkable. We are seeing the largest returns since recordkeeping began in 1950. State forests were deeded to the state over seventy years ago by fifteen counties including Tillamook. The state agreed to manage these lands for a variety of purposes but primarily for timber production to benefit the fifteen Trust Counties. The counties were granted a share of timber sale receipts to fund county services, schools and districts such as recreation and transportation. Keeping our State Forests working for us is worth fighting for and I am in a position to make a difference. For the past thirteen years, I have been the chair of the Council of Forest Trust Lands Counties. Twice now we have successfully sued the state in an effort to protect our rights. We’re prepared to do so again if needed.
–Tim Josi
You can learn more about me by visiting my Web site at
Tim Josi — a solid record of accomplishments!
Page 9 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
A bright and welcoming café with a view
Coming Events
Artist Reception, Sat., May 3 4-6 p.m.
Eric Sappington
Haystack Rock. Open 6am-6pm. Free Wi-Fi.
Man feared lost to sneaker wave
Calvin Hamreus
of the ocean and
Live Music, Fri., May 9, 6-8 p.m.
Sonya Kazen & Fred Bassett Live Music, Fri., May 16, 6-8 p.m.
Smoothies, teas, and locally made pastries by Pelican Pub & Brewery, plus hot sandwiches , other lunchtime treats and beer and wine. NEXT TO THE INN AT CAPE KIWANDA
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The Law Office of Andrew E. Teitelman, P.C. Andrew looks forward to providing quality and affordable legal services to a community he and his family have enjoyed for many years. With the ability to see clients in the heart of Pacific City, Andrew can assist you, your family and your businesses. Business Law • Civil Litigation • Criminal Defense Employment Law • Family Law • Personal Injury • Real Estate/Property disputes • Wrongful Death • Wills/Trusts
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A day of play for five visitors to Pacific City turned tragic when, according to Nestucca Rural Fire Protection District training officer Jim Oeder, a sneaker wave reportedly caused James Michael Alejandro, 25, of Portland, to fall off a rope and into the ocean. The incident occurred on the northwest side of Cape Kiwanda on April 24. The call for help came out at approximately 3 p.m. According to the Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office, which together with the U.S. Coast Guard were also on scene, Alejandro had been climbing on the north side of Cape Kiwanda with several other visitors. The Sheriff’s Office reported that during the climbing activity, Alejandro had connected a single rope line between two large rock sections and was attempting to walk the rope line above the water when he was struck by a large wave that swept him into the ocean. Alejandro was observed briefly in the water after falling but witnesses quickly lost sight of him. According to witnesses, Alejandro was not using additional safety lines or equipment during his attempt to traverse the single rope line above the water. The U.S. Coast Guard, because they had a helicopter in the area, were already surveying the scene when Nestucca fire rescue personnel arrived and assisted in the rescue effort. A vessel from US Coast Guard Station Tillamook Bay also was dispatched to the area to aid in the search as well as helicopters from Coast Guard Air Station Astoria
and North Bend. US Coast Guard and rescue personnel searched the area from the water and by air for several hours but failed to locate Alejandro. Both Nestucca Fire and the Coast Guard suspended their search at approximately 9 p.m. due to darkness. According to Oeder, the Coast Guard has suspended their search unless they receive further information, but Nestucca Fire and the Tillamook Co. Sheriff’s Office will continue to search along the beach line daily — most likely for a week from the incident. He said that together with family and friends, Alenjandro had climbed the Cape, traveled to the point and traversed down a path that leads to a small cove. It was there where they set up their climbing activity. “Areas such as Cape Kiwanda are a popular destination for visitors to our county, however, extreme caution should be exercised when climbing, hiking or playing near the ocean,” said Tillamook County Sheriff Andy Long. “Ocean currents along the Oregon Coast are strong and large waves are common and can take people by surprise. We encourage everyone to be cautious of the potential dangers while at the beach.” Oeder, too, stressed safety in the area. “We like having people come see the beach and everything we have here, but everybody needs to be safe in the areas they go into,” he said. Oeder said the incident marks the second person lost in that area of Cape Kiwanda in the last five years.
Library expands Seed Lending program Last year Tillamook County Library, in partnership with the OSU Extension office, Food Roots, and the Oregon Food Bank, started a Seed Lending Library at its main branch in Tillamook – a place where aspiring gardeners could “check out” packets of seeds and plant them at home with the idea of “returning” seeds from the vegetables or flowers grown to the library when they harvested them in the fall or winter. This year Tillamook County Libraries are expanding their reach and offering a Seed Lending Library at each of their
branch libraries. The Tillamook County Library website, also offers PDF files of many resources to help community members learn about seed saving and storage, including a handy Seed Library brochure. At press time, the Seed Libraries were running low at all branches and patrons are encouraged to visit the Food Roots office, 1906 Third St. Suite B in Tillamook, for more seeds. Call the library at 503-842-4792 for more information.
Bring MOM in for our Mother’s Day Brunch!
Resort hours, limitations, and regulations apply
“Dory Fresh” Seafood Market Groceries and Gift shop • Homemade Fudge Ice Cream • Custom-Smoked Fish • ATM
33305 Cape Kiwanda Drive • Pacific City, OR 97135 •
Page 10 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
Sunday, May 11th from 10am-2pm, $15 Adults, $10 Children
• Mixed Green Salad • Fresh Fruit • Assorted Quiche • Corn Flake Crusted French Toast • Maple Glazed Bacon • House Made Doryman’s Ale Breakfast Sausage • Oven Roasted Potatoes • Grilled Seasonal Vegetables • Scrambled Eggs with Tillamook White Cheddar Cheese • Assorted Potatoes • Chocolate Torte On the beach at Cape Kiwanda • Pound Cake with Strawberries 33180 Cape Kiwanda Drive and Whipped Cream Pacific City, Oregon 503.965.7007 Price does not include beverage or gratuity
A Garden of Plenty Tickets available for Samaritan House Secret Garden Tour, which comes to Neskowin on June 22
ickets are now on sale for the 11th annual Samaritan House Secret Garden Tour, which will feature eight gardens in the village of Neskowin, two near Neskowin Valley School and one garden in Otis, Ore. Held on Sunday, June 22, noon to 5 p.m., the Garden Tour features live music and a raffle, along with cheese, wine and desserts. Gardens range from large areas with trees, benches, and many plants, flowers, and vegetables, to small intimate garden spaces. Visitors can park at Neskowin Beach State WELL-CARED FOR GARDENS will be on display Jane 22 during Wayside and walk over the bridge to visit Neskowin vil- the 11th annual Samaritan House Secret Garden Tour. Eight garlage’s eight nearby gardens, dens in Neskowin, two near Neskowin Valley School, and one in Otis are part of the tour. For tickets and information, visit www. which organizers say will or call 541-574-8898. be well-signed. Parking for the gardens located in the Newport. vicinity of NVS will be at the school. A shuttle Proceeds raised at the fundraiser will service will be available. benefit the Samaritan House shelter program, Tickets are $20 and may be purchased at which currently serves homeless families with several locations throughout the area, inchildren under the age of 18. For 25 years, Sacluding Neskowin Trading Company (48880 maritan House has offered homeless families Highway 101 South, Neskowin), JC Market in a place from which to make a new beginning. Newport, Bear Valley Nursery in Lincoln City, Details on both the garden tour and dinand the Samaritan House office at 715 SW Bay ner gala are available at www.samfamshelter. St. in Newport. org or by calling 541-574-8898. Watch for a The weekend will also include a Gala Din- full feature on the event in the June 13 issue of ner on June 21 at Agate Beach Best Western in the Sun.
