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CJLA News and Info

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Upcoming Events

The first few months of 2020 have zoomed by and the CJLA show season is in full swing! February 15 th was our Award Presentations honoring the 2019 members for their many achievements over the past year. In the next issue of this magazine we will feature the highlights of the big event. I would like to say THANK YOU to our great group of people who came to help out and made everything go smoothly, to the Western Bonanza crew who helped with anything we needed and who made sure scheduling between the shows and our ceremonies ran like clockwork. And to our sponsors and those who donated for the silent auction – your support is amazing!

A few show updates here you need to know about! A big shout-out to Gold Country Jackpot who sanctioned their steer show (2 shows!) with us for the first time this year! Your support was awesome! We have a new show on May 2nd ! Breeder’s Classic – Mkt Goats, Wether Dam Does, Mkt Lambs, Wether Dam Ewes. It will be held at the Ed Hughes Arena in Ione. Be sure to check out their Facebook posts for all the details! And the CNHA Hereford Classic Show has moved their date up to October 24-25 in Yuba City.


As we go forward this year, we will be working on making CJLA better! In response to many inquiries, WE HAVE POSTED A SURVEY addressing some questions and comments we have received in the past months. The survey is on the CJLA website, our Facebook page has a link to the survey, and we have sent it out in E-blasts to our members. Please take a few minutes to fill it out and submit it back to us. Your feedback is very important to us and will help us as we go forward. It does not do any good to complain in the barn but not let us know your thoughts – WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! This first survey we will take re sponses until April 15 th . After that we will address the comments and start from there.

We also plan to communicate more this year to our members. Eblasts are the quickest and most direct way to get information to you. Our email list includes all current and past year members as well as anyone who has added their name through the CJLA website. If you want to get our updates and are not on one of those lists, just go the website and ask to be added to get our emails.

In the next issue of this magazine will be our first set of points. I know the big question has been about getting points posted sooner. We have a new person taking over the recording of points and that will be our main goal. It may take a bit of adjustment this first part of the year but please bear with us as we get things worked out. And be assured that this is our number 1 priority! We have always planned point updates to coordinate with each issue of the Pacific Showcase magazine starting with the May/June issue, then the July/August, September/October, and November/ December issue. It is our goal to work toward getting updates out more often and as I said, we are giving this high priority! Please be sure to add cjlainfo@yahoo.com to your contacts so you receive our E-blasts! It is really important that you read our E-blasts because this is how we send any communications from CJLA throughout the year. Due to postage costs, the only letters we send through the post office are at the end of the year! We also post on the CJLA Facebook page and on the CJLA website. As much as we try to keep you informed, it is your responsibility to look at what you receive AND to contact us if you have any questions! If you have questions about points or shows or rules, please contact us so we can answer them! The CJLA Rule Book is posted on the website and we recommend everyone print a copy for your reference! We would like to remind everyone that the CJLA Rules were made with an effort for fairness to all exhibitors and members. We have always been proud of our members and the way in which our livestock youth conduct themselves in life and in competition. Each of you set an example for the younger ones coming up behind you – just as those you looked up to did when you first started out. I think this is about all the news for now …… so go full speed into the weeks and months ahead! Set new goals and work hard to achieve them! Be sure to enjoy the journey along the way! Stay safe, and be sure to thank your crew that helps you get it all done. And say Thanks to those awesome people who work so hard to put on those shows you attend! Happy Trails!

CJLA Questions? Emails can be sent to cjlainfo@yahoo.com or through the CJLA website: www.cjlainfo.com Heidi Beljean: 408-888-2503 or pacshow@earthlink.net (CJLA Info, Memberships, & Sponsorships) Mary Ann Bush: 831-905-5665 or cjlainfo@yahoo.com (CJLA Rules, Points, & Shows)

CJLA Sanctioned Shows 2020

Jan. 18-19 Sierra Winter Classic (Porterville Fairground) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows) Species: Steer, Heifer (Steer Shows – Saturday. Heifer Shows – Sunday) Contact: Porterville Fair (559) 781-6582 Email: info@portervillefair.com Website: www.portervillefair.com

Jan. 24-26 10th Annual MJC Winter “Showdown in Motown” Cattle Classic (Agriculture Pavilion-MJC West Campus- Modesto)

CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: John Mendes (209) 602-1206 Email: mendesj@mjc.edu Website: https://www.mjc.edu/instruction/agens/ animal_science_news.php

Online entries: www.caljackpotshow.com

Feb. 8-9 Red Wave Classic Jr. Livestock Show (Big Fresno Fairground -Fresno) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer, Mkt Lamb, Mkt Hog, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe Contact: Randy Perry (559) 278-4793 Website: http://redwave.jcast.csufresno.edu/ Online entries: http://caljackpotshow.com

CJLA Contacts: Heidi Beljean, (408) 888-2503 • Mary Ann Bush, (831) 905-5665 Email: cjlainfo@yahoo.com • Website: www.cjlainfo.com

Feb. 14-16 Western Bonanza Junior Livestock Show (Mid-State Fairground - Paso Robles) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows) Species: Steer, Heifer, Mkt Hog, Mkt Goat, Wether Dam Doe, Mkt Lamb, Wether Dam Ewe Contact: Western Bonanza Office (805) 756-2180 Website: www.westernbonanza.calpoly.edu Online entries: http://wbjls.fairwire.com

Feb. 22-23 Orange Blossom Klassic (Porterville Fairground) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows) Species: Mkt Lamb, Mkt Hog, Mkt Goat Contact: Porterville Fair (559) 781-6582 Email: info@portervillefair.com Website: www.portervillefair.com

Feb. 29 Gold Country Jackpot Show (Calaveras County Fairgrounds – Angels Camp) *NEW* CJLA Sanctioned (2 Shows) Species: Steer Contact: Claire Gatschet (209) 400-4024 Email: goldcountryjackpot@gmail.com NEW SHOW

Mar. 7-8 Cattlemen’s Jackpot (Plymouth Fairground) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: Susie Clark (209) 304-6335 Website: www.cattlemensjackpotshow.com

Mar. 14-15 Northern Exposure Spring Jackpot

(Rolling Hills Equestrian Center- Corning) CJLA Sanctioned (2 Shows) Species: Steer, Heifer, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe, Mkt. Lamb, Wether Dam Ewe. CJLA Sanctioned (3 shows) Mkt Hog Contact: Natalie Sanchez (530) 682-0356 Email: nreis1986@gmail.com Website: www.showpage.com/northern_exposure

March 28-29 Pacific Coast Jackpot of Gold

(Kern County Fairgrounds-Bakersfield) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows) Species: Steer, Heifer, Mkt.Hog, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe, Mkt. Lamb, Wether Dam Ewe Email: livestock@kerncountyfair.com Website: www.kerncountyfair.com

April 3-4 28th Annual MJC Spring “Showdown in Motown” Classic Jackpot (Agriculture Pavilion-MJC West Campus-Modesto) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Mkt Hog, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe, Mkt. Lamb, Wether Dam Ewe Contact: John Mendes (209) 602-1206 Email: mendesj@mjc.edu Website: https://www.mjc.edu/instruction/agens/ animal_science_news.php

Online entries: www.caljackpotshow.com

April 11 Clash For Cash (Yuba City Fairgrounds) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe, Mkt. Lamb, Wether Dam Ewe, Steer, Heifer Contact: Denise Mayo (661) 978-1364 Email: denyse1013@aol.com Contact: Matt Perkins (530) 798-9281 Email: mattperkins1997@hotmail.com

May 2 Breeder's Classic (Ed Hughes Memorial Arena - Ione) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe, Mkt. Lamb, Wether Dam Ewe Contact: Brandon Owen (916) 753-4582 Facebook: Stock Show Genetics Email: stockshowgenetics@gmail.com NEW SHOW

May 23-24 Calif. Jr. Angus State Fieldday/Preview Show (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds - Turlock) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Species: Heifer, Steer Contact: Amanda Leo (209) 483-8507 Website: www.californiaangus.com

May 23-24 Calif. Jr. Charolais State Fieldday (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds-Turlock) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Species: Heifer Contact: Erica Bianchi (408) 804-3153 Email: bianchi.erica@hotmail.com Facebook Page: California Jr. Charolais Association

May 23-24 Southwest Regional Hereford Show (Stanislaus Co. Fairgrounds-Turlock) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Species: Heifer, Steer Contact: Brooke Wunschel Email: brookewunschel@gmail.com

