4 minute read

Arizona Conference

Sowing Seeds During a Global Pandemic

By Phil Draper

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many obstacles, frustrations, and challenges. But where there’s a will there’s a way, and all things truly work together for good for those who love God.

Convinced that this pandemic is a sign from God as found in Matthew (Left) Pastor Ed Anderson shares Jesus via the internet with men and women 24, Chandler, Arizona’s worldwide who are searching for hope for the future during the COVID-19 Pastor Ed Anderson put pandemic. (Right) Ed Anderson’s partner in ministry is his wife Angela, a out his “Gideon’s fleece” professional vocalist who contributes beautiful music to the program. to see what he and his wife, Angela, Saturdays 11:00 a.m. – Divine as United States (in all time zones), could do to promote the gospel in Worship Service Egypt, Bangladesh, Turkey, India, the these end times. Saturdays 3:00 p.m. – Revelation Philippines, Israel, and India.

Anderson put together a plan Prophecy Seminar All broadcasts are done live on to reach out to church members, The Sunday programs are intended Anderson’s Facebook page. “Zips & friends, family, and multiple to reach people who are accustomed Nuggets” has a page reach of over communities. Through the use of to worshiping on Sunday but cannot 104,500, with a daily average active music and the gospel, immersed because of COVID-19. Many have page view of 2,362. Anderson has in much prayer, he launched an chosen to listen to Anderson’s been mailing follow-up Bible studies to aggressive evangelistic series— evangelistic and study broadcasts. Sunday keepers and is daily praying for online. The Wednesday studies have people in crisis as part of his outreach.

Since the pandemic and the touched many Jewish believers not The online effort is not the same implementation of social distancing realizing their Hebrew alphabets point as being in person, but Anderson has orders, Anderson has launched the to Jesus as the Messiah. been able to follow up via personal following evangelistic, Bible study, The Friday and Saturday Prophecy phone contact, resulting in five and worship broadcasts: Seminars are up-to-date prophecy planned baptisms as soon as it is safe

Sundays 9:30 a.m. – Messages studies from the books of Daniel and to do so. from Jesus Regarding Health Revelation, explaining the current Anderson said, “In the little time

Sundays 11:00 a.m. – A New Day is pandemic and world events. I find to rest, I remain frustrated and Dawning Evangelistic Series When Anderson first started, only unsuccessful in growing my tomatoes Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. – Ancient 73 from the Chandler church watched and garden plants. Clearly sowing Truths for Modern Times—Study of the live broadcasts. By May, just plant seeds is not one of my spiritual the Hebrew Language eight weeks later, over 19,500 were gifts, so I am sticking to sowing seeds

Fridays 7:30 p.m. – Daniel actively following, sharing, and joining of good news found only in the gospel Prophecy Seminar the programs from countries such of Jesus Christ!”

In an effort to support and encourage these frontline workers, retired Arizona Conference Education Superintendent Ivan Weiss, together with pastor Lonnie Melashenko and over a dozen Clearview church

Prayer Biker Ministry in Surprise, Ariz., Uplifts First Responders

By E. Lonnie Melashenko, with Faith Hoyt and Connie Vandeman Jeffery

Counties around Phoenix, Ariz., became “ground zero” for the state when the initial cases of COVID-19 were reported. As the number of cases continues to grow, first responders bravely provide emergency fire, police, and medical protection—but they themselves are not immune.

Before setting out on Sunday morning, May 17, the Prayer Biker ministry participants and church members gathered in the Clearview church parking lot for prayers, led by Senior Pastor Dennis Smith and Conference President Ed Keyes. Following prayer and a devotional thought, the group departed to go pray for and with first responders at fire departments, police stations, and medical centers.

cyclists, decided to storm the gates of heaven on their behalf. The group donned masks and cycled to fire, police, and hospital locations to pray for the frontline workers.

On Sunday, May 17, a dozen “Prayer Bikers” visited the local fire department and Banner Hospital to pray with first responders from a safe distance—and say, “Thank you.” Before setting out that Sunday morning, the Prayer Biker ministry participants and church members gathered in the Clearview church parking lot for prayers, led by Senior

Pastor Dennis Smith and Conference President Ed Keyes.

When the cyclists visited Banner Hospital, a nurse and a physician stopped by the group while they stood by the main entrance sign. They enthusiastically posed for a photo after local head elder Ikey Ogden prayed for the doctors and health professionals who are risking their lives for Phoenix’s citizens.

At the fire department, the chief told Melashenko and Weiss, “I’m a believer! And my! This is so unique and thrilling. The firemen are still asleep, but I will be sure to tell them you’re praying for us. Thanks so much.”

Not only did the group of Prayer Bikers get wonderful exercise, they had the opportunity to pray with many first responders and fellowship with each other on a glorious sunny day in beautiful Arizona.

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