Page 11 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
Your Opinion Matters Tourism survey open until May 9
Destination Marketing, a company that specializes in branding efforts for areas far and wide and has been retained by the Tillamook County Economic Development Council to lead a marketing effort being funded by the county-wide transient lodging tax passed last May, is asking community leaders and residents to participate in an online survey that aims to collect a wide-range of input on a variety of tourism-related issues. Accessed at, the survey will be open until May 9, at 9 p.m.
and contains many openended questions in Destination Marketing’s attempt to obtain input from stakeholders throughout Tillamook County, something they say is “essential to the process.” Destination Marketing representatives visited Pacific City on April 27 conducting interviews and a workshop. They followed suit with interviews and a workshop in both North and Central County. Participants in Destination Marketing led workshops, as well as all residents, are welcome to take part in the survey, which promises confidentiality to those participating.
PCJWSA completes sewer repair Pacific City Joint WaterSanitary Authority completed the repair of a failed sewer force main, located on Woods Bridge, on April 25. The six-week project included replacing about 300 feet of line that started at PCJWSA’s Woods sewer lift station and stretched nearly the full length of Woods Bridge. Several valves were also replaced. Authority manager Tony
Owen said that prior to the repair, the entire affected section was packed with sand. During construction, PCJWSA maintained service by bringing in tanker trucks in both the morning and evening to haul sewage to the treatment plant. Owen said the total bill was approximately $42,000. For more information on Pacific City Joint WaterSanitary Authority, visit www.
Counseling at the Cape Tillamook-based mental health agency aims to ease access for South Co. By SCOTT GILBERT for the Sun
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TFCC has many clients covered by the Oregon Health Plan, and accepts most medical insurance plans. acific City is getting a new “There should be no reason behavioral-health counthat folks should not be able to seling facility this month, get the service that they need,” as Tillamook Family Counseling added Hanna-Williams. Center prepares to open an ofNoting counseling can range fice in the building attached to from short- to long-term, he the north side of the Oar House says that some clients only need Bar & Grill. some direction to help them TFCC executive director figure things out on their own Frank Hanna-Williams says he fairly quickly. On the other hand, anticipates opening “sometime it’s not always that easy. during the month of May.” The “There can be things that are Oar House Bar & Grill can be a little bit more complicated and found at 34455 Brooten Road, Photo by Scott Gilbert problematic. In those situations about one-half mile north of FRANK HANNA-WILLIAMS, the ex... it may take some time. I think the four-way stop in downtown ecutive director of Tillamook Family Pacific City. Counseling Center, says an office open- it depends on the issue, depends on the concern, depends on how “Initially, it will probably be ing in Pacific City is intended to make a day a week, but I anticipate behavioral-health services more easily long it’s been a problem,” he said. that expanding,” he said. available for South County residents. “Change can be a little scary. Plans were still being firmed If some scary things happened to you that stirred up up when Hanna-Williams spoke with the Sun. At least feelings that can be kind of frightening, that can be initially, appointments for the Pacific City office will kind of scary. … Sometimes the impulse is to leave be made through TFCC’s office in Tillamook, which them alone, sometimes the mind does that for you, can be reached at 503-842-8201 or 800-962-2851. sort of keeps things kind of locked away. And someHanna-Williams says the list of services that the times the things that keep people stuck are some private, nonprofit agency will offer at the new site things that they sometimes need to talk about. And will include outpatient counseling, screening and it can be scary to bring up uncomfortable feelings. It assessment, individual counseling, and family intercan be scary to deal with feelings that were hurtful.” vention. TFCC works with other agencies, such as in a He added that the list of services also includes current project that aims to secure permanent housmental-health and addiction services — as needed. According to Hanna-Williams, the agency’s intent ing for people who have had a major psychiatric hospitalization. Hanna-Williams said people struggling is to make services more available to South County with mental illness — like people suffering from any residents. illness — fare best with stable housing. “We already serve a number of people who are “If you had a major illness, stroke, heart attack, from Cloverdale, Beaver, Hebo, Pacific City, and I you had a major illness, your level of recovery if you think the issue here is to try to make it more acceswere living on the street is not going to be great,” he sible for some people,” he said. said. “You’re going to relapse. Something else is going There is a range of issues that brings clients to to happen. And I think that’s the same with a mental TFCC, said Hanna-Williams, who has headed the illness as well.” 31-year-old agency since 2000. Hanna-Williams also contends that when people “People may be experiencing some problems with depression and anxiety. That might express itself are concerned about a loved one, attempts to get that person into counseling can go well or can go poorly. in difficulty they might be having in their relation“I think the ones that work well, if there’s any ships, difficulty they may be having in their workcommon thread, would be that there’s a relationship place,” he said. between the person who is being referred and their Children struggling in school are among TFCC family,” he said. “They have a relationship, and there clients, Hanna-Williams said, as are people who haven’t been a lot of bridges burned. The ones that come because of difficulty sleeping, concerns about tend to not go well, there’s a lot of history and a lot of drug or alcohol use, or trouble coping with trauma. bridges burned.” “Sometimes people have difficulty from past Even when bridges have been burned, he said, an events,” he said. “They may have had some trauma in emotional connection can remain between a family their life, and it may be impacting how they’re funcand a loved one. tioning in the present.” “They’re still concerned about them,” he said. The counseling center has a sliding fee scale for “They want them to get help.” those who find counseling hard to afford. For more information about Tillamook Family “We try to work with people (and) what it is they Counseling Center, visit can afford to pay,” Hanna-Williams said.
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Page 12 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
OPEN Mon-Thur 8-5
Delicate Palate Bistro
A High Flying Memoir
at the Pacific City Inn
Hebo resident’s new book highlights his career as pilot
etired airline pilot and Hebo resident Eric Rush has published a memoir of his flying career, “Looking Out the Window, Talking to the Person Next to Me: My Life in Airplanes.” Rushed learned to fly in the 1970s. After nine years as a flight instructor and commuter airline Pilot in Port Angeles, Wash., he flew for DHL Worldwide Express based in Cincinnati until he retired in 2008. “I began keeping a diary of my flying life thinking that perhaps my grandchildren might someday wonder what grandpa’s job was like back in the days before computers and automated flight systems intruded between pilots and airplanes,” Rush says. His book spans three “LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW, TALKING TO decades and three marriages THE PERSON NEXT TO ME: MY LIFE IN AIRfrom first lesson to final flight. PLANES” is retired airline pilot Eric Rush’s When he learned to fly, memoir of his flying career. The Hebo resident Rush was too old to be hired started flying airplanes in the 1970s and this as an airline pilot. memoir chronicles his life in the airline industry. “I got in on the waning e-readers and in print at www.ericrush. days of a glorious profession,” he writes. com and in bookstores. “It is ironic that, while airline deregulaThe author wrote a weekly column tion in 1979 opened doors for people for Peninsula Daily News in Port Angelike me, it also enabled a race to the les, Wash., from 1987 to 2001. A selecbottom in pay, working conditions, and tion of those columns, “Light & Dark,” career stability.” was published in 1999. Rush’s memoir is available on many
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CCB #89666
EVENTS&ACTIVITIES CAPE KIWANDA will be the finish-line destination for the expected 3,000 bike riders participating in the 24th annual Reach the Beach fundraiser for the American Lung Association of Oregon, Saturday, May 17. Riders will choose from four possible routes — distances range from a 28-mile trip from Grand Ronde to a 104-mile tour from Portland. Registration is $40, plus $100 in donations. Visit
Pedaling with Passion Known as Oregon’s start to the cycling season, Reach the Beach to return to Pacific City on May 17 Photos by Tim Hirsch
By TIM HIRSCH of the Sun
hree thousand bicyclists will make their way from one of four starting points between Grande Ronde and Portland during the 24th annual Reach the Beach bicycle ride, which finishes at Cape Kiwanda on May 17. The event is the largest fundraiser of the year for American Lung Association of Oregon and its seven-state region, according to Brian Mayo, director of development for the ALAO. It also ranks as one of the ALA’s top fundraising events nationally. Registration is $40, plus an additional $100, which can either be a rider donation or come from fundraising efforts. Visit to register. All told — entry fees, fundraising, and merchandising included — Mayo hopes to raise $600,000 for this year’s ride. ALAO will use the proceeds to help fund lung disease research, advocacy work and health education. “It’s a great tradition that people take part in year after year,” Mayo said about the ride, which is known as the start of the cycling season in Oregon. At ride’s end, cyclists will be treated to a finish line party with a dinner provided by Pelican Pub & Brewery included in registration. Friends and family — or even just those coming down to cheer the riders on — can also join in the pub’s meal for $15.
