INTRODUCTORY AND GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................5 Statement of Faith ..............................................................................................................5 Mission Statement..............................................................................................................6 Summary of our Worldview ................................................................................................7 Organisational Chart……………………………………………………………………………...8 SECTION 1: STRATEGIC GOALS ......................................................................................9 Pacific Hills Christian School ............................................................................................10 New Hope School ............................................................................................................11 Pacific Coast Christian School .........................................................................................12 Pacific Hope .....................................................................................................................13 Pacific Valley Christian School .........................................................................................14 SECTION 2: PLANNING AND REPORTING .....................................................................15 Pacific Hills Christian School ............................................................................................16 ……..Junior School ..........................................................................................................16 ……..Middle School .........................................................................................................24 ……..Senior School..........................................................................................................33 ……..Faculty Heads .........................................................................................................41 New Hope School ............................................................................................................58 Pacific Coast Christian School .........................................................................................67 Pacific Hope School .........................................................................................................79 Pacific Valley Christian School .........................................................................................87 BOARD MEMBERS ............................................................................................................96
Principals Message Dear Friends and colleagues, We thank God for the opportunity to serve in ministry in our Christian School. Our supreme purpose is to bring glory to God. We believe that the Bible informs all areas of teaching and learning and it is our common desire to show God’s grace and wisdom as Christian educational communities. The purpose of each of our schools is to be a community of excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs, values and behaviours. We thank God that we are able to engage together in personal, spiritual formation and in community spiritual formation. We desire to be a community of faith in which the spiritual, academic, social, cultural and physical dimensions come together through fellowship in which our practices and words are reflective of the beliefs that we hold in authentic Christian Education. In His service,
Dr E J Boyce Executive Principal
Greetings The purpose of every Pacific School is to be a Christian Educational Community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs. As a school community, we want to improve the quality of classroom teaching and learning, be innovative and build a culture of serving in an environment that is committed to excellence. As we strive to improve outcomes for our school community we want to focus on levels of achievement, wellbeing and spiritual formation. School improvement is essentially improving what a school does. This document provides evidence about our day-to-day work and shows how and when we measure student outcomes. We have broadly shown how a strategic management plan can be disseminated into Annual Action Plans in each of our schools. A key feature of this document is that it is reviewed on a termly basis and will be adjusted when programs need to be modified or terminated. Communication is crucial: communication among members, and with the wider environment. Hence, we are publishing this as an example of our commitment to effective communication. Pacific Hills Christian Education will always pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming to be authentically Christian, to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative. To God be the Glory!
Dr Katrina Lamont Assistant Principal Teaching, Learning and Strategic Planning Pacific Hills Christian School March 2016
INTRODUCTORY AND GENERAL INFORMATION Statement of Faith Statement of Faith: The Bible is God's Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error in the original writings. It is our sole authority and absolutely binding in all matters of faith and conduct. There is one holy God, existing eternally as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He is the Creator of all things visible and invisible. Jesus Christ is the Son of God who became man through conception by the Holy Spirit and virgin birth and was without sin. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of guilt in regard to sin, righteousness and judgement. Satan is the originator of all evil and through him sin was introduced into the world after the Fall of Adam and Eve. Man is, by nature and practice, a sinful creature and is unable, by any personal merit or works, to meet the standards of a holy God. In love, Jesus Christ voluntarily suffered the penalty of death by crucifixion for the sin of the whole world. He was buried and arose from among the dead on the third day thus signifying God's acceptance of His sacrifice. He is now seated at the right hand of God. By personal faith in Christ one can know the complete forgiveness of sins, be reconciled to God, become a member of the family of God and receive eternal life. Those who do not accept Jesus Christ as Saviour will be separated from God eternally. Christ lives in every Christian's life by the Holy Spirit from the moment he is born again into God's family. The Holy Spirit guides, instructs and empowers the believer for godly living and service. The Lord Jesus Christ will return in person to receive all believers to Himself and to set up His kingdom. At that time all believers will be united with Him eternally. Then there will be a new heaven and a new earth in which God's sovereignty will be unchallenged.
Mission Statement Mission: We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming: to be authentically Christian; to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative.
Strategic Mission Goals: To be authentically Christian: a) To start and end with knowing God in all endeavours b) To live under the authority of God’s Word, and to interpret it thoroughly and reasonably with the guidance of His Holy Spirit. c) To staff the school with people committed to live worshipfully under God d) To nurture and encourage students into a reconciled relationship with God through Christ. e) To work as the Body of Christ comprised by those of faith in the school community. To provide quality education: f) To encourage and train students into a love of learning. g) To equip students’ minds to understand God’s perspective in all areas of learning. h) To help each child achieve his or her God given potential, by providing appropriate educational opportunities according to each one’s abilities, including those with intellectual deficits, the learning disabled and the gifted and talented, and those from varying ethnic backgrounds. i) To fulfil all government requirements to enable us to be an accredited educational institution. j) To have the students accept the Biblical principle of stewardship in relation to their gifts. k) To encourage and train students in work habits which can produce outstanding results in all school programs – spiritual, academic, cultural, physical. l) To encourage and equip staff in developing their understanding of God’s perspective on Christian Education. To practise Christian community: m) To create safe relationships through being just and fair according to Biblical principles n) To be compassionate and merciful as God is to us. o) To nurture and train members of the community to accept personal responsibility for themselves (self discipline); to act within an ethos of service towards others; and to demonstrate an attitude of care for the environment. p) To encourage the involvement of those supportive of the school ethos who can assist in the teaching and learning at PHCS. q) To develop curriculum that explicitly addresses relational issues. r) To develop community life across all activities of PHCS. s) To maintain and promote K-12 unity throughout the school.
Summary of our Worldview Vision Statement: The purpose of Pacific Hills Christian School is to be a Christian educational community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence, founded on Biblically-based beliefs, values and behaviour.
Summary of our Worldview: The Christian philosophy rests upon revealed truth in the Scriptures, truth which is embodied in the teaching of Christ. This teaching includes the following propositions:
God, Creator of all things which exist outside of Himself, is personally interested in humankind.
God’s interest in humankind extends to a personal interest in each person and all people will give an account to God.
Humankind, created in the image of God, has fallen short of the mark. As a fallen creature he stands in need of redemption.
God has made provision for humankind to be redeemed through the incarnation, death and resurrection of the Christ.
God as a God of justice will ultimately correct the imbalances and injustice, which exist in human life.
All people are equal in God’s sight, as His “offspring” (Acts 17:29), but those who come to Him in faith enter into a new relationship – they are born from a new source of life (John 3:16).
Man has a responsibility under God as a custodian of the earth (Genesis 1:26-28).
Finance & Office Staff
Café Manager
Registrar’s Assistant
Development Officer
Hannahs Staff &
Canteen Volunteers
IT Manager
IT Staff
Hannahs Manager
Marketing Strategist
Business Manager Support Services
Cleaning Staff
Cleaning Services Team Leader
Property Manager
Property Maintenance Staff
OMA Staff & Tutors
One Maker Academy Director
Learning Resources
Head of
Dean of
Prep Aides Special Ed Aides
Class & Special Ed Teachers
Year Advisors
Head of Junior School
Assistant Principal
After School Care Coordinator
Centre Staff
Overseas Student Liaison Officer
Special Ed Aide
HRT & Special Ed Teachers
Year Advisors
Head of Middle School
Principal’s PA
Special Ed Aide
PCT & Special Ed Teachers
Year Advisors
Head of Senior School
Pacific Hills Christian School - Organisational Chart
Careers Advisor
Dean of
Mission Team
Mission Team Leader
The Excellence Centre Director
Mission Advisor
New Hope School Staff
New Hope School Director
August 2015
Section 1:
Strategic Management Plans
Pacific Hills Christian School Strategic Management Plan 2015-2017 Vision The purpose of PHCS is to be a Christian Educational Community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs, values and behaviour.
Mission We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming: to be authentically Christian; to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative.
Strategic Objective 1
Strategic Objective 2
Strategic Objective 3
Strategic Objective 4
To establish a sustainable and rigorous culture of teaching, learning and serving excellence as informed by the research data and personal testimonies of the community.
To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
To establish and maintain effective communication inside and beyond the School Community.
To build a culture of local, national and global service through exercising the gifts of these in community.
Strategic Goals
Strategic Goals
Strategic Goals
Strategic Goals
1.1 Intentionally engage students in meaningful learning using evidence-based practice. 1.2 Develop a consistent culture of respect 1.3 Engage the teachers in a Personal Christian Formation in Community. 1.4 Provide Pastoral Care to support the wellbeing of all. 1.5 Intentionally partner with TEC to establish and maintain a culture of excellence 1.6 To engage with sister schools, partner schools and Critical Friends to build this culture.
2.1 Create contemporary learning spaces with flexible furniture and layouts. 2.2 Blended Learning using integrated LMS and digital material and devices. 2.3 Balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning. 2.4 To collaborate and consult with the wider Christian Education Community in the Biblical & ethical delivery and use of LMS 2.5 To utilise the School Maintenance Team, School Office Staff and IT team to create a community of learners.
3.1 Communicate effectively within the school community 3.2 Communicate effectively outside the School Community. 3.3 Build a culture of openness to feedback from students to staff and staff to parents. 3.4 School policies are available to school community and upon request. 3.5 Marketing and Development team are to support effective communication in and through the community.
4.1 Build a culture of Community Service and Mission to the local community. 4.2 Build a culture of community service and mission on a national level. 4.3 Build a culture of service and mission on a global level. 4.4 Utilise the CEDP program to use of gifts with others. 4.5 To include our Patrons and Foundation in building up of the gifts within our community. 4.6 To consistently monitor the stewardship of the resources that God has given us. 11
New Hope School Strategic Management Plan 2015-2017 Vision The purpose of Pacific Hills Christian School (PHCS) is to be a Christian Educational Community which provides quality individualised and meaningful education in a caring and supportive learning environment for students with special needs, founded on Biblically based beliefs.
Mission We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming: to be authentically Christian; to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative.
Strategic Objective 1
Strategic Objective 2
Strategic Objective 3
Strategic Objective 4
To establish an excellent learning community evidenced by the research data and personal testimonies of the community.
