Pacific Coast Christian School - Strategic Management Plan - 2016

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Strategic Management Plan



Principals Message Dear Friends and colleagues, We thank God for the opportunity to serve in ministry in our Christian School. Our supreme purpose is to bring glory to God. We believe that the Bible informs all areas of teaching and learning and it is our common desire to show God’s grace and wisdom as Christian educational communities. The purpose of each of our schools is to be a community of excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs, values and behaviours. We thank God that we are able to engage together in personal, spiritual formation and in community spiritual formation. We desire to be a community of faith in which the spiritual, academic, social, cultural and physical dimensions come together through fellowship in which our practices and words are reflective of the beliefs that we hold in authentic Christian Education. In His service,

Dr E J Boyce Executive Principal


Introduction The purpose of every Pacific School is to be a Christian Educational Community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs. As a school community, we want to improve the quality of classroom teaching and learning, be innovative and build a culture of serving in an environment that is committed to excellence. As we strive to improve outcomes for our school community we want to focus on levels of achievement, wellbeing and spiritual formation. School improvement is essentially improving what a school does. This document provides evidence about our day-to-day work and shows how and when we measure student outcomes. We have broadly shown how a strategic management plan can be disseminated into Annual Action Plans in each of our schools. A key feature of this document is that it is reviewed on a termly basis and will be adjusted when programs need to be modified or terminated. Communication is crucial: communication among members, and with the wider environment. Hence, we are publishing this as an example of our commitment to effective communication. Pacific Hills Christian Education will always pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming to be authentically Christian, to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative. To God be the Glory!

Dr Katrina Lamont Assistant Principal Teaching, Learning and Strategic Management.


Pacific Coast Christian School Strategic Management Plan 2015-2017 Vision The purpose of Pacific Coast Christian School is to provide a Christian educational community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on biblically based beliefs, values and behaviours

Mission We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming: to be authentically Christian; to provide quality education; and, to practice Christian community.

Strategic Objective 1

Strategic Objective 2

Strategic Objective 3

Strategic Objective 4

Implement the NSW Australian Curriculum

To develop a co-curricular framework to maximise opportunities for students gifting

To establish a sustainable culture of teaching evidenced by the highest pupil achievement

To establish and maintain effective communication inside and beyond the school community

Strategic Goals

Strategic Goals

1.1Implement Australian NSW Curriculum in K – 10 1.2To write integrated unit using tasks that are multidisciplinary and meet outcomes across all KLAs in senior school 1.3Review technology and experiment with different BYOD’s 1.4To utilise the curriculum as a vehicle for pushing out community service and mission and each PC class to adopt a project 1.5To develop and demonstrate an understanding of Christian education based on Biblical EE principles and some engagement with relevant ideas, issues or research with students and staff 1.6To meet all requirements for BOS 1.7To promote passion and engagement in the KLAs of English, Maths, Science and Music 1.8To invest in STEM review in the school 1.9To embrace the new BOSTE requirement in ADV strategies 1.10To engage with sister schools, partner schools and critical friends to build their school culture 1.11To intentionally partner with TEC to establish and maintain a culture of excellence 1.12Provide opportunity for teachers to develop skills and expertise in their relevant KLA

2.1Implement sustainable after school training for students in Years K – 12 targeting (Years 7 – 12), indoor Basketball and outdoor soccer (K – 6) 2.2Implement a sustainable dance studio for K – 10 students and establish and develop a Senior School C.A. room 2.3Expansion of community choir for Year 3 and older students to adults 2.4Establishment of extracurricular interest groups with Executive support, e.g. canoeing, chess 2.5To strengthen water activities in the school 2.6To provide additional mission opportunities for students, staff and parents 2.7To provide collaborative activities that build relationships, equip families and bring honour and glory to God, e.g. School Events 2.8To strengthen Student Leadership in Junior School and Senior School 2.9To establish a targeted music program (tutoring and orchestra) in stage 3 2.10To establish the Principal’s Service Award