The event will honor the top fundride from Newberg. Beginning in the raising cyclist with the Brian Reynolds wine region, the ride also passes orAward. Reynolds rode the event from chards, rolling farmland, and forest and 2001-2007 before losing his 15-year fight with chondrosacroma, a rare lung cancer for which there is no treatment. Because the cancer had metastasized, he had a lung removed following his first Reach the Beach and rode future ones with only one lung — in 2007 with the aid of oxygen. The winner of the Brian Reynolds Top Fundraiser Award will receive a pass to Cycle Oregon with tent and porter support, a plaque, and bib number 1 for next year’s event, together with free entry. The most popular of the four ride lengths is the 104-mile trek from Beaverton, Ore. About half of the riders choose to complete this distance. Mayo credits the Portland-area to PaDRIVERS will be temporarily re-routed during cific City’s popularity to cyclists Reach the Beach, held Saturday, May 17. There desire to complete a “century,” will be no outgoing traffic north of the Pacific which is comparable to running City boat ramp on Brooten Road. Drivers will a marathon. At the outset, the be able to leave town via Resort Drive. 100-plus mile route crosses 50 miles of scenic farmland and some short hills but also a very chalstreams before finishing in Pacific City. lenging hill early. The second 50 miles Attracting the second most riders meanders besides streams, vineyards, — usually between 500 to 700 according hills and curves. to Mayo — the 55-mile Amity route is The next longest ride is an 80-mile billed as a great first ride of the season.
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Page 14 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
And for beginning riders, the 28-mile trek starting at Grand Ronde fits the bill. Though the majority of ride participants are Oregonians, it also attracts a number of cyclists from the Seattle area and across the nation. Last year the field included riders from Maine and Hawaii. While relatively few from the Oregon Coast participate, some do take up the challenge. Count Dan Mason, pastor of Pacific Coast Bible Church, and Lincoln City resident Mitch Tingley, an elder at the Pacific City church, in that group. Mason said he relishes the challenge, but also the good that ALO does. “The biggest reason (I’m riding) is the personal challenge,” Mason says, “but it’s also going to be a social event,” noting that friends and family from Washington and Idaho were going to be joining him on the 80-mile ride from Newberg to Cape Kiwanda. “I really like the idea that this is one of the bigger community events in Pacific City,” he said. “When you think about it, you’re supporting lung cancer, getting good exercise, and you’ve got a great day of fellowship.” Further, for Mason, it won’t be just about riding with his small group of friends and family — not when there’s another 3,000 riders he’s sharing the road with. “I really do want to honor the Lord in this ride (through) the fellowship and encouragement of not only the guys we’re riding with, but the fellowship and encouragement of the people we may meet.”
REDUCE YOUR WASTE LINE! Recycling in South Tillamook County is convenient and simple! Here’s how: Separate your clean recycling at home into these categories: Corrugated Cardboard, Mixed Paper (bond paper, stationary, envelopes, craft & colored construction paper and shredded paper can be combined). Tinned Cans (rinsed & flattened) Scrap Metal, Plastics (rinsed) with screw tops only (no yogurt, margarine type containers, no plastic packaging) Glass: color separated, green, clear, brown
Pacific City Recycling Center and Transfer Station 38255 Brooten Road, Cloverdale, OR 97112 Hours: Fridays & Saturdays 9:00am to 4:00pm Guests visiting our area are VERY WELCOME to bring their recycling and household garbage! Appliances (no refrigerators or freezers) and E-Waste accepted for a small processing fee. Household garbage is accepted for a minimum fee. This location does not have a scale for weight calculation charges are based upon volume. For more information call (503)965-6898 Fridays & Saturdays Monday-Thursday call our office (503)392-3438 or visit our website 2010 Oregon’s Business Citizenship Award by SOLV
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Stay off the road and convert your “fuel” savings to “free time” in your personal tank! Sign up with NVSS for garbage service and take some credit for reducing your carbon footprint! Take advantage of our reliable, clean and convenient service as we pass by your home and/or business.
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Playtime in Pacific City May 2-19 and the North Oregon Coast
‘SINGING IN THE RAIN’ May 2 & 3, 7:30 p.m. Nestucca Valley Jr./Sr. High School, 34660 Parkway Dr., Cloverdale. Play tickets $6 senior citizens and students; $8 adults; reserved seats $10. Call 503-392-3194 ext. 230 for reserved seat tickets. AUTHOR READING: KAREN KARBO May 2, 7 p.m. Hoffman Center, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzanita. Karen Karbo will read from her book “Julia Child Rules.” $5 admission. Visit
6TH ANNUAL FISH TACO COOK-OFF May 3, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Lincoln City Culinary Center, 801 SW Hwy. 101. Pelican Pub & Brewery will be amongst the competitors vying for Best Fish Taco on the Oregon Coast. Free admission; fish tacos for $1.50 each. Call 541-996-1274.
NESKOWIN CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT: ARIEL STRING QUARTET May 4, 3 p.m. Camp Winema, three miles north of Neskowin off of Hwy. 101. $25 at the door. Call 503-965-6499 to get on the waiting list for tickets.
CAPTAIN GRAY’S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION May 10, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Garibaldi Museum, 112 Garibaldi Ave. Receive a free Captain Gray book with every paid admission. Call 503-322-8411.
borview Inn & RV Park, 302 S. Seventh St., Garibaldi. Clamming equipment available – also learn to clean and cook your catch. Must have shellfish license. $25 fee. Call 503-322-3251.
PCJWSA MEETING May 6, 5 p.m. PCJWSA meeting room, 34005 Cape Kiwanda Dr., Pacific City. Call 503-965-8636.
ANNUAL PLANT AND CRAFT SALE AND FLEA MARKET May 10, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Bay City City Hall/ Community Center, 5525 B St. Annual Bay City VFW Post 2848 Auxiliary and Beta Sigma Phi event. Vendors wanted; $20 per table. Contact Carol at 503-801-7400 to reserve a table.
NO. OREGON COAST LAW ENFORCEMENT TILLAWHEELS SHOW & SHINE May 17, 9 a.m. Tillamook Chamber parking lot, 3705 Hwy. 101. Raffles and prizes. Call Cindy at 503-842-8320 to register.
RECIPE TO MARKET WORKSHOP May 6, 5:30 p.m. Tillamook Bay Community College, 4301 Third St. Workshop for aspiring food business owners. To register, contact Carla Lyman at 503-842-8222 ext. 1420 or
RITA WARTON CONCERT May 11, 3 p.m. Lincoln City Cultural Concert, 540 NE Hwy. 101. Mother’ Day Coffee Concert with Rita Warton. Free admission, coffee, and cookies. Call 541-994-9994.
PARENTS IN EDUCATION FUNDRAISER May 3, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Nestucca Valley Elementary, 36925 Hwy. 101 S., Cloverdale. Dunk tank, fishing game, treasure dig, football game, cake walk, refreshments, and more. Game tickets 3/$1 or 20 for $5.
OSU OPEN CAMPUS ART TO MARKET WORKSHOP May 7, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Bay City Arts Center, 5680 A St. “Profiting from your Passion.” Contact Loni Wilson at 503-377-9620 or baycityartscenter@
TILLAMOOK COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETING May 13, 11 a.m. Tillamook Bay Community College, 4301 Third St. Contact Karen Hirte at 503915-4989.