To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners that supports their diverse needs.
To establish and maintain effective communication inside and beyond the School Community.
To build a culture of local, national and global service through exercising the gifts of these in community.
Strategic Goals
Strategic Goals
Strategic Goals
Strategic Goals
1.1 Intentionally engage students in meaningful learning using evidence-based practice. 1.2 Develop a consistent culture of respect 1.3 Engage the teachers in a Personal Christian Formation in Community. 1.4 Provide Pastoral Care to support the wellbeing of all. 1.5 Intentionally partner with TEC to establish and maintain a culture of excellence 1.6 To engage with sister schools, partner schools and Critical Friends to build this culture.
2.1 Create contemporary learning spaces with flexible furniture and layouts. 2.2 Learning using digital material and devices. 2.3 Balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning. 2.4 To collaborate and consult with the wider Christian Education Community in the Biblical & ethical delivery and use of technology. 2.5 To utilise the School Maintenance Team, School Office Staff and IT team to create a community of learners. 2.6 Preparing and teaching community for transition between learning spaces.
3.1 Communicate effectively within the school community 3.2 Communicate effectively outside the School Community. 3.3 Build a culture of openness to feedback from students to staff and staff to parents. 3.4 School policies are available to school community and upon request. 3.5 Marketing and Development team are to support effective communication in and through the community.
4.1 Build a culture of Community Service and Mission to the local community. 4.2 Build a culture of community service and mission on a national level. 4.3 Build a culture of service and mission on a global level. 4.4 Utilise the CEDP program to use of gifts with others. 4.5 To include our Patrons and Foundation in building up of the gifts within our community. 4.6 To consistently monitor the stewardship of the resources that God has given us. 12
Pacific Coast Christian School Strategic Management Plan 2015-2017 Vision The purpose of Pacific Coast Christian School is to provide a Christian educational community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on biblically based beliefs, values and behaviours
Mission We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming: to be authentically Christian; to provide quality education; and, to practice Christian community.
Strategic Objective 1
Strategic Objective 2
Strategic Objective 3
Strategic Objective 4
Implement the NSW Australian Curriculum
To develop a co-curricular framework to maximise opportunities for students gifting
To establish a sustainable culture of teaching evidenced by the highest pupil achievement
To establish and maintain effective communication inside and beyond the school community
Strategic Goals
Strategic Goals
1.1Implement Australian NSW Curriculum in K – 10 1.2To write integrated unit using tasks that are multidisciplinary and meet outcomes across all KLAs in senior school 1.3Review technology and experiment with different BYOD’s 1.4To utilise the curriculum as a vehicle for pushing out community service and mission and each PC class to adopt a project 1.5To develop and demonstrate an understanding of Christian education based on Biblical EE principles and some engagement with relevant ideas, issues or research with students and staff 1.6To meet all requirements for BOS 1.7To promote passion and engagement in the KLAs of English, Maths, Science and Music 1.8To invest in STEM review in the school 1.9To embrace the new BOSTE requirement in ADV strategies 1.10To engage with sister schools, partner schools and critical friends to build their school culture 1.11To intentionally partner with TEC to establish and maintain a culture of excellence 1.12Provide opportunity for teachers to develop skills and expertise in their relevant KLA
2.1Implement sustainable after school training for students in Years K – 12 targeting (Years 7 – 12), indoor Basketball and outdoor soccer (K – 6) 2.2Implement a sustainable dance studio for K – 10 students and establish and develop a Senior School C.A. room 2.3Expansion of community choir for Year 3 and older students to adults 2.4Establishment of extracurricular interest groups with Executive support, e.g. canoeing, chess 2.5To strengthen water activities in the school 2.6To provide additional mission opportunities for students, staff and parents 2.7To provide collaborative activities that build relationships, equip families and bring honour and glory to God, e.g. School Events 2.8To strengthen Student Leadership in Junior School and Senior School 2.9To establish a targeted music program (tutoring and orchestra) in stage 3 2.10To establish the Principal’s Service Award
Strategic Goals 3.1Embed effective formative learning practices for Reading and Number (K – 10) through State partnership funding using Explicit Instruction Program in Numeracy, Reading, Spelling and Writing 3.2Embed technology into Years 5–12 teaching programs focusing on literacy (e.g. fluency, reading comprehension and vocabulary) and a balanced approach 3.3Evaluation of ICT infrastructure and policies, to ensure a first rate environment of effective teaching including upgrading full-time teaching staff laptops with an iPads review 3.4Continuation of embedding excellence project with AIS support in conjunction with the School Improvement Plan 3.5To develop a whole school (K – 12) approach to Positive Behaviour Intervention System (PBIS) from AIS 3.6To establish an assessment policy that affirms the use of Edumate for record keeping-all school
Strategic Goals 4.1 Creation of new newsletter (termly distribution) with term events on a 1-page calendar 4.2 Create a whole school daily notice morning email at 8.30 each morning to staff 4.3 Effective communication throughout the community by the marketing team 4.4 Establish a ‘student voice’ K-12 4.5 Establish a ‘parent voice’ 4.6 Create a high level of aboriginal cultural awareness leading to greater inclusivity for all our aboriginal students 4.7 Establish a central source of information that is easily accessible and up to date
Pacific Hope School Strategic Management Plan 2015-2017 Vision The purpose of PHS is to be a Christian Educational Community which provides quality individualised and meaningful education in a caring and supportive learning environment for students with special needs, founded on Biblically based beliefs, values and attitudes.
Mission We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming: to be authentically Christian; to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative.
Strategic Objective 1
Strategic Objective 2
Strategic Objective 3
Strategic Objective 4
To establish an excellent learning community evidenced by the research data and personal testimonies of the community.
To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners that supports their diverse needs.
To establish and maintain effective communication inside and beyond the School Community.
To build a culture of local, national and global service through exercising the gifts of these in community.
Strategic Goals
Strategic Goals
Strategic Goals
Strategic Goals
1.1 Intentionally engage students in meaningful learning using evidence-based practice. 1.2 Develop a consistent culture of respect 1.3 Engage the teachers in a Personal Christian Formation in Community. 1.4 Provide Pastoral Care to support the wellbeing of all. 1.5 Intentionally partner with TEC to establish and maintain a culture of excellence 1.6 To engage with sister schools, partner schools and Critical Friends to build this culture.
2.1 Create contemporary learning spaces with flexible furniture and layouts. 2.2 Learning using digital material and devices. 2.3 Balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning. 2.4 To collaborate and consult with the wider Christian Education Community in the Biblical & ethical delivery and use of technology. 2.5 To utilise the School Maintenance Team, School Office Staff and IT team to create a community of learners. 2.6 Plan and prepare for transition to new learning spaces.
3.1 Communicate effectively within the school community 3.2 Communicate effectively outside the School Community. 3.3 Build a culture of openness to feedback from students to staff and staff to parents. 3.4 Ensure school policies are available to school community and upon request. 3.5 Marketing and Development team are to support effective communication in and through the community.
4.1 Build a culture of Community Service and Mission to the local community. 4.2 Build a culture of community service and mission on a national level. 4.3 Build a culture of service and mission on a global level. 4.4 Utilise the CEDP program to use of gifts with others. 4.5 To include our Patrons and Foundation in building up of the gifts within our community. 4.6 To consistently monitor the stewardship of the resources that God has given us. 14
Pacific Valley Christian School Strategic Management Plan 2015-2017 Vision The purpose of Pacific Valley Christian School is to be a Christian Educational Community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs, that in all things acknowledge that Christ is the centre.
Mission We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming to be authentically Christian, to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative and has at its centre, Jesus Christ.
Strategic Objective 1
Strategic Objective 2
Strategic Objective 3
To establish a sustainable and rigorous culture of teaching, learning and serving excellence as informed by the research data and personal testimonies of the community.
To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
To establish and maintain a student leadership program that builds a culture of service-learning excellence.
Strategic Goals
1.1 Engage with outside consultants (AIS) to assist with data analysis of targeted areas of improvement 1.2 Write and implement a school improvement plan in the nominated area of need 1.3 Provide staff with professional development in the nominated area of need 1.4 Partner with TEC for additional Professional Development e.g. Differentiation Strategies
Strategic Goals 2.1 Create contemporary learning spaces within flexible furniture and layouts 2.2 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning 2.3 Create outdoor learning spaces that are attractive, multifunctional and sustainable that creates community 2.4 Create an administration office that enhances community life
Strategic Goals
Strategic Objective 4 To establish a special school for students with autism and moderate cognitive delay and to strengthen learning support in the main school.
Strategic Goals
3.1 Provide a student leadership structure
4.1 Apply to BOSTES for a new Special Needs School
3.2 Train all students in a leadership skills program
4.2 Partner with TEC to assist with the application process
3.3 Provide opportunities for students to serve in authentic positions of leadership 3.4 Engage with others outside PVCS community in acts of service.
4.3 To present and prepare a suitable facility for a Special Needs School 4.4 To train staff in special education strategies to assist students who are challenged by classroom instruction
Section 2:
Annual Action Plans
Junior School- Pacific Hills Christian School
Annual Action Plan 2016 VISION The purpose of Pacific Hills Christian School (PHCS) is to be a Christian Educational Community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs.
MISSION We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming to be authentically Christian, to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative.