June 20 Sierra Supreme Jackpot Show (Plumas Co. Fairgrounds-Quincy) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Mkt.Goat, Mkt. Lamb – watch for updates on specie divisions to be offered and show details! Contact: Crystal Emsoff (530) 249-6191 Website: www.emsofflivestockcompany.com/jackpot

July California Mid-State Fair Jackpot Show (Paso Robles) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Wether Dam Ewe, Wether Dam Doe Contact: Hailey Rose Switzer Office: 805-239-0655 ext.206 Email: haileyrose@midstatefair.com Website: midstatefair.com

Aug. San Benito Classic (Location TBA) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows –tentative) Species; Mkt Hog, Mkt. Lamb, Wether Dam Ewe, Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe Contact: Christine Dougherty (408) 461-0368 Email: cjhouse7@yahoo.com

Oct. 3-4 Northern Exposure Fall Classic

(Rolling Hills Equestrian Center - Corning) CJLA Sanctioned (3 shows) Species: Mkt Goat, Wether Dam Doe, Mkt. Lamb, Wether Dam Ewe (2 shows) Mkt Hogs Contact: Natalie Sanchez (530) 682-0356 Email: nreis1986@gmail.com Website: www.showpage.com/northern_exposure

Oct. 9-11 Grand National Rodeo, Horse & Stock Show (Cow Palace - San Francisco) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer, Mkt Hog, Mkt Goat, Wether Dam Doe, Mkt Lamb, Wether Dam Ewe Contact: Dawn Stornetta (415) 404-4142 Email: dstornetta@cowpalace.com Website: www.cowpalace.com

Oct. 24-25 “Spotlight on Quality” Shorthorn Jackpot (Chowchilla Fairground-Chowchilla) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Species: Heifer, Steer Contact: Krista Vannest (209) 602-1146 Email: fourvannest@yahoo.com

Oct. 24-25 CNHA 19th Annual Hereford Classic Jr Jackpot Show (Yuba City Fairgrounds) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Species: Heifer, Steer Contact: Gail Blagg (916) 531-3420 Email: gailblagg@sbcglobal.net Nov. Oktoberfest Boer Goat Show (Stanislaus Co Fairground – Turlock) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows) Species: Mkt. Goat, Wether Dam Doe Contact: Sue Hobby (209) 632-4492 Email: wphobby@aol.com

Nov. 7-8 Northern Exposure Jr. Cattle Show

(Rolling Hills Equestrian Center - Corning) CJLA Sanctioned (2 shows) Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: Natalie Sanchez (530) 682-0356 Email: nreis1986@gmail.com Website: www.showpage.com/northern_exposure

Nov. 14-15 Autumn Classic Show & Sale

(Stanislaus Co Fairgrounds – Turlock) CJLA Sanctioned Species: Steer, Heifer Contact: Maddi Kerlee (209) 648-7666 Email: maddikerlee@gmail.com Online entries: www.caljackpotshow.com

Nov. 21-22 Harvest Moon Jackpot Show

(Kern County Fairground – Bakersfield) CJLA Sanctioned (2 Shows) Species: Steer, Heifer, Mkt Hog, Mkt Goat, Wether Dam Doe, Mkt Lamb, Wether Dam Ewe Email: livestock@kerncountyfair.com website: www.kerncountyfair.com > click on “annual events”

Dec. 5-6 Angus Days

(Stanislaus Co. Fairground-Turlock) CJLA Breed Sanctioned (heifers only) Species: Heifer Contact: Amanda Leo (209) 483-8507 Website: www.californiaangus.com

Dec. 12-13 Holiday Classic

(Kern Co. Fairground-Bakersfield) CJLA Sanctioned (2 Shows) Species: Steer, Heifer, Mkt Hog, Mkt Goat, Wether Dam Doe, Mkt Lamb, Wether Dam Ewe Email: livestock@kerncountyfair.com Website: www.kerncountyfair.com > click on “annual events” Contact: Kern County Fairgrounds Livestock Office (661) 833-4934 Website: www.kerncountyfair.com > click on “annual events”

For more information and updates on California Junior Livestock Associa tion Shows and Events, go to www.cjlainfo.com. A list of all Western States junior shows, jackpots, and other events, can be found in the Nov/Dec. 2019 of the Pacific Showcase Magazine – in print and online at www. pacificshowcase.com, with updates in each issue of the magazine.

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