WORLD MUSIC FESTIVAL: CINCO DE MAYO May 3. Lincoln City Cultural Center, 540 NE Hwy. 101. 3 p.m. - free pinata breaking for children. 4 p.m. - Azteca de Oro Mariachi Troupe, and Mexican folkloric dance company Papalotl. General tickets $12 in advance; $14 at the door, students $8. Call 541-994-9994.
BINGO NIGHT Wednesdays, May 7 & 14, 7-9:30 p.m. Kiawanda Community Center, 34600 Cape Kiwanda Dr., Pacific City. $1 cards, good for 12 games. For information, call 503-965-7900.
KARAOKE May 2 & 3, 9 p.m.-midnight. Oar House Bar & Grill, 34455 Brooten Rd., Pacific City. Call 503-9656001. TILLAMOOK COUNTY MASTER GARDENER PLANT SALE May 3, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Tillamook County Fairgrounds, 4603 Third St., 4-H & FFA Pavilion. Master Gardener Help Desk will be open for questions. Garden Garage Sale. Call 503-842-3433.
KILCHIS ESTUARY PRESERVE WORKDAY May 3, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Kilchis River. Removal of barbed wire fencing. Bring rubber boots and daypack with water and food. To volunteer, call 503-802-8100 or e-mail ARTIST RECEPTION: CALVIN HAMREUS May 3, 4-6 p.m. Stimulus Espresso Cafe, 33105 Cape Kiwanda Dr., Pacific City. Meet Calvin Hamreus and see his copper sculptures. Call 503-9654661. ‘BEATLES ON LANEDA’ May 3, 7 p.m. Hoffman Center, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzanita. Beatles salute concert with Fred and Friends, Frank and the Ferrets, and The Sedona Fire Band. $10 admission. Visit ARTIST RECEPTION: MARK CHENEY AND MORRIS GROVER May 3, 2-4 p.m. Garibaldi Museum, 112 Garibaldi Ave. Mark Cheney and Morris Grover will showcase their work during the month of May. Call 503-3228411. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION DAY May 3, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Tillamook Transfer Station, 1315 Ekloff Rd. Call 503-815-3975. CHILDREN’S READING SESSION May 3 & 10, 1-2 p.m. South Tillamook County Library, 6200 Camp St., Pacific City. For children ages 4 and up. Call 503-965-6163.
business. Optional $7 lunch available. Call Kim Carr at 503-965-7001 or Shae Lambert at 503-703-8299. SIGN LANGUAGE CLASS May 6, 6 p.m. Bay City Arts Center, 5680 A St. Learn a variety of sign language words and terms. All-ages welcome. $10 per class. Call 503-377-9620 or visit
KIDS SING OUT CHOIR May 9, 7 p.m. Lincoln City Cultural Center, 540 NE Hwy. 101. Music students ages 8-13 sing Broadway and Disney hits. Tickets $5 in advance; $7 at the door. Please bring two non-perishable food items for Lincoln City Food Pantry. Call 541-996-4045. LIVE MUSIC: ERIC SAPPINGTON May 9, 6-8 p.m. Stimulus Espresso Cafe, 33105 Cape Kiwanda Dr., Pacific City. Eric Sappington plays acoustic guitar music. Call 503-965-4661. SUMMER CRABBING CLINIC May 9, 8:30 a.m. and May 10, 9:30 a.m. Harborview Inn & RV Park, 302 S. Seventh St., Garibaldi. Crabbing equipment available – also learn to clean and cook your catch. Must have shellfish license. $25 fee. Call 503-322-3251. ARTIST RECEPTION: MAUDE WANKER RETROSPECTIVE May 9, 5-7 p.m. Lincoln City Cultural Center, 540 NE Hwy. 101. Opening reception for Oregon landscape artist Maude Walling Wanker. Call 541994-9994. SITKA CENTER RESIDENT SHOW AND TELL May 10, 1 p.m. Sitka Center for Art and Ecology, 56605 Sitka Dr., Otis. Meet architects Heidi Beebe and Doug Skidmore, artist Will Bruno, musician Charles Coldwell, poet James Crews, artist Alex Hirsch, and poet Sierra Golden. Free and open to the public. Call 541-994-5485.
LOWER NEHALEM COMMUNITY TRUST FAMILY GARDENING DAY May 4, 1-2:30 p.m. Alder Creek Farm, Nehalem. Contact Nancy Kershaw at 503-842-3433.
‘TILLAMOOK TALES: FROGS’ May 10, 11:30 a.m. Tillamook Forest Center, 45500 Wilson River Hwy. Story time for children ages 3-6. Free; light snack available. Call 503-8156803.
PACIFIC CITY-NESTUCCA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETING May 6, noon. Pelican Pub & Brewery, 33180 Cape Kiwanda Dr., Pacific City. “Chamber Connection” local businesses will have tables showcasing their
LADIES OF THE ELK ANNUAL PLANT AND BAKE SALE May 10, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Elks Club, 1907 Third St., Tillamook. Plant and bake sale, silent auction, raffle. Contact Carole Wigg at 503-398-5856.
STRAY BIRDS CONCERT May 14, 7 p.m. Lincoln City Cultural Center, 540 NE Hwy. 101. The Stray Birds present their folk, fiddle, and mandolin concert. Tickets $15 in advance; $17 at the door. Call 541-994-9994. NESKO WOMEN’S CLUB MEEETING May 16, noon. Hudson House Bed & Breakfast, 37700 Hwy. 101 S., Cloverdale. $13 lunch. Newcomers welcome – RSVP to Judie Rupert at 541-770-2389 by May 14. NORTH OREGON LAW ENFORCEMENT & TILLAWHEELS ANNUAL CRUISE IN May 16, 6-8 p.m. Downtown Tillamook. Call 503842-8320. AARP DRIVING CLASS May 16, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tillamook Bay Community College, 4301 Third St. $15 for AARP members; $20 for non-members. To register, call 503-842-8222 or 888-306-8222. ‘ALEXANDER AND THE TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY’ May 16, 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Lincoln City Cultural Center, 540 NE Hwy. 101. For local elementary school students. Call 541-994-9994 to reserve any available seats for home-school and private school K-3 students. LIVE MUSIC: FRED BASSETT & SONYA KAZEN May 16, 6-8 p.m. Stimulus Espresso Cafe, 33105 Cape Kiwanda Dr., Pacific City. Acoustic duo Fred Bassett and Sonya Kazen will perform. Call 503965-4661. ‘LADIES NIGHT’ AT BLUE HERON FRENCH CHEESE COMPANY May 16, 5-8 p.m. Blue Heron French Cheese Company, 2001 Blue Heron Dr., Tillamook. “Vine Gogh Artist Bar & Studio” painting class for men and women. $48 fee includes materials. Call 503842-8281 to register. CAL SCOTT WITH KATHRYN CLAIRE CONCERT May 16, 7:30 p.m. Hoffman Center, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzanita. Portland singer-songwriter Cal Scott performs with Kathryn Claire. Call 503-3683846. SUMMER CLAMMING CLINIC May 16, 7:45 a.m. and May 17, 8:30 a.m. Har-
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ANNUAL 4-PERSON SCRAMBLE AT ALDERBROOK GOLF COURSE May 17, 8 a.m. Alderbrook Golf Course, 7300 Alderbrook Rd., Tillamook. $80 individual entry fee (members $30 fee). Call 503-842-2767 ext. 2 to register. REACH THE BEACH May 17. Ends at Cape Kiwanda parking lot in Pacific City. Bicycle fundraiser for American Lung Association of Oregon. For information, to register, or to volunteer, visit UNITED PAWS ADOPTATHON May 17, noon-3 p.m. Garibaldi Museum, 112 Garibaldi Ave. Find out about adopting a cat or kitten. Call 503-322-8411. SHEEP SHEARING DAY May 17, 10 a.m.-noon. Tillamook County Fairgrounds, 4603 Third St. Call 503-842-3433. INDEPENDENT PRESS PANEL May 17, 1-3 p.m. Hoffman Center, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzanita. Panel discussion featuring Independent Presses. Laura Stanfill, Forest Avenue Press; Rhonda Hughes, Hawthorne Press; and Tony Perez, Tin House. $25 tuition. Call 503-368-3846. NESTUCCA VALLEY COMMUNITY ALLIANCE MEETING May 17, 10 a.m. Kiawanda Community Center, 34600 Cape Kiwanda Dr. For information, visit EIGHTH ANNUAL SOUP BOWL May 17, 5 p.m. Old Mill Marina, 210 Third St., Garibaldi. 150 unique soup bowls created by local potters, variety of soups, artisan bread and desserts. The first 150 people to purchase $40 dinner tickets receive the bowl of their choice to take home. $15 for dinner without bowl. Call 503-842-9486. MANZANITA WRITERS’ SERIES May 17, 7-8:30 p.m. Hoffman Center, 594 Laneda Ave., Manzanita. All Open Mic Extravaganza. Call 503-368-3846. BALLET AND DANCE OF LINCOLN CITY RECITALS May 17, 7 p.m. and May 18, 3 p.m. Lincoln City Cultural Center, 540 NE Hwy. 101. See your favorite local dancers. Tickets $5. Call Nicole O’Brien at 541921-5918. NORTH OREGON COAST SYMPHONY CONCERT May 18, 3 p.m. Rockaway Beach Community Church, 400 S. Third St. Performance by North Oregon Coast Symphony. $12 for adults; children under 12 are free. Contact Cliff Gunderman at 503368-6321. NESTUCCA VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD MEETING May 19, 6 p.m. Nestucca Valley Jr./Sr. High School, 34660 Parkway Dr., Cloverdale. Call 503-392-4892.
