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CJLA News and 2021 Membership
Hi Everyone! I know everyone is waiting for points to be posted! I’m not sure why, but it has been pretty slow getting show reports sent to us this year. Some shows have been right on it – sending them to me immediately after their show. The others-very slow. I don’t know if it’s due to starting back up after the Covid shutdown or so much going on that once their show is over, they are on to other things. But as we go to print with this issue, I am waiting on 3 shows and some missing results from another. It is very hard on our end to enter results out of order and also very confusing for anyone trying to read a point report when not everything is included so I wait to publish totals until I have a complete report up to that point. Not making excuses here but I know that CJLA is the one that gets blamed for things being slow and I want to make it known that it is a whole process so if one part is behind, it slows down the entire line. With all that said, I am doing my best to get everything entered on my end, and once I have an up-to-date report, I will E-blast it to everyone! We do have some show updates that you can plan on for the rest of the year! Start off September with the NEW SHOW - Slots
of Fun Jackpot at the Rolling Hills Equestrian Center
in Corning, followed by Cow Palace! Yes it is back and scheduled for October 7-10th! October rounds out with The
Spotlight on Quality Jr. Shorthorn Jackpot and Field Day
in Chowchilla on Otober 23-24th and the Oktoberfest Boer
Goat Jackpot Show set for October 23-24th. The Autumn
Classic is November 5-7th in Placerville. And NEW SHOW
– Clash for Cash Fall Extravaganza Cattle Show is set for November 12-14th at Yuba Fairgrounds. The Harvest Moon
Jackpot in Bakersfield is a go for November 20-21st and The
Holiday Classic also at Kern County Fairgrounds is on
for Dec. 11-12th . Also the CNHA Hereford Classic Jr Heifer
& Steer Jackpot Show will be held at Yuba Sutter Fairgrounds – Yuba City. It is CJLA Sanctioned for Hereford Heifers AND NEW NEW NEW! They have sanctioned a CJLA STEER SHOW! Will have all CJLA steer divisions!
Be sure to check out their Facebook pages and websites for each event for their updates and entry information! Updates are on the CJLA website and Facebook also!
What about the awards for 2020?
We have finally been able to set a plan for the 2020 awards
ceremony! We wanted to have an in-person event and Heidi was able to get it set up to be held during the Harvest Moon Jackpot at Kern County Fairgrounds in Bakersfield! The dates for that show are November 20-21. With all species being shown there, we are hopeful that the majority of our members will be attending and we can present their awards. As soon as we have details, we will let everyone know. Your patience is appreciated! We will keep you posted with all updates as we have them! Are you interesting in helping out with the CJLA Awards Program?
We are completely reliant upon donations and sponsorships to cover the costs of awards. With the set-backs due to Covid and our unfortunate delays in being able to schedule our award ceremony, we are way behind in getting the donations we need to meet our goals for awards! If you would like to help, donating is easy! You can go to our website – www.cjlainfo.com and click on the “Donate” button. Or you can call Heidi and talk to her – she can take your information over the phone or discuss what you would like to do. Please consider how you can help! We appreciate your support! CJLA Questions?