Strategic Goals 3.1Embed effective formative learning practices for Reading and Number (K – 10) through State partnership funding using Explicit Instruction Program in Numeracy, Reading, Spelling and Writing 3.2Embed technology into Years 5–12 teaching programs focusing on literacy (e.g. fluency, reading comprehension and vocabulary) and a balanced approach 3.3Evaluation of ICT infrastructure and policies, to ensure a first rate environment of effective teaching including upgrading full-time teaching staff laptops with an iPads review 3.4Continuation of embedding excellence project with AIS support in conjunction with the School Improvement Plan 3.5To develop a whole school (K – 12) approach to Positive Behaviour Intervention System (PBIS) from AIS 3.6To establish an assessment policy that affirms the use of Edumate for record keeping-all school

Strategic Goals 4.1 Creation of new newsletter (termly distribution) with term events on a 1-page calendar 4.2 Create a whole school daily notice morning email at 8.30 each morning to staff 4.3 Effective communication throughout the community by the marketing team 4.4 Establish a ‘student voice’ K-12 4.5 Establish a ‘parent voice’ 4.6 Create a high level of aboriginal cultural awareness leading to greater inclusivity for all our aboriginal students 4.7 Establish a central source of information that is easily accessible and up to date


Pacific Coast Christian School

Annual Action Plan 2016 Mr Ben Krahe - Principal


VISION The purpose of Pacific Coast Christian School (PCCS) is to provide a Christian Educational Community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs, values and behaviours.

MISSION We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming: to be authentically Christian; to provide quality education; and to practice Christian community.



1.4 To utilise the curriculum as a vehicle for pushing out community service and mission and each PC class to adopt a project

1.3 Review technology and experiment with BYOD’s

1.2 To write an integrated unit using tasks that are multidisciplinary and meet outcomes across all KLA’s in Senior School

1.1 Implement Australian NSW curriculum in K – 10

SENIOR Head of Curriculum help to review and implement the NSW curriculum 7 - 10 To review in late 2016

Review types of devices being used and trialling and investigating the options available in relation to curriculum implications All PC classes adopt a project per semester


Curriculum Coordinators will help to review and implement the NSW curriculum K -6 N/A

Review types of devices being used and trialling and investigating the options available in relation to curriculum implications Every class will adopt a project per semester


Have a whole school recording reward/award approach to community service and mission

Investigate financial options School device/BYOD

PD for staff, parents and students Support from TEC, AIS Attend subject specific in-servicing

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: Implement the NSW Australian curriculum . Strategic Goals (WHAT) Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)

PCCS Annual Action Plan 2016

Each Term

Term 1- Andrew Lack visit

To be finalised by June 2016

Ben Krahe – Team Leader Mel Underwood - Manager

Executive with ICT Manager and TEC involvement. Doug Zylstra – Team Leader

Heads of School and Curriculum Coordinators / Head of Curriculum

Ongoing Curriculum Development – Term 2

Team Leader (WHO)

Time frame for implementation (WHEN)


Book Week Dress-up days Reading certificates NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge Musical AIS consultant Action Plan following AIS consultancy

Book Week Dress-up days Reading certificates NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge JS Musical

1.7 To continue to promote passion and engagement in the KLA’s of English, Maths, Science and Music

1.8 To invest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) review in the school

Investigate different approaches to Biblical studies 7 – 10 through what resources are available and what other schools are using

Investigate different approaches to Biblical studies K – 6 through what resources are available and what other schools are using

1.5 To develop and demonstrate an understanding of Christian education based on Biblical principles and some engagement with relevant ideas, issues or research with students and staff 1.6 To meet all requirements for BOSTES for Teacher Accreditation

Head of Curriculum and Curriculum Coordinators – Team Leaders

Marty Harris supported by Head of Curriculum

AIS to visit

Heads of School and Curriculum Coordinators / Head of Curriculum

Dominique Spier – JS / Malcolm Muir – SS. Patrick – Team Leader

HOS-PHCS to visitKaren Gouws

Belinda Nunn to come up Mentoring of Wendy Hawkins

In-services – BOSTES, AIS, TEC


New HopeTraining TECRegister and certificate All staff – series 1 – series 3 – Term 2/3 July – Admin – New Hope

SLT Retreat New Hope Training Hope for the Future Conference Camp Drewe


1.12 Provide opportunity for teachers to develop skills and expertise in their relevant KLA

1.11 To intentionally partner with TEC to establish and maintain a culture of excellence

1.10 To engage with sister schools, partner schools and critical friends to build their school culture

1.9 To embrace the new BOSTES requirement in Anti-Domestic Violence strategies

Action Plan – Literacy and Numeracy Maths Coaching Literacy Coaching

To collaborate and support with other schools involved with the Action Plan

Karen Gouws in service from PHCS

Head of Curriculum and Curriculum Coordinators.