Mr. Scott Cousins Head of Junior School February 2016
Review of Augustine program by analysing entry tests of all new students & analysing Naplan
Meet with AIS staff to discuss the introduction of Positive Behaviour Intervention System (PBIS)
Attendance at morning Devotions for all staff
Engaging the teaching staff in school procedures, routines and class management systems
Devotion/Bible Reading at every Junior School meeting
1.2 Develop a consistent culture of respect
1.3 Engage staff in Personal Christian Formation
1.1 To intentionally engage students and staff in meaningful learning using evidencebased practices.
To inform staff about enquiry learning model by attending PD & visiting other schools
JS staff to lead and engage in Mission Opportunities
Survey of students and teachers prior to and at end of Year about the effectiveness of the program
Review Yearly Exam process by PD on assessment & parent forum on assessment
Staff MeetingTerm 1 - 4 Assessment for Learning
R. Stewart M.Elliott Claire Kendall J. Mylonas
JS meeting Devotions Staff Devotions Missions
Scott & Tina
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To establish an excellent learning community evidenced by the research data and personal testimonies of the community Strategic Goals Activities to Support these Goals (HOW) Time frame to Team (WHAT) implement Leader (WHEN) (WHO) is responsible and accountable for action
Pacific Hills Junior School - Annual Action Plan 2016
1.6 To engage with sister school, partner schools and Critical Friends to build this culture
1.5 To intentionally partner with TEC to establish and maintain a culture of Excellence
1.4 To provide Pastoral Care to support the wellbeing of all
Head and Assistant Headinvitation to Aspiring Leaders Retreat
JS staff to be invited to share in CEDP opportunities
JS Head to visit PCCS & PVCS
Wellbeing survey of parents & teachers
Establish a Social Club in Junior School for students with social needs
Meet twice with Director of TEC to evaluate AAP and to discuss PD opportunities
Establish a Homework Club in Junior School
Use the Duke of Edinburgh students from SS to assist in Junior school with the Social Club
May, 2016
Terms 1-4
Results to SLT in Term 2
Survey-Term 1
SurveyMindmatterB.Wake TEC to liaise with JS
Homework Club & Social Club-Scott & Kirsty
2.4 To collaborate and consult with the wider Christian Education Community in the Biblical & ethical use of technology
2.3 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning
PD in January Conference
2.2 Blended learning using LMS & digital material devices
To collaborate with parents in the area of technology via a Parent meeting
Construct a paper on what JS considers-A balanced use of Digital Devices In JS staff meetings
PD on April 26 PD-Wednesday Afternoon seminars
Teachers reviewing the current learning spaces by collegial discussions
2.1 Create contemporary learning spaces within flexible furniture and layouts
iPad Survey Prep-Yr. 4
Teachers engaged in how Canvas can be best used in JS by discussion & collaboration in building Canvas
Investigate best layouts and furniture that support best pedagogical outcomes
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT) Discuss with parents their ideas of school learning spaces
Term 2, 2016
Term 1, 2016 Term 2, 2016
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 26-Term 2,2016
Term 1
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
Team Leader (WHO)
Establish a “Gardening Club- Herbs for humanity
Invite Lee Pratt to talk to students about gardening
Fundraising for Samaritans Pursepurchase of seedInvite Mr Armstrong to speak to students to promote the value of service
Term 1-Term 4 AHOS HOS
3.2 Communicate effectively outside the school community
Investigate having parents accessing Edumate for PC matters
Parent training in how to access Parent Portal
Term 2 & 3
Edumate-Scott Training- Sharon M.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: To establish and maintain an effective communication inside and beyond the School Community Activities to Support these Goals (HOW Team Leader (WHO) Strategic Goals Time frame for implementation (WHAT) (WHEN) 3.1 Communicate Staff Training in Term 1 & Term 3 Investigate the Develop a set Jenny Mylonas effectively within the take up of of expectations Report Writing school community parents using around report parents page writing & by random assessment sample
2.5 To utilise the School Maintenance Team, school office staff and IT team to create a community of learners
3.5 Marketing and Development Team are to support effective communication in and through the community
3.4 School policies are available to school community and upon request
3.3 Build a culture of openness to feedback from students to staff, and staff to parents
JS ideas box
Check with DOC where policies are on Website
Invite Registrar Team to JS events
Create a student forum for ideas of how to serve and then implement those ideas
Communicate to parents where policies are
Invite Marketing/Devel opment Team to JS events
Create a space in JS meeting for update of any family changes
On going
On going
Term 1
JS Admin
4.4 Utilise the CDEP program to use the gifts of others
service and mission on a global level
4.3 Build a culture of
4.2 Build a culture of community service and mission on a national level
4.1 Build a culture of Community Service (CS) and Mission to the local community
Send staff on International Missions
Invite Samaritans Purse to talk Samaritans Shoe Boxes
Send staff on CEDP work to international destinations & report back to staff at devotions
Compassion Club raises money for mission & for a gift for Children’s Hospital Send staff on National Mission Trips Eg.Moree, NT.
Compassion Club-visit local school & give Easter presentation
Have Missions coordinator run Mission Awareness Events
Have students praying for team members individually
HOS & Principal
HOS Missions Coordinator
Term 3, 2016
All year
Christine Waterhouse
Term 2, 2016
Term 4, 2016
Term 1, 2016
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: To Build a culture of local, national and global service through exercising the gifts of these in community Activities to Support these Goals (HOW Team Leader (WHO) Strategic Goals Time frame for implementation (WHAT) (WHEN)
4.6 To consistently monitor the stewardship of the resources that God has given us
4.5 To include our Patrons and Foundation in the building up of the gifts within the community
Invite Patrons to JS events
Cleaner Toilets
Investigate who are the School Patrons
Cleaner Playground-
Establish a rewards system for students doing the right thing
Establish monitoring of playground and toilets
HOS & Principal
Pacific Hills- Middle School
Annual Action Plan 2016 VISION The purpose of Pacific Hills Christian School (PHCS) is to be a Christian Educational Community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs.
MISSION We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming to be authentically Christian, to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative.
Mr. Colin Wood Head of Middle School February 2016
1.3 Engage staff in Personal Christian Formation
1.2 Develop a consistent culture of respect
1.1 To intentionally engage students and staff in meaningful learning using evidence-based practices.
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Attendance at morning devotions for all staff
Devotion/Bible Reading at every MS meeting
At each MS gathering, Respect is emphasised 1 Peter 2:17
Discuss research findings,eg Hattie & Marzano at each MS meeting with a view to trialling effective pedagogical practices, for full implementation in 2017 Include a description of ‘Respect’ in student’s diary. PC teachers refer to this weekly
* Analyse year 5 & 7 Naplan data *Interview staff about individual students learning *Discuss with staff how to improve learning
MS staff to lead and engage in Mission Opportunities
*Refer to Respect in all parent meetings and publications *Use language of respect in discipline matters, routines
Develop a MS specific pedagogical language
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Term 1, 2016-
Pedagogical Practices Term 1, 2017
Data Analysis Term 3, 2016
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
MS meeting Devotions-Year Advisors Staff Devotions-Principal Missions-Principal
Gatherings-HOMS Diary-AHOMS Weekly- HOMS & AHOMS Parent Meetings-HOMS Publications-HOMS
TEC Seminar- Apr 6 Research Findings-Thomas Smith Pedagogical Language-MS Home room teachers and FHTs
Team Leader (WHO) is responsible and accountable for action
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To establish a sustainable and rigorous culture of teaching, learning and serving excellence based on research data collected from the PHCS-Middle School community.
PHCS-MS- Annual Action Plan 2016
1.6 To engage with sister schools, partner schools and Critical Friends to build this culture
1.5 To intentionally partner with TEC to establish and maintain a culture of Excellence
1.4 To provide Pastoral Care to support the wellbeing of all
Closely liaise with MS counsellors by having a Wellbeing segment in MS meetings Head and Assistant Heads invited to Aspiring Leaders Retreat
MS staff to be invited to share in CEDP opportunities
Support the Year Advisors and Home Room teachers by PD opportunities
Meet twice per term with Director of TEC to evaluate AAP and to discuss PD opportunities
MS Head to visit Indigenous School
PD opportunities for counsellors that are needs based from MS Wellbeing survey for MS staff, parents & students
Term 4
Terms 1-4
Term 2, 2016
AW to be consulted in Term 1
TEC to liaise with MS
Well Being Survey-B.Wake
PD- MS staff to be trained in active listening by Counsellors
Ensure that handwriting is done by style and volume in year 5-8
Construct a paper on what MS considers-A balanced use of Digital Devices
2.3 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning
PD in January Conference
2.2 Blended learning using integrated LMS and digital material devices
PD on April 26 PD-Wednesday Afternoon seminars
Investigate best layouts and furniture that support best pedagogical outcomes Parent Information Evening around Canvas
Investigate best practice pedagogy for students in Years 7-8
2.1 Create contemporary learning spaces within flexible furniture and layouts
Ensure that touch typing is taught
Visit a 7/8 classroom outside the school to investigate furniture
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Term 1, 2016 Term 2, 2016
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 26-Term 2,2016
Term 1- pedagogy Term 2-furniture & Layouts
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
MS position paper-AHOMS MS-Handwriting-NK MS-Touch Typing-AHOMS
PD- Daniel McClintock Parent Evening-Term 2
Pedagogy- HOMS & DOC Furniture-HOMS & AHOMS
Team Leader (WHO)
2.5 To utilise the School Maintenance Team, school office staff and IT team to create a community of learners
2.4 To collaborate and consult with the wider Christian Education Community in the Biblical & ethical use of LMS
Term 1-Talks Term 2-Talks Term 3 -Thankyous
Have a Thank you function for Nonteaching staff
Invite Nonteaching staff to talk about their role in the school, if appropriate in lesson times
Invite Lee Pratt to talk to students about the grounds and spaces if appropriate in lesson time
Term 3, 2016
To collaborate with parents in the area of Canvas via Parent Survey
Ted to talk to Non-teaching staff visiting classes Talks- FHTs Thank you function-MS Admin staff
3.3 Build a culture of openness to feedback from students to staff, and staff to parents
3.2 Communicate effectively outside the school community
MS ideas box
PC teachers to update student changes and inform HOMS
Use student Leaders as a forum for discussion
MS Facebook Page
Whole school survey around the effectiveness of Parents Page
Have parents accessing Edumate for PC matters
Review communication methods of leadership to teaching staff from a P-12 perspective
Reintroduce the MS diary
3.1 Communicate effectively within the school community
Develop a set of expectations around report writing & marking
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW
Strategic Goals (WHAT) Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
Student Forum-HOMS MS ideas box=MS Admin MS Student Changes – PC teachers
Edumate- Sharon Maddison Survey-Principal
Diary-AHOMS Expectations Paper-HOMS Communication methodsHOMS DOEA/DOC
Team Leader (WHO)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: To establish and maintain an effective communication inside and beyond the School Community
3.5 Marketing and Development Team are to support effective communication in and through the community
3.4 School policies are available to school community and upon request
Invite Marketing and/or Development Team to MS events
Parents are contacted immediately if policy is requested and HOMS is communicated about this
Check with DOC where policies are on Website
Check with DOC- HOMS
4.4 Utilise the CEDP to use the gifts of others
4.3 Build a culture of service and mission on a global level
4.2 Build a culture of community service and mission on a national level
4.1 Build a culture of Community Service (CS) and Mission to the local community
Send staff on CEDP work to international destinations & report back to staff at devotions
Invite Samaritans Purse to talk about Samaritans Shoe Boxes
Investigate one local CS opportunity
Missions coordinator (MC) run Mission Awareness Events
Have students praying for team members individually
Send staff on National Mission Trips Eg.Moree, NT. Send staff on International Missions
Fundraising for topical events & Angel tree at Christmas
Thank you weekthanking community members
All year
Term 3, 2016
Term 2, 2016
Term 4, 2016
Term 1, 2016
HOMS to contact MC
Mission Trips- Annette Cadwallader
HOMS Nicole Pearce
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: To Build a culture of local, national and global service through exercising the gifts of these in community Strategic Goals (WHAT) Activities to Support these Goals (HOW Team Leader (WHO) Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
4.6 To consistently monitor the stewardship of the resources that God has given us
4.5 To include our Patrons and Foundation in the building up of the gifts within the community
Cleaner Toilets
Cleaner Playground
Investigate who are the School Patrons
Invite Patrons to MS events
Discuss ideas with Student Leaders
Pacific Hills- Senior School
Annual Action Plan 2016 VISION The purpose of Pacific Hills Christian School (PHCS) is to be a Christian Educational Community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs.