An Energetic Pair Stimulus Cafe hosts acoustic duo on May 16
Fresh & Local! Pan-Fried Oysters from Netarts Bay
Bistro offers free prom dinner for NVHS students By VICKY HIRSCH of the Sun
or the second straight year, the Delicate Palate Bistro is offering Nestucca Valley High School prom attendees a complimentary prom night dinner on May 10 at the AAA Three Diamond-rated establishment. The dinner will offer prom couples the choice of Beef Vegetable Soup or Caesar Salad, choice of Salisbury Steak with mashed potatoes and gravy or Very Adult Mac & Cheese, Fruit Crisp with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream for dessert, and
Pepsi or Sprite. The only requirements for the complimentary meal is that the boy find out if his date would like soup or salad, call the restaurant (503-9656464) to make an advance reservation, and leave a $1 tip for the server. Patt Williams, co-owner of the Delicate Palate, says that these are important learning components for taking a date to a special dinner. As a special promotion, reservations for the prom night dinner at the Delicate Palate Bistro, 35280 Brooten Road in Pacific City, will be only be accepted for May 10 at 6 p.m.
A real competitor In “A State of Mind” published in the April 18, 2014 issue of the Pacific City Sun, we reported that Marie Krueger was attending the State
speech finals as an alternate in Prose. Krueger actually attended the State tournament as a competitor in the Prose category, and walked away with the second place prize. We apologize for the error.
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timulus Espresso Cafe will host the acoustic duo of Sonya Kazen and Fred Bassett on Friday, May 16 for a 6 p.m. concert at the ocean view cafe. Known for bringing their wide variety of musical and life experiences to the stage, the duo plays a wide variety of musical instruments and styles, including folk, blues and bluegrass. Hailing from New York City, Courtesy photo Kazen began her ACOUSTIC DUO Sonya Kazen and Fred Bassett will play musical career a concert at Stimulus Espresso Cafe, 33105 Cape Kiwanda in California as a Dr., Pacific City on Friday, May 16 at 6 p.m. The singer/ singer/songwriter, songwriters couple who live in Cloverdale, used to perform then performed in as solo acts and now love performing acoustic folk music Portland rock, tratogether. For more information, call 503-965-4661. ditional jazz, top 40 and variety bands. our music together,” he says. “In addiShe has come full circle back to her tion to guitars, our songs have grown acoustic music roots, and is “loving it.” to include luscious harmonies, piano, As a native Oregonian, Bassett’s recorder and banjo. ” songs reflect a lifelong love of the PaWhen not performing, the couple cific Northwest. is busy keeping deer out of the garden “I began writing songs when I was at their home in Cloverdale, Ore. in high school,” he says, “but didn’t Found at the Inn at Cape Kiwanda get really serous about it until a few complex across the street from Pacific years ago. Since that time, it has been City’s famed access to Cape Kiwanda, my inspiration, my vocation and my Stimulus Espresso Cafe features therapy.” smoothies, teas, and locally made As a solo performer, Bassett has pastries by Pelican Pub & Brewery, plus played folk venues and house conhot sandwiches, other lunchtime treats certs from Oregon to British Columbia and beer and wine. For more inforand plays at local events and farmers’ mation, call 503-965-4661 or visit the markets. cafe, which is open 6 a.m.-6 p.m. daily, “Sonya’s musical talents and expeat 33105 Cape Kiwanda Drive, Pacific rience are bringing a rich new depth to City.
Dory-Caught Ling and Rock Cod
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Page 17 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
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Photos by Dee Moore
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NESTUCCA VALLEY LIONS CLUB members hosted an Easter egg hunt for local children on April 19 at Nestucca Valley High School. Approximately 1,500 plastic eggs were hidden on the football field for the children to discovery. Prizes were donated by various community individuals and local businesses donated gift certificates for items such as ice cream, cookies, hamburgers, and potted plants.
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By DEE MOORE for the Sun
he children came prepared. Holding Easter baskets and pails, wearing rain coats, rubber boots and holding umbrellas, they crowded the Nestucca Valley High School football field ready to hunt eggs. The community egg hunt, which was hosted by the Nestucca Valley Lions Club on Saturday, April 19, is a local tradition and bad weather never stands in the way of tradition in this coastal community. According to Lions Club event coordinator Teresa Smith, more than 120 children showed up to hunt eggs this year. The turn out was lower than the previous year due to the rain. The organization was well prepared for a host of egg hunting tykes. Volunteers had painstakingly filled approximately 1,500 plastic eggs with donated prizes and treats for the children to collect. The prizes “were donated by various community individuals,” Smith said. “Also, several businesses donated gift certificates for items such as ice cream, cookies, hamburgers, potted annual plants.” The hunt was a way for the club to foster a sense of community for one and all in the Nestucca Valley, according to Smith. “Lions Club motto is ‘We Serve,’” she said. “We care about the children in our area and want to give them a fun filled event.” It was the Lions Club’s second year to host the event. They did have help to make it a memorable event. Boy Scout Troop and Pack 179 was on hand to help out as were volunteers from the Nesko Women’s Club and the Nestucca Rural Fire District.
RAIN couldn’t keep the area’s children away from the annual Easter egg hunt at Nestucca Valley High School. More than 120 children and their parents braved the elements to gather the eggs filled with candy and gift certificates.
Get a Great Start to Your Business HELP WANTED: CONCIERGE The Concierge works as part of a team to take care of the Owners and Guests at the Cottages at Cape Kiwanda in Pacific City. A successful person in this full or part time position requires a love and knowledge of Pacific City and the surrounding area, an interest and ability to facilitate guest requests, must be able to take the initiative, provide outstanding customer service, have strong computer skills, an upbeat and energetic personality, and be able to handle tough customer situations with a calm demeanor and professional attitude. Drug testing and background check required. Send your resume and cover letter to: or download an application at www.YourLittleBeachTown/
Smart Start Your Business Thurs. June 5, 5:30 pm TBCC N
This FREE 3-hr. workshop covers the building blocks of starting a business and helps you sort through whether operating your own business is really for you. Learn about business plans, basic record keeping, legal structures and more. If there are less than 5 students registered, individualized help will be given through the SBDC. Must pre-register by 5/29/2014.
