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Nevada-Utah Conference

In a wonderful display of brotherly love, members of the Provo, Utah, church present the check gifted to the Price congregation to cover the cost of water damage repairs to the parsonage.

We Care!

The Nevada-Utah Conference (NUC) has a tag line: “We Care.” It describes how the conference administrative team makes decisions using a Christ-like model of caring. During the last few years, as they’ve observed NUC churches and members deal with a life-altered world of pandemonium, they’ve been privileged to see “We Care” in action on the local level. Here’s just one example. In Utah, the Provo/Price district saw individual needs increase during the pandemic. In this church district, over 60 members contracted COVID, and many lost their jobs and their source of income. The church boards of the Provo and Price churches committed to giving all they could. They knew the meager resources they had wouldn’t last forever, but they committed to helping everyone they could. The churches contributed to individual needs as they arose by paying mortgages, rent, and utilities and by purchasing medications and food. God blessed their giving hearts! Instead of their bank balances decreasing to all-time lows, the bank balances increased! In January 2022, disaster struck the Price church parsonage. A water line froze and subsequently burst, due to deferred maintenance. The small congregation took immediate action to mitigate and repair the damage. After the project was completed, and a $42,000+ bill was paid by NUC, the insurance company determined that the cause was excluded from coverage and there would be no financial assistance provided for the claim. Striving to repay the debt, the Price church board came up with a plan of repayment that would take years.

When learning of the loss at Price, the church board at Provo said, “We want to help. Let’s give $5,000.” Further prayer and discussion occurred, and it was determined that they could do more.

During a joint church service on June 25, 2022, the pastor preached on Acts 2:44-47. “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (NIV).

After the potluck fellowship meal, Provo church members presented the Price church a check for $42,750.49. Not only did this cover the cost of mitigating and repairing the water damage, but the amount also covered the insurance premium payment for three months. All in the room were brought to tears. Harold Rosales, pastor of both the Provo and Price churches, told the members, “You are a living example of the New Testament church. What you are doing to support each other makes me proud!”

NUC Treasurer Karen Schneider voiced her praise. “Thank you for reminding your NUC treasurer that love is not about the numbers but that love is about meeting the needs of the people.”

____________________ By Karen Schneider

Rudy Alvir Becomes NUC Youth Director

We have been blessed to have Pastor Rodolfo Alvir Abraham join the staff of the Nevada-Utah Conference (NUC) as the new youth/ young adult director. Preferring to go by Pastor Rudy, he began his ministry here on May 1 by participating in the NUC Town Hall weekend in Reno.

Pastor Alvir completed his undergraduate degree in theology at Montemorelos University in Mexico and his Master of Divinity degree at Andrews University in Michigan. He has served in Mexico, the United States, and, most recently, in Canada. Prior service includes district pastor, conference youth director, and ministerial secretary. He is married to Alexandra Hichez, and together they have two children, Juan Jose (J.J.) and Sarai. The family is in this together, Pastor Alvir shared. “As a family we enjoy and are committed to ministry.”

Being young at heart, he likes preaching and learning more about it. One of the things he loves

Pastor Rudy with wife, Alexandra, son, J.J., and daughter, Sarai. most is making new friends and spending long hours with old ones. He feels very relaxed and comfortable when helping young people, guiding them in spiritual matters, discipleship, and everyday life. “I love to see young people enjoy their Christian walk,” he said. When asked about his plans for the NUC Youth Department, he said, “I envision a movement of young people who are advancing the kingdom of heaven in the Nevada-Utah territory. I see them not only witnessing to their friends but also planting churches and owning this mission.”

Welcome aboard, Pastor Rudy!

____________________ By Michelle Ward

Notice of 35th Constituency Session for the Nevada-Utah Conference

Notice is hereby given that the 35th Constituency Session of the Nevada-Utah Conference of Seventh-day Adventists is called to convene with registration at 9:00 a.m. PDT and the meeting at 10:00 a.m. PDT on Sunday, October 2, 2022, at the Hampton Inn Tropicana, 4975 Dean Martin Drive, Las Vegas, Nevada.

The purpose of this meeting is to receive the quadrennial reports; to elect conference officers, ethnic coordinators, and the Executive Committee; and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the session.

According to the constitutional provision, each organized church is entitled to two delegates and one additional delegate for each seventy-five (75) church members or fractional majority thereof.

35th NUC Constituency Session Hampton Inn Tropicana I 4975 Dean Martin Drive Las Vegas, NV 89118-1656

Carlos A. Camacho I NUC President Chanda M. Nunes I NUC Executive Secretary

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