MISSION We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming to be authentically Christian, to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative.
Mr. Steve Grice Head of Senior School February 2016
1.2 Develop a consistent culture of respect
1.1 To intentionally engage students and staff in meaningful learning using evidence-based practices.
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
At each SS gathering, Respect is emphasised 1 Peter 2:17
* Analyse year 9 Naplan data *Interview staff about individual students about learning *Discuss with staff how to improve learning *Analyse HSC Results for trends & planning for improvement
Include a description of Respect in students Diary. PC teachers refer to this weekly
*Refer to Respect in all parent meetings and publications *Use language of respect in discipline matters, routines *Outlined at all enrolment interviews
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Term 1-4 2016
Visit classrooms daily
Data Analysis of Naplan- Term 2
Data Analysis of HSC results Term 1, 2016
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
Head of Senior School Senior School Assembliesfortnightly Diary- completed Weekly- monitored by Year Advisor Parent Meetings- Head of Senior School Parents Page & eNewsletterHead of Senior School Enrolment-Head of Senior School
Dean of Curriculum & Head of Senior School- Analysis of Year 9 data for areas of targeted improvement
Head of Senior School & Dean of Curriculum publish findings of HSC 2015 after consultation
Team Leader (WHO) is responsible and accountable for action
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To establish a sustainable and rigorous culture of teaching, learning and serving excellence based on research data collected from the PHCS-Senior School community.
PHCS-SS- Annual Action Plan 2016
1.6 To engage with sister school, partner schools and Critical Friends to build this culture
1.5 To intentionally partner with TEC to establish and maintain a culture of Excellence
1.4 To provide Pastoral Care to support the wellbeing of all
1.3 Engage staff in Personal Christian Formation
Close Liaise with SS counsellors by having a Wellbeing segment in SS meetings-needs based Whole School Wellbeing Survey Head and Assistant Heads invited to Aspiring Leaders Retreat
SS staff to be invited to share in CEDP opportunities
Support the Year Advisors and PC teachers by PD opportunities & Formalise a PC program (Years 9- 10)
SS Head to visit PCCS and PVCS
Meet twice per term with Director of TEC to evaluate AAP and to discuss PD opportunities
Attendance at morning Devotions for all staff
Devotion/Bible Reading at every SS meeting
Increase contact with PC teachers and parents- by contacting parents in the first week of first term and then for new students as the beginning of each term.
SS staff to lead and engage in Mission Opportunities-
Visiting schools Term 1- PVCS Term 3- PVCS & PCCS
Terms 1-4
Term 1, 2016 Term 2, 2016
TEC to liaise with SS
Liaise with Counsellor-HOSS Formal PC Program-Tim & Matt Wellbeing segment-HOSS Accountable for parent contact- Year Advisor MIndmatters Survey-B.Wake
SS meeting devotions-HOSS Staff Devotions-All staff Missions-Head of SS- to interview all Staff who wish to apply Year Advisor meetingsFortnightly-HOSS to check
2.3 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning
PD in January Conference
2.2 Blended learning using integrated LMS and digital material devices
Construct a paper on what SS considers-A balanced use of Digital Devices
PD in April 27 PD-Wednesday Afternoon sessions
SS staff meeting to discuss ownership of room
Have a discussion around More innovative approaches to the use of technology & attend PD conference
Invite Daniel McClintock to give a Parent Information Evening around Canvas
More ownership of classrooms By allocating teachers to look after a SS room
Conduct a survey in SS as to how technology is currently used.
Allocation of funds to make rooms more attractive
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
2.1 Create contemporary learning spaces within flexible furniture and layouts
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Term 2, 2016 Term 3, 2016
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 27-Term 2,2016 Parent MeetingTerm 2
SS Discussion-Term 1 Allocation-Term 1
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
Paper- Andrew Lack Innovative Discussion-Head of SS Survey-TEC
Jan Conference- DOC PD April-DOC Invite Daniel-HOSS
Head of Senior School
Team Leader (WHO)
Term 1-Talks Term 2-talks Term 3-talks
Invite Non-teaching staff to talk about their role in the school in Careers or Pastoral Care time
Invite Lee Pratt to talk to students about the grounds and spaces if appropriate
Term 4, 2016
To collaborate with parents in the area of Canvas via Parent Survey
DOC to discuss this Careers Advisor
3.1 Communicate effectively within the school community
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
*Reintroduce the SS diary *Senior School eNewsletter
Develop a set of expectations around report writing & marking
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW
Term 1 Term 2
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
*Diary-HOSS *eNewletter-HOSS *Expectations Paper & Staff Training-DOC
Team Leader (WHO)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: To establish and maintain an effective communication inside and beyond the School Community
2.5 To utilise the School Maintenance Team, school office staff and IT team to create a community of learners
2.4 To collaborate and consult with the wider Christian Education Community in the Biblical & ethical use of LMS
3.5 Marketing and Development Team are to support effective communication in and through the community
3.4 School policies are available to school community and upon request
3.3 Build a culture of openness to feedback from students to staff, and staff to parents
3.2 Communicate effectively outside the school community
Invitations- by HOSS
Invite Registrar Team to SS events
Student Leaders ForumHOSS Captains-HOSS Follow up of emails-
Edumate-Parent PortalAndrew Lack Open Day-HOSS
Invite Marketing/Development Team to SS events
Meet with Captains every Monday at Recess time
Each Term
Policies given on request by HOSS Check with DOC for any changes-HOSS
Ensure prompt reply (24Hours) from staff to any parent inquiries
Student-Leaders forummeeting weekly
Open days- have student leaders and Captains involved in the process
Communicate to parents where policies are by the Newsletter
More involvement in Community Events-White ribbon day, 40hour famine, No Bully, no wayMarch 18
Have parents accessing Edumate for PC matters
4.4 Utilise the CEDP program to use the gifts of others
4.3 Build a culture of service and mission on a global level
4.2 Build a culture of community service and mission on a national level
4.1 Build a culture of Community Service (CS) and Mission to the local community
Send staff on International Missions Send students to Samaritans Purse Headquarters to pack Christmas boxes
Invite Samaritans Purse to talk at Easter Assembly
Send staff on CEDP work to international destinations & report back to staff at devotions
Revisit the Mission Leader’s Application form to include input from Head of Senior School
Bandana Day Bible Study Groups- Fresh, Insight, Alive Family Fair Day Send staff on National Mission Trips Eg.Moree, NT.
Continue developing CS day through expanding the number of organisations
Have Missions coordinator run Mission Awareness Events
Fundraising for 40hour famine Fund-raising projects submitted by Students Have students praying for team members individually
All year
Term 3, 2016
Term 2, 2016 Term 2, 2016
Term 1, 2016
Dr Boyce
Easter-HOSS Missions awareness-MC
Mission Trips-HOSS Forms-Missions Coordinator(MC)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: To Build a culture of local, national and global service through exercising the gifts of these in community Strategic Goals (WHAT) Activities to Support these Goals (HOW Team Leader (WHO) Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
4.6 To consistently monitor the stewardship of the resources that God has given us
4.5 To include our Patrons and Foundation in the building up of the gifts within the community
Invite Patrons to SS events & assemblies as guest speakersGraham Murphy Cleaner Toilets with advice from Cleaning staff
Investigate who are the School Patrons- ask Ted
Cleaner & more improved Playground & recreation spaces with advice from Andrew Waters (AW)
Investigate & establish how to monitor playground and toilets Investigate & establish a rewards system for students doing the right thing
Mentoring programcontinuation of current program
HOSS & AW & Head of Cleaning
Faculty - Pacific Hills Christian School
Annual Action Plan 2016 VISION The purpose of Pacific Hills Christian School (PHCS) is to be a Christian Educational Community which provides quality individualised and meaningful education in a caring and supportive learning environment for students with special needs, founded on Biblically based beliefs.
MISSION We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming to be authentically Christian, to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative.