Director of The Excellence Centre, Head of Curriculum and Exec. Ben Krahe to organise data expert at PCCS (whenever) for leaders

Work with Director of The Excellence Centre to develop To have PD coordinated through The Excellence Centre For our staff to provide PD to other schools through The Excellence Centre Whole School Science PD

Action plan for standard 5 Using data to inform teaching Assessment strategies Keeping Records

Principal and Assistant Principal – Team Leaders Action Plan – Klaus Knobloch

Gavin Boardman and David Peck supported by the Head of Curriculum

To engage with schools in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and China / Hong Kong

PD for staff


Assign a teacher to this task in lieu of playground duties – weekly commitment at lunchtime and afterschool Lunchtime groups in SS – HOSS Appoint a chess organiser Canoeing – Terms One and Four Bushwalking – Terms Two and Three

Assign a teacher to this task in lieu of playground duties – weekly commitment at lunchtime and afterschool

Lunchtime group in JS – HOJS Appoint a chess organiser

2.4 Establishment of extracurricular interest groups with Executive Support, e.g.; chess, canoeing

SENIOR PE staff to implement with support of Heads of School and other interested staff


PE staff to implement with support of Heads of School and other interested staff


After school dance academy Convert C3 into a professional dance studio

Look at options for creating half court and practice courts Look to install permanent soccer goals on the oval

Activities to Support these Goals (HOW

2.3 Expansion of the community choir for year three and older students to adults

2.2 Implement a sustainable dance studio for K – 10 students and establish and develop a Senior School CA room

2.1 Implement sustainable after school training for students in years K – 12 targeting indoor basketball (712) and outdoor soccer (K-6)

Strategic Goals (WHAT)

Term One 2016

Term One 2016

Term One 2016

Term One, Two and Three 2016

Time frame for implementation (WHEN)

Carol Stubbs and Heads of School – Team Leaders

Travis McLaren and Wendy Hawkins – Team Leaders

Alison Zylstra and Assistant Principal

Heads of School and Sports Coordinators

Team Leader (WHO)

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To develop a co-curricular framework to maximise opportunities for students’ gifting’s.


2.6 To provide additional mission/service opportunities for students, staff and parents

2.5 To strengthen water activities in the school

Appoint an Athletics coach Appoint a swimming coach K – 6 swimming lessons for five weeks in term one and term four Investigating surfing and surf survival K – 6 Mission and service trips and meetings Music Camps from PHCS Community Service Student choir Japanese host students Mission café inc. JS School Musical NAIDOC week Bandana day Gardening club Drama club You have a friend Mission t-shirts

2016 - 2017

Two Chinese students for 6 weeks in Term 3

Appoint an Athletics coach Appoint a swimming coach Stage 5 and 6 Marine Studies (two-yearly cycle) PASS

Mission and service trips and meetings Music Camps from PHCS Community Service Student choir Japanese host students Mission café School Musical NAIDOC week Bandana day Gardening club Drama club You have a friend Mission t-shirts Solomon Islands / Outback / Hong Kong / China / Vanuatu mission and service trips

Investigate Duke of Edinborough Award

Rachel Thompson, Assistant Principal, Principal, Administrative Assistant, Carol Stubbs, Head of Junior School, Dominique Spier.

Gavin Boardman, Carol and Malcolm and Heads of School – Team Leaders


Girls night in Boys night in

Student Captains and Prefects Student Representative Council

Girls night in Boys night in

Head Boy and Head Girl and Prefects Leadership Program

Music for Life

2.7 To provide collaborative activities that build relationships, equip families and bring honour and glory to God, e.g. school events

2.8 To strengthen student leadership in both Junior and Senior School

2.9 To establish a targeted music program (tutoring and orchestral) in Stage 3

Review in term three the opportunity to increase the age range of this program to Stage 2 and Stage 4