Emails can be sent to cjlainfo@yahoo.com or through the CJLA website: www.cjlainfo.com Heidi Beljean: Phone or Text: 408-888-2503 Email: pacshow@earthlink.net Mary Ann Bush: Phone or Text: 831-905-5665 Email: cjlainfo@yahoo.com
2021 CJLA Membership
Steer Division
Allen, Owen Andrade, Hunter Aschwanden, Lindsey Bach, Savanna Blinn, Ashtin Blinn, Addison Boynton, Bella Brown, Katie Burden, Levi Colgin, Elisabeth Crist, Lauryn Fernandes, Courtney Frost, Joy Gratny, Savanna Gratny, Hailey Gritts, Brittany Haley, Dallas Hauck, Taylor Henson, Maddy Homen, Raegan Hubbell, Clay Hurl, Kayla Johnson, Emma King, Logan Landucci, Courtney Loforti, Hannah Lott, Hannah Lynch, Kaitlyn Maggy, Hailey Piazza, Payton Prouty, Samantha Renati, Reese Rocha, Kayla Rockwell, Ethan Schmidt, Paige Schneider, Holly Schohr, Joseph Stevens, Brinlee Stevens, Stran Watje, Trent Wittinger, Julia
Heifer Division
Acosta, Kaitlyn Allen, Owen Andrade, Hunter Bach, Savanna Brown, Katie Burrow, Conrad Cook, Cambria Darrah, Payton Dores, Kaitlin Fernandes, Courtney Franks, Sydney Franks, Arden Frost, Joy Gonsalves, Riley Hauck, Taylor Hill, Clayton Hubbell, Clay Hurl, Kayla Johnson, Emma King, Dalton Maggy, Hailey Mccarty, Audrey Mills, Kaili Morgan, Wyatt Naphan, Zane Piazza, Payton Prouty, Samantha Rasey, Blythe Renati, Reese Rockwell, Ethan Schmidt, Colton Schohr, Joseph Stevens, Brinlee Stevens, Stran Watje, Trent
Beef Showmanship 9-12
Andrade, Hunter Bach, Savanna Fernandes, Courtney Haley, Dallas King, Dalton King, Logan Loforti, Hannah Maggy, Hailey Morgan, Wyatt Piazza, Payton Rasey, Blythe Schmidt, Colton Schmidt, Paige Schneider, Holly Schohr, Joseph Watje, Trent
Beef Showmanship 13-15
Blinn, Ashtin Burden, Levi Burrow, Conrad Colgin, Elisabeth Cook, Cambria Dores, Kaitlin Gratny, Hailey Gratny, Savanna Hauck, Taylor Homen, Raegan Johnson, Emma Landucci, Courtney Prouty, Samantha Stevens, Brinlee Stevens, Stran Wittinger, Julia
Beef Showmanship 16-19
Acosta, Kaitlyn Allen, Owen Aschwanden, Lindsey Blinn, Addison Boynton, Bella Brown, Katie Crist, Lauryn Darrah, Payton Franks, Arden Franks, Sydney Frost, Joy Gonsalves, Riley Gritts, Brittany Henson, Maddy Hill, Clayton Hubbell, Clayton Hurl, Kayla Lott, Hannah Lynch, Kaitlyn Mccarty, Audrey Mills, Kaili Naphan, Zane Renati, Reese Rocha, Kayla Rockwell, Ethan
Mkt Sheep Division 9-12
Bell, Carson Conlan, Jamie Ludlow, Maryn Perkins, Addison Rossi, Ben Schohr, Joseph Vander Hyde, Audrey Villasenor, Dylan Grace Zerbach, Addyson Zerbach, Easton
Mkt Sheep Division 13-15
Baffuno, Owen Bell, Austin Blackmon, Mcclain Byrd, Hayley Colgin, Elisabeth Conlan, Lacy Dabbs, Carly Ficco, Rebecca Genasci, Gianna Hawkins, Tai Hlavay, Samantha Kaelin, Mason Marci, Callie Miller, Emma Nelson, Gianna Novelo, Olivia Ramos, Kaylie Roberts, Addison Sarratea, Amaia Schneider, Emma Seever, Hanna Stacy, Sydney Storey, Jayna Wagster, Elizabeth Ward, Emily Wonnell, Wyatt Woods, Emma
Mkt Sheep Division 16-19
Albrecht, Hailey Brassfield, Kaycee Davies, Rose Gritts, Brittany Kampmann, Kaitlyn Layne, Allison Mckinney, Lillie Moore, Zachary Naphan, Joelle Parker, Laney Richardson, Nicki Roso, Valerie Seever, Hailey Towle, Rylee