Ms. Belinda Nunn Dean of Curriculum February 2016
Teachers initiate ‘the rite journey’ teaching program
1.1 To intentionally engage students in meaningful evidence – based practice Students surveyed about value and outcome of the course
Teacher feedback around implementation and success of delivery
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 27-Term 2,2016
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
Upgrading of Biblical Studies units in Stage 3 to incorporate more ICT and relevant teaching strategies
2.2 Blended Learning using integrated LMS and digital material and devices Have resources accessible on Canvas by students
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Staff to reflect on the use and usefulness of resources
Term 1-4
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
Students have mentor Students supported by parents
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Emily Sze
Team Leader (WHO)
Team Leader (WHO)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To establish a sustainable and rigorous culture of teaching, learning and serving excellence as evidenced by the research data and personal testimonies of the community
Pacific Hills- BIBLICAL STUDIES- Annual Action Plan 2016
Brainstorm ways of student engagement
Student displays on Walls External reading
External training on increasing student respect. On going
FHT visits classrooms in Term 1 to monitor respect
Monitoring of student detentions
Design a set of rules for the English classroom
1.1 Develop a consistent culture of respect
A policy for the use of iPads in classrooms- for use with Blended learning
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Team Leader (WHO) is responsible and accountable for action
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To establish an excellent learning community evidenced by the research data and personal testimonies of the community
Pacific Hills- English Faculty - Annual Action Plan 2016
3.2 Communicate effectively outside the school community
3.1 Communicate effectively within the school community
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Develop a professional learning community of shared practice by staff reading broadly in their area of expertise Students will engage in technology tasks outside the school community sharing their love of History Staff will display student work and show case a History Room
Staff will engage in Curriculum week activities showcasing History
Staff Training in Report Writing
Term 1 & Term 3
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
Teachers report on their reading to inspire and enthuse faculty and students
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW
FHT will meet over coffee with staff to evaluate their reading FHT to appoint staff to execute these tasks
Book report at each FH meeting
FHT will purchase Dymock vouchers and distribute to staff in Term 1
Team Leader (WHO)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: To establish and maintain an effective communication inside and beyond the School Community
Pacific Hills- History Faculty - Annual Action Plan 2016
Collaboration with industry partners to help see the vision of coding
To partner with Cisco Systems. University of NSW & University of Sydney
On going
Develop a program; Problem solving through fun activities; to motivate and enthuse students
Develop the joy of coding: Entry into “hour of Code” initiative by Create a JS coding club
1.1 To intentionally engage students and staff in meaningful learning using evidencebased practices.
Using robotics and being part of Robocop competition
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Team Leader (WHO) is responsible and accountable for action
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To establish an excellent learning community evidenced by the research data and personal testimonies of the community
Pacific Hills – IT Faculty - Annual Action Plan 2016
Support teachers provide differentiated classwork and assessments on Canvas
1.1 To intentionally engage students in meaningful evidence – based practice
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 27-Term 2,2016
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
Creation of online resources
2.2 Blended Learning using integrated LMS and digital material and devices 2.3 Balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning Have resources accessible on Canvas by students
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT) Staff to reflect on the use and usefulness of resourced Staff count the number of times resources are accessed
Term 1-4
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
Teachers have time to become familiar with Canvas and learn how to modify regular learning modules
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
FHT TAS staff
Team Leader (WHO)
Team Leader (WHO)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To establish a sustainable and rigorous culture of teaching, learning and serving excellence as evidenced by the research data and personal testimonies of the community
Pacific Hills- LST- Annual Action Plan 2016
3.1Communicate effectively with the school community
LS staff create a live document automatically updated across the school and accessible t all teachers and casual teachers who interact with students with special needs
Terms 1-4
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: To establish and maintain effective communication inside and beyond the school community FHT TAS staff
School Maintenance Team, school office staff and IT team to create a community of learners
Working closely with Integrator of Technology
FHT appoints Pilot tams for Semester 1 & Semester 2
2.3 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning
2.5 To utilise the
Teachers engaged in how Canvas can be best used in classrooms by discussion & collaboration in building Canvas with staff
2.2 Blended learning using LMS & digital material devices Teachers feel comfortable and competent in using canvas and associated technologies
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Post survey discussion
Pre and post survey as to how they view LMS
Students excited about Maths lessons,
Student learning is enhanced
Term 1-Term 4
Term 1, 2016 Term 2, 2016 Term 3, 2016 Term 4, 2016
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 27-Term 2,2016
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
Pacific Hills- Mathematics Faculty - Annual Action Plan 2016
Team Leader (WHO)
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW) Develop a greater awareness of Domestic Violence with White Ribbon Campaign
Use discussion to build positive attitudes to Antiviolence behaviours
Teachers engaged in how Canvas can be best used in classrooms by discussion & collaboration in building Canvas with staff
Using the Curriculum Initiative-stop domestic violence- staff will make changes to the content & support material of Stages 4 & 5 syllabus around Christian Perspectives
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
2.2 Blended learning using LMS & digital material devices
2.3 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning
Health promotion Video competition
Launch Winning Video on White Ribbon Day
Term 1, 2016 Term 2, 2016
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 27-Term 2,2016
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
Pacific Hills- PDHPE Faculty - Annual Action Plan 2016
PDHPE staff
Team Leader (WHO)
2.5 To utilise the School Maintenance Team, school office staff and IT team to create a community of learners
2.3 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning
Working closely with Integrator of Technology
Teachers produce lessons that are interesting & applicable to improve student engagement and more positive attitude to Science
Teachers engaged in how Canvas can be best used in classrooms by discussion & collaboration in building Canvas with staff with Year 8 :into Science
2.2 Blended learning using LMS & digital material devices Teachers feel comfortable and competent in using canvas and associated technologies
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Post survey discussion
Pre and post survey as to how they view LMS
Greater uptake of Science in Senior Years
Student learning is enhanced
Term 1-Term 4
Term 1, 2016 Term 2, 2016 Term 3, 2016 Term 4, 2016
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 27-Term 2,2016
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
Pacific Hills- Science Faculty - Annual Action Plan 2016
Team Leader (WHO)
Workshops for JS & MS
Partnering with: Hornsby Council Macquarie University Sydney Analytical Laboratories Perkin Elmer Artemis Energy Solutions Pty Ltd
Project REAL Monitoring water quality of Hornsby Creeks Competing in the solar car challenge
4.1 Build a culture of Community Service and Mission in the local community 4.2 Build a culture of community service and mission on a national level Learning about Photovoltaics and participation in solar related activities Questionnaire of student involvement
Activities to Support these goals (How)
Strategic Goal (What)
Building relationships with Universities Publishing of research papers
Building relationships with the local community
Time Frame (When)
FHT A.Knowles
FHT A.Knowles
Who is responsible
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: To build a culture of local and global service through the exercising the gifts in the community
Teachers have students peer assess in at least one class
1.1 To intentionally engage students in meaningful evidence – based practice
Students became active learners with increased responsibility, in learning how to critically reflect and give constructive feedback
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 27-Term 2,2016
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
Creation of online demonstration resources for Mandatory Technology
2.2 Blended Learning using integrated LMS and digital material and devices Have videos accessible on Canvas by students
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Staff to reflect on the use and usefulness of videos
Term 1-4
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
Teachers feel comfortable and competent in using canvas and associated technologies in the process of learning to assess
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
FHT TAS staff
Team Leader (WHO)
Team Leader (WHO)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To establish a sustainable and rigorous culture of teaching, learning and serving excellence as evidenced by the research data and personal testimonies of the community
Pacific Hills- TAS Faculty - Annual Action Plan 2016
TAS staff will record and edit the videos and have them accessible for students
Teachers upskill students in reflection, subjectivity, judgements, establishing criteria
3.1 Communicate effectively with the school community
3.3 Build a culture of openness to feedback from students to staff and staff to parents
Students move from self-evaluation to peer evaluation
Students who need extra help or repetition are helped by these video presentations Students assess same piece of work using the same criteria at the start and end of the process. Responses are compared to demonstrate improvement feedback can provide
On going
Terms 1-4
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: To establish and maintain effective communication inside and beyond the school community
TAS staff-will self-reflect and share with Faculty
FHT TAS staff
Effective use of LMS past the minimal integration into student work Student feedback to critique each other’s work Students and staff given surveys on what they have gained from the Master class
Visit classrooms using LMS. Attempt one strategy presented in PD week and give feedback to faculty
Create opportunitiesMaster Classes) to see experts in the classroom and workshop different areas of the arts.
2.3 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning
2.4 To collaborate and consult with the wider Christian Education Community in the Biblical & ethical use of technology
PD in April 27 PD-Wednesday Afternoon sessions
PD in January Conference
2.2 Blended learning using LMS & digital material devices Teachers engaged in how Canvas can be best used in classrooms by discussion & collaboration in building Canvas with staff
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Post survey discussion
Pre and post survey as to how they view LMS
Classroom strategies include: higher order thinking skills, flipped classroom, gaining feedback,
Survey-Term 4
Master ClassTerm 2,
Term 1, 2016 Term 2, 2016
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 27-Term 2,2016
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
Pacific Hills- Creative Arts Faculty - Annual Action Plan 2016
Team Leader (WHO)
School Maintenance Team, school office staff and IT team to create a community of learners
2.5 To utilise the
Establish a “Gardening Club- Herbs for humanity
Invite Lee Pratt to talk to students about gardening
Fundraising for Samaritans Pursepurchase of seedInvite Mr Armstrong to speak to students to promote the value of service
Term 1-Term 4
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW) For staff to create learning programs utilising blended technology to meet diverse learning needs of students
Staff discussions around good lessons- invite others to try to replicate methods
To equip teachers with inspiring lessons, assessment and resources
Web presence Assessment performance with internet use
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
2.2 Blended learning using LMS & digital material devices
2.3 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning Post survey discussion
Pre and post survey as to how they view LMS
Term 1, 2016 Term 2, 2016
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 27-Term 2,2016
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
Pacific Hills- HSIE Faculty - Annual Action Plan 2016
FHT-Stage5 Chua-web design Yako-Canvas GallagherStage 6 BrayshawStage 4
Team Leader (WHO)
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW) Incorporate an oral assessment task submitted on line and providing a platform for collaborative teaching
Effective use of LMS past the minimal integration into student work
Teachers engaged in how Canvas can be best used in classrooms by discussion & collaboration in building Canvas with staff
Visit classrooms using blended learning
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
2.2 Blended learning using LMS & digital material devices
2.3 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning
IT to check for overall competency with the Languages Canvas site
Each course to have an effective working Canvas presence
Term 1, 2016 Term 2, 2016
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 27-Term 2,2016
Time frame to implement (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
Pacific Hills- Languages Faculty - Annual Action Plan 2016
Team Leader (WHO)
New Hope School
Annual Action Plan 2016 VISION The purpose of Pacific Hills Christian School (PHCS) is to be a Christian Educational Community which provides quality individualised and meaningful education in a caring and supportive learning environment for students with special needs, founded on Biblically based beliefs.