Family Fun Day Presentation Night NAIDOC day K – 2 movie night Build a raft day


2016 Leadership Training Camp Drewe

April 27 Pacific Coast Day-invite alumni students for Dinner/Celebration

Wendy Hawkins – Team Leader

Heads of School, Dominique Spier, Carol Stubbs – Team Leader

Assistant Principal and Administrative Assistant


3.1 Embed effective formative learning practices in the context of reading and number (K – 10) through State Partnership funding using Explicit Instruction program in numeracy, reading, spelling and writing

Strategic Goals (WHAT)

SENIOR PD in English and Learning Support Purchase of resources Investigate appropriate tier two and three programs for literacy and numeracy Pedagogy afternoons in Reading instruction Literacy week Oratory Comp Speech competitions Speech Eisteddfods Book Week Poetry Competition Short Story Competition


PD in Reading Mastery, Spelling mastery, CMC, Corrective Reading, MiniLit, PreLit , MultiLit Purchase of resources Pedagogy afternoons in Reading instruction Literacy week Junior Oratory Comp Parent training in early reading skills Speech competitions Speech Eisteddfods Book Week Poetry Competition Short Story Competition


Activities to Support these Goals (HOW

Time frame for implementation (WHEN) 2016

Head of Curriculum, Curriculum Coordinators, JS Learning Support, Head of JS.

Team Leader (WHO)

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: To establish a sustainable rigorous culture of teaching evidenced by the highest pupil achievement.


3.4 Continuation of embedding excellence project with AIS support in conjunction with the School Improvement Plan

infrastructure and policies, to ensure a first rate environment of effective teaching including upgrading fulltime teaching staff laptops and an iPad review

3.3 Evaluation of ICT

3.2 Embed technology into Years 3-12 teaching programs focusing on computer literacy (e.g. fluency, reading comprehension and vocabulary)

Establish a school Improvement Committee – Principal to be included

Staff Training Days ICT requirements in core subject work porgrams

HOC-SS to organise the project with support of other KLA leaders Establish a school Improvement Committee – Principal to be included

Staff Training Days ICT requirements in core subject work programs

Exec review with support of AIS, TEC

Review plan each term with Director of TEC

Term One 2016 – finalised by May 30. Discuss with Andrew Lack- OptionsDevices

Term One 2016- Key Board Training

Head of Senior School – Team Leader

Head of SS and Principal

Head of Curriculum and Curriculum Coordinators


Establish a Welfare Committee (HOSS; HOJS; 2 others) to work with AIS to have a consistent approach to Teaching / Learning throughout the school

Integrate into use of edumate as an assessment and recording tool Training for staff

3.5 To develop a whole school (K-12) approach to Positive Behaviour Intervention System (PBIS) from AIS

3.6 To establish an assessment policy that affirms the use of Edumate for record keeping – all school

Establish a Welfare Committee (HOSS; HOJS; 2 others) to work with AIS to have a consistent approach to Teaching / Learning throughout the school 2016 Dean of CurriculumK to 12-writes the policy

Term One and Two 2016 Termly review with Stephen Fyson

Head of Junior School

Heads of School, Carol Stubbs and Gavin Boardman. Assistant Principal – Team Leader


2016 SS Carol Stubbs JS Dom Spier

Student Representative Council School Survey

4.4 Establish a ‘student voice’

Student Leadership

Kim to keep abreast of all calendar happenings for SLT


4.3 Effective communication throughout the community by the marketing team

Melanie and Marketing Assistant DJ Stringer to provide free of charge


Office Manager- Kasee

Team Leader (WHO)

Time frame for implementation (WHEN)


Daily notices sent out via email by 8:30am to whole school


4.2 Create a whole school daily notice morning email to distribute at 8.30 a.m. each morning to staff

SENIOR Termly, gloss paper, assisted by graphic designer


Activities to Support these Goals (HOW

4.1 Creation of a new newsletter (per term distribution) with term events on a one-page calendar

Strategic Goals (WHAT)

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: To establish and maintain effective communication inside and beyond the school community.


4.7 Establish a central source of information that is easily accessible and up to date

4.6 Create a high level of aboriginal cultural awareness leading to greater inclusivity for all our aboriginal students

4.5 Establish a ‘parent voice’

Aboriginal Studies


Term One and Two 2016 (fit in with review of technology and multimedia)

Exec to investigate to establish in 2017 Canvas


Micah Award NAIDOC Day Aboriginal Dance Group to send out to the community Whole school staff training

School Survey by TEC


Carol Stubbs, Joanne Allen

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