Wether Dam Ewe
Albrecht, Hailey Bell, Austin Bell, Carson Bianchi, Abby Blackmon, Mcclain Brassfield, Kaycee Bridges, Hayden Byrd, Hayley Conlan, Lacy Conlan, Jamie Dabbs, Carly Davies, Rose Genasci, Gianna
Hawkins, Tai Hawkins, Fallon Hlavay, Samantha Hughes, Ella Kaelin, Mason Kampmann, Kaitlyn Layne, Allison Ludlow, Rhys Ludlow, Maryn Lundgren, Arianna Mckinney, Lillie Moore, Zachary Naphan, Joelle Novelo, Olivia Parker, Laney Perkins, Addison Richardson, Nicki Roberts, Addison Sarratea, Amaia Schneider, Emma Seever, Hailey Seever, Hanna Simonsma, Nichole Storey, Jayna Vander Hyde, Audrey Villasenor, Dylan Grace Ward, Emily Wonnell, Wyatt Woods, Emma Zerbach, Addyson Zerbach, Easton
Sheep Showmanship 9-12
Bell, Carson Bridges, Hayden Conlan, Jamie Hawkins, Fallon Ludlow, Maryn Perkins, Addison Rossi, Ben Schohr, Joseph Vander Hyde, Audrey Villasenor, Dylan Grace Zerbach, Addyson Zerbach, Easton Baffuno, Owen Bell, Austin Bianchi, Abby Blackmon, Mcclain Byrd, Hayley Colgin, Elisabeth Conlan, Lacy Dabbs, Carly Ficco, Rebecca Genasci, Gianna Hawkins, Tai Hlavay, Samantha Hughes, Ella Kaelin, Mason Ludlow, Rhys Lundgren, Arianna Marci, Callie Miller, Emma Nelson, Gianna Novelo, Olivia Ramos, Kaylie Roberts, Addison Sarratea, Amaia Schneider, Emma Seever, Hanna Stacy, Sydney Storey, Jayna Wagster, Elizabeth Ward, Emily Wonnell, Wyatt Woods, Emma
Sheep Showmanship 16-19
Albrecht, Hailey Brassfield, Kaycee Davies, Rose Gritts, Brittany Kampmann, Kaitlyn Layne, Allison Mckinney, Lillie Moore, Zachary Naphan, Joelle Parker, Laney Richardson, Nicki Roso, Valerie Seever, Hailey Andrade, Hunter Bridges, Hayden Franck, Garrett Graham, Emma Hawkins, Fallon Howenwarter, Aubrey Hyatt, Kamryn Pedro, Rylee Quadros, Trent Switzer, Holley-Faye Tennis, Emma Wright, Kylin Zerbach, Addyson
Mkt Goat Division 13-15
Actis, Isabella Gilbert, Jeweliana Glass, Oscar Hohenwarter, Aiden Hughes, Ella Ingvoldsen, Reece Ludlow, Rhys Lundgren, Arianna Maraviglia, Lane Pishek, Vanessa Rouse, Symphony Schneider, Emma Shelton, Cameron Stacy, Sydney
Mkt Goat Division 16-19
Albrecht, Hailey Boynton, Bella Brassfield, Kaycee Davies, Rose Ellis, Gracia Hamre, Hanna Mckinney, Lillie Naphan, Zane Ogan, Sydney Parker, Laney Albrecht, Hailey Andrade, Hunter Bianchi, Abby Boynton, Bella Brassfield, Kaycee Davies, Rose Dhamrait, Nikhita Ellis, Gracia Ervin, Payton Franck, Garrett Gilbert, Jeweliana Glass, Oscar Graham, Emma Hamre, Hanna Hawkins, Fallon Hohenwarter, Aiden Howenwarter, Aubrey Hughes, Ella Hyatt, Kamryn Ingvoldsen, Reece Lott, Hannah Lott, Hailey Ludlow, Rhys Ludlow, Maryn Lundgren, Arianna Lynch, Kaitlyn Maraviglia, Lane Mcdaniel, Bryce Mckinney, Lillie Parker, Laney Pedro, Rylee Quadros, Trent Roso, Valerie Rouse, Symphony Schneider, Emma Shelton, Cameron Switzer, Holley-Faye Taillon, Amanda Thuener, Quincy Towle, Rylee Tuttle, Hayley Wright, Kylin Andrade, Hunter Bridges, Hayden Franck, Garrett Graham, Emma Hawkins, Fallon Howenwarter, Aubrey Hyatt, Kamryn Ludlow, Maryn Pedro, Rylee Quadros, Trent Switzer, Holley-Faye Tennis, Emma Wright, Kylin Zerbach, Addyson