Getting Started With QuickBooks Fri. May 23, 9 to 11am TBCC C, $10
Intended for those who have not started using QuickBooks yet. Learn how to set up your company file the correct way to avoid problems down the line! If there are less than 5 students registered, individualized help will be given through the SBDC. Must pre-register by 5/16/2014.
For information contact Carla at 503-842-8222 x 1420 or e-mail Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. All SBA funded programs are extended to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Call the number above for assistance.
Page 18 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
A New Perspective!
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AVAILABLE NOW AT: Cape Kiwanda RV Resort Marketplace Chester’s Market Village Merchants PC Art Gallery PC Supply & Hardware Tillamook Pioneer Museum Powell’s Books
Page 19 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
TEP gearing up for ‘Bounty on the Bay’ The Tillamook Estuaries Partnership is gearing up for the 11th annual Bounty on the Bay fishing tournament, its largest fundraiser of the year. This year’s Bounty on the Bay will be held on June 6 and 7 in Garibaldi. The event kicks off on June 6 with a pulled pork sandwich dinner and pro-guide fishing secrets. A full day of fishing on Tillamook Bay on June 7 will be capped off with fresh oysters, a seafood feast, and silent auction and raffle. Fisherman can take out their own boat or take a guided fishing trip. Early reservations for guided trips are recommended. Fishing guides for 2014 are David Harris,; Russ Morrow,; Andy Schneider; Dane
Crossley; Dave Johnson, www.davidjohnsonfishing. com; Curt Hedges; Greg Hublou; Ted Teufel,; Bob Rees,; Pat Abel,; John Kirby; and Jon Winter. To register online or learn more about Bounty on the Bay, visit, e-mail claudine@tbnep. org, or call 503-322-2222. This annual fundraiser supports TEP’s efforts to implement the Tillamook Bay Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP). The CCMP establishes 63 scientifically based, community supported actions that restore water quality, enhance degraded habitats, reduce sedimentation, and lessen the impacts of coastal fishing.
Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition accepting bids for 2nd annual online auction People who love the Oregon coast have a chance to support conservation work while purchasing an array of goods and services. The Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition’s second annual online auction is now accepting bids through May 11. The auction provides coast-lovers with the opportunity to bid on lodging, restaurant meals, tours and classes, as well as travel-related and other merchandise. The full amount of each purchase goes to support Oregon Shores’ work to preserve Oregon’s public shoreline, nearshore ocean and coastal resources. This year’s auction items include a three-day stay at the secluded Oregon Coast House north of Florence; a guided kayak trip from South Coast Tours; a week’s stay at a private beachfront lodge in Belize; and such
items as night-vision binoculars, backpacks and duffel bags. These items and many more can be found on Oregon Shores’ special eBay auction site, http://tinyurl. com/kwv62cr. Oregon Shores is a 43-year-old regional conservation group that works on land use planning, shoreline management, water quality and marine conservation. It sponsors the CoastWatch program, through which volunteers have adopted every mile of Oregon’s shoreline, watching for both natural changes and human impacts. For questions or help with participating in the auction, contact board member Corrina Chase, 541921-7394,
DINING GUIDE CAFE ON HAWK CREEK, 4505 SALEM AVENUE, NESKOWIN. 503-392-4400. Specializing in wood-fired brick oven pizzas, this landmark establishment is open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and offers a brunch on Sundays. Egg dishes, sandwiches, salads, seafood, pasta dishes, and more. NW wine list and beers on tap. Outdoor seating on deck weather permitting.
NOW HIRING: Servers • Line Cook Prep Cook • Pizza Cook Pick Up Application at:
The Café on Hawk Creek
4505 Salem Avenue, Neskowin
Pier Avenue Rock Shop Sunstones
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CLOVERDALE’S GARDEN CAFÉ, 34445 HWY 101 S, CLOVERDALE. 503-392-9001. Breakfast and lunch served all day. Espresso bar, Quiche of the Day, Farmer’s Breakfast, hamburgers, sandwiches, soup, pastries, desserts, and much more. Enjoy eating on the covered patio. Open Sunday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Monday 7 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Tuesday-Saturday 7 a.m.-7:30 p.m. DELICATE PALATE BISTRO, 35280 BROOTEN ROAD, PACIFIC CITY. 503-965-6464. www. The Bistro offers the freshest local products available set with a chic presentation highlighting regional cuisine. Our enumerated wine list spans the globe to bring you the finest wines available at reasonable prices, while the martini bar highlights classic cocktails intertwined with hip new blends fashioned from the best spirits available along with a great selection of local and international beers. Reserve your memory today. DORYLAND PIZZA, CAPE KIWANDA DRIVE, PACIFIC CITY. 503-965-6299. Fun, family atmosphere with four televisions and a big screen plasma TV to enjoy sporting events or your favorite shows. Established from the remodeled Pacific City Boat Works building built in the 1960s, Doryland retained the nautical atmosphere with its solid wood planked floors, brass accents and original charm. They added great pizza, sandwiches, salad bar, beer & wine, and video games. Open 11-8 Sunday-Thursday, 11-9 Friday & Saturday. PELICAN PUB & BREWERY, 33180 CAPE KIWANDA DRIVE, PACIFIC CITY. 503-965-7007. Ocean front brewery featuring award-winning Pelican brews, great food, and a family-friendly atmosphere. Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner served daily. Open Sun–Thurs 8am10pm and Fri–Sat 8am-11pm. RIBCAGE SMOKERY, 6425 PACIFIC AVE, PACIFIC CITY. 503-483-1RIB. Specializing in smoked baby back ribs, tri tip, prime rib (available on Fridays), brisket (available on Saturdays) and pork shoulder.
Page 20 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
Sausages, corned beef, Chicago dog, pulled pork, reuben, authentic BBQ sides and much more available. Beer and wine also available. Watch our big screen TVs inside or enjoy your meal on our outdoor patio. Open Fri-Sun., noon-9 p.m. Food also served at Twist Thursdays and Sundays, noon-7 p.m. SPORTSMAN’S PUB-N-GRUB, 34975 BROOTEN ROAD, PACIFIC CITY. 503-965-9991. Dating back to 1947 the original Sportsman’s Tavern was the only local watering hole and meeting spot for locals and visitors alike. It was the place people called for weather, fishing and news of locals as it had the only pay phone at the time. Things haven’t changed much — today the Sportsman’s is still a favorite meeting spot for locals and visitors alike. Although now food is a great attraction with locally caught fish from Sea Q Fish featuring dory fresh lingcod and sea bass prepared at the Sportsman’s is being hailed as the best fish and chips anywhere. The fresh oysters from T&S oyster farm in Netarts have a huge local following and are delivered fresh every Friday. Come try some great grub at great prices and rub elbows with the locals. STIMULUS, 33105 CAPE KIWANDA DRIVE, PACIFIC CITY. 503-965-4661. Beautiful Ocean view espresso café serving Five Rivers Coffee, organic teas, and locally made pastries. Stimulus offers a large selection of breakfast sandwiches, hot Panini sandwiches, and salads. Open every day of the year from 6 am till 8 pm. SUNRISE DELI, 31020 HIGHWAY 101 S., HEBO, LOCATED INSIDE NESTUCCA VALLEY SPORTING GOODS. 503-392-4269. Home of Grandma Gefre’s home made clam chowder, Texas beans and home made potato salad. Comfort foods such as fresh made deli sandwiches and 1/3 pound hamburgers’ made to order your way. Add double cut fries and you have a real meal. TWIST WINE CO., 6425 PACIFIC AVE, PACIFIC CITY. 503-965-NUTS. At Twist Wine Company we showcase wines from our three brands: Reversal, Basket Case and Shy Chenin. We believe wine is about having fun. We are a wine lounge, wi-fi hotspot and offer four microbrews on draft. The “Dining Guide” is an advertiser-supported section of the Pacific City Sun. To get your dining establishment listed, call Vicky Hirsch at 503-801-2071.
