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Central California Conference

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Sunset Calendar

Sunset Calendar

Armona Union Academy, May 29 – 15 graduates Central Valley Christian School, June 6 –12 graduates

Fresno Adventist Academy, June 6 – three graduates

Mountain View Academy, June 6 – 24 graduates

Proclaim the Praises and Rejoice with Joy with our 2021 Graduates!

Those who graduated from eighth grade are in the Central Acts insert.

Looking into the faces of graduates from our academies in the Central California Conference (CCC) this year brings hope and optimism for the future. These young people and their teachers faced obstacles and challenges because of the pandemic, yet they endured. They are special, and each one of them needs our continued prayers and support as they move to fulfill their lifelong dreams and goals.

Again, look at each of the faces of the 103 graduates from our two senior academies (Mountain View and our boarding school at Monterey Bay) and the four K-12 Adventist academies (Armona, Bakersfield, Central Valley, and Fresno). Even if that face is covered with a mask, take time to pray for each one despite not knowing their name or circumstance. These young people are our future leaders and co-workers and will hopefully be used by God to hasten Christ’s coming. They “are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called [them] out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9, NKJV, emphasis added).

As Ellen White would urge, “Students, if you will watch and pray, and make earnest efforts in the right direction, you will be thoroughly imbued with the spirit of Christ.… If you will heed the instruction given in the word of God you may go forth with a development of intellectual and moral power that will cause even angels to rejoice, and God will joy over you with singing” (Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 103, emphasis added).


Bakersfield Adventist Academy, June 6 – six graduates

Isn’t that what we want for our students? Can you imagine how awesome it might be to hear God sing? Their teachers have had the tremendous privilege of watching the visible results of all the patient and persevering service of love they have given to these graduates over the years.

While congratulations are in order for this milestone in these graduates’ educational journey, it is now our turn to pray that each of them will be “developing characters that will make them noble and useful men and women, fitted to occupy positions of responsibility and trust— men and women who in the future will wield a power to hold in check evil influences and help in dispelling the moral darkness of the world” (Ellen G. White, Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 104).

____________________ By Deloris Trujillo


Monterey Bay Academy, June 4 – 43 graduates

(not all pictured; international students unable to attend)

Evangelism at its best:

Adventist Education was perhaps the longest and largest evangelistic outreach in the CCC during the months of the 2020-2021 school year. Consider these points: • Nineteen locations (schools), 1,260 attendees (students), 130 evangelists (teachers). • Resulting in 31 baptisms, innumerable decisions for Jesus (not all students are old enough to be baptized), and discipleship training for those already baptized or thinking about it. • Over 20,000 hours of evangelism and Bible studies during the year (estimating one hour of Bible class and worship per day x 180 school days x 118 classrooms, including Weeks of

Prayer and assemblies). • What started in 1897 in Fresno has continued to grow ever since throughout CCC. • Because of the pandemic, some numbers can only be approximate; nevertheless, they clearly show that Adventist Education has significance for eternity and is worthy of our support.

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