Goat Showmanship 13-15
Actis, Isabella Bianchi, Abby Gilbert, Jeweliana Glass, Oscar Hohenwarter, Aiden Hughes, Ella Ingvoldsen, Reece Ludlow, Rhys Lundgren, Arianna Maraviglia, Lane Mcdaniel, Bryce Pishek, Vanessa Rouse, Symphony Schneider, Emma Shelton, Cameron Stacy, Sydney
Goat Showmanship 16-19
Albrecht, Hailey Boynton, Bella Brassfield, Kaycee Davies, Rose Dhamrait, Nikhita Ellis, Gracia Ervin, Payton Hamre, Hanna Lott, Hailey Lott, Hannah Lynch, Kaitlyn Mckinney, Lillie Naphan, Zane Ogan, Sydney Parker, Laney Roso, Valerie Taillon, Amanda Thuener, Quincy Towle, Rylee Tuttle, Hayley
Mkt Hog Division 9-12
Backman, Kade Banducci, Brynn Blackmon, Ashton Curry, Grace Curry, Lance Dougherty, Cooper Fisher, Lillian Fisher, Luke Fisher, Nash Gardner, Madelynn Gates, Charles Gates, Sarah Jane Gates, Sophia Haley, Brylinn Haley, Dallas Homen, Logan Lindley, Madeline Loogman, Kallie Mendonza, Carson Penry, Gracen Petersen, Jaycee Robinson, Breckyn Robles, Armando Vander Hyde, Audrey Watts, Claire Watts, Olivia Zerbach, Easton
Mkt Hog Division 13-15
Baylor, Ashlynn Baylor, Austin Dennis, Ryann Erickson, Ainsley Fisher, Jack Fisher, Johnny Gardner, Lane Gates, Savannah Glass, Adieson Herrera, Bella Homen, Raegan Koehn, Keira Ledezma, Jesse Lindley, Jack Love, Claudia Maraviglia, Justin Maraviglia, Lane Ramos, Mariah Slate, Hannah Stonebarger, Allison Turnwall, John Veino, Sadie Young, Tanner
Mkt Hog Division 16-19
Abreu, Lucia Acosta, Kaitlyn Beierle, Laci Blankenship, Jordyn Borden, Brayden Bowlin, Sadie Greenlee, Austyn Harkrader, Grace Lynch, Kaitlyn Mccarty, Audrey Miller, Ava Ogan, Sydney Petersen, Jesslyn Ramos, Mya Roche, Maggie Short, Sierra Torigiani, Mia Wolfinbarger, Reece
Mkt Hog Showmanship 9-12
Backman, Kade Banducci, Brynn Blackmon, Ashton Curry, Grace Curry, Lance Dougherty, Cooper Fisher, Lillian Fisher, Luke Fisher, Nash Gardner, Madelynn Gates, Charles Gates, Sarah Jane Gates, Sophia Haley, Brylinn Haley, Dallas Homen, Logan Lindley, Madeline Loogman, Kallie Mendonza, Carson Penry, Gracen Petersen, Jaycee Robinson, Breckyn Robles, Armando Vander Hyde, Audrey Watts, Claire Watts, Olivia Zerbach, Easton
Mkt Hog Showmanship 13-15
Baylor, Ashlynn Baylor, Austin Dennis, Ryann Erickson, Ainsley Fisher, Jack Fisher, Johnny Gardner, Lane Gates, Savannah Glass, Adieson Herrera, Bella Homen, Raegan Koehn, Keira Ledezma, Jesse Lindley, Jack Love, Claudia Maraviglia, Justin Maraviglia, Lane Ramos, Mariah Slate, Hannah Stonebarger, Allison Turnwall, John Veino, Sadie Young, Tanner
Mkt Hog Showmanship 16-19
Abreu, Lucia Acosta, Kaitlyn Beierle, Laci Blankenship, Jordyn Borden, Brayden Bowlin, Sadie Greenlee, Austyn Harkrader, Grace Lynch, Kaitlyn Mccarty, Audrey Miller, Ava Ogan, Sydney Petersen, Jesslyn Ramos, Mya Roche, Maggie Short, Sierra Torigiani, Mia Wolfinbarger, Reece
Joe & Marlene Amaral (209) 613-2333
Show Heifers and Steers Available Year-Round.
3348 Zeering Rd. Modesto, CA 95358 E-mail: j4cattle@yahoo.com