Port fetes newly constructed $1.5 million airport facility A public grand opening reception was held on Friday, April 25 to fete the completion of construction on the Tillamook Airport fixed-base operator facility, the latest addition to the Port of Tillamook Bay’s growing aviation-related offerings. The full project cost roughly $1.5 million, which included demolition of the old structures, the new building construction, and water and sewer tie-ins to the Port’s existing systems. The 3,200-square-foot building adds to existing airport services, which include card lock system (for both Jet A and Avgas), hangaring, parking, full-time staff, aircraft tie-down and two runways, the main runway being one of the longest on the Coast at 5,000 feet, said Port General Manager Michele Bradley. The new building replaces an antiquated 575-square-foot unit that housed airport office and radio equipment. “The Tillamook Airport is a vital connection to the community,” said Bradley, noting local airport traffic includes daily UPS flights, chartered flights catering to tourists, private airplanes, military aircraft, vintage military aircraft, experimental aircraft, airships, light passenger planes and helicopters. More than 35 pilots store their personal aircraft in hangars at the airport as well, she added. In addition to offering an airport office and radio room for the two airport employees, plus a pilot’s rest area, kitchenette, pilot flight plan area, storage and parking, the new FBO building features a meeting room that is available for public and private meetings by calling the Port’s main office. With floor-to-ceiling windows in the lobby/rest area and meeting room, the building features views of both TMK runways, World War IIera Hangar B, the Coast Range and pastureland. The FBO also looks toward the Airport Business Park headquarters for Near Space Corporation, a high-
altitude balloon manufacturing and suborbital flight testing company. Near Space is among six test sites in the United States to receive FAA designation as official unmanned aerial systems research and test flight operators. Other recent airport improvements include a full grind and re-lay of the main runway, new signage, drainage and lighting, additional elk fencing, a new emergency generator, and runway marking paint. These upgrades were paid for by Federal Aviation Administration, Connect Oregon grants and assistance from Business Oregon, said Bradley. Longtime aviator Sen. Betsy Johnson is among the new FBO’s champions, saying that she has observed more business being conducted at airports over the years, and that a solid, well-equipped FBO serves as a welcome mat to those flying in to visit the area for the first time. She and her husband John Helm operate Transwestern Aviation, the Scappoose Airport FBO. LRS Architects, of Portland, designed the building, Baumgart Construction, of Rockaway Beach, served as general contractor and Day CPM, of Beaverton, provided project management. The airport is located at 5005, U.S. Highway 101 S. Turn east on Matlock Way, just south of Long Prairie Road and the “plane-on-a-stick” Tillamook Air Museum marker. Situated on what was formerly a US Naval Air Station, the Port of Tillamook Bay is headquartered on the largest tract of industrial land – 1,600 acres – on the Oregon coast. The Port is in the process of completing $44.6 million in FEMAfunded infrastructure upgrades, new construction, and building rehabilitations at the park, as well as other projects funded by the FAA, Connect Oregon and Business Oregon. For more information, contact Michele Bradley, Port of Tillamook Bay general manager, at 503-8422413, Ext. 111, or mbradley@potb. org.
Women’s Resource Center to host annual ‘Soup Bowl’ event on May 17 The Tillamook County Women’s Resource Center will hold its 8th annual Tillamook Soup Bowl event on May 17 beginning at 5 p.m. The event, which will take place at the Old Mill Marina in Garibaldi, will feature 150 unique soup bowls created by local area potters especially for the event. An extensive variety of soups, artisan breads and desserts donated by local area individuals and restaurants will serve as the dinner fare. The first 150 people to purchase a $40 dinner ticket will receive the bowl of their choice to use for their soup and to take home with them as a memento. Tickets can also be purchased for $15 for dinner without a bowl. Tickets sell quickly. Contact the Wild Flower Thrift Store, 503-842-2996, or the TCWRC of-
fice at 503-842-9486 for tickets. After choosing their one-of-a-kind bowl and selecting from an array of tasty soups and desserts, participants will be serenaded by Craig Stokke and enjoy a slide show presentation given by the potters. Proceeds from the Soup Bowl support many area programs and services offered by TCWRC, including education, outreach, direct and emergency services, and shelter. The Tillamook County Women’s Resource Center is a non-profit organization made up of both paid staff and volunteers, working together to eliminate domestic and sexual violence. For more information on the services offered through the Resource Center, call the main office at 503-842-9486.
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Nestucca Valley Sporting Goods
31020 HWY 101 SO. • HEBO • 503-392-4269
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FAMILY FUN! Saturday, May 3, 10am-2pm
Nestucca Valley Elementary School Gymnasium Dunk Tank • Cane Pole Fishing Game • Treasure Dig Bean Bag Toss • Football Game • Cake Walk • & MORE!
Prizes for Game Participants! Hot Dogs • Popcorn • Ice Cream • Soda • Water available for sale
Booths sponsored by each NVES classroom Proceeds will benefit new playground equipment, swim lessons for 1st & 2nd grades and help with the cost of field trips
Page 21 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
Sponsored by Sportsman’s Pub-N-Grub
Come As You Are! Sunday Adult Classes 9 a.m Sunday School: 10 a.m. Sunday Worship Services: 10-11 a.m. Fellowship follows.
Friday Bible Class: 10-11 a.m. Choir Practice: Thursday Evening, 6-7 p.m.
Courtesy photo
Nestucca Valley Presbyterian Church 35305 Brooten Rd. • PO Box 337 • Pacific City, OR 97135 Phone 503-965-6229 • Or call 503-965-6073 or 965-6139
Visit with Member Businesses during
“Chamber Connection” Tuesday, May 6 at Noon Pelican Pub & Brewery
Door Prizes • Free Drawings Receive free handouts and product demonstrations Meet and learn about local businesses • Optional lunch For more info, call Kim Carr at 503-965-7001 or Shae Lambert at 503-703-8299
Pacific City – Nestucca Valley Chamber of Commerce
NESTUCCA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL speech team members (l-r) are Chelsea Wallace, Nathan Hirsch, Maggie Mick, second place State winner in Prose Marie Krueger, chaperone Carolyn Hill, Andrea Polivka, and head coach David Schaefer. Not pictured is Nicole Bishop.
Nestucca speech takes home third-place speech trophy By VICKY HIRSCH of the Sun
he Nestucca Valley High School speech team has provided another addition for the school’s trophy case.They tied with North Valley for third place in the District I-IV category in the OSAA State Speech Championship held April 25-26 at Western Oregon University. Junior Marie Krueger came home with her own piece of hardware — she placed second in the Prose category. Seniors Andrea Polivka and Nicole Bishop also competed and junior Nathan Hirsch attended as an alternate. Head coach David Schaefer praised the 24-member speech team as being among some of the best students in their
school. He explained that the real success of Nestucca’s program, which has won eight State trophies — six of them in the last eight years — is in the improvements made by the individual students. “Not every one can win,” he says, “but everyone can improve.” Schaefer added that participating in speech helps students become “more confident and communicative” in class, which helps them become better students — now and in college. Students are also eligible to receive college scholarships by participating in high school speech. “We run a very flexible program, so as to allow as many students as possible to participate in speech while still being involved in sports or other activities,” he said.
Meet the Authors! Facing Fate with Faith, a Bible devotional, reminds you God is with you during your battle with cancer. Authors are sisters whom have battled cancer together and share how God strengthened their faith. Facing Fate with Faith points you to the Bible to show where you too can receive comfort and hope.