MISSION We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming to be authentically Christian, to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative.
Ms. Dianne Dowson Director February 2016
Meet with AIS staff to discuss the introduction of Positive Behaviour Intervention System (PBIS) Attendance at morning Devotions for all staff
Engaging the teaching staff in school procedures, routines and class management systems
Devotion/Bible Reading at every New Hope meeting
1.2 Develop a consistent culture of respect
1.3 Engage staff in Personal Christian Formation
PD for staff around strategies for students with Autism
Individual Learning Plans devised by the team
1.1 To intentionally engage students and staff in meaningful learning using evidence-based practices.
NHS staff to lead and engage in Mission Opportunities
Survey of students and teachers prior to and at end of Year about the effectiveness of the program, if it is adopted
Term 2
9 March
NHS meeting DevotionsDONH Staff Devotions-Principal Missions-Principal
ILP-Class teachers PD-Director
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To establish an excellent learning community evidenced by the research data and personal testimonies of the community Strategic Goals (WHAT) Activities to Support these Goals (HOW) Time frame for Team Leader (WHO) is implementation responsible and (WHEN) accountable for action
New Hope School - Annual Action Plan 2016
1.6 To engage with sister schools, partner schools and Critical Friends to build this culture
1.5 To intentionally partner with TEC to establish and maintain a culture of Excellence
1.4 To provide Pastoral Care to support the wellbeing of all
Advice given to TEC around the needs of New Hope
Twice termly meetings to discuss progress of AAP
NHS staff to be invited to share in CEDP opportunities
Regular meetings to de-escalate staff
Provide PD for staff Peer support from MS-Year 8
Counselling for students
Terms 1-4
Term 1-4 2016
2.4 To collaborate and consult with the wider Christian Education Community in the Biblical & ethical use of technology
2.3 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning
Term 3, 2016
DONH to construct an interview sheet with set questions for staff to ask and technology is one of those questions
To collaborate with parents in the area of digital technology via Parent discussion at P/T interviews
Term 2
Jan Conference Week-Term 1, 2016 April 26-Term 2,2016
Term 1, 2016 Term 2, 2016 In staff meetings
Observe technology usage in other Special Schools
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
Construct a paper on what JS considers-A balanced use of Digital Devices with NH staff
PD on April 26 PD-Wednesday Afternoon seminars
PD in January Conference
2.2 Learning using digital material devices
Discuss with parents their ideas of school learning spaces
Teachers reviewing the current learning spaces by collegial discussions
2.1 Create contemporary learning spaces within flexible furniture and layouts Investigate best layouts and furniture that support best pedagogical outcomes Investigate PD for NH teachers
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
DONH to consult with Aspect Principals for advice
Team Leader (WHO)
2.6 Plan and prepare for transition to new learning spaces
2.5 To utilise the School maintenance team, school office staff and IT team to create a community of learners Inform parents
Meet with the Architects
Consult over the Master Plan
Invite Lee Pratt to talk to students about gardening
Investigate establishing a “Gardening Club”
Collaborate with other staff
Take herbs to Pacifica Café
Term 2
Term 1
Term 2
3.4 School policies are available to school community upon request
3.3 Build a culture of openness to feedback from students to staff, and staff to parents
3.2 Communicate effectively outside the school community
3.1 Communicate effectively within the school community
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Upon request DONH will give parents policy of their choice
Teach staff to ask open ended questions
Investigate a face book page
Publish a weekly newsletter and put on website
Be available for students and making time for parents
Evaluate and refine current report formats
Develop a set of expectations around report writing & assessment for new staff
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW
End of Term 2
End of Term 1
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
DONH consulting with DOC
Team Leader (WHO)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: To establish and maintain an effective communication inside and beyond the School Community
3.5 Marketing and Development Team are to support effective communication in and through the community
Invite Marketing/Registrar Team to NHS lessons where appropriate
Students make invitations for Marketing/Registrar DONH
4.5 To include our Patrons and Foundation in the building up of the gifts within the community
4.4 Utilise the CEDP program to use the gifts of others
4.3 Build a culture of service and mission on a global level
4.2 Build a culture of community service and mission on a national level
4.1 Build a culture of Community Service (CS) and Mission to the local community
Investigate who are the School Patrons
Send staff on CEDP work to international destinations & report back to staff at devotions
Invite Samaritans Purse to talk about Samaritans Shoe Boxes
Invite missions team members to talk directly to older students
Students informed at school assemblies about these events
Invite Patrons to NHS events
Send staff on International Missions
Adopt a local charity eg. Guide dogs
Have students praying for team members individually
All year
Term 3, 2016
Term 2, 2016
Term 1, 2016
NH staff member
NH staff member
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: To Build a culture of local, national and global service through exercising the gifts of these in community Strategic Goals (WHAT) Activities to Support these Goals (HOW Team Leader (WHO) Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
4.6 To consistently monitor the stewardship of the resources that God has given us
Class monitors given specific roles to assist in classroom
Roles change weekly
Class teachers
Pacific Coast Christian School
Annual Action Plan 2016 VISION The purpose of Pacific Coast Christian School (PCCS) is to provide a Christian Educational Community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs, values and behaviours.
MISSION We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming: to be authentically Christian; to provide quality education; and to practice Christian community.
Mr. Ben Krahe Principal PCCS February 2016
1.4 To utilise the curriculum as a vehicle for pushing out community service and mission and each PC class to adopt a project
1.3 Review technology and experiment with BYOD’s
1.2 To write an integrated unit using tasks that are multidisciplinary and meet outcomes across all KLA’s in Senior School
1.1 Implement Australian NSW curriculum in K – 10
Review types of devices being used and trialling and investigating the options available in relation to curriculum implications All PC classes adopt a project per semester
Review types of devices being used and trialling and investigating the options available in relation to curriculum implications Every class will adopt a project per semester
Head of Curriculum help to review and implement the NSW curriculum 7 - 10 To review in late 2016
Curriculum Coordinators will help to review and implement the NSW curriculum K -6 N/A
Have a whole school recording reward/award approach to community service and mission
Investigate financial options School device/BYOD
PD for staff, parents and students Support from TEC, AIS Attend subject specific in-servicing
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: Implement the NSW Australian curriculum. Strategic Goals (WHAT) Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Ben Krahe – Team Leader Mel Underwood - Manager
Each Term
Term 1- Andrew Lack visit
Executive with ICT Manager and TEC involvement. Doug Zylstra – Team Leader
Heads of School and Curriculum Coordinators / Head of Curriculum
Team Leader (WHO)
To be finalised by June 2016
Curriculum Development – Term 2
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
Pacific Coast CS Annual Action Plan 2016
1.8 To invest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) review in the school
1.7 To continue to promote passion and engagement in the KLA’s of English, Maths, Science and Music
1.5 To develop and demonstrate an understanding of Christian education based on Biblical principles and some engagement with relevant ideas, issues or research with students and staff 1.6 To meet all requirements for BOSTES for Teacher Accreditation
Investigate different approaches to Biblical studies 7 – 10 through what resources are available and what other schools are using
Book Week Dress-up days Reading certificates NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge Musical AIS consultant Action Plan following AIS consultancy
Investigate different approaches to Biblical studies K – 6 through what resources are available and what other schools are using
Book Week Dress-up days Reading certificates NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge JS Musical
Head of Curriculum and Curriculum Coordinators – Team Leaders
Marty Harris supported by Head of Curriculum
AIS to visit
Heads of School and Curriculum Coordinators / Head of Curriculum
Dominique Spier – JS / Malcolm Muir – SS. Patrick – Team Leader
HOS-PHCS to visitKaren Gouws
Belinda Nunn to come up Mentoring of Wendy Hawkins
In-services – BOSTES, AIS, TEC
New HopeTraining TECRegister and certificate All staff – series 1 – series 3 – Term 2/3 July – Admin – New Hope
SLT Retreat New Hope Training Hope for the Future Conference Camp Drewe
1.12 Provide opportunity for teachers to develop skills and expertise in their relevant KLA
1.11 To intentionally partner with TEC to establish and maintain a culture of excellence
1.10 To engage with sister schools, partner schools and critical friends to build their school culture
1.9 To embrace the new BOSTES requirement in Anti-Domestic Violence strategies
Action Plan – Literacy and Numeracy Maths Coaching Literacy Coaching
To collaborate and support with other schools involved with the Action Plan
Karen Gouws in service from PHCS
Head of Curriculum and Curriculum Coordinators.
Director of The Excellence Centre, Head of Curriculum and Exec. Ben Krahe to organise data expert at PCCS (whenever) for leaders
Work with Director of The Excellence Centre to develop To have PD coordinated through The Excellence Centre For our staff to provide PD to other schools through The Excellence Centre Whole School Science PD
Action plan for standard 5 Using data to inform teaching Assessment strategies Keeping Records
Principal and Assistant Principal – Team Leaders Action Plan – Klaus Knobloch
Gavin Boardman and David Peck supported by the Head of Curriculum
To engage with schools in Vanuatu, Solomon Islands and China / Hong Kong
PD for staff
2.4 Establishment of extracurricular interest groups with Executive Support, e.g.; chess, canoeing
2.3 Expansion of the community choir for year three and older students to adults
2.2 Implement a sustainable dance studio for K – 10 students and establish and develop a Senior School CA room
2.1 Implement sustainable after school training for students in years K – 12 targeting indoor basketball (712) and outdoor soccer (K-6)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Assign a teacher to this task in lieu of playground duties – weekly commitment at lunchtime and afterschool Lunchtime groups in SS – HOSS Appoint a chess organiser Canoeing – Terms One and Four Bushwalking – Terms Two and Three
Assign a teacher to this task in lieu of playground duties – weekly commitment at lunchtime and afterschool
Lunchtime group in JS – HOJS Appoint a chess organiser
PE staff to implement with support of Heads of School and other interested staff
PE staff to implement with support of Heads of School and other interested staff
After school dance academy Convert C3 into a professional dance studio
Look at options for creating half court and practice courts Look to install permanent soccer goals on the oval
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW
Alison Zylstra and Assistant Principal
Travis McLaren and Wendy Hawkins – Team Leaders
Carol Stubbs and Heads of School – Team Leaders
Term One 2016
Term One 2016
Heads of School and Sports Coordinators
Team Leader (WHO)
Term One 2016
Term One, Two and Three 2016
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To develop a co-curricular framework to maximise opportunities for students’ gifting’s.
