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Arizona Conference
A Dream Come True
In the summer of 2021, while COVID was still pretty much in full swing, Sylvia Hayashi, health ministry leader at Desert Cove church in El Mirage, Arizona, had a dream of a large health and wellness fair. She shared her dream with other church members, and a date was set for March 20, 2022. She then starting contacting people she knew from other local Adventist churches in Arizona. Telma and
Chris Bearden from the Clearview church in Surprise said they would help her contact different businesses and entities that would be a good fit for a health fair. By March, nearly 85 vendors had been signed up, encompassing a wide variety of topics, including nutrition, fitness, medical services, senior services, and church and community ministries. Some of the activities included a bouncy house, a kid’s petting zoo, and collector cars. There was something for everyone. Held from noon to 3 p.m., the event included a talk from Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism Director Carlos
Munoz and a concert by Michael Harris, closing with a presentation from Dr. Rose inside the church. In addition, representatives from Good News TV and the Arizona
Conference Adventist Book Center were on hand. Members of the community got a free health screening, including a blood pressure check.
The church’s mission is to reach people as Jesus did by meeting their needs. One of the main purposes of the health fair event was to be an outreach to the community. Ministry of Healing, Illustrated Great Controversy, and Steps to Christ books were given away at various booths to both vendors and people from the community. The church plans on following up with classes on diabetes, smoking cessation, healthy eating, cooking, and Bible studies.
____________________ By Cathy Fields
Over 85 vendors were on hand to provide services and products to the community.
Bullhead City Church “Tears Up” Mortgage
Traditionally, when there is a mortgage burning ceremony at a church, a mortgage is burned. On April 9, the members of the Bullhead City church in Bullhead, Arizona, felt that their brand-new sanctuary should be fire free. Instead of burning the mortgage, Arizona Conference Treasurer Reggie Leach tore up the mortgage into as many tiny pieces as he could. Sitting atop a hill with the sparkling blue Colorado River in the distance, the church still shows signs of its recent construction. Stacks of stone lay next to exterior walls, waiting for a mason’s touch to finish the stone
siding. A dirt parking lot to the north side of the church is waiting for funds for paving. The church members are noticeably proud of having a brand-new church that is debt free. It is a testament to the faithfulness of the church members and to their stalwart belief in God’s blessings. “What a fabulous new facility this church now has,” Arizona Conference President Ed Keyes said. “I was blown away with all the work they did to make this church a very representative facility to that community.” Just prior to the mortgage being torn to shreds, Dr. Robert Leo gave his testimony of the building project. “I voted against it,” he recalled. “I was the only vote against proceeding with the building plan because I didn’t think we would be able to do it.” Then after a short pause, with a smile across his face, he said, “But time after time God provided the funds.” His smile displayed his pride in both the new building and the faith of the church members that was rewarded by God.
Arizona Conference Treasurer Reggie Leach tears up the “Paid in Full” mortgage for the Bullhead City church.
____________________ By Jeff Rogers
Celebrating 100 years of Adventist education in Arizona was the theme of the Thunderbird Adventist
Academy alumni weekend this past April. It was even more special as all the honor classes that were missed from postponed alumni weekends in 2020 and 2021 were recognized in addition to this year’s honorees. With three times as many honor classes, close to 400 individuals were on campus during the Sabbath program, and even more joined via livestream provided by Good News TV. During the roll call, eight alumni from the 70year classes (1950-1952) of Arizona Academy were honored. These individuals are some of the remaining alumni who walked on the first academy campus that was located in downtown Phoenix. Shortly after they
Members of the 70-year classes receive special recognition at the 100th anniversary ceremony. graduated, Arizona Academy moved to its current location in Scottsdale and the name was changed to Thunderbird Adventist Academy. The Thunderbird name comes from the military airfield that was part of the property that was purchased in the early 1950s. ____________________ By Tanna Allison and Jeff Rogers