Special Appearance by Authors Janet Gaston & Debra McLean at: Lighthouse Book and Bible 1050 SW Baseline Ste A-7 Hillsboro, Oregon 97123
Saturday, May 10th, Noon-3 p.m. Now available at Lighthouse Book & Bible in Hillsboro, Tree of Life in Lincoln City, and online at and others.
Clean and Green FOLLOWING the earlier example of Nestucca Jr.-Sr. High School, Neskowin Valley School and Nestucca Valley Elementary have received entry level Oregon Green School certification. Schools that join this program are committing to being actively engaged in promoting environmental sustainability in their schools and community. Nestucca Jr-Sr. High was the first school to reach this important milestone with Nestucca Elementary and Neskowin Valley schools following close behind. Above, NVS students show off their recently received Green School certificate. At right, Tillamook County Solid Waste outreach coordinator Sue Owens presents NVES principal Misty Wharton and... with their Green School certificate. The Oregon Green Schools Association helps Oregon schools set up and maintain effective, permanent waste reduction and resource efficiency programs that improve school environments and communities and recognizing schools for their efforts and achievements. A school’s success and advancement in the program is dependent on the dedication of students, staff, administration and community involvement and support. Participating schools can achieve merit and premier schools rating by demonstrating increased levels of sustainability in their schools. “I look forward to working with these schools in this exciting program and seeing their improvement in the future,” states Sue Owens, Tillamook County Solid Waste Outreach & Education Specialist and regional OGS coordinator, “it’s a great program that has the potential to make huge long-reaching impacts.”
Page 22 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
Bible-Based Worship!
Pacific Coast Bible Church
Sunday Morning Worship: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School: 11 a.m.
Wednesday Bible Study & Prayer Meeting: 7 p.m.
Communion Sunday, 3rd Sunday of each month
35220 Brooten Rd, Pacific City 503-965-7222
Photo by Dee Moore
NESTUCCA HIGH SCHOOL BOBCATS still have a slim chance to make it into district playoffs if they can win at least three more games to be in the running. The young team has struggled all season and lost to the Gaston Greyhounds, 12-2 on April 29. They face the Greyhounds for a double header at home Saturday, May 3.
A season of growth and development By DEE MOORE for the Sun
or fans of Bobcats baseball, this season has been a series of highs and lows as the youthful club grows, stretches and learns what it means to be a team. This process often includes losses. When the ‘Cats traveled to Gaston on Tuesday, April 29, their hearts and minds weren’t in the game and it showed. They ended up losing the game to the Greyhounds, 12-2. After scoring early during the first inning, Nestucca stumbled and appeared to lose interest in the contest. “There was not much focus, they didn’t really want to play,” said coach Jim Kiser. The team scored two runs early in the game, but quickly gave those up thanks to errors in the bottom of the first inning, the coach added. It was the first in a three game series; the ‘Cats will host Gaston for a double header on Saturday, May 3. There is still a slim chance that the Nestucca team could make it into district playoffs. With only eight
games left in the season, the team has to pull together quickly and find their focus. After the team finishes its series against Gaston, they face the,Portland Lutheran Bluejays, winners of 8 out of 17 games this season, and Faith Bible, victorious in 6 out of 15. Nestucca has won 5 out of 17. Kiser believes that if the team plays a “clean game” Tuesday, May 6, against Portland Lutheran, if they compete well and don’t make any errors, they might still have a chance at district playoffs. They would need to win at least two more games to be in the running. But for now he is focusing on Saturday’s doubleheader. “There’s still a shot. If we do that, it will still be a tight game against Gaston,” he said. The Greyhounds are going to be tough to beat. The team is very experienced and plays well together which means the ‘Cats are going to have to play their best ball yet, Kiser said. “I’ve seen a lot of improvement. I’ve been impressed with their improvement. I am looking forward to winning a couple of games,” he said.
Nestucca softball still addressing learning curve By DEE MOORE for the Sun
xperience is costly, just ask the coach of any successful ball club and he will tell you, you pay for experience with losses. The Lady Bobcats softball team is gaining experience. They lost 7-0 to Gaston on Tuesday, April 29, but this loss followed a win. The ‘Cats hosted Knappa and beat the Lady Loggers 1-0 on April 25. It has been touch and go as the Lady ‘Cats hone their skills. “We couldn’t get the offense rolling,” said coach Jeff Schiewe. “Pitcher junior Kycie Richwine threw only one walk. She did an outstanding job.” “Monday’s game … Nestucca got Knappa. That was the only run of the game, Nestucca took Knappa 1-0,” he said. Both Sunny McCall and Emily Menefee played great ball during that game, he added. Though the team has struggled through the season for wins, its youthful players have made great strides. “The girls played well. They are improving … there has been a ton of improvement … and they are making a lot fewer mistakes and we still need to get better,” said Schiewe, “it’s very positive.”
Photo by Kelly Taylor
THE LADY BOBCATS bested the Knappa Lady Loggers 1-0 on April 25 during a home game, but went on to lose to the Gaston Greyhounds on April 29. Though the team has struggled throughout the season, coach Jeff Schiewe has seen Nestucca make great strides. They next play a double header against Gaston at home on May 2. Page 23 • Pacific City SUN • May 2, 2014
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Pacific City
SUN Tides
(at Nestucca Bay) Date
Low Tide
High Tide
May 2
9:50 a.m. 9:45 p.m.
-0.7 ft. 2.4 ft.
2:37 a.m. 4:13 p.m.
7.5 ft. 6.0 ft.
May 3
10:34 a.m. 10:32 p.m.
-0.4 ft. 2.6 ft.
3:17 a.m. 5:03 p.m.
7.0 ft. 5.8 ft.
May 4
11:20 a.m. 11:28 p.m.
0.0 ft. 2.8 ft.
3:59 a.m. 5:56 p.m.
6.6 ft. 5.6 ft.
May 5 12:09 p.m. 0.4 ft.
4:47 a.m. 6:52 p.m.
6.0 ft. 5.5 ft.
May 6
12:34 a.m. 1:02 p.m.
2.8 ft. 0.6 ft
5:45 a.m. 7:47 p.m.
5.6 ft. 5.6 ft.
May 7
1:47 a.m. 1:57 p.m.
2.7 ft. 0.9 ft.
6:54 a.m. 8:37 p.m.
5.2 ft. 5.8 ft.
May 8
2:57 a.m. 2:51 p.m.
2.3 ft. 1.1 ft.
8:10 a.m. 9:19 p.m.
5.1 ft. 6.0 ft.
May 9
3:55 a.m. 3:40 p.m.
1.8 ft. 1.3 ft.
9:20 a.m. 9:57 p.m.
5.1 ft. 6.4 ft.
May 10
4:43 a.m. 4:25 p.m.
1.3 ft. 1.4 ft.
10:22 a.m. 10:31 p.m.
5.3 ft. 6.8 ft.
May 11
5:26 a.m. 5:07 p.m.
0.6 ft. 1.5 ft.
11:15 a.m. 11:05 p.m.
5.5 ft. 7.2 ft.
May 12
6:05 a.m. 5:48 p.m.
0.1 ft. 1.7 ft.
11:15 a.m. 11:05 p.m.
5.5 ft. 7.2 ft.
May 13
6:44 a.m. 6:28 p.m.
-0.5 ft. 12:50 a.m. 1.7 ft.
6.0 ft.
May 14
7:24 a.m. 7:10 p.m.
-0.9 ft. 1.8 ft.
12:15 a.m. 1:36 p.m.
7.9 ft. 6.3 ft.
May 15
8:06 a.m. 7:53 p.m.
-1.3 ft. 1.9 ft.
12:53 a.m. 2:22 p.m.
8.1 ft. 6.4 ft.
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