2.6 To provide additional mission/service opportunities for students, staff and parents
2.5 To strengthen water activities in the school
Appoint an Athletics coach Appoint a swimming coach K – 6 swimming lessons for five weeks in term one and term four Investigating surfing and surf survival K – 6 Mission and service trips and meetings Music Camps from PHCS Community Service Student choir Japanese host students Mission café inc. JS School Musical NAIDOC week Bandana day Gardening club Drama club You have a friend Mission t-shirts
2016 - 2017
Two Chinese students for 6 weeks in Term 3
Appoint an Athletics coach Appoint a swimming coach Stage 5 and 6 Marine Studies (two-yearly cycle) PASS
Mission and service trips and meetings Music Camps from PHCS Community Service Student choir Japanese host students Mission café School Musical NAIDOC week Bandana day Gardening club Drama club You have a friend Mission t-shirts Solomon Islands / Outback / Hong Kong / China / Vanuatu mission and service trips
Investigate Duke of Edinborough Award
Rachel Thompson, Assistant Principal, Principal, Administrative Assistant, Carol Stubbs, Head of Junior School, Dominique Spier.
Gavin Boardman, Carol and Malcolm and Heads of School – Team Leaders
2.9 To establish a targeted music program (tutoring and orchestral) in Stage 3
2.8 To strengthen student leadership in both Junior and Senior School
2.7 To provide collaborative activities that build relationships, equip families and bring honour and glory to God, e.g. school events
Student Captains and Prefects Student Representative Council
Head Boy and Head Girl and Prefects Leadership Program
Music for Life
Girls night in Boys night in
Girls night in Boys night in
Review in term three the opportunity to increase the age range of this program to Stage 2 and Stage 4
Family Fun Day Presentation Night NAIDOC day K – 2 movie night Build a raft day
2016 Leadership Training Camp Drewe
April 27 Pacific Coast Day-invite alumni students for Dinner/Celebration
Wendy Hawkins – Team Leader
Heads of School, Dominique Spier, Carol Stubbs – Team Leader
Assistant Principal and Administrative Assistant
3.1 Embed effective formative learning practices in the context of reading and number (K – 10) through State Partnership funding using Explicit Instruction program in numeracy, reading, spelling and writing
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
PD in Reading Mastery, Spelling mastery, CMC, Corrective Reading, MiniLit, PreLit , MultiLit Purchase of resources Pedagogy afternoons in Reading instruction Literacy week Junior Oratory Comp Parent training in early reading skills Speech competitions Speech Eisteddfods Book Week Poetry Competition Short Story Competition
PD in English and Learning Support Purchase of resources Investigate appropriate tier two and three programs for literacy and numeracy Pedagogy afternoons in Reading instruction Literacy week Oratory Comp Speech competitions Speech Eisteddfods Book Week Poetry Competition Short Story Competition
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW Time frame for implementation (WHEN) 2016
Head of Curriculum, Curriculum Coordinators, JS Learning Support, Head of JS.
Team Leader (WHO)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: To establish a sustainable rigorous culture of teaching evidenced by the highest pupil achievement.
3.4 Continuation of embedding excellence project with AIS support in conjunction with the School Improvement Plan
infrastructure and policies, to ensure a first rate environment of effective teaching including upgrading fulltime teaching staff laptops and an iPad review
3.3 Evaluation of ICT
3.2 Embed technology into Years 3-12 teaching programs focusing on computer literacy (e.g. fluency, reading comprehension and vocabulary)
Establish a school Improvement Committee – Principal to be included
Staff Training Days ICT requirements in core subject work porgrams
HOC-SS to organise the project with support of other KLA leaders Establish a school Improvement Committee – Principal to be included
Staff Training Days ICT requirements in core subject work programs
Exec review with support of AIS, TEC
Review plan each term with Director of TEC
Term One 2016 – finalised by May 30. Discuss with Andrew Lack- OptionsDevices
Term One 2016- Key Board Training
Head of Senior School – Team Leader
Head of SS and Principal
Head of Curriculum and Curriculum Coordinators
3.6 To establish an assessment policy that affirms the use of Edumate for record keeping – all school
3.5 To develop a whole school (K-12) approach to Positive Behaviour Intervention System (PBIS) from AIS
Integrate into use of edumate as an assessment and recording tool Training for staff
Establish a Welfare Committee (HOSS; HOJS; 2 others) to work with AIS to have a consistent approach to Teaching / Learning throughout the school
Establish a Welfare Committee (HOSS; HOJS; 2 others) to work with AIS to have a consistent approach to Teaching / Learning throughout the school 2016 Dean of CurriculumK to 12-writes the policy
Term One and Two 2016 Termly review with Stephen Fyson
Head of Junior School
Heads of School, Carol Stubbs and Gavin Boardman. Assistant Principal – Team Leader
4.4 Establish a ‘student voice’
4.3 Effective communication throughout the community by the marketing team
4.2 Create a whole school daily notice morning email to distribute at 8.30 a.m. each morning to staff
4.1 Creation of a new newsletter (per term distribution) with term events on a one-page calendar
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Student Leadership
Student Representative Council School Survey
Daily notices sent out via email by 8:30am to whole school
Termly, gloss paper, assisted by graphic designer
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW
Kim to keep abreast of all calendar happenings for SLT
2016 SS Carol Stubbs JS Dom Spier
Office Manager- Kasee
Melanie and Marketing Assistant DJ Stringer to provide free of charge
Team Leader (WHO)
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: To establish and maintain effective communication inside and beyond the school community.
4.7 Establish a central source of information that is easily accessible and up to date
4.6 Create a high level of aboriginal cultural awareness leading to greater inclusivity for all our aboriginal students
4.5 Establish a ‘parent voice’
Aboriginal Studies
Term One and Two 2016 (fit in with review of technology and multimedia)
Exec to investigate to establish in 2017 Canvas
Micah Award NAIDOC Day Aboriginal Dance Group to send out to the community Whole school staff training
School Survey by TEC
Carol Stubbs, Joanne Allen
Pacific Hope School
Annual Action Plan 2016 VISION The purpose of Pacific Hope School (PHS) is to be a Christian Educational Community which provides quality individualised and meaningful education in a caring and supportive learning environment for students with special needs, founded on Biblically based beliefs.
MISSION We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming to be authentically Christian, to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative.
Mr. Ben Krahe Principal Pacific Hope School February 2016
Attendance at morning Devotions for all staff
Devotion/Bible Reading at weekly Pacific Hope meeting
Bob Frisken-NHItraining
Meet with AIS staff to discuss the introduction of Positive Behaviour Intervention System (PBIS) in Pacific Hope
Engaging the teaching staff in school procedures, routines and class management systems
1.2 Develop a consistent culture of respect
1.3 Engage staff in Personal Christian Formation
PD for staff around strategies for students with Autism
Individual Learning Plans devised by the team
1.1 To intentionally engage students and staff in meaningful learning using evidence-based practices.
PHS staff to lead and engage in Mission Opportunities
Survey of students and teachers prior to and at end of Year about the effectiveness of the program, if it adopted
TEC for Term 3
Sue Cairns to be invited for Term 2
Di Dowson (TEC)
Libby Maher (AIS consultant)
Principal to roster a shared program for weekly devotions
PH Principal
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To establish an excellent learning community evidenced by the research data and personal testimonies of the community Strategic Goals (WHAT) Activities to Support these Goals (HOW) Time frame for Team Leader (WHO) is implementation responsible and (WHEN) accountable for action
Pacific Hope School - Annual Action Plan 2016
1.6 To engage with sister school, partner schools and Critical Friends to build this culture
1.5 To intentionally partner with TEC to establish and maintain a culture of Excellence
1.4 To provide Pastoral Care to support the wellbeing of all
Terms 1-4
Terms 1-4
Advice given to TEC around the needs of Pacific Hope
PHS staff to be invited to share in CEDP opportunities
Students can attend PCCS mission opportunities
Term 1-4
Twice termly meetings to discuss progress of AAP
Peer support from Senior School
Counselling for students
Regular meetings to de-escalate staff
Provide PD for staff
Principal & Chaplain
Principal to observe lessons using Digital technology
Construct a paper on what Pacific Hope considers-A balanced use of Digital Deviceswith PHC staff
2.3 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning
2.2 learning using digital material devices
Investigate best layouts and furniture that support best pedagogical outcomes by visiting other special school Investigate PD for PHS teachers
Teachers reviewing the current learning spaces by collegial discussions
2.1 Create contemporary learning spaces within flexible furniture and layouts
Observe technology usage in other Special Schools
Discuss with parents their ideas of school learning spaces
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Term 1 Term 2 In staff meetings
PD in April 27 PD-Wednesday Afternoon sessions
PD in January Conference
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative infrastructure that creates a community of learners.
Principal to consult with Aspect Principals for advice and contact Local organisations related to students with special needs
Principal & PH staff
Team Leader (WHO)
2.6 Plan and prepare for transition to new learning spaces
2.5 To utilise the School Maintenance Team, school office staff and IT team to create a community of learners
2.4 To collaborate and consult with the wider Christian Education Community in the Biblical & ethical use of technology
Inform parents
Meet with the Architects
Consult over the Master Plan
Construct a chicken pen & garden plot
Invite Lyleto talk to students about gardening
Investigate establishing a “Agriculture Club�
Collaborate with other staff
Herbs & Eggs to SS Food Tech classes
Principal to construct an interview sheet with set questions for staff to ask and technology is one of those questions
To collaborate with parents in the area of digital technology via Parent discussion at P/T interviews
Term 2
Term 1
Term 1-4
Invite Collette Smart to school
Term 3
Principal & Board Chairman
3.4 School policies are available to school community upon request
3.3 Build a culture of openness to feedback from students to staff, and staff to parents
3.2 Communicate effectively outside the school community
3.1 Communicate effectively within the school community
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Be available for students and making time for parents
Teach staff to ask open ended questions
Upon request Principal will give parents policy of their choice
Publish a fortnightly newsletter and put on website
Train Head Teachers to administer Facebook
Develop a set of expectations around report writing & assessment for new staff
Ask PH staff to lead a PD to PCCS teachers on “Open ended questions’
Investigate a face book page
Evaluate and refine current report formats
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW
Term 1-4
Term 2
Term 2
End of Term 2
End of Term 1
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
Principal consulting with Director of Curriculum at Pacific Hills Christian School
Principal and PH teachers
Team Leader (WHO)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: To establish and maintain an effective communication inside and beyond the School Community
Invite Marketing Team from Pacific Hills to PHS
JS Students make invitations for Marketing
Investigate developing a new Website by end of 2016
Term 1-4
Principal consulting with Marketing Team for PHCS
4.4 Utilise the CEDP program to use the gifts of others
4.3 Build a culture of service and mission on a global level
4.2 Build a culture of community service and mission on a national level
4.1 Build a culture of Community Service (CS) and Mission to the local community
Send staff on CEDP work to international destinations & report back to staff at devotions
Invite Samaritans Purse to talk about Samaritans Shoe Boxes
Invite missions team members to talk directly to older students
Students informed at school assemblies about these CS events
Send staff on International Missions
Adopt a local charity eg. Currumbin Wildlife Hospital
Sending a PH staff member to Vanuatu to help with Special Needs training
Have students praying for team members individually
All year
Term 3, 2016
Term 2, 2016
Term 1
Principal & PH staff
PH staff member
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: To Build a culture of local, national and global service through exercising the gifts of these in community Strategic Goals (WHAT) Activities to Support these Goals (HOW Team Leader (WHO) Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
3.5 Marketing and Development Team are to support effective communication in and through the community
4.6 To consistently monitor the stewardship of the resources that God has given us
4.5 To include our Patrons and Foundation in the building up of the gifts within the community
Invite Executive Principal to meet with 2 prospective patrons for suitability Develop Technology Helper for school wide assistance
Investigate who are the School Patrons-
Class Monitors given specific roles to assist in classroom
Invite Patrons to PHS events
Roles change weekly
Term 3
Term 2
Principal & Class teachers School Administer IT Manager
Principal- PH staff member
Pacific Valley Christian School
Annual Action Plan 2016 VISION The purpose of Pacific Valley Christian School (PVCS) is to be a Christian Educational Community as a centre of teaching, learning and serving excellence founded on Biblically based beliefs, that in all things acknowledge that Christ is the centre.
MISSION We pursue our vision from a Biblical base by aiming to be authentically Christian, to provide quality education and to practice Christian community that is rigorous, authentic and collaborative and has at its centre, Jesus Christ.
Mr. David Johnston Principal PVCS February 2016
JS & SS will have PD with AIS to learn the writing continuum
Teachers are released to write a collaborative plan
1.2 Write and implement plan for “writing strategies” for the whole school, initially in English KLA and then expanded across the school 1.3 Provide staff with professional development around “writing strategies” SS will have PD with AIS to learn the writing continuum
AIS - Initiate the PD around the writing continuum
Colleen Catford will assist with directions and guidance for the plan/s
Other AIS Consultant – Colleen Catford, works with Exec. Staff & whole staff around literacy needs
Junior School * Analyse year 3 & 5 Naplan data *Interview staff about individual students
1.1 Engage with outside consultant, Colleen Catford from AIS, to assist with data analysis of targeted areas of improvement
Senior School *Analyse year 7 & 9 Naplan data Interview English teachers around writing rubrics *Interview parents (How? Online via survey monkey) English teachers are released to write a collaborative plan
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW)
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Term 1, 19th January 2016 with AIS
Term 1, 2016
Data Analysis Term 1, 2016 Term 1, 2017
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
JS – Lee SS - David
JS – Lee SS - Steve
Team Leader (WHO)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: To establish a sustainable and rigorous culture of teaching, learning and serving excellence based on research data collected from the PVCS community.
PVCS Annual Action Plan 2016
Roll out of the strategies into Science and HSIE Focus Groups
Focus Groups
1.5 To include other KLA’s in the new writing strategies
1.7 Partner with TEC for additional professional development e.g. differentiation, trust in community
1.6 Analysis and review of the program
Implement new writing strategies that are school specific
Implement new writing strategies that are school specific
1.4 To implement “the plan” for improving writing strategies
Colleen Catford to assess
Colleen Catford (AIS)
Hope Conference January, 2016 Differentiation July, 2016 Trust
Term 4, 2016
Term 3, 2016
Term 2, 2016
JS – Lee SS- Steve
David and Steve
1.8 Strengthen the professional development of staff through facilitating more reflective teaching practices
Weekly staff meetings to reflect teaching practices. Schedule with TEC director for termly accountability. Written up with clear objectives 2 terms in advance.
TEC Help, Belinda Nunn to assist
Belinda Nunn? Term 2?
To plan for a portable set of Surface 3’s
Picnic tables with additional shade
Successfully commission a set of I Pads for JS – 15 I Pads
Shade cloth over Junior School playground
2.4 Create outdoor learning spaces that are attractive, multi-functional and sustainable that creates community
2.3 Implement a balanced use of digital devices in the service of learning
Content – Steve (provide a release day)
Content – Lee and admin (provide the release day)
To design and rework computer rooms
2.2 Redesign the school website that is innovative and communicates the vision and mission of the school
To design 2 new classrooms
R. Lawler P. McDooley
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW
2.1 Create contemporary learning spaces within flexible furniture and layouts
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Term 1, 2016 Two additional shade cloths and 1 shade cloth over JS playground Term 2, 2016 Picnic tables
Term 1, 2016
Term 1, 2016
Term 1, 2016 Term 1, 2017
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
Ben Krahe to help Daniel McClintock
Phil McDougal to come up to assist
Naomi David
Team Leader (WHO)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: To provide an innovative digital infrastructure and outdoor spaces that creates and supports a community of learners.
2.5 Create an administration office that enhances community life
Design by Lee Pratt
January Lee Pratt to walk through the school (Week 10 or between the 14th and 18th December)
3.3 Provide opportunities for students to serve in authentic positions of leadership e.g. peer support, buddy system programs
Plan a buddy system for year 6 and Kindy students
Year 5/6 Leaders Day
Heart Mind Program- with Pacific Coast for years 11 and 12
JS to have a day with Carol Stubbs and Klaus Knoblock
3.2 Train all students in a leadership skills program
Plan a peer support program
Duke of Edinburgh Scheme
JUNIOR Staff discussion for recommendation and suggestions on structure
3.1 Provide a student leadership structure Staff discussion
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
Term 1, 2016 Camp Drewe (2 day-1 night)
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
Naomi Plant Nick Taylor and Ben Stubbs
Colin Lees & Bronwyn from PHCS for introduction and launch of D of E
Ben and David with Klaus Knoblock and Carol Stubbs to lead
Team Leader (WHO)
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 3: To establish and maintain a student leadership program that builds a culture of service-learning excellence.
3.4 Engage with others outside PVCS community in acts of service e.g. Vanuatu, outback mission and local nuing homes
JS choir to local nursing home and group visits for activities for nursing homes
SS Vanuatu CEDP
CEDP: JS – Lee SS – Steve Annette Cadwallader to visit to talk about mission
To have PD work in Special Needs diagnosis
To have PD in autism strategies
To have a classroom that is suitable for SWD
Register for Special School Provide IEP’s/scope and sequences
Activities to Support these Goals (HOW
Decision by end of term 2. Construction to be complete by end of term 4
Term 1, 2016
Term 1, 2016
Time frame for implementation (WHEN)
Tina Lamont to assist Dianne Dawson to come and give training
David School Board
Belinda Nunn – Curriculum Stephen – policy Dianne Dawson – to assist with PD prior to commencement
Belinda Nunn Stephen Fyson
Team Leader (WHO)
NOTES: PD – days from TEC Belinda 4, Di Dawson 2, Tina 4, Stephen Fyson 2, Phil McDougal 2, Graham Murphy 1, Ben Krahe 1, Lee Pratt 1, Daniel McClintock 1, Rob Lawler 1, Annette Cadwallader 1, Carol Stubbs 1
4.4 To train staff in special education strategies to assist students who are challenged by classroom instruction
4.3 To present and prepare a suitable facility for a Special Needs School
4.2 Partner with TEC to assist with the application process
4.1 Apply to BOSTES for a new Special Needs School
Strategic Goals (WHAT)
the main school.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 4: To establish a special school for students with autism and moderate cognitive delay and to strengthen learning support in
Board Members as at 1 January 2016 Pacific Hills Christian School & New Hope School Dr Edwin Boyce (Principal) Mr Peter Draper (Treasurer) Rev Robert J Frisken Mr Vanda R Gould Mr B Max Maddock (Deputy Chairman) Mrs Lynn McCrindle Mrs Helen G McDougall Mr Tony R Morgan Mr Stephen J Trew (Chairman) Dr Daniel Wong Mrs Anna Crawford (Parent) Mrs Julianne Duggan (School Teacher) Mr Paul Campey (Company Secretary)
Pacific Coast Christian School & Pacific Hope School Mr B Max Maddock (Chairman) Dr Edwin Boyce Mr David Coates Ps Sandra Dumas Mr Ben Seumahu Mrs Margaret Stainer (on leave)
Pacific Valley Christian School Graham Robb Dr Edwin Boyce Mr B Max Maddock Mr Gregory Mashiah Dr Katrina Lamont Judith Castle
Mr Gregory Mashiah Mr Chris Baldry (Company Secretary)
Mr Chris Baldry (Company Secretary)
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7
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